/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Yet Another Alfa Edition

>Countdown to Australian GP:
(click menu on left for session times)

>Countdown to FKino at Sakhir:

>Countdown to SuperKino with MarkeGOD at Suzuka:


>Winter Stream

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
156 (158 entries)

Merc are underdogs because of it's handling t. Buttass
Calderon at F2
McLel in flames
Asian F3 soon

Attached: 1550788348715.jpg (440x660, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

getraceresults.com/Results/organisator/2019?evenement=Asian Le Mans Series&race=4H of Sepang - Asian Le Mans Series 2018-2019

God damn this is abysmal pace


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Show us your bets for the season, lads

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Asian F3 in 5 minutes

Checking in for the first time this year, what's new coming into this season?

Saw some new teams/name changes and driver switches. Anything new with the car? Regulations? Etc.

Forgot the link :^)


fuck off and use Google, casual filth

Cars are even thiccer now, at the cost of some complexity.
Drivers are a mess, teams are getting meme sponsors and Mercedes are playing the underdog tactic again.

Don't make get the SC.


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Is Zonta based? He is from my city

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stream is go


>Channel 9

based Australian recording all these races in the 90’s/ early 00’s.

>cat penis

I just download the races from f1fullraces

>based Australian autism

FTFY :^)

>muh Mercedes F1 W07
>muh Ferrari F2004
>muh Williams FW14B
>muh McLaren MP4/4
fuck outta the way, losers
the Bugatti Type 35 is the greatest and most successful race car of all-time

Attached: bugatti-type35.jpg (1920x1280, 187K)

What time is it now in australia bro?

>3 hours before Asian F3 race 1
>set alarm so I don't miss it
>alarm goes off
>turn it off
>fall back to sleep like a moron
>wake up just before race 2, four hours later


Forgot to say:
>decide to take a nap before the race

Ten was better.


>that windscreen

Attached: Dz1yp4wWsAEWrHx.jpg (800x498, 70K)

>international stream
>Australian commentator
>keeps mentioning that Doohan is Australian

Why are commentators all such kankerous >muh country's driver brainlets?
Is it really that hard to actually be a professional?

what if it's true, but not because he's faster than Vettel but because Mercedes keep having the fastest car until Seb retires

Pandering to those who do think like that is considered a "professional" trait.

>races not live
>scheduled for 1030
>big brother up late
>race coverage doesn’t start until 130

No thanks mate

Why do BASED Germans make Brits sperg so hard?

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They had GOAT commentary and aesthetics though.
Those were the days.

I want to read this article

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>commentator spends 2 laps explaining the championship points
>the entire time confuses the first and second in the championship

RVK will have a 12 point lead going in to the last race if it stays the same, not Yify Torrents.
Fucking moran.

Oh dear.
Poor girl.

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>"Ticktum has won the Macau GP twice"

Imagine counting the first win.


>Commentator saying that ticktum will go to f1
Good joke

What happened the first time? I didnt watched, only the second one

>commentator claiming that Doohan is a future F1 driver

If he didn't have daddy's name, no one would even know he existed

>pic related
Note "Arden" and "Prema" for those results too

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f1 needs a villain



thats hamilton and merc. bottas is vader so hopefully he has his redemption arc soon

Oh, this one... I didnt remember that dickburn won, sad that I was cheering for camara

>first two rounds had a Brit as commentator
>did nothing but talk about Ticktum the entire time
>Ticktum gets EXPOSED and ragequits the series
>British commentator is gone too

Really makes you wonder how many ragequits there were...

First win was a Bradbury.

Asian Lemans qualy in 1 hour and a half

>not like anything else is on today

If Yify Torrents wins race 3 tomorrow, RVK wins the championship with 3rd, and ties with 4th and loses on wins countback

Why le mans series, even the european one, have so little gt cars?

Speaking of F3, what's Guanyu Zhou doing this season?

>Feline will never force you to wear her clothes and be her sissy BFF

Why even live?

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>the podium announcer:
>"now... shammy pang"


>Sauber Junior Team by Charouz
Why such a big name?


Oh right. That's a good field (ie it's basically the Euro F3 field from last year).

she cute

ok what kind of anime garbage are you fuckers watching to shit up the general with this degeneracy?

>shit up the general


Stroll and Latifi are both ugly mongrels

Being a leaf is suffering

Is there anything Ticktum can do at this to make himself less likable?

>singling out those two chimps when
>de vries
>are all far worse and actually are mixed
y tho

Kill Mick Schumacher in a Formula 1 crash in 2021

I'm sure he'll think of something.

Holy shit look at these faggots

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He has 1/1000000000th of a point though.
The endless crash montages in the trailer was cringe as fuck.
Nothing but appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Damn, I didnt know Matsushita looked so badass

He looks like youtube.com/watch?v=Mm2ATZzBuVU in that pic

The only decent thing in the trailer was the seeming lack of bias towards any specific outfit/driver.

Because france, germany and britain et. al have other drivers in the sport at the moment.

There is a bootload of f1 docus on F1TV

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>its been 124 days since Kimi's last win

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He's a pussy, but the trailer was garbage. It focused way too much on crashes, which happen like once a race at most. That trailer made it look like someone is flipping every lap

Stream go now.

We already have a few British F1 drivers.

Miga :D

good post

Because privateers like running LMPs and GT3s for some reason. GT3s are in Blancpain though.

>The endless crash montages in the trailer was cringe as fuck.
It's aimed at Americans. That's why it had super speed jumpcuts abd crash montages.

Dries is such a qt

They are eternally seething for whatever reason, while nobody cares over here. Quite sad actually. Same goes for football.

>play it's the finally few second bef-
>grab some cheeky wins with sauber in first year
>Charles fucking retires after the season
>ticktum is new RB driver
>Ferrari replaces gimi with winkelhock

Realistic game desu

>kimi won't secondberg to wdc this season
heh, just you wait, filthy detractor, just you wait

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*does ahegao to get sponsorships in your path*

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>Full chat with Mika
>it was ok

Memeing aside, I think it's because it's been nothing but downhill for England and the British Empire in general since the war. So they like to live in the past because that's where they have glory to be proud of, and living in the past means they're still seething at Germany.

Those tights make me diamonds.

I mean its a pretty good business model, belle delphine probably earns more than t.oto doing just that.

good god I want to cum on that tongue. How much is that on her sponsor roster?

I fucking love Flo-viz shots

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We need finns

Big dick Mick is going to be quick

I unironically hope not.
3 years straight with a rookie winning is not a good sign

LWL until Leclerc and MiniSchumi dominates the entire field by alternating WDCs each year

For me, it's TBA.

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>Racing Point still using the Force India URL

>"Alfa Romeo" still using social media accounts named Sauber

Nyck doesn't look too bad desu.

I can't even find alfa's team official twitter

It's @alfaromeoracing

Are you retarded?

I thought it should be f1 related for some reason so I searched for alfa f1.
Yes I am.

That's fucking scandalous. I'll be right back lads

Insta is still instagram.com/sauberf1team/ though

Is she hiding a big forehead or something

Good morning, you fucking idiots.


Ted Kravitz leaving Sky Sports to work for FOM apparently.

are you sayan she looks like vegeta

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

>two days not online
>calderon in f2


What's the spee archive I need to find that Japanese Autosport article link

kek, I thought the Ted thing was just bait.

>A gril will never look at you like this

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feels batman

>Ted has fallen out of favour with the new Sky F1 boss Scott Youngand has not had his contract renewed
Also uses the words
>some gossip
so take it with a ton of salt

Fuck's sake, Sky have signed for drivers than Monisha.

What, pray tell, did he mean by this?

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He will be replaced with either a women or a "person of colour". Screencap this.

starting to think it's proper american hours lads
push out

>citing tj13
they're going off a deleted tweet from a literal who Hamilton fan ffs.

What could have he possibly implied with that?

Chandhok has replaced him.
>that means no more williams tv

>muh victimhood complex

kek rent free

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anything but that fucking street shitter. Indian accent makes my skin crawl.

So no more autismbooks?

Calm down snowflake

His accent isn't that pronounced

Then don't watch it, you fucking idiot

>not liking Karun

LMAO you can't even think of your own comebacks

Not gonna miss Ted too much desu, if only they could get rid of the screamer too and pair comfy Brundle with someone competent

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Wish they'd get James Allen back to do pitlane reporting tee bee haytch.

dear god no.

They should put Buxton and Legard together and force cunts to listen to them.

ted out
saward in

death to mana.

death to manor

don't even joke about it

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they're already dead.

crofty out
big daz's ghost in

Croft out
Twain in

death to skyf1 and f1tv *nglo biased commentary

Crofty out
The finn screaming KIMI RRRRAAAAAIKKONEN in Monza in

>And it's a balmy 34 degrees here in Melbourne today as we await the start of the first race of the season. I'm Will Buxton and with me in the commentary booth is Will Stevens and joining us from the pits is Joe Saward. Is that smoke coming from the brakes of the Williams after the formation lap, Joe, or are you seething?

Kravitz out
Kravitz in

Kravitz out
Slotover in

Ted out
Walker in

replace the whole sky crew with italians

english language competency not required

Panties out
Benis in :DDDDD

Did you wake up after that?


Slotover in
Ashes out

I fucked the cop's daughter and he and I are range buddies now and everyone cheered

>Ted out
>Kai Ebel in!

Attached: based Kai.jpg (640x853, 74K)

Ted notebooks available on F1TV would be nice at first thought, but then I realised that FOM wouldn't allow Ted to bring up topics and paddock rumors which would be sq bad on FOM or Liberty...

this is the first good one actually (pic hopefully related)

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Imagine thinking about not disclosing what's going on in your pitbox or claiming the you are the underdogs when this guy is approaching you with a microphone

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who here /cosy/

Personally I'm sick and tired of ex-drivers taking over all the roles.

Same problem football has.


>Imola's mayor wants stricter noise rules
>Basically to kill off the circuit's activities


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Why is everything just getting worse everywhere?

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>Ted's dead, baby.

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>Ted's dead baby

Found Ted.

there arent even any races going on
why are you faggots talking so much

>noise rules
F1 is ok then?


glossy out
matte in

gf discovered my sophia folder lads

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Is she hot? Do you live north of Rockhampton?

no and no

>is she hot
Absolutely based madlad

Was she jealous?

Tell her you deleted it, then

What are you talking about?

Camel racing is on.


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how does he do it lads

Cucktas :D::D:D so shit die from cancer

I'm glad they covered the humps. The camels were getting too aero-dependent.

>Begone Detractors!! REEEEE

I guy I went to school with claimed to have a pet camel back in Pakistan

*has the second fastest car*

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Federica would stay at Sky Italia still.
How're you spending your weekend lads?

>you will never look at him like this
now this is true suffering

>*3rd fastest when it works



I'd like to thank our sponsors.

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How can we get him back lads?

Cuddling up with my kots and doing nothing all day or gaming meanwhile

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Porn stars as presenters.

Ted out
Porn stars in

Cuxton OUT
Sasha Grey IN

Ted in
Ted out
Ted in
Ted out
Ted in
Ted out

Karun replaces Ted


So, three weeks

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i've been in a pornstar. best $700 i ever spent

Came up totally organically. In every thread somehow.

That's where he got the name Slutlover from.

barely one in five threads. there's the user that found a can of Rich Energy (tm) (patent pending). there's the user that drives ferraris on track days. there's presumably the user that's bought olivia's panties and will share pics when he's done jerking into them - i have no problem with people expressing their excitement at doing things that are exciting.

>plus it's tangentially /f1/ related because she's the only pornstar i've seen getting fucked in a video trackside on a grand prix weekend unless you can furnish me with others

>plus tf, tp... are you anny?

Just hair ted?

I swear they fired Ted because of that mexican GP mess of a notebook

crying and wanking


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It's a sign. The sabbatical is ending.

Prepare your finest memes, lads.

good post

Who /excited/ here?

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Oh boy. Its less than the summer break

I truly hope somebody brings back that idea to have retired f1 drivers race each other.
Would be peak meme

Checo said the Racing Point of 2019 will arrive on Australia, new meme aero incoming?


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Gimi is in a superstate of being retired and not retired at the same time

I can't believe Seb posted that, what a jerk!


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Artificial flavourings is the same as masturbation, which is the same as DRS, it's fake and the real one is much better

Which is why RICH ENERGY™®© is the go to beverage for every human being, no artificial flavourings, it will get you laid, and F1 cars brandishing the logo don't need DRS to overtake and race. RICH ENERGY®®®™©, the energy for you.
(Detractors need not apply)

Attached: DUoK7zhX0AEdhty.jpg (1200x675, 103K)

Well...Who has the last Ferrari win?

why? it's gonna be MWL/HWL again

How did detractors meme even started? I completely missed that.

How much sugar per can, kind sir?

Ah yes, RICH ENERGY®% is the go to drink for energy and feeling energised, any other inquiries

How many years did Amx and Ricky sign for in their latest contracts? I think Bottas will be after this year.

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no idea what this webm is

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That is the most erotic thing I have ever seen

This makes my rich energy can the BIG can

WHY haven't I named any of my saved webms

it's a mess

Attached: 1532971631387.webm (700x394, 740K)

*out after this year

looks like penises

>This is not photoshopped
Oh boah

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>Deletraz: 3rd full year in this series, 1 full year in F3.5
>Matsushita: 4th full year, one full year of Super Formula
>Mazepin: literally has never won a championship
>de Vries: 3rd full year in this series, plus one year in FR3.5
>Sette Camara: 3rd full year
>Latifi: 4th full season, several entries as far back as 2014
>Ghiotto: 4th full season, plus a year in FR3.5
>Gelael: 4th full season, plus half a season combined with a full year of FR3.5
>Ilott: never won a championship
>Correa: 0 wins in GP3
>Calderon: 2 (two) wins in 253 open wheeled races
what a field...

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Reminds me of this

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Big dick mick is going to make easy work of this field and then kick the frog out of Haas next year.

me neither lol

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I rate 7rooms, he was ok before breaking his wrist in Monaco, this year he might do it.
Plus I'll always be /Ghiotto/ and he can do no wrong in my eyes

I have sexy thoughts watching this

Post yfw turns out Big Dick Mick has size that big, he can make Emillia the next Corina, and he does

He's headed for Sau- Alfa Romeo, where Kimi will carry out his last duty for his Ferrari career that began with Schumi stepping aside for him, by mentoring Schumick as his apprentice in his first year in F1, before we are delivered from Mercedes dominance by Quick Mick, as the prophecy foretold.

For me it's the W196 because it spawned the greatest road-going car of all time

How'd Enzo get the idea for the 250GT California SWB fromthe W196?

>tfw schumi actually isn't brainded veggie and carefully plans his son's career and plans to reapear in 2020 with another decade of ferrari domination
that cheeky bastard

why is dickbum not in F2?

One of his better outfits

Because he doesn't want to lose three series to two Schumachers in twelve months

Marko doesn't like it
Plus he would be BTFO

Attached: careerendingchoke.jpg (1202x369, 52K)

god, yes, I forgot
>the famous red bull academy

I've been looking at this car, lads, and the erection hasn't gone away after four hours. Do I need to seek medical attention?

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Ouch, I'd really wanted to see him in F1, he looks like a completely Villain, but good guy at all

i recommend looking at the Williams for a while

Lol - That's a bloody good idea... FW42, Frank, or Claire?

all are equally unappealing


Flawless victory

>He doesn't prefer the 300 SL

Jokes aside, the Gullwing is fucking gorgeous, but I've been enraptured by the 14f/cali for as long as I can remember; I once got to stand next to one in a museum in Sinsheim and I can't think of a road car that's ever given me that much joy just to be near.

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>Stop horsing around and get in the bed, user!

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For me it's just the other way around

Watching the 2009 season review

Feel like pure shit just want it back

Fair call

WAGlad what happened to the pork?

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Is this the funniest moment in F1?

No, you are totally fine.


Posting with checking what it is

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I love it 2bh. It would be a GOAT looking car with a decent nose and without the fucking t wing under the rear wing.

>Crashtor wasting a great opportunity to kill AMX

same feelings, but i was watching race highlights from 2017 instead. i hope toad, whiting and every other faggot responsible for halo will die in the most painful way possible. i hate it so much, my interest in motorsport dropped big time and only with indycar or spicwheel i have the same feels as 20 years ago. fuck them all

>Now with the Halo is tencially impossible to kill a F1 driver

no u

what the fuck is wrong with me

*laughs in tractor*

Felipe baby stay cool

Fucking raikkonen, what a FUCKING idiot

Yeah, good call, lingy

>Burger "opinions"

Who was in the wrong here?

That glass shattering crowns it all

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Henlo friend...


of your mum?

the wee franco-swiss bastard

hey newfriend

there you go, newfriend youtube.com/watch?v=stb0sqtwAZA


Any other Ferrari fans refuse to buy Michelin tyres because of 2005?

This is why F1 should never cater to Americans.

>t. ling xi quao
we know you're jealous of our freedom

Imagine being a Gp2 driver and your principal rival gets promoted on a F1 car aswell he bangs your preciated imouto 24/7

>swede calls you a snowflake
thats how you know youre a mega cuck. where did it all go wrong ausbro? :^)

why does seth stay up shitposting all night rather than sleep?

LMAO he's so upset he's actually reading back through the thread for more Australian posts he can reply to.

the kids woke his ass up and hes losing 1-0

Those mirrors will be banned.

>he thinks every American post is the same person
So this is the power of abo intelligence

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Everything in that xar will be banned

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That's a manly men pose

Where is the basado brazilian retroposter when you need him

What means this for hamilton?
>Inb4 he uses Geass powers to be more faster than everybody

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Lads what’s your favourite season?

07-08s, 2010-2012 and probably the last one

let me give the bigger erection

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Not 09?

I just think ferrari overdid them, mercs have similar desing but on ferrari its just screams to be a wing rather than a mirror. They are even wider than rear wing.

Ah, I forgot this guy's year

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2010 was great.
2007 was nonstop memes.
I don't really remember schumi seasons, should probably refresh on those some day.

also this

>vell for sure ve are de underdogs now
>zis is as gut a time as any to remind all of our title sponsor


Attached: vettel - india 2013 1.jpg (1600x900, 123K)


>no big crashes
>no baku ’17 -tier races
>no wet races
worst season of this decade

testing season is besting season

Hello buttass

Business idea: make drivers change their own tyres

07 la

Ironically, I’m a Cucktas hater


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please check your voicemails.

I check them at 8AM, 2PM and 8PM
everyone I work with knows I don't take calls and they still try to call me


Well la di fucking da mister I don't take phone calls what if it's urgent

then they should send me a text saying "call me asap, it's important"

2000 and 2003 although 2010 was pretty nice too.
And Not because of >Muh German drivers but because they were tense and had late title deciders

>everyone should modify their life to accommodate you
fuck off

He got his driving genes from a finn tho

Lmao nice op

>something important needing immediate attention comes up for work
>waste half an hour or more playing tag or hoping you check your phone

I know that very well

Attached: 1546984553420.jpg (894x1192, 173K)

They need me, I don't need them
>have your phone vibrate once and the lock screen show up when you get a text
>quickly glance at it and read the message/a portion of it

>They need me, I don't need them
you literally could not do your job without them

>They need me
oh are you Barry Crimble?

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but i've only been watching since 2011 desu

yeah, that was easily the worst season

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How come nobody goes for a livery like this anymore?

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My first was 2012. I think I was lucky

Unironically based


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i really hate the front wing on the Ferrari 312T's later models

Attached: ferrari_312_t5.jpg (1024x768, 457K)

>snow plow activated

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Eaten almost immediately. They were nice.

I had one for breakfast.

1997, even though i haven't watched it yet kek youtu.be/-EjdETRR7QA luv it, "bang goes the mugen". other than '97 it's 2003, 2007 and 2010

we need tiny front tyres and hueg rear tyres again

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*vrum vrum*

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Benis hard :DDDD

wiggle wiggle

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I watched F1 from Singapore 2008 GP to the first five laps of the 2017 Australian GP. My favorite GP would have to be Brazil 2008, my favorite season would have to be 2010. If anyone asks, I kinda just loss interest in motorsport around that time.

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Can you even satisfy a car like that if you don't have at least an 8" x 6" dick BREHS...

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*serrupticiously bends over by the winners stop point*

>no girth
would be ashamed to drive that car

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*accidentally overshoots stopping point*

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that his own logo

That era manages to look gradually even more horrible as the time goes by.

Is this, dare I say, the end of Mick?

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Horses have BDE

you think emilia could take that?

Leclerc needs his very own Buttass.

mare pussy though

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Just made a bet for Kimi WDC.
I'm counting on you Memeo Wing.

I want to make sweet love with the SF90

I doubt memeo wing is as good as brawn's diffuser but I wish you luck nonetheless. Also Gio might actually finish ahead in wdc unless he starts crashing every race again.


for me itsa scuderia ferrari mission winnow

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how big is your binotto folder?

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>there are people ITT who don't know that Alfa is Ferrari's B team

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Yup... those were the days...

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And they still signed old man kimi? Doesn’t make much sense to me. That is like Webber signing with toro rosso in 2014

only the penis looks bad

top post

>implying all benis' aren't beautiful

Drink up brother

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Why would anyone want Wobbler in their team? Kimi has big market value, plus they are awarding him for being a good boy all these years.

Yeah. He can continue to race and not worry about performance too much coz it's all fun and games now

And don't forget that he has a shitload of experience when it comes to making a car driveable


>drinking anything other than rich energy

they need a man who will raise another man's child with a hag old enough to be his grandmother

Exactly, no team orders anymore and he can just go out and drive, have fun.

Gimi holds discriminating evidence about the involvement of Scuderia Ferrari in Schumis little "accident".

Same reason Ferrari sent Nicola Larini and Mika Salo to Sauber in 97 and 2000 respectively

Dont bully him. He almost won the wdc in 2010

go on finnbro...

Based gimi

why is he so fucking WIDE

*drives into your path*

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It's going to be 2019 when GIMI WINS

Asian F3 championship decider in 5 and a half hours

Start time:

Points standing:
>RVK 166
>Yifei 154
Standard FIA 25 > 18 > 15 > 12 > etc points system applies

If Yifei wins, RVK will be champion by finishing 3rd
If Yifei wins, 4th for RVK will result in a tie and Yifei will win the championship on wins countback

Attached: felinewang_24_2_2019_7_24_13_728.jpg (1080x1080, 212K)

What's the starting grid?

Where the cars line up before the race begins

>If Yifei wins, 4th for RVK will result in a tie and Yifei will win the championship on wins countback

Actually it won't be a tie.
Yifei will win by 1 point.

I can't into math.


This I believe.

Worth noting that Doohan isn't eligible for points, and gets ignored in the calculation, because he's a guest driver.

Attached: qualy race 3.jpg (679x960, 67K)

Isn't it the fastest lap set in the first 2 races decides the order for the third.

Either way I hope the driver get their good luck from Feline.

Attached: 2019-02-19 14.02.06 1982772528775777448_14385539.jpg (1080x1350, 111K)

Those teeth


Interesting VK getting a bit of tow into T1

Iirc, Q1 for race one, best R1 lap for R2 and Q2 for R3

I suspect that might be race 2 because their FB said that Yify Torrents got pole for race 7 and 9, and race 9 is today.
fb com/F3AsianChampionship/posts/330130847619984


Attached: u.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

You are right.

The results page with all the official results and timing data is here:

getraceresults.com/Results/organisator/2019?evenement=Asian Le Mans Series&race=4H of Sepang - Asian Le Mans Series 2018-2019

>that day when Schumi beat up Ralf in the tiny toilet-stall of a pitbox at the Hockenheimring

>mfw merc is only third fastest
>mfw it's a winless season for the reigning champion

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You guys drinking anything tonight? Got myself cheap whiskey, surprisingly good tho.

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got me these

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Don't delude yourself, Merc are going to win from pole in Australia

>robuust bier :D
Is it expensive, since it's 10%?

for me, it's the premium energy drink

Attached: dsc02371-kopie-47f194ce.jpg (600x600, 26K)

snow plow you say

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his time

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Usually like 1,20 a piece? I got these for 3 euros for 4 cans, though. So I bought a bunch

what is it lad? glendronach 12 here.

>Do the litter picking after the Lincoln match
>Find an empty can of 30p euroshopper energy drink in the home dugout

Do you think I can get Rich to sponsor the Shrimps?

Attached: Euroshopper.jpg (1200x750, 166K)

damn that sounds nice, one of the cheapest 8,5% .33cl is 2,75 here
idk if they sell it under a different name in other countries

Attached: leijona.jpg (598x1313, 96K)

every chance lad. shop it in here and tweet them.

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_D0GB0PrWoAEM.jpg (1200x900, 367K)

Rumor says Honda bypasses MGU-K's 2 MJ recovery limit by transferring energy from MGU-K to MGU-H and then into battery.

Probably others do that too.

>bottas going bossberg mode
just according to keikaku

Attached: keikaku means plan.png (282x464, 183K)

We have dozens of half a liters with around 10% alcohol in the range of 1 to 1,5 euros.

Rich Energy only sponsors GOATs

the irony is that ricc hides all of his actual emotions and truth behind his crocodile smile, because hes a dirty no good sicilian
fuck merc but theyre sandbagging

Not the first post you made on this, tell me which room he is renting out in your head.
For free, of course.

they also have it in a 0.7l glass bottle, I just saved the first picture I found
the price difference between central and northen europe is fucking ridiculous, went to czech few years ago and saw 2l beer bottles for like 1.5€, shit was crazy

Attached: 1534939494415.jpg (777x777, 266K)

>Probably others do that too.
I guess that's it, it doesn't seem a 6D chess move to do and I don't see any downside really, maybe more constraint on CE?

Thing is I consider €1,50 for half a liter expensive
>That pic
Huh, someone saved my oc

yeah lemme just hold hands with him and sing kumbaya. maybe we can make a post about it and our wifes sons later on leddit?
i dont like him now fuck off faggot

Attached: considerthis.jpg (652x488, 70K)

based. death to ricciardo.

WDCs to Ricky

Attached: Ricky wins.jpg (800x533, 154K)

Worst Driving Cars?



Attached: 1521529013794.jpg (400x400, 22K)

cheapest 4.5% .33cl you can find here is between .90c and 1.09€ but it's manageable even if you like to drink often
>Huh, someone saved my oc
probably one of my most used gimi pics

Attached: tumpmika.jpg (543x530, 37K)

Had one last year & won twice in it.

I also got a 6-pack Leffe (6,6%) for 3 euros. Sad thing is the gubmint wants to stop sales on alcohol in the near future.

Don't forget his glorious pole in Mexico

>you now remember

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I'm so glad he got that. I'm all for Amx but it was getting into everyone's heads. This put them in their place

Based Sweden says FU
>Rally Sweden looks set to ignore the advice of the FIA and World Rally Championship drivers and continue to run its historic category between first and second runnings of stages

Dunno, there's still a lot of conflicting information about PU's and how to run them.

For example, some say that MGU-H makes 120kW on full beans and some say that it don't. Some say that Ferrari & Merc PU had over 1000 BHP two years ago and some says they didn't.

Attached: 1523455752520.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

ah i see youre the ausfag who got called a snowflake by a swede earlier today

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It's amazing how much Amx and Marko were seething in that moment


...and I believe that Ferrari's last year "acceleration surge" had something to with DC (Battery) to AC (MGU-K) conversions and how FIA measures them.

It was just amx afaik

jos seethed the most

Attached: king of drivers, we worship you.gif (700x394, 2.38M)

Nope, Marko was extre mad because "Muh youngest pole sitter Max" went away in the blink of an eye

Marko really likes his boys young, doesn't he?

he also likes them ugly

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I enjoy seeing Fittipaldi on the time sheets again

don't bully the torpedo

I going to buy new case of RedBull drinks.

Should I go shopping for RICH Energy instead??

Attached: 33338899_1938961292795487_8411441961700950016_o.jpg (2000x1334, 370K)

Not sold in the US unfortunately.

You strike me as more of a Huski Chocolate man tbqh

i should go and find some red bull organics

Just bought a can of Monster Mixxr
I'm pretty addicted to their more fruity like flavors like this and the yellow Juiced.
Although Im hooked on the Lemonade infused Monster Rehab also

>t. poor energy

Since Ted Kravitz got fired, does that mean he's a NEET now?

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

>Ted starts posting here

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All this drinking is getting me kinda hungry lads and ive got a few kebab and pizza places near me. Which one should I get?

so this doesnt trigger the offtopic autist

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>SchumacherWinsLol on hold, but not entirely
>different cars good at different tracks
>Ralf/JPM/DC at the height of their powers, ALO/RAI rising up
>F2003-GA had a design so potent, the car virtually remained the same until 2009

Attached: f2003ga-ferrari-nurb-schu.jpg (1680x1095, 205K)

The one that gives you a free garlic and sambal sauce dip with your pizza

Go big and order their largest kebab pizza

Attached: Tatiana gets a race seat.jpg (625x432, 41K)

Buy both.
Then when you get home put the kebab meat on the pizza, bit of cheese on top, and 10/15 minutes in the oven

Oh god, what if Formula E hires Ted.

Why is the world so cruel to Ted?

Attached: 678648679.jpg (634x357, 164K)

>BT Sports hire him so we get the great aut off between Ted & Owen after all

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let gimi make the call

Attached: kimi call.jpg (399x612, 34K)

OH GOD, what if Mercedes hires Ted.

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no such offer here :(
a tempting idea for sure
too expensive desu

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Can never go wrong with a drunken kebab&mayo pizza desu.

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>I made this wallpaper
>it's vertical
This somehow makes me feel old

based HOI player

nightly manapost

Attached: sistes_sugiyama.jpg (852x640, 123K)

double death to mana.

Me on the stairs

I want to Mana's box

Attached: Nico_mana_box.jpg (768x1024, 160K)

>pepperoni, pineapple, blue cheese, kebab, mayonnaise
how does that sound?

Attached: 1519071408183.jpg (760x576, 131K)

Drop the mayo, would clash with the cheese, I think.

remove pepperoni and mayo and it sounds ok

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BASED brazilposter is back

>page 4
>spamming 3 images

I didn't really leave, just was lurking. I don't really like becoming some kind of avatarfag

>Asian F3 championship decider in

25 minutes.

