>Real Madrid wins the Champions League again
Real Madrid wins the Champions League again
>tfw Ochako will never sit on your face
Why even live, lads?
Based, I actually want them exactly to win this year to think of it.
5 times repeat of the 50s
it's ok now because penaldo left and now they got ma boi
no they won't
If they actually win it in Metropolitano it's time to relocate Atletico, they are cursed.
And that's a good thing.
never forget
How do you fuck that up? A little chub never hurt anyone
Well done Real Madrid, well done.
No way
They are nothing without TSU
He carried them
they might actually do it, there's no team that stands out this season
i think we can declare football officially dead at that point
I miss /spa/, lads..
kill yourselves weebs
>that flag
>that post
Oh k
Why aren't you using your BR flag to make these posts?