Real Madrid wins the Champions League again

>Real Madrid wins the Champions League again

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>tfw Ochako will never sit on your face
Why even live, lads?

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Based, I actually want them exactly to win this year to think of it.

5 times repeat of the 50s

it's ok now because penaldo left and now they got ma boi

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no they won't

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If they actually win it in Metropolitano it's time to relocate Atletico, they are cursed.

And that's a good thing.


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never forget

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How do you fuck that up? A little chub never hurt anyone

Well done Real Madrid, well done.

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No way
They are nothing without TSU
He carried them

they might actually do it, there's no team that stands out this season

i think we can declare football officially dead at that point

I miss /spa/, lads..

kill yourselves weebs

>that flag
>that post
Oh k

Why aren't you using your BR flag to make these posts?