How will you deal with the fact that we will win the quadruple?

How will you deal with the fact that we will win the quadruple?

Attached: 231m3.jpg (616x744, 89K)

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Anything for Livershit not to win desu

i really don't think they or their fanbase can handle another slip

not after how sure they all were of winning the league this season

I will be happy, anyone but liverpool.

Messi and Xavi don't play for Man City so the european title is out of the question.

>supporting a nonce club

what did you say to me?

>winning PL
>winning CL

Attached: im okay.jpg (1920x1803, 906K)


>doesn't know the dutch city fan

Attached: 1449582071724.jpg (211x211, 8K)

Attached: RING RING.gif (268x156, 63K)

no one cares what this club does one way or the other. They will never be the hated Yankees/Patriots/united type. People hope they win the league just so Liverpool doesn't. They'll never be the villain you keep trying to turn them into on here, cumboy.

Attached: godforgiveme.jpg (307x353, 92K)

you can still delete that pic

up to you ;)

>Walker checking out granny ass



Ciity were always the favourites to win it though after spending £2 billion on their squad since the Sheikh arrived.

>Ciity were always the favourites

thats not what you were singing just a few weeks ago

benched old biddies were manc lasses. pep brought these two south american abuelas for £30m apiece.

Why do you glory hunt? Have you no shame?

>the dutch shittyfag
i hope shitty chokes everything just because i hate you and i hate poop
sage and kys

if you weren't a literal newfag you would know i'm a Cityfan since 2001 (Ali Benarbia)

whats wrong Luis? have a dentist appointment coming up?

Cant believe the amount of shit Liverpool gets, literally made to be the default bad guy. The only reason people want shitty is because their a club with no real fan base and a wave of endless oil money so it doesn't faze people if they win. While if Liverpool won that end the endless slip memes, and would show a club owned by professional American business owners that you dont necessarily need shill out millions to win the title, only to be smart about it.

I thought people got buttmad about oil clubs winning? Damn, people just don't make sense.

the narrative is always against city

it's just how these virgins are

love bald fraud
hate shitty
simple as

imagine being a moroccan with dick sucking lips supporting a plastic club hundres of miles away from you

He is algerian.


>and would show a club owned by professional American business owners that you dont necessarily need shill out millions to win the title
This is why everyone hates Liverpoo and scouser scum like you. You're fucking delusional and always the victim while forgetting how you spent 150 million on a goalkeeper and center back.
