So now we all agree it's ours (again) right?

so now we all agree it's ours (again) right?

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Why does britons unironically want a plastic team with a plastic fan base win the title rather than a historic one like liverpool? I mean, if I was british i'd rather have them winning it, city plastic fans are slowly becoming what liverpool ones were in the 80's and Man U in the 90's-00's (which I assume annoying as fuck)

No one gives a fuck what some shit club with no fans wins or does, if Liverpool win it though we won't hear the end of it for years. Easy choice.

because although man city are a disgusting money club they're at least honest about it, whereas man u and liverpool fans delude themselves into thinking they're somehow not just as bad

you will never meet a man city fan irl so you'll not have to put up with any bragging


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We've been through this...

Well they've had some of the best players in history but mmkay, i'm starting to think it goes like what happens here with America, it's either you love them or hate them to death

they’re suddenly everywhere in the states
it doesn’t matter who wins, the amount of supporters will spike in the states cause no one here has any loyalty to anything except being/feeling number 1
it’s a travesty but it’s how Americans operate because we are a winning obsessed culture and buying/selling to win is normal here

enough to make you sick lads

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No-one gives a shit about foreign bandwagoners. City fans don't exist in the UK so we'll never hear from them if they do win the league.

>hurrr plastic, do i know english now??

kys beaner

>have bandwagon fans; get criticized
>don't have bandwagon fans; get criticized

you guys need to make up your retarded minds already

>implying liverpoop isn't gonna throw the CL to win the eplel

>no one gives a shit about foreign bandwagoners
these are some famous last words lad
it’ll become insufferable soon, just because you don’t hear it in public life doesn’t mean it’s not gonna affect you elsewhere
and I can tell you the foreign supporters will become much more louder and prouder then what you’re used to back home
it’ll be middle eastern bandwagonners multiplied by a million
can’t tell you how retarded some of these mlsoy types can be. They welcome this bandwagon shit because they think that more American support suddenly means a better national team — the ends justify the means
it’s not a culture you want to enter an already warped football culture senpai

Not existing in London =/= not existing in the UK
Visit more areas of our beautiful isles you utter nonce.



>tfw a beaner has more english knowledge than you


the word you're looking for is "slipping"

Bongs can't think in the long term. They don't realize that they are creating the next United, that will sprout million of mutt city fans who will be just as cancerous as United paki fans

case in point: dutch city fag

>you will never meet a man city fan irl
because most of them actually live in manchester

*sings about slipping 5 years later in a wolves west ham game*

do you know how miserable every single city fan's life was when we were fucking battling in the third division? we deserve this brilliance just for sticking with the team through so many dark times

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Damn, you probably have a lot of shirts,scarfs,game tickets from that time, don't you?

I was a poor student but now i'm rich

it's not a criticism of man city, just a fact that they don't have that many fans, even plastics

if anything it's a positive

Reminder the virgin algerian dutch city supporter was 8 years old when the arabs bought the team and is the very definition of plastic

It wasn't any different with Chelsea, Americans also became fans when they became relevant. United, Arsenal etc all are massively popular because they win.
The only people upset about clubs like City are fans of the clubs who are used to winning and with the way City play under Pep, plenty of fans of smaller clubs like watching them
Imagine going on about "history" and pretending it isn't just about who won the most and pretending those clubs didn't have sugar daddies in the past

Well Man City has more England players than livershite so it's an easy choice for me :)



>counting oxlade Chamberlin
>2/3 / 4 non-starters

gomez is obviously a starter when fit, as is henderson

ox is more likely to be in the next england squad than delph

But he doesn't play.

I want Liverpool to win the PL and I want them to beat Bayern too. I'm also a Man Utd fan.

How based am I?

I'm not a good American then, loving newcastle, maybe they'll be competitive in the next decade and everyone else can love them too, probably not tho

because he's fucking injured m8

Want Liverpool to win it and I support Arsenal. No hate for them really.

Even when he isnt

i literally wasn't
and I'm not virgin


spending obscene amounts of money was only okay as long as it was the established elite doing it

and no one else

Mun is the most plastic club in the world tho. Period saying "we" over here when they talk of the club is the cringuest shit ever.

The fact they are a nothing club is exactly why everyone wants them to win it. Liverpool are media darlings and if they do win it, we’ll never ever hear the end of it.

YOU'RE a nothing club pal

cos digits that's why

Kek I'm loving the ABLs in this thread explaining why city are irrelevant triggering this dutch city monkey. its like he wants his team to be despised just like big brother man united and yet nobody hates them


Man City are the 2nd last team people want to win the league, but at least they never got England banned from Europe by murdering over 100 innocent football fans then laughing about it.

Man City winning the title is a non-event, no one cares and it is forgotten within weeks. Liverpool winning would be their first ever Premier League title and the murderous little rats would be milking it for decades to come.

Oops. That's not a photo of the Eredivisie trophy my Dutch friend. You must have accidentally uploaded the wrong file.


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Kys beaner