What's the most embarrassing moment in sports history.?
What's the most embarrassing moment in sports history.?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Slip
Zoomers: Falcons blowing a 25 point lead
Boomers: The Rams losing to the Pats in Super Bowl XXXVI
Manti Te'o and his imaginary gf
The Pats legit cheated in that one. 18 - 1 is more embarrassing.
I say this as someone who likes the Patriots
How did they even qualify?
This. How did he even recover
Patrik Stefan miss
Falcons blowing 25 point lead and its not even close. Maybe Miracle at the Meadowlands in 2010 compares, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the biggest choke ever was.
Kevin Keegan just loving it and handing the title to Man Utd.
There's also:
>The buttfumble
>The wrong-way run
Virginia losing in the first round as the #1 overall tournament seed last year
I am talking about the facts meester Ferguson
Pats 18-1 or the MlelS existing.
1. Buttfumble
2. Falcons superbowl
3. Manti Teo GF
Speaking of,
>Minnesota State one-and-doneing in the 2015 tourney as a #1 seed to a #16 seed
Fuck, forgot to mention it was college hockey.
And it was pretty much a blowout too
How did no one mention Leon Lett fucking up twice.
>John Madden going "oh no,.not Leon" still gets me
>I thought he was gonna until he blew it
Fucking classic
I feel the Falcons one is greatly weakened because their fate was ultimately decided by a coin
I mean sure, had they won the coinflip they'd probably have had their 50th straight 3 and out and THEN lost, but still
they can take solace in the fact that they're the only team I picked to win it all that I'll ever remember
7-1 and 18-1
Brazil losing 7 - 1 against Deutschland, of course.
How did they cheat exactly in that game?
bill buckner, leon lett, that touchdown the bills gave up on a punt.
Travis Roy suffered a broken neck in his first shift in his first college hockey game
I think 7-1 and it’s not even close desu
us losing Copa de Oro 2000 against Canada
7-1 easily.
Daily reminder that it wasn't 7-1,it was 1-7 which is worse
Martin Johnsrud Sundby never winning an individual world championships or olympic gold. Honestly just baffling
this was kino
This man and our defense afterwards.
it kills me to say it as a Sanchez fan, but, the buttfumble hands down
years ago he had a talk at my middle/high school as we are in boston. it was really nice
then when he took questions of course some retarded 7th grader asks SO LIKE HOW HIGH CAN U RAISE UR ARM
It was embarrassing for everyone minus Steven Bradbury (Australia).
Eric Moussambani at Sydney 2000 Olympics
>you will never have a great time making a mockery of diving with your best bud at the olympics
why even live
7-1 in recent memory.
NZ at the last cricket WC final for me, but that's highly subjective.
Steven Bradbury's win was unironically based though
>Was a heavy favorite for gold in the same event in 1994, but a collision like in 2002 ruined his final chances
>Got cut heavily in a 1994 event that almost killed him and took 18 months to recover
>Collisons also ruined 1998 chances
>Broke his neck in 2000 and was told he wouldn't skate again
>Still took home the Southern Hemisphere's first gold
If karma going through that shit exists this is it
Yankees losing to the Red sox after being up 3-0 in the series. Ruined the city of NY so badly they had to rig 18-1 to happen tomake up for it
Messi vs CRonaldo epic beard competition.
>american """"""sports""""""
lol no one outside of your shithole cares thus it can't be relevant to sports history
Has to be 7-1, that shit almost destroyed the nation of Brazil.
The only thing that flops more then a soccer player is your country during a world war
summit molotov
kek remember when Anonymous was changed to Incognito and all the incognito memes went around? Good times.
pls Mr Burger teach us the high arts of winning world wars
>He shows the shittiest US city where everyone moved to nearby suburbs because they can unlike Japan
>Thinks that's everywhere
But to answer your question, winning world wars is us to rebuild Europe and Asia and owning you by paying your defense budget so Russia doesn't make another puppet state :)
>Bostonians believe it was rigged
The nigger lost the championship that year because of this
>inb4 not a sport
it doesnt hurt anymore
t. didn't watch the greatest super bowl
i pity you
When Schalke fans thought they won the league and came running up the pitch to celebrate only for their opponents to score in last minutes
when we cheated in the cricket last year desu
Spain cheating at Paralympic basketball. It's both one of the most embarrassing and disgusting things in sport. They literally pulled off the plot of a South Park episode
This is definitely up there for me. He was 4 points clear ffs.
The last 10+ years of the Edmonton Oilers
my nigga
normally I have to post this whenever it gets brought up
>the Arkansas Aluminiums losing the fourth playoff game in double overtime after being the first seed in the national draft and only needing forty seven yards
Jesus Christ, American sports are void of actual sporting drama
This, nothing will ever come close.
What happened there? Did he shit his pants?
thats not that embarrassing though, he clearly injures himself out of the block, look how stiff his right leg is as he comes up
>Lamarr Houston tearing his acl celebrating a sack against the Pats backup Qb when his team was getting blown out 48-23
>Gramatica blowing out his acl celebrating a 1st quarter field goal that put his team up 3-0
>the browns existing
Stanford's marching band
Just teared up watching the story about it on the main Olympic Channel. I've known about it forever and still teared up, am I homosexual?
Everything about the pats and the tennis chick getting a boob reduction.
Just >Schalke things
that doesn't diminish it in any way. They were blowing them the fuck out and Brady completely raped them. Falcons could've been given the ball in the red zone at the beginning of OT and still lose. It was already over.
Liverpoo are a goldmine for this shit
Wut are you retarded. Playoffs make our sport much more dramatic than your sports like the 3-1 warriors finals choke
Wot the fug
Is this legit?
What's happening here?
China wiped out independently, It was Sweden who ruined the race for USA and Canada. God bless Steven Bradbury.
Donald sterling being forced to sell his team despite not committing a crime while Kraft gets involved with a sex slave ring and will get to keep his team
7-1 and it literally isn't even close
had to rewatch it. They shot on their own basket after the team in yellow was attempting to score
The Huelocost.
Virginia getting buttfucked by UMBC
The Gus Frerotte celebration injury
Worse than Bill Gramatica?
7-1 is the king. russel wilson goal line interception to butler in the superbowl gets an honorable mention because of how obnoxious the us-12s were all year only to get brutally gutted at literally the last moment. on one hand fuck seattle but on the other hand owch like goddamn.
Gramatica Incorrect was great, but Frerotte was the QB of the team and he had way more to lose.
That wasn't because of teo
The only thing embarrassing here is that this webm has no sound. That was epic.
Yeah, one of the members was an undercover journalist
more like failey pinoy
aus /cric/ getting caught blatantly cheating south africa
Superbowl 3.
that was because Richie Incognito's bantz were so good one of his teammates quit the team, and Incognito is similar enough to Anonymous that it worked
>Arkansas Aluminiums
>not the Arkansas Aluminums
You had one job
probably the Juventus relegation from being condemned for bribing refs, Calciopoli
>reading bottling a 4-0 lead
>arse conceding to reading five fucking times
Embarrassing for both teams
Spaniards pretending to be retared to win a gold medal in the special olympics
did someone say buttfumble yet?
Because buttfumble.
that shit was just ridiculous
there's no parity in CBB so there's no excuse whatsoever
it's like if the Falcons choked against North Dakota State or if Brazil lost to Austin FC
Jans Itor deleting all the /span/ threads on a Caturday