It’s official. American football is the best sport to watch

>Every second of the game matters
>Each play affects the outcome of the game
>Plays are high energy and exciting
>Everyone on the field is important all the time
>Scoring isn’t the only important part of the game, unlike soccer, baseball, hockey, etc.
>highlights can happen at anytime
>scoring happens often but every score matters, unlike in basketball
>highlights are made up of the substance of the play, unlike in other sports where highlights are just scoring
>with a short season, the outcome of every game is important
>playoffs are a thing and the knockout format makes each game exciting
>the game actually has a large fan base, unlike rugby which is unwatchable because the atmosphere is shit
>uniforms are sick, and noticeable do not have giant ads bigger than the team’s logo on them

Now for the shit counter arguments:
Football is a game of strategy, so we can put up with commercials because the play of the game is exciting and keeps us on our toes. Also, they’re not nearly as often as you say they are, and American commercials are actually funny.
It’s called football because 1. The ball is one foot long and
2. It’s played on your feet, as opposed to sports like Polo or hockey
That’s what I thought

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>rating commercials
yikes, im kneeling this one

>american football
>tuxedo cancer frog

Tv/ is better than /int/

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That ended like a year ago and was barely even televised
Only trumpanzees cared about it anyway

Think ill take a knee on this one compadre

handegg is dumb lol

very good post, Yuros watching a bunch of hair dressers jog for 90 minutes are gonna seethe tho

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I unironically agree. but football is still better for adrenaline rushes a goal provides

Based. Fuck europeons.

>fucked up pacing thanks to million breaks, timeouts
>"Holding, offence, number 69, five-yards penalty. Still first down"
>"Pass interference, defence, number 14/88. Automatic first down."
>taking a fucking knee
>"You see Jimbo, I think quarterback went down just as the egg slipped out of his hands. We'll be back after commercials."

I was about to argue back, but that unbearably smug frog has totally disarmed me. My knees are shaking, I'm s-stuttering, h-help...

>pay 100$ for seat
>pay 20$ for parking after a 2h jam near stadium
>gets humiliated by drunk tailgater from visiting team
>pay 100$ for this week's special jersey
>pay 40$ for a hot-dog and a bud lite
>can't see shit because seated too high
>can't help but fall asleep because of broken rhythm
>wake up for mandatory clapping
>gets chili cheese fries spilled on you
>gets jumbo 1 gallon diet-coke spilled on you
>Visiting team winning, fans humiliate you
>Wants to reply, gets up and immediately tased by security.
>Thrown out of stadium, lose wallet in the process
>Limp back to car smelling chili and beer.
>Drunker tailgater taunt you even more.
>Finally reaches car, find out you also lost your keys.
>Nearest public transportation is 1hr walk
>Slips on burger wrapers, break phone
>Finally gets to the bus stop
>Get shot

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Sorry but after that awful reffball that happend in handegg semi finals I realize it is all scripted and not a real sport. Never saw anything that bad in proper European sports.

please watch our league

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Handegg is not even the best American sport



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people had more fun on the killing fields

Get fucked kraut nigger

kek it's fucking awful

if it wasn't, you wouldn't have made this thread in an effort to convince people otherwise

Dumb frogposter

Are you the same mutt who is crying in this thread OP?

>Every second of the game matters
Is this not true for all sports?
>Each play affects the outcome of the game
See above
>Plays are high energy and exciting
Runs up the middle for no gain are exciting to you?
>Everyone on the field is important all the time
All sports
>Scoring isn’t the only important part of the game, unlike soccer, baseball, hockey, etc.
The entire premise of the game is to score points
>highlights can happen at anytime
All sports
>scoring happens often but every score matters, unlike in basketball
Field goals while down by 21 at the end of the game matter?
>highlights are made up of the substance of the play, unlike in other sports where highlights are just scoring
Other sports don't have defensive highlights?
>with a short season, the outcome of every game is important
This is fair
>playoffs are a thing and the knockout format makes each game exciting
One bad game ruining your entire season is a good thing?
>the game actually has a large fan base, unlike rugby which is unwatchable because the atmosphere is shit
Popular =/= good
>uniforms are sick, and noticeable do not have giant ads bigger than the team’s logo on them
Most uniforms are ugly, overdesigned garbage

In short, your thread is shit. KYS

Its difficult to even compare gridiron football to other sports due to its complexity.
In most sports the offense has only two outcomes: score or not score. In football the best outcome for an offense is obviously to score a touchdown, but theres also the less good field goal, followed by a punt, which could be very good if you pin them close to the endzone or not very good if they return it well. Worse still is a turnover, either on downs, a pick, or a fumble, which also can range from very bad to ok. This makes offense possessions much more strategic compared to other sports and there's not always a 'correct' decision. In soccer, on the other hand, the offense will always do the same thing, (pass/dribble around until they have an opportunity to score).

Whiter than you Mohammed

go back to africa, negro

>Plays are high energy and exciting
>have to win 10 yards in 3 tries
>pass to big black man
>lose five yards
>kick the ball

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand American Football

This bait would be more if the flag was yuro.

Based. Third Worlders need not reply.

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absolutely wrong
Agreed, College Football is better


>amerilard """foot""" ball
>80% of the time the "ball" is in the of poofter faggots in soft padding
Lard education lel

I didn't come here to read a novel m8

Killer Queen has already touched that Pepe

>lard education
Got us to the moon faggit.

>Every second of the game matters
stopped reading there.

Is that why there are many games where the teams start shaking hands and walking off the field while the clock is still running.

Why is it always the seething níggerloving amerimutts who keep making these threads? Are they tired of being bullied for being retarded goys?

>oh boy the footbawl game is starting!
>Welcome to the Sprite™ Arena for this Mustards vs Bullets clash!
>Hi, I'm Chuck Stevens alongside DeAndre LaBarnes and welcome to the ESPN™ pre-game discussion brought to you by Burger King™ - eat it your way - and T-Mobile™ - keeping you in touch
>So DeAndre what do you think about the Mustards this year?
>See here whiteboi, I tink the Mussards finna...
>ok that's all the time we have, let's go to Becky Coalburner for the on-field report
>Hi Chuck, so I was in the Bullets dressing room earlier, and let me tell ya - I'll have a hard time walking in the next few days. Anyways, I spoke to the Bullets coach and he told me "we want to score a lot and keep them from scoring"
>thanks Becky, now it's time for a short 15 minute commercial break and we'll be ready for kickoff
>Nice Mustards kickoff, got a good distance on that and it looks like a timeout called for the Bullets
>boy, that was an early one. The Bullets coach better be careful, he only has 9 more timeouts this quarter
>ok time for the Samsung™ Instant Replay™ on that kickoff
>and we'll be back after another commercial break

Sure got your money's worth outta those Nazi scientists you previously "borrowed" for the manhattan weeaboo bustin' project eh...

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>90 mins of black, arab, and half breed passing a ball back and forth
>games end in a exciting draw
>can add 20 mins of extra jogging time
>still a draw
>have to do a mario party type mingame in order win the game outright

Idk I"ll have to take your word on that, I don't really read history

>10 seconds of “high energy exciting play”
>need to reset
>clock ticks down even while resetting
>repeat for the rest of the game
Yeah, sure is high energy and exciting
Also, it’s like 10 fat people pushing each other while 1 person’s only job is to throw and the another is to run with it. They have literally no other jobs.
Unlike basketball where you’re constantly running, shooting, and defending.

Idk either my dude, i'm just shitposting.
I figure that low-grav ameriball would be a lotta fun though. Turboniggers leaping like a hundred foot to grab a throw etc

I agree, mostly due to based Flacco dabbing on the doubters.

Scores in American football actually mean something while in basketball they score every other possession


Thanks based brit fren. Hopefully see you out their next WC but who knows

I don't give a shit, but seeing mutt giving an effort to impress his fellow tards by using keyboard I decided to analize it
>Every second of the game matters
>Each play affects the outcome of the game
>Plays are high energy and exciting
>Everyone on the field is important all the time
>Scoring isn’t the only important part of the game.
>highlights can happen at anytime
>scoring happens often but every score matters
>highlights are made up of the substance of the play, unlike in other sports where highlights are just scoring
>with a short season, the outcome of every game is important
>playoffs are a thing and the knockout format makes each game exciting
>the game actually has a large fan base
All of those apply to true football without contadictions

As for your counter aguments
>Football is a game of strategy
And shittiest part, take away all the rules true football would still be a game clear simple game, while when when you take gorillion regulations of handegg you would have bunch of meatbags slaming against eachother just to keep running in straight line
If I wanted to see or play game of strategiy I would watch goddamn chess

>American commercials are actually funny.
Can tell if goy or shill

I'm an user who never watches any other sports except soccer, and here's why that's a good thing!

I tried to watch american football and it was shit. So, whatever.

Nazi education got you to the moon, American education means you didn't learn your history properly.

"hey guys the football game is starting"
>run as fast as you can to the nearest electronics store to watch the game on the sidewalk
>"Hi everybody we're here at Cleanse the Earth of Infidels Stadium brought to you by Saudi Aramco"
>So we proceed to the the ceremonial beheading of a Londonian
>Both captains trade an underage girls at the pleasure of both sheiks present with us in the stand
>Wow, what a lucky man Mike. It's his twenty-fifth wife!
>Manchester City starts with the ball, the poor Nigerian passes it back to the poor Brazilian who passes it back to the GK,who BTW is the only white player on the pitch today!
>The GK passes it to the pacey nigger who races on the flank and makes it in the opponents territory only to lose the ball due to bad ball control
>Barca takes the ball
>Poor French black immigrants passes it to the $500,000,000,000 "literal who", whom was acquired during the January transfer
>He passes it back to the poor Congolese midfielder who passes it back to the GK
>Both Central defender exchange the ball for the remaining of the remaining of the first half
>And that was the first half. After the Praying break we will be back with our 70 years olds analysts who will detail to you what happened in the first half

Yeah, this semen slurping sport is not for me

Rugby > Handegg

>only watching sport
>not watching a mixture of Football, Rugby, Ice Hockey, Cricket, Basketball and various minority sports

You're missing out m8.

That’s a nike problem, not basketball. Nike jersey’s also tear, you wanna blame that on basketball too?

holy shit americalories just got btfo

here's the reason why the nfl is dying and it's about time
we met the first american soccer fan and it's everything
twas a joke m8

Difference being your seething response is based on pure fantasy, the post you were replying to strongly related to the reality of an awful sporting culture. Pitiful.

lol, well I do catch most finals for those sports, but they just don't wrap me up like they used to. lately it's all bread and circus to me.


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I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul... And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy europeans talk about sport.... remember what REAL men play

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Yes. If you think you were actually writing decent satire then you're thicker than your accent suggests.

trying to win the web2.0 audience has really affected most sports, on the bright side, maybe they'll cut down some ad time

Is that picture real?

it's so painfully obvious this wasn't written by an american

yes. Trump probably makes more money off boomers on facebook than anywhere else.

nice get. Boomer owners and franchises won't realize what's killing everything until it's too late.

what gave it away?

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>garbage time doesn't exist
>teams don't rest players

Ok lad

the lack of spelling errors

yes. both are facebook links


yes, the eloquence is the first hint.


>Football is a game of strategy
What a faggot, are you watching chess to git gud at it?
>American commercials are actually funny.
True cuck

To not get wrong impression, are all americans like this fag or is he just from california?

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>spending 3h watching one sport
I barely even have time for football games in full length
>fucking commercials
No matter how (((funny))) are gay and you are only accepting it because youre used to it.
>lots of waiting around
Half of the commentary is during the little breaks where they throw uselss facts your way. I can tolerate this during the game where maybe not much is happening but not when literally nothing is happening
>>everyone is important at all times
This is false
>>plays are high energy and exciting
Also false, highlight plays might be, but most are failed plays and those are god awful to watch for 3h
>muh high scoring games
Tennis is also a high scoring game hombre, although tennis is based so maybe you have a point
>knockout format
Almost any sport has this, its called cup games
>the season is short
In comparison to basketball or baseball yes
>other sports highlights are made up of only scoring
t.has never watched highlights outside of basketball

Why bait yuros with arguments against american sports?

I made this post hours ago but my phone keeps getting banned falsely and I have to post on wifi but I put too much effort in to not post it.

its so boring

>Every second of the game matters

except for the 40 seconds between every single play

except for the finals 2 minutes and the other team doesnt have timeouts so the game just ends

didnt read the rest. kill yourself nigger