How do we punish City and PSG for breaching FFP many times and getting away with it?

How do we punish City and PSG for breaching FFP many times and getting away with it?

Attached: FFP.png (860x464, 193K)

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we send your sister in their dressing rooms

by reducing our dependence on foreign oil

Shut them down.

but they're back by countries, how do you shut down a country?

Bring back vinnie jones

ffp is illegal

What about Barca?

Barca and Real doing it for years and just fine.

imagine you buy a restaurant and you're forbidden to hire a new cook because it's illegal to use your own money to develop your enterprise...

I hate Barcelona and Real as much as anyone, but how is it possible for them to breach ffp? If they're owned by fans, they're entirely reliant on their own revenue surely? There's no way to receive external investment or spend more than they make without going into debt

Letting them to win the CL

neither club are breaking ffp

>forbidding rich people to spend their money
fucking commies

>Der Spiegel reporting that City made an illegal payment to Sancho's agent when he was 14
Transfer ban incoming

real was refund several times by spanish crown

they keep taking new loans

by pay off people

nothing wrong with the glorious socialism friend

You guys do realise PSG are the good guys right?
They make the other clubs richer, they make the french league richer and more popular, they make France richer due to the huge taxes they pay, and all that money thrown in the pithole that is PSG doesn't go in terrorist hands

PSG makes people richer and safer, only customers from big clubs want to stay alone on the top of the hill.

socialism goes against human nature

> You guys do realise PSG are the good guys right?
The City and PSG owners are from the same sandnigga family. What the fuck are you saying?

I just told you why, their money go into sport and not into terrorism

you should read his post.

wait a few years until the owners get bored and won't spend another dime on the club, then watch them sign meme players and coaches until they lose 6-0 to the next risen oil club, a la Chelsea

I was pointing at the fact you only mentioned PSG and not Man and this makes everyone to understand how objective your comment is.
Also if you really believe what you said and you are not shitposting you must be retard.

but that's the same thing with man city, would have been redundant to include city. I'm saying valid points, disagreeing with them is a sign of low intelligence

>get bored
citys owner has been to one game ever
it isnt about fun for them

Why would you punish City and PSG? Didn't UEFA/FIFA take bribes to let them do it? It would be absurd to label them bad guys when they're only playing a money game set down by the absolute most shamelessly corrupt organization in the world

FFP is garbage and should be ignored tbhhh

> would have been redundant to include city.
Frog climbing glass.
Valid points? Bataclan attack was during a PSG match.

all the traditional big clubs. Real, Man U, Juve have been juiced by rich people since forever. Should they get some sort of retroactive FFP penalty as well

so you're short on arguments ?

that wasn't during a psg match and what's the point? any terrorist attack is funded by the city and psg owner? it's basic logic to understand that if money goes for sport then less money can go to fund terrorism

It's you are trying to find a retarded connection between terrorist attacks and football.
I can really imagine Al saiyng to the next arab solid snake "wait, this month I can give you only half of the guns and the bomb with respect to the previous month because today I need to pary Neygay".

>it's basic logic to understand that if money goes for sport then less money can go to fund terrorism
>some of their near infinite money is going towards one source instead of another
Do they really deserve praise for not funding terrorism as much as they could be? To paraphrase Chris Rock, nigger you're not supposed to fund terrorism. You low expectations having motherfucker

the usa armed terrorists in iraq, i dont see people complain about manu.

honestly anyway we're ALL funding terrrism just by paying taxes, just by buying oil and gas.

Because the Glazers aren't the ruling family of America

they are jews so they are

>He thinks socialism is where everyone gets the same no matter how stupid or lazy they are
>He thinks capitalism is somehow natural in a way that socialism isn't

>it's basic logic to understand that if money goes for sport then less money can go to fund terrorism
not when their money is practically infinite

Are you really American?

Please stop discussing with these two retards, it's obvious they are not even adults

No, (you)

it is infinite because we buy stuff from them, you are funding terrorism just by existing

>sport thread
>muh remember bataclan you frog
yeah short on arguments sven

giving free bux to people make them lazy.. bad seed should die out.

I could mention the episode when they tried to put bomb at the stadium, but ok.

They are Lawful Evil at best.

yes once what does that have to do with a sport thread and ffp
>inb4 terrorism support
it's a joke you know

>qatar and uae are ruled by the same family

Go fuck youself poorfag.

Attached: Mbapped.jpg (1000x625, 354K)

we send you to shit in the locker rooms

you start by asking questions about their democracy

return to monaco and them retard

you first
*help them

why would he go to monaco since he's born near paris and is actually playing for paris.

because he actually was better under jardim

not really

FFP is bullshit made up to protect the established clubs, I'm glad it's never enforced

he was better than emery


thats' without saying

It is kinda. Since PSG hasn't been spending money last winter and in the summer.
Anyway it will be bad for UEFA if PSG gets banned from the champions league. The only thing UEFA is interested in is money so they will just ask for another bribe and let us go on with it. Furthermore, they know that FFP is illegal and could easily be attacked in court, and if they ban PSG that is exactly what will happen.

if he wants to win the CL then he needs to leave psg to established clubs to increase his chance if that's his goal.

they can't ban psg out of european competitions
psg would sue uefa, ffp would be considered illegal and would create a precedent where clubs would not care by the slightest about their finances and just throw money they have, they need to keep face so they give fines to psg they are ok to pay.

how can you make clubs grow if your only solution for talented player is to leave ?

dortmund have been doing fine despite bayern picking off their best players

This post is why you wash toilets.

how are they doing fine ? they keep decreasing years after years.

american muslim plizz

because even with bayern picking off their best players, dortmund have been consistently been getting into the top 4 with the exception of the 2014-15 season and with bayern's aging squad. any other team besides them have a better of winning the title or atleast preventing bayern from getting the title

wait you're talking about their domestic championship ? lmao dortmund is one of the most established club of their championship, i was obviously talking about cl, they went to the final some years ago and now they are just average good and about to get eliminated.

if you're talking about champions league then they're in the same situation as psg. knocked out in the qf or ro16 with the exception of europa league last season

People laugh at FFP and talk about how ineffective it is, but without it there would be nothing stopping Sheikh Mansour from just strolling down to Liverpool and just dropping £1 billion each for Salah, Firmino and Van Dijk.

exactly, this is why i keep saying ffp and an influx of fresh money can't be bad, it's only the few big clubs that don't like to see their egemony challenged bayern among the firsts.

however the fact that dortmund having reached the final despite not having the backing of qatar is an embarrassment and psg should focus on their youth instead of buying big stars every time

dortmund was already a known established big european club, psg became relevant in the eyes of the world 7 years ago you can't compare both and say look at dortmund.

It's about keeping up the appearance of fair competition to protect the overall product. People would stop watching if these states weren't constrained.

>People would stop watching if these states weren't constrained.
city and psg never had so much fans since they are stacked, saying people would not watch anymroe is just false, people don't care who are the owners but in here and even here they just care about sandnigegrs owners sleeping on the many jews owing premiere league clubs.

Protecting the big clubs from any sort of competition whatsoever is not fair at all, they just want to keep the most recognizable brands at the top

I'm talking about football fans in general.

"appearance of fair competition"
Keeping the many fans of the numerous top teams around europe engaged is what they are trying to do with these rules. That's what keeps money flowing into football. More eyes on the product equals more advertising money etc.

fans in general don't care by the very slightest who owns the clubs they don't even know who are the owners, they only care about entertainment.

I'll just pretend it's a language barrier that's preventing you from understanding the very basic idea I'm putting here.

what was fair about football before the ascent of psg, chelsea and city? nothing.

sending them freedoms

you're trying to pretend that if psg or city grow too much people in general would be non interested in football anymore, there can't be a more untrue statement, most of big clubs fans are overseas bandwagonners that would switch to the most relevant clubs.


You remember how spain government buy some worthless piece of land from real for 500 millions only to lend it back to them? That was just one noticeable example. They also made up various rules to make sure Madrid/Barca are free from that 40% tax + tons of backdoor deals.

Attached: 17782.jpg (702x454, 56K)

While real and barca steal a lot of money tgey also generate most of the money along with the rest of the league for spains shit economy.
All spain has is football, tourism, salt and fruit export, some textiles and banking groups.

>they also generate money for their respected country
Just like Qatar and UAE. Coincidentally they're also rely on tourism and banking, oil contribute less than 2% of their income.

Attached: 7837.jpg (655x600, 81K)

>In complete ignorance for usual rules, despite being registered as limited companies Real, Barca, Bilbao and Osasuna were paying the tax rate of non-profit organisations for over 20 years.
>That meant they saved fortunes on tax demands going back until 1990.
>All four clubs have been ordered to repay the moneys owed.

You can't really compare this with what Man City is currently doing.

>wanting feudalism

oh no no no no

By disposing french authorities from UEFA