>3 (THREE)

Attached: 416x416.jpg (416x416, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:



The sodomizer of Sevilla

lucky tap ins

King of GOATs


>1 assist in 8 la liga games
>all he does is tap-ins against andalusian bartenders
>chokes in CL
>goat playmaker

The smiter of Sevilla.



0 (ZERO) saves


is He, dare i say it, Back?



The smut of Sevilla.


>0 (zero) international titles
>0 (zero) ballon d'ors in the last 4 years
>0 (zero) CL wins since 2014-2015
oh no no no no



Lucky tap in right?

Attached: 1550936802775.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

Why didn't you use your BR flag here, TWAIN? Everyone will notice and laugh at you even after I'm gone if you keep being a brainlet and that obvious in your mentally ill janny samefagging. How is the new Toji no Miko anime, btw?

Attached: 7-1.png (388x192, 64K)

We're it the same person Jorge you mentally disabled ape, our writing styles are completely different.

I always change my writing style when I samefag

Haha no need to get that nervous to the point you don't type properly. We all noticed already. Keep posting Kumiko, based anime poster who is totally not a certain person ;)

Sevilla literally bend over when it comes to Missi. He wouldn't perform on a cold tuesday night away to Udinese.

For whoever doesn't know, as a jannitor rangebans don't apply and there is NO cooldown for your posts, enabling any kind of easy samefagging even for the most IT illiterate.

Now, please pay attention to this picture. This is a browser that automatically changes your IP, no need to configure anything. Now of course, posting with such an accesible tool is blocked due to abuse in 4channel, since many people have already done so. But what would happen if you posted with an account (as a jannitor) that allows bypassing rangebans? Notice something in the pic? Only flag habitually used when he shitposts missing is the New Zealand one, and the BR one, which IS INCLUDED in a newer version. It even has the Canadian that was used endlessly previous to the NZ one. The france, netherlands and german flags are the most often used.

He uses a different persona when madrid/cristiano loses with both an Albanian and an Hungary proxy. This one is more aggressive, lashing out, trying to get people banned provoking them. He only uses these after a big match, and I still have to find out how. Maybe it's some obscure proxy, or maybe it's just Tor. I'm not a jannie and can't post with rangebanned escape clients so it's hard to ascertain

Attached: Epic browser proxy.png (1887x590, 157K)

youre the only one autistic enough to proxypost al-fonso, you need to go back to r*ddit to chide your fragile opinions with some self-upvoting

And there we have 'it'. I can't insult you or my post will get cleaned, TWAt IN. I'll just show what happens when you are so engrossed on anime and masturbating that you forget to change tabs and activate the proxy

Attached: TWAIN his thread his sp management his life.jpg (1220x381, 82K)

HAHAHAHA holy shit if you actually think that guy is me you need help, theres not many people autistic enough to proxypost all-day like you

Cool story, TWAIN

>3 (THREE)
wow! that's the same amout of World Cups the GOAT won.

Attached: 1550439705875.jpg (800x527, 41K)

8 seconds

No you don't have any seconds cooldown or need to fill captcha when you do your internet job for free.

Eight goals

Attached: 2-6.jpg (321x194, 12K)