Cars are even thiccer now, at the cost of some complexity. Drivers are a mess, teams are getting meme sponsors and Mercedes are playing the underdog tactic again.
based Australian recording all these races in the 90’s/ early 00’s.
Jose Garcia
>cat penis
Mason Jackson
I just download the races from f1fullraces
Joseph Moore
>based Australian autism
FTFY :^)
Dylan Roberts
>muh Mercedes F1 W07 >muh Ferrari F2004 >muh Williams FW14B >muh McLaren MP4/4 fuck outta the way, losers the Bugatti Type 35 is the greatest and most successful race car of all-time
>3 hours before Asian F3 race 1 >set alarm so I don't miss it >alarm goes off >turn it off >fall back to sleep like a moron >wake up just before race 2, four hours later
Lucas Cook
Forgot to say: >decide to take a nap before the race
thats hamilton and merc. bottas is vader so hopefully he has his redemption arc soon
Gavin Murphy
Oh, this one... I didnt remember that dickburn won, sad that I was cheering for camara
Easton Clark
>first two rounds had a Brit as commentator >did nothing but talk about Ticktum the entire time >Ticktum gets EXPOSED and ragequits the series >British commentator is gone too
Really makes you wonder how many ragequits there were...
He has 1/1000000000th of a point though. The endless crash montages in the trailer was cringe as fuck. Nothing but appealing to the lowest common denominator.
He's a pussy, but the trailer was garbage. It focused way too much on crashes, which happen like once a race at most. That trailer made it look like someone is flipping every lap
Jacob Garcia
Stream go now.
Brandon Walker
We already have a few British F1 drivers.
Joshua Thompson
Miga :D
Aaron Butler
good post
Charles Smith
Because privateers like running LMPs and GT3s for some reason. GT3s are in Blancpain though.
Ryan Martinez
>The endless crash montages in the trailer was cringe as fuck. It's aimed at Americans. That's why it had super speed jumpcuts abd crash montages.
Gavin Green
Dries is such a qt
Parker Smith
They are eternally seething for whatever reason, while nobody cares over here. Quite sad actually. Same goes for football.
Lincoln Martinez
>play it's the finally few second bef- >grab some cheeky wins with sauber in first year >Charles fucking retires after the season >ticktum is new RB driver >Ferrari replaces gimi with winkelhock
Realistic game desu
Ian Thompson
>kimi won't secondberg to wdc this season heh, just you wait, filthy detractor, just you wait
Memeing aside, I think it's because it's been nothing but downhill for England and the British Empire in general since the war. So they like to live in the past because that's where they have glory to be proud of, and living in the past means they're still seething at Germany.
Grayson Taylor
Those tights make me diamonds.
Tyler Fisher
I mean its a pretty good business model, belle delphine probably earns more than t.oto doing just that.
Cameron Reed
good god I want to cum on that tongue. How much is that on her sponsor roster?
Crofty out The finn screaming KIMI RRRRAAAAAIKKONEN in Monza in
Jaxon Ortiz
>And it's a balmy 34 degrees here in Melbourne today as we await the start of the first race of the season. I'm Will Buxton and with me in the commentary booth is Will Stevens and joining us from the pits is Joe Saward. Is that smoke coming from the brakes of the Williams after the formation lap, Joe, or are you seething?
Ian Wright
Kravitz out Kravitz in
Tyler Watson
Kravitz out Slotover in
Ethan Flores
Ted out Walker in
Ethan Campbell
replace the whole sky crew with italians
english language competency not required
Owen Clark
Panties out Benis in :DDDDD
Bentley Butler
Did you wake up after that?
Christopher Davis
Oliver Johnson
Slotover in Ashes out
Liam Mitchell
I fucked the cop's daughter and he and I are range buddies now and everyone cheered
Ted notebooks available on F1TV would be nice at first thought, but then I realised that FOM wouldn't allow Ted to bring up topics and paddock rumors which would be sq bad on FOM or Liberty...
Jayden Kelly
this is the first good one actually (pic hopefully related)
Imagine thinking about not disclosing what's going on in your pitbox or claiming the you are the underdogs when this guy is approaching you with a microphone
Came up totally organically. In every thread somehow.
Liam Anderson
That's where he got the name Slutlover from.
Jack Richardson
barely one in five threads. there's the user that found a can of Rich Energy (tm) (patent pending). there's the user that drives ferraris on track days. there's presumably the user that's bought olivia's panties and will share pics when he's done jerking into them - i have no problem with people expressing their excitement at doing things that are exciting.
>plus it's tangentially /f1/ related because she's the only pornstar i've seen getting fucked in a video trackside on a grand prix weekend unless you can furnish me with others
>plus tf, tp... are you anny?
John Gutierrez
Just hair ted?
William Morgan
I swear they fired Ted because of that mexican GP mess of a notebook
>Deletraz: 3rd full year in this series, 1 full year in F3.5 >Matsushita: 4th full year, one full year of Super Formula >Mazepin: literally has never won a championship >de Vries: 3rd full year in this series, plus one year in FR3.5 >Sette Camara: 3rd full year >Latifi: 4th full season, several entries as far back as 2014 >Ghiotto: 4th full season, plus a year in FR3.5 >Gelael: 4th full season, plus half a season combined with a full year of FR3.5 >Ilott: never won a championship >Correa: 0 wins in GP3 >Calderon: 2 (two) wins in 253 open wheeled races what a field...
I rate 7rooms, he was ok before breaking his wrist in Monaco, this year he might do it. Plus I'll always be /Ghiotto/ and he can do no wrong in my eyes
Connor Flores
I have sexy thoughts watching this
Ryder Foster
Post yfw turns out Big Dick Mick has size that big, he can make Emillia the next Corina, and he does
Jordan Brown
He's headed for Sau- Alfa Romeo, where Kimi will carry out his last duty for his Ferrari career that began with Schumi stepping aside for him, by mentoring Schumick as his apprentice in his first year in F1, before we are delivered from Mercedes dominance by Quick Mick, as the prophecy foretold.
Dominic Wright
For me it's the W196 because it spawned the greatest road-going car of all time
Nathan Ward
How'd Enzo get the idea for the 250GT California SWB fromthe W196?
Mason Hughes
>tfw schumi actually isn't brainded veggie and carefully plans his son's career and plans to reapear in 2020 with another decade of ferrari domination that cheeky bastard
Nicholas Reed
why is dickbum not in F2?
Ethan Collins
One of his better outfits
Joshua Baker
Because he doesn't want to lose three series to two Schumachers in twelve months
Ouch, I'd really wanted to see him in F1, he looks like a completely Villain, but good guy at all
Charles Perez
i recommend looking at the Williams for a while
Oliver Flores
Lol - That's a bloody good idea... FW42, Frank, or Claire?
Tyler Cooper
all are equally unappealing
Hudson Lopez
Connor Thomas
Flawless victory
Carson Murphy
>He doesn't prefer the 300 SL
Isaiah Perez
Jokes aside, the Gullwing is fucking gorgeous, but I've been enraptured by the 14f/cali for as long as I can remember; I once got to stand next to one in a museum in Sinsheim and I can't think of a road car that's ever given me that much joy just to be near.
I love it 2bh. It would be a GOAT looking car with a decent nose and without the fucking t wing under the rear wing.
Isaiah Gonzalez
>Crashtor wasting a great opportunity to kill AMX
Daniel Cox
same feelings, but i was watching race highlights from 2017 instead. i hope toad, whiting and every other faggot responsible for halo will die in the most painful way possible. i hate it so much, my interest in motorsport dropped big time and only with indycar or spicwheel i have the same feels as 20 years ago. fuck them all
Logan Jenkins
>Now with the Halo is tencially impossible to kill a F1 driver
Juan Perry
no u
Josiah Jackson
>tencially >technically what the fuck is wrong with me
I just think ferrari overdid them, mercs have similar desing but on ferrari its just screams to be a wing rather than a mirror. They are even wider than rear wing.
They need me, I don't need them >have your phone vibrate once and the lock screen show up when you get a text >quickly glance at it and read the message/a portion of it hmmm
Joseph King
>They need me, I don't need them AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you literally could not do your job without them
I watched F1 from Singapore 2008 GP to the first five laps of the 2017 Australian GP. My favorite GP would have to be Brazil 2008, my favorite season would have to be 2010. If anyone asks, I kinda just loss interest in motorsport around that time.
Just made a bet for Kimi WDC. I'm counting on you Memeo Wing.
Nolan Wright
I want to make sweet love with the SF90
Jeremiah Williams
I doubt memeo wing is as good as brawn's diffuser but I wish you luck nonetheless. Also Gio might actually finish ahead in wdc unless he starts crashing every race again.
Points standing: >RVK 166 >Yifei 154 Standard FIA 25 > 18 > 15 > 12 > etc points system applies
If Yifei wins, RVK will be champion by finishing 3rd If Yifei wins, 4th for RVK will result in a tie and Yifei will win the championship on wins countback
Iirc, Q1 for race one, best R1 lap for R2 and Q2 for R3
Michael Peterson
I suspect that might be race 2 because their FB said that Yify Torrents got pole for race 7 and 9, and race 9 is today. fb com/F3AsianChampionship/posts/330130847619984
We have dozens of half a liters with around 10% alcohol in the range of 1 to 1,5 euros.
Adam Murphy
Rich Energy only sponsors GOATs
Levi Green
the irony is that ricc hides all of his actual emotions and truth behind his crocodile smile, because hes a dirty no good sicilian fuck merc but theyre sandbagging
Noah Bennett
Not the first post you made on this, tell me which room he is renting out in your head. For free, of course.
Carson Lopez
they also have it in a 0.7l glass bottle, I just saved the first picture I found the price difference between central and northen europe is fucking ridiculous, went to czech few years ago and saw 2l beer bottles for like 1.5€, shit was crazy
>Probably others do that too. I guess that's it, it doesn't seem a 6D chess move to do and I don't see any downside really, maybe more constraint on CE?
Elijah Murphy
Thing is I consider €1,50 for half a liter expensive >That pic Huh, someone saved my oc
John Rogers
yeah lemme just hold hands with him and sing kumbaya. maybe we can make a post about it and our wifes sons later on leddit? i dont like him now fuck off faggot
cheapest 4.5% .33cl you can find here is between .90c and 1.09€ but it's manageable even if you like to drink often >Huh, someone saved my oc probably one of my most used gimi pics
I'm so glad he got that. I'm all for Amx but it was getting into everyone's heads. This put them in their place
Adrian White
Based Sweden says FU >Rally Sweden looks set to ignore the advice of the FIA and World Rally Championship drivers and continue to run its historic category between first and second runnings of stages
Jaxon Johnson
Dunno, there's still a lot of conflicting information about PU's and how to run them.
For example, some say that MGU-H makes 120kW on full beans and some say that it don't. Some say that Ferrari & Merc PU had over 1000 BHP two years ago and some says they didn't.
You strike me as more of a Huski Chocolate man tbqh
Bentley White
i should go and find some red bull organics
William Sanchez
Just bought a can of Monster Mixxr I'm pretty addicted to their more fruity like flavors like this and the yellow Juiced. Although Im hooked on the Lemonade infused Monster Rehab also
Caleb White
>t. poor energy
Juan Cox
Since Ted Kravitz got fired, does that mean he's a NEET now?
2003 >SchumacherWinsLol on hold, but not entirely >different cars good at different tracks >Ralf/JPM/DC at the height of their powers, ALO/RAI rising up >F2003-GA had a design so potent, the car virtually remained the same until 2009