/heem/ Valerie Loureda Edition


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=max vs dustin&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS832US832&oq=max vs dustin&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i61l3j0.3839j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

hourly reminder that I'm NOT impressed by Conor MacNuggets

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i would let her have sex with me if you catch my drift

Tony is the real LW champ. Kebab is paper champ.

/heem/ is a Schaub friendly zone.


>it's a "fake fighters beat real fighters as long as they are big enough" episode

>tony got fucked again

>189ers have seen almost 50 PPVs

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he refused the fight

he accepted the khabib fight

Holloway will beat Poirer and then have to defend his interim against Cowboy.

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1. 12-6 elbows are legal
2. Any two fouls within a ten minute period are an automatic point deduction
3. Heel kicks to the kidney from guard are legal*
4. No gloves
5. Kicks and knees are legal to the head of grounded opponents
6. Headbutts are legal, but only 3 times a round
8. Title fights are Gi only or Rash-guard, but only if the champ forces it and hasn’t been caught greasing before
9. TRT is allowed for all fighters past 40 or any fighter with low T
10. Ban USADA, do testing day of the fight
11. Ditch the Reebok deal
12. Institute weigh-ins for day of fight
13. Pay more for going 5 rounds

*has been legalized in many states now due to dedicated /heem/ lobbying efforts

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lets be honest here, tony refused the interim fight in order to get more money thinking that he had leverage. Guess What Tony, U Aint Got Leverge U Aint a Draw Casuals Dont Like You

reminder that conor is the reason 155 is fucked up

>blaming anything but WME

It'll never happen but a tournament would straighten lightweight out

>have the best and highest drawing fighters in the UFC
>is the most bottlenecked and hardest to have title fights for


for me? It's pre-reebok UFC, with mike goldberg

the faggot commentators and faggot fights? no thankyou

how many of you goofs even know Holloway/Poirier is a rematch

i did
pee head beat him
think that was max's first fight in ufc too

It's ironic all the fighters talking shit about Conor ended up doing similar/worst shit lol

Max said real champs cant skip the whole division to fight for a title but Max has tried to skip the line twice now(first to fight khabib, now to fight dustin)

Ferg said he didnt care about money now him trying to force the UFCs hand got Dana to skip over him

Khabib saying he would defend often and bring honor to the belt instead he jumped the octagon like an idiot got suspended and now just meets with muslim/arab leaders and does interviews. He also is holding out to november and tried to dodge the #1 contender to chase a money fight with GSP


t. reddit /r/mma top poster

makes me think

ill be at work so ill miss this, you guys have to re-enact some of the great heem posts when I get back

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>main event starts 2pm est tomorrow

t. Anonymous Australian 4channel poster.


So, finally, red panty night for el cucuy, right?

he doesn't have a fight

I feel like a fucking idiot for falling for the khabib meme, I'm glad he finished the flushing of Conor but the price we paid was too high

australia calling out australian

Khabib is just like Conor

Conor walk around 165-168 and cut to 145 to KO midgets
Khabib walk around 185-190 and cut 155 to wrestlefuck weaker guys

Conor gets credit for actually moving up though, imagine Khabib vs Woodley he dont want that smoke

so is tony fighting conor or is conor still fighting cerrone bros?

let Alex go you fucking kikes

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I'm not reading all of that

Pls elaborate

conor wasn't even that much of a cutbabby tbqh

this 100%

The t word is just as bad as the r word

tournaments aren't that great because of all the pull-outs and injuries that always derail it

think conor is for sure fighting cerrone, dana said its far from done so that means its confirmed in dana talk

tony doesnt deserve the title shot, he won the interim belt from beating a #7 ranked kevin lee then he completely DUCKED THE TOP TEN to fight NO.11 Anthony Pettis as his "stay busy fight" thinking he had a shot at khabib guaranteed

meanwhile Dustin smashed Pettis, Alvarez and Gaethje and Alvarez again

tony lmao

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this reminds me that tony walks around at 195-200
cutting past welterweight to fight smaller dudes

And Pettis nearly finished Tony too lmao

the guy has the same manager as conor but conor gets all the love from that audie guy

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Tony memed himself

>Conor does not abide my moral code and personal expectations, he is a bad person

Every McGregor hater, ever. These people need to find a new hobby.


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yea no shit, conor probably makes audi literrally 20x or even more money

liek tony would have to fight for 22 years to make audi the same money, why shouldnt conor get the love

>tfw have to cut to 265

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walk around != fight night weight
tony looks about 170 during fights

he should get malki as his manager
malki and ali run the UFC

pettis looks to be

>a LW title fight in the year of our lord 2019 that does not involve Khabib, Tony, or Conor

someone explain how we got here

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conor being the big money fight and leaving MMA for 2 years
and WME not caring about the sport and being turbojews
grand prix would solve all this

Connair is fighting Donald ''the Cowguy'' Ceroney in the summer, winner gets Tony, and the winner of that match gets the winner of Max vs. Khabib(dusting wont beat max)

maybe we will see a legit LW title fight in 2021, what a fucking joke

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Conor left MMA for 2 years because hes worth more money than they wanted to pay him

Tony not fighting cuz he thinks hes worth more money when hes not

200k Tony ppv = 13 million dollars
2.4 Conor ppv=156 million dollars
4.4 MayMac ppv=440 million dollars

Conor is worth every penny

if the UFC offered Conor a 20 million dollar base pay+ ppv pts Conor wouldve came back within months of fighting Mayweather

Conor is WORTH it business wise

I dont give a fuck about the business side, I want my boy to get a title shot

Max Holloway Vs Dustin Poirier 2 is like the battle of the two guys that took there loses to Conor the best and improved upon themselves.

Also have to consider that Sponsors/Commercial spots will pay the UFC more to get on the Conor cards

your boy turned it down thinking he was doing good business, (confirmed by his own twitter and by the UFC saying Tony turned down the Interim Fight) which might end up being true if he gets to fight Conor next

I'd rather tony got the title fight, maybe fight conor down the road. conor v cowboy is more interesting and cowboy deserves the payday more

This is an awesome storyline to go with, I got Dustin with the upset over Max by KO or Sub again

>I'd rather tony got the title fight
Yeah, I love following the guy in hype fights that always end up being cancelled.

Tony turned it down, unless he was scared he couldnt beat Max


all he has to do is make a PSA anti bullying ad and he can fight in APRIL

but alas, hes thrown the division into chaos

plus ramadan, cant forget about that

Pettis was the smaller man against El Cucuy

El Cucuy is 180 in the cage

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Odds we see Holloway vs ferg? Most interesting fight desu

So if you guys haven't heard Dern has gotten pregnant. I kind of saw it comming.. I said i couple of days ago that i wouldn't blame the guy if he gave Dern a career ending pregnancy. I would do the same.
Because of this i will no longer post Dern.
I don't think it's really proper to spam somebodies mummy. I hope she retires and becomes a full time mummy.
So this is my last Dern post.

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jesus christ what a fat cow, bet shes gonna fake the abortion just to excuse being sucha fucking fatass

Is that a huezillian nig or an american nig? I wouldn't be shocked if she took the american subculture pill and started craving black dick once she moved to the usa.

it's holloway vs poirier

>So this is my last Dern post.
oh for sure my guy

Wesley Santos is a Brazilian Chad Pro Surfer.

I hope she fights while pregnant.

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I deleted my folder. It's legid.

imagine how much they fucked in the past 6 months, probably so much

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Why is he so based bros?

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so who will replace Dern for you?

I don't need a new fu. I'm fuless right now.
Although Kanna was always my low key sidefu

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wait til Dern finds out about this

Yeah. Protection is for beta's.

Your boy would get squashed like a little roach by Khabib. Tony has ZERO shot against Khabib.

Because Khabib is honorable alpha male not a beta cuck who capitulate to the degenerate swine of Nevada. Why should he make a PSA against bullying when he was the victim of bullying? All Khabib did was smash the bully. If anything his smashing of that little Irish rat is the biggest anti-bullying PSA of all time. It's also an anti-Islamophobia PSA - those who insult Allah, his prophet (PBUH) and his people will be humiliated in this life and the next.


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second fu in a row to get pregnant.

How the FUCK they gonna have a lightweight title fight with neither Tony, Khabib or Conor in it??

The UFC has gone full retard over the past 2 years, I'm just about done with this semen slurping sport

They might as well split it up like Raw and Smackdown and have two titles of each division.

Unironically going to end up fighting Iaquinta

you're a little bitch, I would knock your dick in the dirt

Ok UFC has turned into a gay wwe with real punches, good bye lads, this is not for me anymore.

so he should send them a recording of the fight

max is better than all those posers

is she peeing?

>scatspammer deleted
>ortegaspammer deleted
>dernspammer deleted

Heem every here.

I hope so

MW is a joke now LW and FW are ruined as well. What's next?

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whichever division gets the next moderate draw

Heavyweight is a joke, DC waiting for Lesnar
Light Heavyweight is moving but no good fighters
Middleweight is fucked because muh hernia
Welterweight is fucked because Colby
Lightweight is completely fucked beyond saving
Featherweight is fucked because champ vacated
Bantamweight >implying manlets matter
Flyweight BALEETED

Woodleyweight division is gonna be a clown show when the only people left for Tyron to fight are Askren and Covington, both of whom he will never fight.

In many ways it wasn't Conor who ruined the divisions with his champ champ pursuit. It was the jewish owners who encouraged this behavior, specifically referring to the Fandango Brothers. If they grabbed him by the ear and say ''Listen here you midget crusher, stay in your lane and shut the fuck up.'' we'd have healthier rosters and untarnished matchmaking integrity.

It's time for deleting/merging divisions.

When will the divisions finally be unfucked?

Max isn't dropping the FW belt.

I doubt it, but it makes the division even more fucked if he holds it


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Somebody said during the Mayweather vs corner fight. How Floyd was all buddy buddy with Dana and called him his boy. Who ever it was pointed out how Floyd basically had maid him his bitch by taking the biggest attraction in UFC and making money of it on his own terms.
They didn't have the balls to say no. They pimped out Corner like a whore.

when they have UFC tournaments.

if he gets that interim and waits for Khabib I can see Dana easily strip him or at least book a
Interim for FW and let T-City, Aldo and Alexander go at it

More interim belts,. Great idea

heavyweight is all old men, none of the young hws can compete with them so hw is fucked
lhw your right, gotta pray luke somehow unjusts but doubtful
mw has been shit since bisking he and whittaker fight once a year max, it has interesting fights if woodley goes up but he never fights now either
ww above
lw best division idk what your on about, so many good matchups and khabib being stripped keeps it going
fw is shit its why we had max vs aldo 5 times in a row cos no ones good
bw has been shit since dom got injured maybe cejudo going up will make it interesting again

the biggest problem at the moment is the #1 guy in every division shits on the rest, so you get rematches on rematches on rematches

if there willing to let Max do it they clearly don't care, the interim means jack shit because they can just strip it from you anyways

interim just means #1 contender

Imagine this as a Pride tournament.
All in the same day.
First Seed:
Second seed:
>Al Iaquinta
>Kevin Lee

>they didn't have the balls to refuse 100s of millions of dollars for no benefit

great point

which is dumb because Max is leap frogging the entire divison

sub Felder out for Barbosa

hes prob better than them, their fault for sucking dick

keep Felder, sub Pettis out for Barbosa, Pettis is flushed

The benefit would be the UFC not looking beta and having their champ champ not even fighting in the UFC. They sold out the legidness of corner for money.

In my timeline barboza is in bellator were he belongs.

yeah i'm sure dana loses a ton of sleep that some nerd on a malaysian basket weaving forum thinks he's "beta"

and where is Pettis, bare knuckle boxing?

The UFC looked beta. But yeah i'm sure dana doesn't loose sleep over that.

penis is at welterweight fighting wonderbar

Dana doesn't give a fuck. More 30,000 dollar antique Japanese swords for him

Pettis is comming of a win against gaethje.
>were gaethje literally died in the ring

and Woodley walks around 200-205... its almost like best guys in every division cut 25-30lbs to make weight every camp

Yes that was sort of my point. By renting out corner for quick money they made the ufc look gay and it was the beginning of the LW clusterfuck.

>ass fangs

Just like my animes

What happened to the picks?

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what the fuck are you ooking about, he's on a 12 fight win streak, anything but a title shot is a disgrace

he will have to take another fight now, khabib will fight the winner of the interim title fight

UFC are trying to make a power play with guys like colby and tony, play ball or fuck off

Who's free money tonight?

Khabilov, Pezao and Blachowicz are the best picks at current odds

This might be the start of Struve's redemption arc

They can both just sit out for a couple of fights and get a title shot. JewFC up to their tricks again but they can't just pretend these two don't exist

Colby has already been overlooked twice, can easily be overlooked again if Ponzinibbio wins again

Ferguson can get fucked extremely hard because of the logjam at 155

Unironically this

*exposes your KO hype narrative*

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what did cody do

Conor vs cowboy is a shit fight, LW is too stacked for cowboy to deserve that fight so quickly

stop sending bad vibes to Ferg please brah.


I'm talking about Cain and Francis

anyone has a stream for road fc?

Fuck you khabib

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my man is 35 he's gonna end up getting flushed before he gets to khabib

Why the fuck is Max allowed to keep his belt?

Completely retarded, they could do Volkanovski vs Aldo in Brazil for the FW title

That's exactly what Khalabeeb wants to happen, he is wasting as much time as possible to duck him and expect time or Tony himself do all the work.

>"Yoel trains here :)"

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And how believable do you think that "championship" would be

Luke did nothing wrong, just trying to get some cuban pussy in retaliation to Yoel's fluke victory and fake humbleness.

At least it would allow featherweight to develop, now two champs have fucked around and held the belt while fighting at lightweight

Dude still lives in this s o i bois heads rent free

I really fucking hate khabib. Fuck off with that honor bound Muslim bullshit

These hoes ain't loyal and these niggas ain't smifpilled.

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>honor bound Muslim bullshit

It's just a good old ducking, nothing more to it. He's the lightweight Michael Bisping.

he should have responded with "yoel is trash"


>mfw retire undefeated and the goat of mma

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gsp was goat with regards to skill but he was also a coward


Any good fights at fight night today? It actually comes at good time for eurobros

>mudslimes honor
There is no such thing, it's all fake buddeh.

>"I-I only care about legacy!!!"
>fights some British bum

>well excuuuuuuse me SIR

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Based and redpilled


Tony getting offer Al makes sense

It's an incredibly easy fight for Gooby. Cowboy is constantly rocked by punches up the middle.

based and wresltingpilled

The salt if smif can pressure and gas jon without getting taken down and beat would be hilarious

Conor keeps spamming that proper tap stuff

He's the Mayweather of the sport. Probably the greatest P4P, but spend the later half of their careers worried about legacy and ducking good fights until they were sure the other guy was flushed.

I don't know anyone who disagrees with this.

It's not that crazy either, Smif has the tools to grind him out. I can see a Chael vs Silva 1 situation going.

Do you really believe Jon would gas before Smiff?

Exactly. Giving gooby easy fights is not worth everyone's time. Max vs Conor 2 and Ferguson vs Poirier for the interim title are the only fights which make sense at the moment

>drug vs grug
truly a battle for the ages

Fuck off, my boy cerrone deserves the payday
His wife needs cash for when he kills himself cave diving

>It's an incredibly easy fight for Gooby
I don't think I would call Cowboy an "incredibly easy fight". Cowboy is much better than Conor in the clinch and he is a proper jiu jitsu Black Belt.

Cowboy is a heartlet will quit forsure when hit with a big shot like he did against Till and Masvidal

This. Canboy is tuff, has jitz and heart. If the piece of shit version that fought Khabib shows up, it certainly won't be an easy fight for Conor.


I don't think there's bigger heartlet than Conor in the UFC right now. Poostaffson maybe.

T-Wood would fucking destroy Khabib so hard it's not even funny.

Yeah, that would not be competitive at all. Khabib is scared even of LW competition, he will never fight serious WW like Tyrone.

Everyone's already looking past that fight, desu.
It's a waste of time.

I was going to interject but then I simulated the fight in my head and I saw two wrestlers nullifying the takedown game and having to trade on the feet. Khabib's striking sucks elephant's dick so you're probably right

>those clothes
wh*te males nowadays, jesus fuck..

Schaub is not wh*toid, even though he's trying very hard.

Even in wrestling, Khabib usually just bruteforces takedowns.
He's not doing that to Woodley. Dude is physically stronger, Khabib can't do his usual 'sit on a guy for 10 minutes then punch them while they can't move' shtick.

>bruteforces takedowns
He chain wrestles though like DC. He starts with a single and then start changing techniques if one thing doesn't work he'll adjust to something else.

Card starts in 3 bongs lads


In many ways Max has already KO'd Dustin

Tyrone would probably be able to land a lot of tds

woodley would fuck khalabeeb anywhere he wanted to lad

People forget that Khabib never faced anyone top 5. Calling him GOAT is like calling pre-UFC Gaethje GOAT.

ficken lol

Prazeres is my guy, to be honest. Guy is a tank, fights a lot, almost always wins, but rarely gets onto the main card. I should think he'll beat Emeev. In fact, that should be my spicy pick of the night.

He's not fighting Emeev he's fighting Ismail Naurdiev retard

True. UFC are just slow to update their own fucking website.

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Speaking of which, Justin would end this meme once and for all.

Why does Dana hate Czech people?

Get mad at your own stupidity goof.

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Khabib will just keep ducking everyone.

If he were to actually fight Tony, Tony would lay a gameplan to beat Khabib, and he would be easy pickings for everyone, even Gaethje.

that word means "pleasures" if anyone wondered

>the virgin stays up to date
>the chad loses track of things

Go destroy yourself.

Not the most intimidating name.

I want their to be plenty of blood tonight. A fucking ORGY of blood. I want Blachowizc to punch a hole in Santos and start fucking the wound.
Anyone else?

Johnny Walker Vs Santos would be amazing.

Ready for the fights today?

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Don't hurry Johny you dumb fuck, give him time to grow. Even giving him Misha is irresponsible.

No it wouldnt

What the hell are you talking about?

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Guys I can't stop looking at OP image I think I'm in love

Misha is shit

Based Johny is still too inexperienced even for Misha.


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Why is Holloway vs Poirier headlining over Kelvin vs Memesanya when they are both for interim belts and normally the higher weight class gets higher billing? Is max a confirmed drawl?

"The biggest fight in the history of combat sports."

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Quite simply, no.

Holloway is already a champ and is a proven champ at that.

Buildup for possible Conner/Khabib fight.

Fighters thinking they have "drawing" power ruined the UFC.

They'll mention Conor in the build-up and hope that drives sales
Maybe they'll even have Conor attend and he'll fight the winner with some storyline about how he couldn't fight at 236 because of his suspension but will be ready soon

I feel like Tony gets shafted hard by having the same manager as Conor, it's like they avoid fighting each other when it would benefit both

Khabib/Tony is the champ, not Conor lol Why would Conor have any relevance to an interim belt?

So I just checked the Lellator 217 fight card and as expected it's clearly scriped and predictable.

Every Irish fighter is facing a sparring target with a lackluster recrod. They're not even hiding it at this point. It's pretty much a case of ''Come watch our mandrama promotion.'' at this point.

You're acting like UFC is treating MMA as a sport.

wtf I found some bizarre fight video on youtube where people are fighting on sand, russian as a ref and J. Walker was there


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Is that Schaub's brother?

I would let her fart in my mouth if you catch my drift

>he doesnt know about strelka

they don't do higher weight class higher billing, they do draw power >>

Would be nice an acestream or even any stream for UFC Praga prelims.

Conor will take a beating just not a choking

When are they starting? Says 4PM GMT but I don't believe Google for shit

Cm punk vs conor would be a higher drawlr than dc vs stipe

You’re acting like you knew Khabib was the champ

No, in both Diaz and Khabib fight he was choked BECAUSE he gave up first.

That used to be a Gooby exclusive though, otherwise big guys always got the higher billing, assuming belts were on the line. I guess this is the Post-Mcgregor era though.

2 bongs to prelims

>completes MMA

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>m max will l.. Lose... THIS TIME

Holy shit, lol. That's a bit weird but kinda cool too.

Zabit and Askren memes end on the same night

We have similar shit. They have click bait titles like "Buff ex marine vs fat uncle" and fights are fucking awful
World mma entertainment

Must be nice to be Schaub. Just imagine walking into literally any room and
>you’re the best fighter
>the funniest
>best dressed
>have the fattest hog

Watch ONE Championship

Holloway wins the rematch

when DC either fights stipe or (much more likely) retires
nothing wrong with it besides the lack of legitimate contenders
after whittaker fights the winner of gastellum/adesanya
once the winner of usman/woodley fights colby
big yikes division
it's fine, but if (when) max wins, it'll be fucked
it's fine and TJ should fight marlon
it's fine as long as henry doesn't go fight at BW

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Looks like it is time for Dunstin to check in

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oh my god how am I going to stay awake through this event
please let it be spicy

Grabbed the top of the cage. Should be disqualified.


Where do i apply to delete Yea Forums posts in my freetime for absolutely no compensation?

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Good morning /heem/.

***cancels your main event on 1 hour notice***

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where u at, buddeh!?!?

There are no contenders at 145 other than that I agree with you

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Our boy Dunstin finna check Max’s chin

yeah, who from this list do we even want to see fight max atm

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No Thanks, Frankie is just going to get punched 1,000 times and get TKOed

It’s his turn.

is that the guy that got heemed by ortega who got TKOd by max

>Yoel kills

More like Yoel Kiss.....es Cuckhold! :^)

>Gets flushed by Aldo twice
>Gets flushed by ortega
>Somehow deserves a title shot

You can’t be flushed that many times, you brianlet.

Volkanovski, feed him to the wolf, and sell tickets

Imagine Yoel Romero breaking into your house and beating you half to death. Imagine Yoel Romero raping you wife after doing so and knowing there is nothing she or you can do about it. Just imagine it.

He is fighting Aldo at 236

Well Pedgar managed it retard

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>that cheeky trip as he punches him for the first drop


Well at least my wife will get something inside her bigger than my fist I suppose! :^)

I mean after he wins

You can’t even meme properly. Take 2 baths and lose my number.

wrist and fistlet confirmed

How does Peahead beat Max?

>he doesnt think a fighter can be flushed multiple times
Fucking zoomer

Shut up before I ankle pick you! :^)

I want her to jump me in a backally and anally rape me

We are backtracking now?

>prelims starting at 11am EST

lads, im going to still be in bed watching heems

yasssss queen, so excited

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I would heem you just by making eye contact

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Imagine being this retarded, talked himself out a fight and now he is BEGGIN

Tony vs Frankie for the interim belt is the fight to make.

You are


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(did anything get cancelled?)

Didn’t I already tell you to lose my number? Homeboy you’re obsessed

I got a piece of the road thrown at me throw a car window in the summer! had to get 9 stitches! #Chicago stuff..... u know! :^)

What gender is this person?


>Tony wants to jump down to FW
>but he turned down a fight with the FW champ at LW
What is wrong with Tony?

cis male non-white non-illegal republican red-pilled /pol/ster Yea Forumsro from 2012 and so on and so on! :^)

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Everything! Ever since Cable USADA popped.... his knee he's never been the same!

Knee Level Tony!

Do you even have to ask?

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Time will repeat itself.

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Last time he got into a fight with a cable/velvet rope..........................

Now he goes under

Is that Smith? Jon is f*cked

Bases UK'guy

I had to google it!

google.com/search?q=max vs dustin&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS832US832&oq=max vs dustin&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i61l3j0.3839j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

And I've been watching the UFC since nogeira got his arm broken by frank mir and GSP was ducking carlos condit with that eye "injury" I guess i never watched the midgets until aldo vs conor

He can't make FW, he's just being Tony
The dude was talking about going to WW not long ago.
In honesty he's a bit stupid for not taking the Max fight. Unless he's got a fight with Conor, which is possible, he's just put himself so far behind in the line and probably has to fight Iaquinta and be another fight or two away from a title shot after that, when he could have just taken on Max and be guaranteed one.
His manager hasn't made the smart choice here

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Caz as fuck

Look at these fucking prelims my man. Absolutely S-S-S-STACKED

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Don't respond to him bong he has mental illness/ is spammy

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I know....

The one night I decide to tune in to see what fights were on it's the night conor ko's this guy in 13 seconds! Been a fan of his since.

Besides that I've been watching the heavy weights mostly and before that cro cop right leg hospital left leg cemetery! awesome times, back during the zimmerman trials and habbo raids on Yea Forums


Cringe caz

The whole card is BASED


I'm still considered new around these parts on 4chin! :^)

Childhood is idolizing Schaub (the fighter)
Adulthood is realizing Schaub (the man) makes more sense.

Fedor > Cain

You know it's true.

Max loses as soon as he starts fighting guys his same size again. Sorry Max, relying on your chin and just sliding backwards doesn't work against lightweights.

reminder that manlets are wrong

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>implying Ortega is a natural featherweight

How do you a beat a man that doesn't get tired and was born with CTE?

Attached: heem the pico meme is ended.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

Stefan Struve is the BIGGEST CAN in UFC HISTORY. Sad!


>implying Ortega is good

Ortega got fed to Max way too early his striking got exposed during that fight.

>aaron pico is an absolute savage
>his skill set is unmatched
>he is a world class wrestler
>he trains boxing with freddie roach
>he is about to take over the mma world


The MMA world is savage. Pico has all the ingredients to be successful.


>Flushed twice in 6 fights
For SURE he's a munster my guy

How many bongs senpai?

Based card, so many memes getting exposed.

Jones getting flushed is just a cherry on top.

Poirier is going to get worked so fucking hard by Max. There's levels to this shit young man.

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Memes aside, what fighter unironically would win the rematch?

I was told 40 bings but now apparently it's one bong and 40 bings

Joke, least I'll have time to get a muffit of tea

Current Baldo DESTROYS Conner.

>Dern got BLACKED
Some MMA career lol

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Stipe obviously.

33 bings homeboy, I am east coast

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It is a weird feeling for the card to not be at a completely retarded time.

This card sucks desu. Gonna skip it and have a beer.

Who doesn't?

Ufc is a completely joke right now lol, which is your favorite current division?


Post the part when Aldo lands 5 clean punches to Max's chin and Max lands one straight and Joe Rogan completely ignores all of Aldos punches and Max's complete lack of defence but screams whenever Max lands.

>white "people"

BisGOAT would shit all over fatselum if he had the time to prepare

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LW is the only division that is kinda stacked, but it has a Bisping-tier champ.

Other than that MW I guess, it at least has a based champ.

This. Holloway only won because of bias commentary.

Just strip the mudshit so we can move on.
Jesus christ, this so called "peaceful muslim" has over 2 minutes of recorded street fights and acts like a monkey on the regular.
If the champ refuses to fight, strip him. Fuck him. The UFC will continue on. No one will give a shit about Khabib in 5 years time.

The LW and WW divisions are both STACKED with talented so I would say those two.

Texans are functionally retarded tho

Shit, wanted to say WW. Bobby "I have a tummy ache" Knucles fucking sucks.

>2 3rd round stoppages
FOR SURE the commentary my guy. Heem youself

God, you're the ultimate brainlet.

Watch the fight with commentary off and tell me how you score it.


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Why would I score a ref stoppage? Points are invalid when the fight gets stopped.

rewatch the fights but this time imagine Holloway has Picos chin, Aldo wins by 1st round ko in both fights. Real fans know this

This is the cazziest thing I've read on heem today.

You think the ref isn’t susceptible to bias? Just watch it again with commentary off before you reply to me again.

this is peak performance

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Is that heavyweight Whittaker?

No, but their chin is pretty much the same.

name a better comedian

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Brendan Schaub has the beast stand up in the game

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That's gonna be a triple YIKES from me

Was this prime schaub?

Is that Jo Koy?

prime shaub could easily /heem/ jon jones

My favorite thing about Schaub is the footwork.

It looks like Heems are back on the menu

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what exactly was Schaub's base? What was he even good at



Do you think Dana made Joe betray Schaub to stop the #SchaubSlimDown? Everyone knows Schaub is a wildcard who speaks his mind, Dana doesn’t want that guy being the champ.
T-shirt sales
Sneaker appraisal
Need I go on?


>What was he even good at


Attached: brendan-schaub-1532863685.jpg (450x562, 25K)

give me 10 more examples

he has a beautiful wife

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She's 6/10 at best.

Disneyland guides
Netflix recommendations
Fashion commentary
Trend setting
Sketch comedy

Does anyone give a shit about tonight's card? I'm a true fight fan so I'm gonna watch but holy shit is it bland.

I also want to state that Khabib fucking sucks and I can't wait for him to be exposed against someone with decent grappling game.

conor sucks too.

mma is for fucking losers

your brain is a 6/10 at best

Post a pic of what you think a 9 is

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idk why she looks asians, but is from mexico

fat dicking
weight cutting

New rule: Every time I get banned I am going to kill a cat. I absolutely fucking love animals so this blood is entirely on the hands of the dull domed fascist autistic losers who censor the internet. This will only further the rage and bring you criminal fucks to justice.


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isn't the card supposed to have started?

guys are spaniards white

Ismagulov is a monster. Believe me


>showing off fake ass and fake tits
few things in life are more pathetic. one of those things are people who censor and try to control the lives of others like internet janitors.

>fat dicking


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>The card is starting now and casuals will miss it
I love early cards.

they gotta hype it up for a minute nigel, chill out

This is it.
This is the moment we've all been waiting for.
*shits pants*

Dudes got a hog on him

only 100% northern europeans are white. don't reply.

Ismagulov's last outing

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>missing this literal shite card

Kazakh fighters will take over

They aren't married, also if you hit Jo's face with any water at all she looks like sh sh shit my mans.

What's wrong with Australian Top Team

I hope he gets heemed

First fight of the night!

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This card is good, only a casual would think otherwise.

russian guy looks asian wtf

How many bongs for main event?

Lebs padding records against drunk bogans and abos

>Bruce Buffer saying Czech Republic

they changed their name to Czechia

The Soviet legacy system fighters are creeping into MMA like they did in boxing years ago

Kazakhstan is in Central Asia and he is of Kazakh descent

>the state of US public education

Wasn't GGG also a great wrestler before he specialised in boxing?
Or was that another Kazakh boxer

6 ft 3 LightWeights should be illegal

about 5 desu

More like Lucie Poodilova ha ha am I right boys???

They are all chinlets don't worry

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lot of asians in Russia and lot of whities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan

this thing called the USSR happened which led to people moving around cause it was just one country with a desire for labour in certain regions

james vick is 6'4

and it's his birthday today!

Good round, ismagulov is fast as fuck

Her nazi boyfriend has probably busted countless nuts to this photo

don't do a fight thread, this is comfy

Can he wrestle? Name sounds like a Dag


Pretty sure it's someone else. GGG was put into a Soviet bloc-style system when he was 10 or 11

Hot. I too immediately think of Blacked when I see a white woman and black man together

*high five*

Kek at the losers who date those girls.

The hapa has a giant noggin I fear for tapas man

Ismagulov doesn't even have a chin, it's just not there

Damir will gas and Alvarez, the Spanish Steed, will heem him

Tattoo this on your chest.

Dan Hardy is based

This crowd needs to take the woooooo pill

>Name sounds like a Dag
He's Kazakh
t. born in Dag

I live in the south. You would be surprised how common cuckolding is here and probably less surprised about what type of white guy it is.

Gunshy Alvarez

My internet is being a fucking dickhole, this looks like a good scrap too from what I've watched

yuros don't know how to be excited like us. Expect the crowd shots to be pedestrian

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I haven't heard wooing at all from this crowd, nor any other hilarious noise. It's like they don't know how to watch sports.

Dumb Czechians.

I'd be surprised how small your penis is.

That's really unfortunate Nigel, perhaps you may have a scone and some tea to settle your nerves.


>there are cazzies among us that don't remember how based 233 was

test webm post

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It's not amazing. Alvarez with that 4 week UFC debut look, Ismagulov showing off some nice combos but not going huge. Good warm up though, getting the frost off the canvas and all that.

I didn't post that wtf

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>first fight
>lanklets already on suicide watch
Tonight will be a good night.

Are Czech Republicans slavic?

>First UFC card in the Czech Republic
>A Czech man is headlining the next Rizin card

we're finally getting the respect we deserve

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Alvarez is such an offenselet

Damir's punches don't hurt Alvarez

Don't know why you seem to be getting upset about this. I find the practice strange as well.

Wait why is it called UFC Prague if it's in England? Inb4 >American education

Nice sparring match.

Alvarez looks might happy to have lost all 3 rounds.

weak air horn

An easy W for Damir.

I have psychoanalysed you and discovered you to be a cuckhold.

Staggeringly true.

So this is high level european MMA

Khabilov and Ferreira next, interesting

Hahahahha you fucking brainlet, O2 is a mobile network service provider

It's shit.

czech em

I got Khabilov

Put a decent bet on Ferreira before he missed weight.

There must be more than one O2 arena my fellow flag. Europeans are too poor and too divided to have cool venue names like us

Should be good. Khabilov has this

You total fucking wanker. The O2 is network provider, as well as an arena in England. You fucking donkey. Pigfuck.

El Cucuy turned down the fight knowing Max would heem him into obscurity

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Blachowicz is /ourguy/ and if he wins he's next for the title shot

Only other fight I give a fuck about is my Siberian Petr Yan beating the most boring guy on the roster - John Dodson
I guess I kind of want FISHGOLD to heem Teymur but if he didn't I wouldn't be bothered.

every other fight is pretty tame tbqh

The "action" continues after this short break

I like Ferreira, simply because he finished Colton Smith's UFC career

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This fight should be on the main card, they're both beasts. Khabilov to win via TKO

The brazilian meme ends today

why aren't you in the arena?
are you some sort of plastic?

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LMAO the entirety of europe btfo by one third one world country

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Dodson isn't boring. He's quick and explosive.

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sweet heems are made of these

is this gonna be a good card lads?

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based snacksnhoez

Khabilov didn't even beat Kajan.

So is my dick

There are two O2 arenas. Yuropoors are stupid like that.

This is as strange as Imanari coming out to Sade at ONE yesterday

Mirin hair

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Yes but casuals will tell you no

gruppa krovi!
based walkout music this card

Russian music is kino


In Europe there are other options beside MMA, football and starving to death.

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Cool Japanese tattoos.

>O2 is a mobile network service provider
>O2 is network provider
Yeah I'm not seeing the relevance of this. We don't have two T-Mobile arenas. Are Britbongistanis really this dumb?

Be a drug dealer

Attached: pf2.jpg (1280x720, 178K)

>Russia BEATS Spain
Russia VS Brazil
Russia VS Brazil
Bosnia VS Mexico
Venzuela VS Canada
Sweden VS England
Italy VS USA

Russia VS Brazil
USA VS Russia
USA VS Czech Republic
USA VS Poland
Netherlands VS Brazil
Poland VS Brazil

Yes, plus they are in different countries

Britfags will never know what it's like to have the based T Mobile Arena or MSG venues with actual history that mean something.


ahah nice

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becoming an Imam

Nauridiev is Russian - not Austrian

this whole graphic is a lie

You really are a fucking retard, Europe isn't a country you wasted cumshot. Separate countries = separate arenas.

Owned by the same company, go shoot up a school or an hero on SSRIs you fat fuck

Khabib is over 200 lbs

Amen. I'm currently in a bar with 99% white people.

That's called a forfeit dummy. You don't show up, YOU LOSE.

>a bar
is that not HARAM?

Sambo > BJJ

Fuck the police.

>outstrike Kajan
>get outstrook by some BJJ guy

Imagine living in a country the size of Alabama and trying to talk shit LMAO

Khabilov is a bitch

Imagine living in a country where they have to use transfat for blood transfusions.

Khabilov nearly knocked out Masvidal?

It's a "parlay gets gadooshed in the first fight" episode

This is the right order of Hemings


Oh shit crucifix
BJJ doesn't need takedowns

Can I change my vote? Khabilov is fucked

Does anyone in Kyrgyzstan give a shit about Valentina Shevchenko?

with a spinning meme kick yeah

Damn that was slick
Just a few weeks after that BJJ guy was talking about crucifix being underused in MMA

>>For England alone, Public Health England published data in May 2017 indicating that 63.8% of adults in England have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or over with the most overweight region being the North East, where 68% of people are overweight, followed by the West Midlands at 65.7%.

Do you guys even have any world champions?

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bake new bread

probably too hard to set up and rear naked is more reliable.

Same, I need this to not go the distance and either guy to finish

Bisping is the quintessential eternal anglo and even he memed and heemed his way to the belt.

90% of overweight people are fat old muslim women im not even joking. every single one i see is fat as all hell.

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>pulling up wiki stats

I bet you're obese aren't you?
We had a champ, a white European one.

Where's yours?

Print out a form, fill it in, and send it to me and I'll change your selection

y nuevo

Kyrgyz people have a major boner for Khabib desu. He was in Bishkek not long ago and a lot if people gave him a standing ovation. I've also seen people wearing Khabib T shirts. In fact I have never seen a country with more UFC fans and people wearing UFC branded clothes than Kyrgyzstan.

Uriah Hall is the heartlet GOAT show some respect

Are you joking? All of the all time great champions are White Americans.

Khabib's wrestling is fucking terrible. It only looks effective vs competition 30+ pounds lighter.

>t. Toilet Janitor at the local pub

Depends on what you want to achieve. For MMA, sambo is better because of the 5 minutes round and new rounds start standing up format.

He regularly grappled with DC and Rockhold as well as AKA top wrestlers (the best wrestlers other then Yoel).

strelka mma is best mma

Austria is 50% muslim immigrants now in any place but the valleys.

fucking losers

>stalls a entire division "just because"

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Rockhold, any of his losses

khabib, kevin lee, tony and barboza are cowards who should be fighting at welterweight

conor, dustin, holloway, and gaethje are average lightweights

eddie alvarez is welterweight musclewise but his height is that of a featherweight so he gets a pass for lightweight

dustin is an average lightweight size

nate should be at 165