Players who dropped out of school and have low IQ

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He dropped out of school because he threw a chair at the teacher

Which makes him low IQ

Based TSU

low iq but strong mind

Rebelling against the school bluepill is literally the highest IQ move that one can make.

*another brick in the wall starts playing*


the nerd asian
the chad evropean

Attached: Antoine-Griezmann-celebration-709859.jpg (620x413, 48K)

>cant speak/understand the english language after 15 years of elite european football
now this is low iq

Attached: Lionel-Messi-4.jpg (564x752, 45K)

Can he speak spanish at least? He should be since he played so long in Spain

This pretty common for spics - even those who live in England
Just low IQ people

spanish is his mother tongue

It's his native language. One would hope so.

Dont they speak portuguese in south america?

Rooney, Kane, Ribery,.....

Just in Brazil.

throwing a chair at someone is inherently low IQ. can you imagine hannibal lecter throwing a chair at someone? no; he would get revenge in a way that wasn't at the level of a monkey

low IQ player spotted

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t.IQ tests developer

are are americans obsessed with serial killers?

Based Bośniak

Would you rather be one of the greatest athletes of all time, or be good at IQ tests?

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He coutinho been scoring his quarterly blooters, or is the one-trick pony out of tricks?

based and redpilled

I could boast about both of them on 4channel, so I guess they're about the same

>german education

>brainlet 3rd worlders defending the faggot


>third worlders

Messi has a lower iq than Cristiano.

If Messi were bad at football he would be a pizza delivery guy

If Cristiano were bad at football he would probably study to get something that would allow him to spend the whole day in a gym looking at himself on the mirror

Paco please

how can he deliver a pizza if he can't reach the doorbell?

sopa do alemANO uma delicia

Yeah that's why hannibal lecter ripped people's throats out with his teeth like a monkey

That's not Messi lol