Why are espee europeans posters always rude and edgy about american sports

Why are espee europeans posters always rude and edgy about american sports.

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All I know is Lebron James and Tom Brady.

he's right tho

>after a play
>"yup that's a great catch, offered to you by Microsoft Surface Replay©"
>during downtime
>"Tom Brady is 6-foot-4 for 225lbs, heath&body stats are presented by UnitedHealthOne©, we care for you"
>before halftime
>"and don't miss the Pepsi Cola© NBC half time show"
>timeout, the camera starts to move to the crowd
>"and that was OK Cupid©'s love camera"
>another replay, this time some lines are drawn over the field
>"thanks to Intel© in game Insights technology for this bit"
>end of the game
>"The GB Packers are the winner of FedEx©'s monday night football! Thanks for watching and may God bless America"

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Oh and I forgot the latino trio. Now we only need that crazy Argentino

He speaks the truth

Probably because americans do the exact same thing

he's right

We don't do it in unrelated threads tho.

Americans are 10 times worse
it's literally impossible for an American to mention Europe in a positive context (unless it's some bullshit historical LARPing like Nazi Germany)

That's not true and outside Yea Forums it's the total opposite

>caring about the quality of threads
Off yourself buddy

outside of Yea Forums most ppl (specially Americans for some reason) are insincere

I'm just sick of /int/ shitposting. I actually know that polacl from /int/. He posts the same memes

I'm talking about Yea Forums obviously

Go fuck off to rebbit then if you can't handle the bantz

I don't like /int/ bantz.

You fat Americans don’t like any Gants, go back to your general

Polish 'people' are the European equilivent of your slack jawed yokels, don't pay too much attention to their gibbering.

reddit it's separated by topics and there are more Americans as well
it's like one big fucking general!, maybe it's the site for you

Yuropeens sadly have very little to enjoy in their lives so they have to project their misery onto us big strong Americans they see on this board having a good time

Cuz amerisports a shit and no one cares about them. You've isolated yourselves too much from what's actually going on.

Attached: absolutely disgusting americans.png (236x330, 151K)

The Marshall plan was a mistake. Europeans are the most insufferable people and they should’ve been left to rot in the ruins while soviets rape their women.

Marshall Plan wasnt free money you know, you were paid back you dumb faggot

Not him but you know that reddit is anti American in genral

We weren't tho. Marchall plans wasn't loans

Jeez, why are you Americans such sensitive faggots?

You dish out bad banter and then can't handle when it's thrown back at you.

How dare us have our own sports
Because the thread wasn't about banter. Espee isn't /imt

Attached: NFL soccer.jpg (1600x1145, 505K)

We paid you back everything in the 1970s voluntarily.

Shouldn’t have even been given loans. They should have been invoiced like the punk bitches they are. Second only to negros in their ungrateful nature.

I don't mind you having your own sports. It's just that no one else cares about it outside of the US and people from your country always call what the world actually cares about "irrelevant" because a few hundred milllion people over in your country have their own special snowflake thing going on.

Lol no you didn't

They kind of did though.

yes you were
and general European recovery didn't depend on American aid
nothing would change, except you would lose your influence in Europe
also false

rent-free OP, I mean actually take a second to imagine not being American, imagine waking up every morning and desperately watching the news to see what happened in America, slurping up whatever the usa shits out reluctantly accepting the fact that the world economy hangs by American nuts

>Espee isn't /imt

Oh you sweet naive summer child....

Yea Forums is just a mixture of /int/, /pol/, Yea Forums and /r9k/ from a sports perspective

Mate I'm so fucking happy that I don't have to live over there right now. Not dissing your country, but I'm SO much better off over here.

Would be a much better place without the /pol/tards though tbqh imho baka.
These idiots shit in every nest..

Not before 2014 when you shitters came

Western Europe would be just like Eastern Europe desu

Not everyone on here is a /pol/ack. There are some people left who just enjoy the bantz.

not even saying America is great, cause it is not, but the fact that so much of the world depends on what happens in the usa can certainly irk the average non-American.

>You've isolated yourselves too much from what's actually going on.

So basically it has to be fútbol and nothing else? What a sportlet mentality son, learn to enjoy other sports as well

Also it seems that its always europeans obsessed with what americans watch, you dont seem concerned with indians prefering cricket, canadians with hockey, australians with aussies rules football or new zealanders with rugby, its almost like you crave for gringos recognition, thats a big inferiority complex right there

no it wouldn't be
Europe as whole experienced a rapid growth after the war
Marshall aid helped but it wasn't crucial
you could argue US protection helped against communism, but that's it

Please keep your whiney /r9k/ shit in its rightful place, you don't need to advertise the fact that you're a stupid 20 year old loser with no skills and no sexual value, in every single board.


try 2016

The 2016 US presidential election, as entertaining as it was, fucked everything up.

That protection was important for the growth. For example Austria and czechsolvakia had similar gdp per capita before ww2 but after the cold war finished. Austria's gdp per capita was like the double if not triple

Yeah I know that you matter a lot to the world markets and so on. It's just that right now that people are much better off living in Germany where the whole Trump nonsense doesn't have such a direct impact. I can go to sleep knowing that my next day will be nice even if your retarded clown over there declares a national emergency over his stupid wall.

I have been to /r9k/ maybe twice to see how pathetic people on there are and never been back when I saw just how pathetic that place really is.
Doesn't change the fact that the >tfw no gf brigade of incels are also present on here.

Nice projections though.

Im not talking about pol influence. I'm talking about int influence and soccer fans in general


The actual hype over here is actually wintersports right now. Biathlon is up to the second most watched sport in Germany.

>Also it seems that its always europeans obsessed with what americans watch
and americans are obsessed with blending in with europeans by shitting out their uninformed sawker opinions, like that annoying kid at school who wants to hang out with the big boys in spite of the big boys telling him every day to fuck off.

Do yoy really think the national emergency or government shutdown affects me?

the fact that USA is shit at (association) football tells you everything you need to know about their taste in sport

that's because of economic difficulties in late 80's as USSR diminished
even Eastern Europe grew significantly
more important things were European economic cooperation, removal of trade barriers and such
Marshall Aid, while a bonus, didn't really rebuild Europe

I haven't been to /int/ since it was the big thing on Krautchan. I can't talk about that.
It's been a few years.

Trump is America's smallest problem.

America's biggest problem is the increasing flirt with socialism and social Leftism.
The mainstreaming of anti-whiteness and victimhood mentality over there is becoming quite troubling as well.

>its almost like you crave for gringos recognition, thats a big inferiority complex right there
>that flag
pot calling the kettle black

Honestly I hope it doesn't. It's been affecting a lot of people though.

Romanians are not big boys. Stop identifying as a European. You are just a Romanian shitter. Americans aren't the only ones who talk about soccee but you guys seem obssesed with American posts about soccer and look for any mistake or just shit on him without any Reason.

the Trump stuff is amazingly blown out of proportion, there has been absolutely 0 (zero) change in daily life here since Trump took office, this kind of hogwash happens every 4yrs and nothing ever changes. I live close to the border to Mexico and spent years in Cali and Texas and everyday is exactly the same.

All of that was co-sponsored by the us

Socialism is not a bad thing if it's applied correctly. You don't have to go full commie, but things like full healthcare or a common basic income would benefit everyone.


kek , you funny hans

Rate my thesis:

Americans are both the best and worst posters on Yea Forums

I'm just stating facts. If you want to freak out all caps about that you're free to do so. :3

they can't banter, they can't meme, they stay in their generals and their sports are irrelevant
how could they possibly be the best posters, hans??

They are neither, Canucks and Aussies are at least 10x worse than americans, although Kiwi's are advocating taking the Aussies place as worst poster. The best are usually Eastern Europeans or Scandinavians.

It's the same on every board, euros are subhumans

>they can't banter they can't meme
Proofs? Meme culture is invented by Americans

to add to my post it's important to remember that there ALREADY IS A WALL. Bush built a fence years ago and trump is interesting in finishing it. Notice how no news station discusses this fact the next time you hear something about trump and the wall.


Well you complaint about americans isolating into their own sports and not knowing about "whats going on" ...and to make your point you mention some skiying+shooting thing that no one knows about?, Nigga at least talk about the 6 nations championship or something even slightly relevant to international sports, any NBA game Is More important than fucking biathlon

he's right tho

>Any sports thread
>American comes in and mentions something related to a sport
>Amercan posts any response
>"OMG why are you so mean this hurts my feelings you're never positive"
Inferiority complex and lack of confidence at work

why are yanks so thin-skinned these days?

is this the new generation of reddit posters?

I agree to a degree

you can have many great discussions with Americans on certain topics
they are for example very welcoming when you want to dicuss their sports as a European with limited knowledge

the Americans posting in football/soccer threads tend to be quite the bros as well and definitely more knowledgable and intelligent compared to the stereotypical average American (you can usually recognize that just in the much smaller rate of grammatical and spelling errors)

but in pretty much every thread there will also be the 1-2 walking American stereotypes who will not only post ignorant, dumb shit, but be PROUD to be a dumb shithead
and then there is also this weird ass obsession with black men and their penises that so many Americans have these days
you can have a completely unrelated thread and they will suddenly post about their cuckold fantasies

so yeah, I wouldn't call them the worst, but they're also far from being the best on average

You people are cancer and all this delusion about being more intelligent is hilarious. I was a yuroboo years ago but after traveling so much over the years and this place, you're worse.
All these people always moaning about this country should cut themselves off from anything american, starting with this place

Euros legit bring up Americans at every instance for no reason and can't take any banter back without calling it "mean"
You guys are legit the most thin-skinned people on Yea Forums for even being this obsessive

Speak for yourself, most of us hate yuros outside of Yea Forums too.

You literally had autists like riley sticka who dedicated every moment of their waking lives to shitposting about us Also one of the main factors in Yea Forums initially going to shit and the mods actually having to step up.. A level of autism that has rarely been since outside of the typical shit boards. being a newcunt, you'll have no recollection of that though.

back to the general with you

He is completely correct though

It's an american site, you can fuck off to taringa and all the other br chans you poo skin fag

Why should I?

I don't hate America, you have given and are still giving the world a lot, especially in terms of entertainment.

But I'm not gonna be some "boo" who will mindlessly suck up to you guys and ignore all the shit sides of your country.
I don't do that with my own country as well btw

>I was a yuroboo
Good for you that you dropped that shit, it is a cringeworthy concept to begin with.

We're not perfect and have our flaws, just like any other place on this planet. But one of our strenghts is that we really really don't give a shit what anybody thinks about us.

>why yes, i am american, which means i can take credit for all these achievements other americans did despite the fact i'm a no-life underachiever

this always cracks me up. especially when you lads outright reject ideas such as socialism. a nation of selfish individuals who live vicariously through others. bizarre

>Several autists
Oh wow man that definitely compares to every single thread having a unrelated Euro talk about the USA for no reason. Again, you're obsessive and always start it

Yes, a trend started by your fellow Americans.. Yea Forums has been dead for years, but it's fair to say it was Americans that killed it.

Just quit obsessing over us.

We aren't bringing you up every thread, yet you do and derail them
If Americans "ruined" Yea Forums in your words it's a roundabout way of saying Euro's obsession of Americans ruined Yea Forums

lmao gay post

Ah yes, the sensitive millennial who loves playing the victim. I heard twitter is good for you types.

Idk. Usa vs europe used to be funny here

You mean Euros? You play victim that the big bad US ruined you from the wonders of USSR socialism because we don't like rigged flopball

top kek
Yeah the amount of ads is strange. American adverts aren't like the ones here in Europe; they're so blatant and in your face.

>tfw the best threads where everybody tends to get along are eventb owl threads and bro culture threads
>tfw mods delete those, while letting threads with high conflict potential alive
>tfw you realize mods are trying to fuel the division and hatred between the nations of Yea Forums

don't let them divide and conquer us, lads

Were nationalists Ahmed, something you've forgotten and why the Ucuck is a muzzie shithole

I don't mind America m8. A lot of you on here are definitely irredeemable aspies though. Not saying there aren't plenty of yuros who aren't the same.Creating a false narrative that it's some one-sided obsession to salve your ego is pathetic tho.

USA vs Euro shitposting was always an integral part of Yea Forums. Problem is, the diehard /pol/tards and shitposters realised Yea Forums was largely unmoderated and ran the board into the ground with it. That's neither here nor there these days though, the whole site is completely fucked at this point. Seems you're in denial about that, or are very very new.

Is it like this for Ice Hockey, Basketball and Baseball?

Why make a thread complaining about being bullied zoomy? His own post has some typical faggy messi and ronaldo non sport related instagram shit. He's asking to be made fun of. You have all the ammo you need.

A prosperous Europe is better for you because you can trade with them though. A prosperous world is better for everyone.

>w-why d-does everyone hate us!?
People are just meming you. The more you cry about it the worse it’ll be.

Attached: 64131358-9D2F-4162-B205-C3945F74FBF7.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>Yea Forums

Attached: 35EAB688-0A71-4A4F-9F02-10F7F87E5150.png (446x435, 81K)

it's spee m8

Attached: spee (3).png (650x411, 686K)

>"Lol its not true we don't do that"
Euro should have not posted then

but the pole was right

>"American" trying to police freedom of speech

when did you hop over the border, pedro

>Yea Forums
stop being a retard. Yea Forums has always hated anime and never had robots. what the fuck would a robot want with a sports board

Yea Forums is okay, have you wandered on Yea Forums recently? It's full of underage nu-polturds

Basketball is the only good sport that was invented in USA. I don't consider a sport any form of competition that requires you to stop every 30 seconds. American football, baseball and any other entertainment like that shouldn't be called sports.

It's Canadian though

For me it’s the Vikings

Trump presidency has unironically made daily life for Americans better compared to the past 16 years of presidents
The media are the biggest shitposters

Nobody gives a shit about the 9001 divegrass leagues.

>/int/, /pol/
More like nu-/int/ and /pol/eddit