With whites you win

With whites you win

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I thought brexit meant brexit

Ladies and gentlemen, your Bundesliga champions


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have Joe Hart in goal:
>13 losses
>12 points from 19 games
have Tom Heaton in goal:
>unbeaten in league
>18 points from 8 games

Is Hart really that shit now, or is Heaton just really good?

>lol look at this guy who got punched out while trying to defuse the situation, what a dick! haha

The Brexit boys just casually BTFO of johnny foreigner.

Attached: 100%PrimeEnglishBeef.png (489x484, 255K)

>rainbow shoelaces

>wtf why am I getting punched for wearing a symbol calling for the death of lesser races

Heaton is a top keeper. Hart is championship tier.

What part of Burnley are you from lads? Padiham here

t' mill

It doesn't take much to be better than Joe Hart. But Heaton is actually a very good keeper.

Top end t' burnley wood

>With whites you win

...8 games and lose 13

Why do you think Jews are "a lesser race"? Why are leftists such unhinged racists?

>Icelandic reading comprehension

As a n* I have never like Burnley until today

As of today you are honorary niggas

>shitinham hotcunts

Latin belongs to the English upper class ty

>English upper class
>In Burnley

Southerners are not english

>get brave 'arry kane back


The paki bit

>that image
the '''''nazi'''' is a total moron, he can't even wear the armband on the right side

Near the woodman? One of my favourite pubs to get a few pre-match pints.

Always gives me a laugh that the pakis live round Hebrew road.