We never talk golf

we never talk golf.
also, post ladies who can become nice golfers.

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That's because golf is a sport for rich cocksuckers


Athletic and a e s t h e t i c

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I would let her place my penis in her mouth and apply some vacuum using suction from her lungs if you catch my drift ;)

not a sport. fuck off to

idk, they show golf on sports channels

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Golf is comfy how dare you

We allow niche sports like American Football on Yea Forums, why not Golf?

>t. seething poorfag

Would let her play on my 9 if you catch my drift

i think hannah can become a nice golfer

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because I'm male and under 65

Why did the golfer have to go change his socks midway through a game?

Because he got a hole in one!

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Not helping your case t.b.h.

she looks like she fucks black guys

what did you not understand? Golf is for aging oldfarts who are sick of their million dollars luxury retirement home or for thots with low self-esteem who have to perform the most boring activities in skimpy cloths to get drooled over by said oldfarts and the whole shitfest is watched by cucks like that guy .

massive udders

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seems like a serious game

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>massive udders
>Shitdustain flag

he is here for bobs and vagene, huh?

>tfw no gf
i worked as a golf pro for a couple summers and I never grabbed so much tit and ass in my life. god I can’t wait for the weather to get better, I’m gonna get back to that this year

Is she any good (at golf)?

she can put my balls in her hole if you catch my drift

Please explain.

she succs at golf, but is trying to get along with woods

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au contraire, taking a stick and smacking balls is a quintessentially sporting activity.

gf? need it
pints? love them

She fucks black guys

I could watch LPGA all day. Short skirts, shorts, tan lines. One thing that bothers me is that the leader board always seems to have the top players at 10 to 15 under par by Friday. Par needs to be adjusted. They are that good.

why do americuns do this?

did someone see that tiger woods shot lmao that was amazing

Americans are OBSESSED with highlighting race, because throughout the short history of their country it has been deeply entwined with their politics. It's sad how focused they are on it.

wow someone else is actually watching the golf

They play easy courses and course set ups on the lpga and web.com tour to try and hype up the tour.

Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden

Posting golfus that are actually good at golf

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