Minnesota Wild @ Detroit Red Wings game thread

here we go

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based Donato


I'll watch this game with you if you don't mind

lazyman is kill again?

Thank you Greece. I have no affiliation with Minnesota except liking this team. Thanks for Giannis on our apehoop team in Wisconsin as well.

Don't fuck us, Hockey Town.

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Hello, Grecian..

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can someone post a stream? onhockey isn't providing links tonight


ya ya ya reddit blah blah but I don't see Yea Forums providing streams.

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bilasport has a stream

why would we need to when reddit will do all of the work for us?

I've already explained in great detail why Michigan and Minnesota are pretty equal in terms of good players (except goalies, where Michigan beats out Minnesota) on top of the fact that Michigan has had a successful team for 84 years with higher attendance numbers in a run down arena in a shitty part of a city that is mostly black

you can claim to be the state of hockey all you want, and everyone can ride their dick and follow the crowd all they want, but if you actually look at the facts, Michigan is the clear winner here. And we dont even call ourselves that.

Minnesota is so balls deep in this idea of being the state of hockey, so what the fuck is their excuse for being so fucking shitty?

I'm tired of this state of hockey meme.

he's on Detroit now?
has he pretty much played goaltender for every team in the league by now?

>Wilds have a better record on the road than at home

this fucking team.

everybody at /hoc/ (I don't know about the rest of Yea Forums) is getting their links from reddit


/hoc/ is a bunch of hypocritical fags that try to deny they are redditors

pretty much the only thing leddit is good for.


Wait so do we want minnesota to win or lose?

it's... complicated
>we want to tank and get a good draft pick
but still, it fucking sucks losing every game...

>tfw no flash streams

As a Devils supporter, I root for the Wild tonight, hoping that the Red Wings won't pass them. But I want to see a good Athanassiou goal.

please win wings. i don't want to be in the wild card.

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I've just given up with this team. They can't even tank right.

Boston got fucking SWINDLED.
Donato >>>>>>>>>> Coyle
PLUS a 5th round pick that gets upgraded to a 4th round pick if the Bruins make it past the first round of the playoffs.

no team is going to lose every game and no GM is going to admit to tanking. gotta keep up the plausible deniability, to keep up appearances for the fans and also for trades with other teams


fucking finally I found a stream

Donato already clicking with the Wild's other kids

lel, what a straight goal, just shot it in

Donato + Kunin + Greenway + Eriksson-Ek + Kaprizov = Stanley Cup


Still in favor of trading Staal? I still am

useless wings. ffs

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get rid of these lazy old timers on the Wild and let Kunin, Greenway, Donato, Eriksson-Ek take over

also Kirill Kaprizov if Russia ever lets him leave


is that an abbreviation?

Parise and Suter can't leave unless they choose to themselves.

but someone is gonna have to take their place eventually

divorced family??? idk

Out of everybody that's up for free agency after next season, Spurgeon's the only one I'd attempt to keep

oh, Ek is his last name? Alright

Also, I don't think we'll ever not have dead money on the cap. Once Ennis's buyout money is off the books, we're probably going to buy out Viktor Rask

Eriksson and Ek are both his last names

yes, I got the Eriksson part

shit, I missed the Red Wings goal, who scored?



Dang dubbu


You guys can't tank for shit

ffs. if we make the play offs im going to be fucking pissed.

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We're just up against teams shittier than us, like the Rags

And plus, if we can blow a 3-goal lead to the Debbies, we can blow a 2-goal lead to the Wongs

remember when we used to have a lot of Red Wings and Chicago fans?

The Devils are above the Red Wings right now

It's so depressing not watching them always in contention for the cup
I want to go back in time


me too
the upcoming schedule is tough though


don't worry lad, tank is still on, we'll definitely be losing a lot of the upcoming games

You're a wierdo, but tell me grecian, will detroit come back and win this game?

I don't think so

I also hope not, because they are only one point behind Jersey

>veterans playing like shit
>give the rookies a chance
fucking """veteran""" NHLers getting too comfy and lazy as if thousands of young hockey players aren;t all chomping at the bit to take their place

>entering the third period ahead
This means we’re gonna lose, doesn’t it

Did I speak too soon?

Yes and yes

who scored, because I missed the Red Wings goal again?

>begging for overtime
what the fuck is wrong with this team, can we go back to tanking now?

4-2, Wild win

useless wings. fucks sake

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Holy shit two win streak, Stan Lee Cup here we come!


Didn’t you hear? We got Donato, the tank is over
