"Welcome to the Jupiter Day Spa, how can we help you today sir?"

"Welcome to the Jupiter Day Spa, how can we help you today sir?"

Attached: Jupiter Day Spa_Robert Kraft.jpg (520x357, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Two fingers and one thumb up the bum, please

Can you tell me what's included with your facial treatments
>before the faggot pussy janitors nuke this thread


>Can you wrap my 6 rings around my dick and give me a double-handed handjob? I tip well

Oh, sorry, I was looking for Orchids of Asia. Can you point me in the right erectio—direction?

>being too busy bitching about other people ruining your fun to realize you’re killing the mood

Gimme the lou dong special

Worth $6Billion and gets a handjobs at a strip mall massage parlour, wtf is he doing with his life?

there were other high profile rich guys going there too, plus maybe someone more famous than Kraft

Still, if i'm worth that much, I'd be getting a high-end escort every week or at least have these chicks coming to my house

>not living the handjob life as a billionaire
wtf is wrong with you?

“Mr.Kraft If I do this do you promise I get to meet Brady?

Jesus you guys are dumb, You think someone this powerful would get busted if he was only getting handjobs. Clearly he’s involved in something far worse

it actually have a nice low key fishing and camping in that area

All they do is pretend to massage you for 20 minutes then tell you to turn around and lay on your back and ask you how much you want to tip. The higher the tip the more they do. Usually 100 bucks is the whole shebang, suck and fuck. Someone who isn’t me has done this before. All those other services they say they offer is just to give the illusion of being a legit massage parlor and not a whore house.

I'd like three Russian girls to piss on me. You know, the "Trump Special"

>Weed is legal
>Asking for an old fashioned from a consenting adult isn't


But they were slaves.

You gotta go to mar a Lago down the street for that.

i didn't mean literally only handjobs

So let's say I want to get really disgusting. Would I need to provide like an STD test? Because if you can just pay more then I'm a little worried these "ladies" are pretty much disease vectors at this point. I'm not talking like watersports or anything, just usual porn stuff.

>be a busy af billionaire with no time to meet women
>wife is a stingy wrinkly bitch who barely puts out anymore
>need to bust a bit real quick
You’re actually childish enough to not see this?

>Paying a women for sex
>Not washing off the facial by pissing on her when you're finished
It's like you don't even want to get your monies worth, get it together user

You’re probably right. I’ve heard of them doing rim jobs and stuff. Depends on the girl too some are willing to do more than others.

Over here the prostitutes at brothels are required to wear condoms to prevent diseases, they would likely do so in the USA as well simply because the ladies themselves don't want to get diseases

I need a couple of your best lady boys for a Freind of mine, Tim Bradley.

>because men are HHHHHHHORNY and pussy is pussy
>1:04:45 and onward

who amp monger here?

where can i post my videos?

>grt it together
I will try.

That sounds okay for the typical customer but I'd really like to see a VIP option where I can have my tests submitted online and then go to town on these qts.

>Over here the prostitutes at brothels are required to wear condoms
Over here we like to have sex with females. It's likely OP will be the one wearing the condom.


Gov. Eliot Spitzer on NY (a billionaire) had his career implode when busted with "high class" escorts. Might as well use the rub and tug fob chinks; as "high class" escorts will most def try to extort and blackmail you and dime you out to lower their sentence any time they're arrested

Where does one find such an establishment? Asking for a friend

yeah if you're bored and or horny and just want to get a relaxing nut off, it doesn't get more convenient than a nearby rub and tug

Easy pussy is boring, especially being rich. Escorts/prostitutes/AMP’s/massage therapists have more thrill

he didn't marry that bitch, she's just a companion

I frequent one massage place.
Is it weird that the girls will kiss you and will allow you to go down on them because this happens every time I go there?

>suck and fuck
Formerly chucks

Thanks user. Deleted

>going down on them

Here in Texas, look for a strip center that advertises asian massages, when you walk in, if the people speak broken English, your at the right spot.

>going down on pros
enjoy your mouth & throat cancer

>team cheats
>owner cheats

I meant to say they supply them

>allow you to go down on them
dude ive raw dogged some pretty filthy third world whores in my day but reading this post literally just made me gag. wtf is wrong with you

Owner wasn't cheating namequeer, not married, therefore not cheating.

HAHAHA dude please be larping

Bruh pls be joking

Xvideos, or xhamster. I’ve never been to an amp but curious about trying. I feel like the day i go i would get caught up in a sting though. Too nerve wrecking for me. However before Craigslists shut down its personals i would find (white) massage therapists all the time. It was fun working your way up to full service. Too bad all my favorite ones got out of the game or moved.

land of the free
home of the whopper

Pics of third world qts?

The same reason I had sex with my ex in her hospital room. The thrill is exciting.

should be the other way around. i've seen lives ruined by pot, but have you ever seen a handjob do that? no

i dont take pictures of them i just have sex with them. and id rather not have pictures anyway, they are almost certainly more attractive in my memory than irl

I've seen a blowjob do it.

Again, if it was just sex do you think he would’ve got busted?

um yes because that is what he was busted for

Haha fair point.
But before you go, can you tell me a pornstar she looked like?

ah shit
so what am I supposed to do if they push my head down there?
yes they initiate kissing too
I guess ill tell them no from now on.

also yes, but not saying it was

a handjob ruined my life. it happened back when i was in highschool. after that fateful day i realized that women will touch my junk so i started chasing the muff around. i didn't focus on being the best quarterback that i could be.

now i sell unbreakable plastic kitchenware and live in a van near my nephew. but i can still throw that ball over those mountains.

all rook same

He had to have known this was a sex trafficking place. No way a billionaire just stops at a strip mall Asian massage parlor for a happy ending unless he’s wants something illegal

try to choke yourself on my dick, just like every morning before I go to work

um, idk man there were a lot of them and they were pretty forgettable. mostly average looking asians. one 10/10 polish chick in amsterdam which was the worst sex of my life. cant really think of anyone she looks like tho. a curvy hispanic chick in vegas a few months ago. a skinny 4'10 taiwanese with fake tits in taipei last spring, that was probably the best one. banged a drugged out chinese hooker in hong kong with fake tits last year too actually. hm actually going through and thinking about all this i think i have a serious problem.

but you got PUSSY BRO, you got some caught up with sum bimbos...look at the bright side

dude.....he's unclericofagging

Do you newfag high school redditors really not know how to use rubmaps? Ffs what happened to this place?

Rub and tugs are overrated anyway unless they're actually a good masseuse, which 95% aren't. Over here (NYC) it's usually cheaper, the same price, or slightly more to just get an actual prostitute. Use adultlook or adultsearch for that.

Hope you at least throw a tight spiral old man

why not just save some time and turn yourself in to the cops directly?

I predict your smoking hot hapa qt ex will return to you soon. Also, half your family is gay.

Wait, is this all massage parlors that you can pay women to fuck you?
What else can they do? What do I have to look for to know it's "that" kind of massage parlor?

How much would I have to pay to have them just get naked and let me hug them and cuddle with them for a while? I'm a very lonely man. I don't get out much and live by myself ;_;

I love you unk Rico

>these are the people that try to tell you what a real man is

user, i will never try to tell anyone the kind of person to be. I'm just lonely and have just kind of given up on hope of finding a permanent or semi permanent cuddle buddy. If I have to pay for it, I just want some affection for a little while.

Attached: Im_literally_retarded_btw.jpg (749x694, 96K)

i would rather be in the police blotters for murder than solicitation of a prostitute

there are literally cuddle services out there, bro. i read a newspaper story about a qt who just comes over to cuddle for pay.

but being a human man, it never stops with a cuddle, so you have to be on your very best behavior.

kraft is bragging to his super-senior buddies right now.
old guys want nothing more than to be seen as potent.

no support for sex """""""""""""workers""""""""""""

I have gotten three massages and not once has the girl tried to jerk me off wtf

>have gotten
jesus christ my life

Uuhhh you g-guy do the..you know...s-sexy massage?

This is kinda weird for me, I used to live in that area for 18 years, went to publix worker orientation near there, and sometimes went to a reggaeton themed restaurant in the same place, and by a nearby bridge there used to be a Burt Reynolds that got turned into a parking lot/ other plaza. weird to know that famous people where getting probably human traffic based prostitution.

How much do you charge to BRAP in my face?

But seriously though, how much do hookers charge for this?

Attached: giphy.gif (400x246, 1.95M)

It looks fun and all but from experience I can tell you that it usually stinks. Ruins the experience.

this. just fucking a girl from behind when they have a sweaty ass crack smells way better than an actual fart from a girl

these places rely on barely skirting the law and seeming innocuous and innocent
right across the street from my work is a rub n tug next door to a parole office

>be me
>/fit/ ottermode nice body kinda ugly face
>hire hookers because im too autistic for tinder and ugly
>girls are almost always insecure about their body as soon as I take off my clothes
>dont want to take their bras or shirts off
>try to turn down the lights can hardly see
>wont look me in the eyes

I wish I had never worked out my body doesn't match my face or personality.

With that much money he could buy a random plot of land somewhere and own his own private sex-sauna

instead he's pulling up next to the chuck e cheeses and dollar tree and getting handjobs like every other tom, dick and harry in town

lel you cant work out your personality/mentality, fucking beta lmao.

I don't even mean farting. Just burying your face in a girls ass can smell like death. I don't fuck unhygienic girls, either.

Because whores that are undercover cops typically don't have several positive reviews from turbo losers who do this as a hobby and favorable comments.

It's like buying drugs on darknet sites, if you get scammed it's because you decided to take a risk with a dodgy supplier rather than the trusted and highly reviewed ones.

I ate an escorts ass once (and for the first time) before, hygiene on point of course. It was so hot she was moaning and everything. 10/10 would do again.

>fucking whores is illegal in the us


I really does open your eyes when you find out human trafficking is happening in your town, makes you realise that things like this are pretty common.

It's not the fucking, it's the paying.

Yes, the fact that two other high profile businessmen and allegedly there's someone more famous than Kraft involved makes it almost certain that there's something bigger at play here. That or they came to this place specifically because the "massage therapists" don't speak English and don't have the freedom to go where ever they please so there was no chance of them speaking up.

>sex slaves
pick one

Kraft isn't a hollywood billionaire or a politician so he doesn't get invited to the Eyes Wide Shut sex parties like the other rich guys. He has to get jerked off by miserable ugly 40 year old chinese women at a rub n tug. It's kind of sad to be honest. He cuts the cheques for Brady and has 6 Super Bowl rings but he never got to fly on the Lolita Express. I bet he gives 1000 token tips to camwhores on chaturbate for attention.

it's probably just guys or traps, not children/minors and sex slaves

So what should the poor man do, leave without paying?

Really? I ate a girl's ass and it was really disappointing, there was no smell or taste

>there was no smell or taste
that's the best it gets w/r/t annilingus

No it's not out was as boring as making out, wtf is the point of eating ass if there's no smellz?
At least other anons give me hope, I'd give up on eating ass but it sounds like maybe I just had a bad experience

Not much you can do if its a case like this where the cops just plant cameras in the place and film everything.

It's literally not even illegal if you're smart, you can confess everything to cops and still be fine. Just get an "escort" and don't explicitly contract for sex. I've done it. You pay her, and you have sex with her, but because neither one of you technically agreed to have sex for money it's not technically illegal.
Legit escorts will usually even have a disclaimer like "money is for time only" and will never talk about sex when you hit them up.

That's why I'm saying rub and tugs are stupid u less you literally want to get a real massage with some extras. And 95% are just there for the extras and don't know how to massage at all.

Just use the internet to get a whore, it's very simple and all the money goes directly to them instead of some sex slave chink lord like the massage places.

Well no shit, if you just waltz into a public business that's trying to appear legit and ask "HOW MUCH TO FUCK THE PUSSY", you run the risk of getting caught. A good, professional prostitute knows how to legally protect themselves and wouldn't allow clients who are that brazen.

only boomers use rub n tugs because they dont know how to use the internet

>prostitution costs money and is illegal

>Tinder is free and legal

really makes you think

Just got to dingy places with the word asian in their business title

"Massage and facials"

Hiding in plain sight.

I live in Jupiter, and my old boss was on the arrest warrant list.
“Mingfu Lu”
I delivered for his Chinese restaurant as a high schooler.

Proof: Google Maps. There’s a Thai restaurant and a surf shop right next door to that picture.

Attached: 3E744D98-FC47-40DD-BB80-69BF1F2C4F24.png (750x1334, 180K)


Ironically they wouldn't be slaves if it was legal.

Tinder is full of bots and prudes

How do you get a condom on a sheep? Or should I be asking a Kiwi this?

It doesn't mean they wanted to be sex workers. Not everybody does.

>I talked to Mr.Kraft, she wasn't a prostitute at all. She was a good good masseuse.
Yep, she was a good girl, momma's apple pie, the 4th of July, SHE WAS A HOOKAH!

Attached: 1508046614071.jpg (1136x695, 119K)

are you al bundy?

Going down on prozzies was a massive Krautchan meme, good to see it's still alive.

>hur dur I don't like my job so it's slavery