Why are catholic nations so elite at sport? Also how do we become a darker blue. What do we do about the protestant problem?
Why are catholic nations so elite at sport? Also how do we become a darker blue...
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>still believing in god
top KEK
die papist mutt
America and Russia aren't Catholic.
>muh FIFA
We are a catholic nation and are growing by the minute with mexicans and central americans sneaking in. Tick tock protestant whore
*tips fedora*
>Mexico, Central America, pooland are elite
elite boxers
>Central America
elite baseball players
elite weightlifters
also twice world champions in volleyball last two times
because Catholics believe in hardwork, dedication and shaming family members that are unsuccessful
it breeds good athletes
Go spread your idolatrous, kid molesting heresy somewhere else Papist scum
This but unironically
>not praying to God to offer thanks for the gift of life he has bestowed upon us all
that doesn't even correlate well, dumb american
Unironically this
Can't believe people still fall for this scam
Same for Orthodox tho
because catholic are idle and crave leasure, fame and easy life,, instead of spirituality
Thank you God for continuing to save our Queen. I love You.
Extremly based & blessed thread
>Also how do we become a darker blue.
do nothing
serious question, what are the main ideological differences between a catholic and a protestant? besides protestants not following the catholic church
Considering how retarded the evangelicals are, I'm almost on your side. I'm still gonna cover my ass, though.
protestants worship the devil and catholics worship God
Catholic people like to worship saints and "images". Protestants are against that. They say you can only worship god
Some Catholics worship mary because they consider Jesus god and so mary is the mother of god. Protestants don't accept that and see jesus as the son of god and not god himself. (I think)
Protestants want to follow the bible more, etc..
This is what I think but I don't know too much because I'm an atheist.
>tfw our South is Catholic, our North is Protestant
>tfw most of our best athletes come from the South
you might have a point there....
>Why are catholic nations so elite at sport?
The odds are in your favour when you belong to the right faith
Catholics believe in shagging little boys, Protestants believe in divorcing thots.
Protestants think that all you have to do to go to Heaven is to have faith, and only accept some books of the Bible as the holy truth and have no regard for tradition
Because God is the best PED
>Catholic exposing himself as someone of little faith
Erry tiem
>t. IURD scum
Have you paid your tenth this month yet, Edir?
for the first time in my life i saw some cuck with this vape shit at a bar last night
wanted to punch his face in to be honest
I'm not a Christcuck, retard. Hurry up and shut down IURD in Portugal already
Be quiet, do they have decent Internet in East Belfast?? Also some protestant TV evangelicals are pedos so the old pedo thing is getting boring..
protestants are a scam, literally jewish sect of church
Protestants have zero traditions and think worshiping saints and the virgin mother is a sin because they are retarded
Protestantism is just about following what is specifically written in the bible and having a personal relationship with God.
Catholics believe the church has divine authority, so they follow laws and traditions made by the church as well even if they have nothing to do with the bible
No surrender the popes a bender
Tbf, protestants don't have layer upon layer of protection measures to cover up their paedos so WYSIWYG, the Catholic Church is nothing more than a gold-plated child prostitution ring funded by guilt and mysticism.
Catholic’s believe in transubstantiation Protestants do not but sometimes practice it as symbolism.
>posts the most pedophilic medium in existence
Daily reminder that weebs are pedos and need to be exterminated. Weebs out
>80 to 90% catholic
That's bullshit.
Sociologist here
Protestants are by definition individualistic, that made your countries grow richer
Catholics are more collectivistic
Protestants are still good at individual sports like boxing and catholics are better at team sports like football
Obviously that's talking about popular sports, before you say "but rugby is dominated by protestants", yes, but's that's a middle upper class sport played by a minority of the world
Amongst relgious people, obviously
I think that number is outdated tho, catholicism is going down and these baptists american/brazilian religions are growing
There are a surprising number of differences. However they seem like pedantic technical details to people outside of Christianity.
You can tell them apart just by looking at there churches usually. Also, Protestants don't give a fuck about Latin. At least here in the Americas.
god is great
>east timor
>living next to a huge muzzie country
bold strategy cotton
luv God
luv sports
ate sins
simple as
lmaoing at these jelly pr*Testants
I'm not Catholic (officially Protestant, but don't give a shit about religion either way), but I'm still thankful for Catholics for the beautiful momentous churches they built around the world.
Protestants can't build churches for shit, they look crappy and bland as fuck most of the times
>muh minimalism
the catholic church stole all the money from the peasants in the middle ages to build those churches just saying