What does winning the World Cup feel like?

What does winning the World Cup feel like?

Attached: MACRON-2.jpg (800x535, 31K)

he certainly got some croatian presidential pussy that night

not as good as winning the stanley cup

It feels like having sex. But what do I know. I have never had both.


like bags of sand

We need more sexy politicians here, tired of all these crusty old jewish vampires.

pretty sure plenty of peope thought Obama was good looking
obviously nobody on this site would admit that

Like having a gf. Good for about a month.

nah, macron likes them older

love this meme

Attached: croatianpresident.png (500x565, 355K)

feels like having an immunity card

how would you know?

white French people wouldn't know

You should know this already, the US has won 3

>white French people

no idea

He accepts all kind of entity with a strap-on

>tfw France will win the next world cup too because we're vastly superior to the competiton

What does it feels like to win two World Cups back to back?
I anticipate my own feelings here

you are fake news, that isn't her

milk and salty coins