

Attached: banter.jpg (1080x1204, 259K)

But Ramos isn't in that picture

Attached: theabsolutestateofthe96ers.jpg (1040x572, 93K)

>world champion, multiple time uefa champions league winner, multiple time league winner, and Van Dijk

Attached: 1546266796726.jpg (1539x1044, 1.96M)

Where's Pepe!?

*record scratch*

Attached: hhhhh.jpg (408x510, 36K)

Holy based.

Actually 2x laliga

Celtic BTFO


That's the closest he'll ever be to a trophy.

i don't see diego godin in that pic

based umtiti

>UEFA Super Cup
>Club World Cup
>555 come on now.gif


Attached: 15248207235639.jpg (990x557, 98K)




he was cringe desu


Based also Wes Brown > Cannavaro

van dijk is unarguably performing better than varane this year

Attached: 1538833947637.jpg (750x883, 245K)

Sergio "Pull a trigger on a sandnigger" Ramos

van dyuk overhyped, but who ever said varane is good lol?? he is solid, but he is not even a 'star CM"

isnt this the muslim who made a song making fun of sala

Based ogre

Cannavaro won the WC and Ballon d'or though

NR silence speaks volume

Cannavaro was the reason why Juventus lost to Hodgson managed Fulham 4-1.

Nullifies any accomplishments in his life

>your man
sounds pretty gay to me desu