SEA: Haniger slugs two-run homer in Cactus debut
SEA: Ichiro has two-run single in spring opener
LAA: Shohei Ohtani (elbow) to hit off tee Friday
LAD: Kershaw (arm) expects to play catch soon
ATL: Mike Soroka having shoulder problems again
HOU: Twins get Marwin Gonzalez for two years, $21M
CWS: White Sox ink Ervin Santana to minors deal
WAS: Nationals have 'moved on' from Bryce Harper
CIN: Sonny Gray dealing with elbow stiffness
WAS: Heyman: Padres haven't ruled out Harper
/mlb/ general - SPRING AHEAD edition
Other urls found in this thread:
can soxie woxie pweez habs bwyce hawpa? can baby soxie woxie pweez habs bwicie wycie pweeeeeeeeeEEEEZZZ??
>Phillies started the off season by claiming they would get both Machado/Harper to which they didn't get either.
>Phillies will not be able to get Trout in two years from now as the Yankees will have twice the amount of Cap space the Phillies have now.
WHAT....the CHADres can't keep winning like this!!!!
>Yankees will be paying this man $30 million a year to hit 35 home runs and strike out 200 times a season for the next 9 years
Reuse the old thread
Why do people in this general talk like babies?
autism aside, how did everyone's team do today?
i suppose....
based. Looking forward for when we get Arenado and Sale next year, plus Trout in two years and Machado in 5 years when he opts out. Filthedelphia is an embarrassment
Reuse old thread
I think you have those teams backwards, both of my friends that are Yankee fans went into this off season thinking that the Yanks would sign Machado and/or Harper. I guess he thinks they're going all in on Arenado next year? That would be awesome.
ur old thread is gay lol im posting here
also old.
How bad did the A's look today?
*helps the chadres make the wildcard game in your path*
what do you want BITCH
>autistros samefagging itt
If that happens, you would most assuredly be relocated to LA
free casino chips and a bottle of rum
>old news
what the fuck are you on about, stop spamming the thread you fuckin weirdo
My hat goes off to the user who said "whoever signs Bryce Harper is going to spend the next 10 years hearing about his ceiling" very well said
ah bloo bloo bloo
This one shouldn't have been made, I'm not even the OP this astros autist won't rest until he gets his thread though
does it have a leak or somethin?
Okay, so with the exception of Machado, Hosmer, and Myers, most of the names you see are prospects who have been called up early the last couple seasons to give them Major League experience during what was effectively throw away seasons.
Myers was a trade who was given an extension he probably shouldn't have gotten, but was though to be the big man on campus until he showed he couldn't be.
Enter Eric Hosmer, formerly of the World Champion KC Royals. They signed him as a FA last off season, with the intent of bringing a Championship culture alongside his gold glove talents to our scrappy squad of prematurely promoted prospects. He spent all last season hitting groundouts, and really didn't do anything to change my mind that signing him was a good idea.
Enter Manny Machado, a top 10 League talent who shares a mutual interest in our top prospect with our #1 prospect Fernando Tatis Jr. Tatis will probably need to ride out 3 weeks in the minors before being called up in late April, but he will most likely play SS between Luis Urias, another top prospect who got called up for a couple weeks late last season, and Manny Machado, who sees more in Tatis than he had at the same point of his career. Manny is in theory going to mentor, help develop, provide protection for the line up, while also giving defensive reassurances to our young crop of pitchers.
In short, the Dad's are overall a very young team, with the number #1 farm system in Baseball, who has been developing it's bats sooner than it's pitchers.
The last few seasons have been terrible, but if you're an SD bro curious to pay a bit more attention to Baseball and the Padres, right now is the perfect time to start doing so, because a lot of these kids have grown since they were called up, and the best of our best are about to start hitting the Majors over the next couple seasons.
literally what the fuck are you talking about. wait, don't answer that nobody gives a fuck. new threads get made when the old one dies, lurk moar.
>He spent all last season hitting groundouts, and really didn't do anything to change my mind that signing him was a bad idea.
Not the guy you're replying to but Im going to the other thread save this for later or let it die
Can I get the cliffnotes version of this fucking essay you just wrote?
that thread was made yesterday and has old news, or are you samefagging
The padres are winning the next 8 World Series
In short, the Dad's are overall a very young team, with the number #1 farm system in Baseball, who has been developing it's bats sooner than it's pitchers.
The last few seasons have been terrible, but if you're an SD bro curious to pay a bit more attention to Baseball and the Padres, right now is the perfect time to start doing so, because a lot of these kids have grown since they were called up, and the best of our best are about to start hitting the Majors over the next couple seasons.
i respect that you don't have much, but don't let hope in, it will destroy you
35 posts /12 ips
Autistros is busy lel
Stanton is hitting 60 hrs this year
Harpie to the Soxies!
posting in today's thread, what is happening
wait wat
we're buying each other chinese food for tomorrow's spring training games
That wasn't me (The essay writer). Irrational hope is the most dangerous thing for an SD fan. The people who binge drink it are either inexperienced, or dipshits.
Hook me up with some Kung Pao chicken
This is newfag general, going to the oldfag thread
>The people who binge drink it are either inexperienced, or dipshits.
Or in the Navy, as is my understanding.
Not even shit talking. I always thought signing him was a bad idea. Typing out "good" was an error.
spicy or regular
Really? I always thought the sailors came to SD with their former fandom.
>that one assblasted autist crying over no one posting in this thread
You're both faggots, Housperger.
>spamming the thread
lel watch nobody sign Harper and he stays an unemployed bum until April
he's been at this a few days now, spamming threads and saying everyone who doesn't post in his thread is the same astroposter. Ignore/report.
Also watch baseball.
You need to quit being such a Debbie downer and accept the padres new dynasty
>that one Padres poster who is still assblasted over the babbyposting from the other day that ruined his e-rep
>powering through for the privilege of losing das Eries to daSox
I can dig it
They're going to crush your soul, and I'm going to relish watching your certainty shake until all that is left of it are the crumbles surrounding the whithering husk of what was once your hope that the Padres would win a Championship.
>be houston
HYPOTHETICAL TREVOR BAUER TO PADRES TRADE (this is of course right after they've signed BASED Bryce Harper)
Padres get
RHP Trevor Bauer
Indians get
OF Wil Myers
LHP Mackenzie Gore
RHP Ryan Weathers
Who says no? Also sign Kimbrel after signing Harper. Then bank BIG on the starting pitching market this coming offseason.
cubs fan here!!!
which is the thread?
>be houston
>become loseaton
Who wants a lazy retard like Myers?
>losston lostros
the one made today, based cubebro
its really sad....hes desperate to be liked by randoms on an anime board and retain his status as resident loser padres fan kek lol...anyway go daddies!! yay!
Same Assburgerfag
An AL team that can put him at DH?
>be houston
>get caught cheating
>.000 % win rate ensues
this is my dream scenario for this season....then pick up ATLEAST two of verlander/bumgarner/cole/sale next offseason.
the losedians...
Who’s your favorite ball player who happens to be Jewish?
Here's how it helps both teams.
For the Padres it gives them a starting pitcher to complete the puzzle for true contention. They'll have to begin sacrificing from their farm to get what they want, but it's absolutely a 100% must at this point to continue buying.
For the Indians, they have a major hole at left field. And Wil Myers does not fit this team anymore with Harper now in the flux, and Reyes potentially taking left from him in ST. They are also very low on prospects, so giving them two top pitching prospects for the inevitable departure of Kluber could make up for the loss of both him and Bauer when realizing it's time to tear it down and rebuild.
i led qualifiers last year in hits per strikeout
who am i?
Rod Carew
Easy one. Marcus Semien.
Rod Carew
Whoever is the opposite of Yoan Moncada.
I went to see what the autism was all about in the other thread and it's nothing but homophobia!
There is nothing wrong with San Francisco.
Baseball is Back, Boys!
Joey Votto
>tfw missed the game today because of work
>designated shitting streets
>#1 LGBT and libtard capital of the country
>AIDS magnet
>harborment for fugitives
>literally no one from Yea Forums supports their teams
It's that simple when you think about it, user.
>#1 LGBT and libtard capital of the country
>AIDS magnet
Are you talking about Chicago and Boystown?
Stankees going to get absolutely booyblasted tomorrow lol
DESU, they're not far off from each other. Just that it all began in Fagcisco and it's the cradle of the movement. Either way, it's good to hate both together for these very reasons.
>autistro's sissy hypno fetish
kek lol oh no no no
hell, it was rained out yesterday.
and ALL the games remain.
we're getting it done phillybros!
please stop being mean
>The Chadres will have
>On Their roster by opening day next season
Holy flipping Based Daddies! Yay!!!
Silly delusional Philthy fan, your crook of an owner is just there get his dick wet just to show Kraft how to do things right when it comes to buying hoes.
Stage 3: Bargaining
>niggerdelphia ownership LITERALLY stalking Harper inorder to get him to sign
YIKES!!!!! get it through your fat filthy heads BASED HARPIE doesn't wanna live in your cold nigger infested hellhole. HES COMING HOME TO SAN DIEGO AT A DISCOUNT!
Tell him off my dude.
my blood is set to boil...
Harpieheads takeover!
I am your sword in the darkness
ding ding ding
Harpie to the Raidies! Harpie to the Raidies!!! Yay Raidies!!!!!!!
cringe, you're not a real Harpiehead like us
He always leaves something to be desired as a hitter. Kind of like Segura. good glove though
ebin falseflag m8
now go be a pissed off philthies faggot in /nfl/ and let the Chadres fans do the talking.
best too just ignore them, he's obviously one of the samefag weirdos that is here a lot of the time
I've been posting here since 2006.
cant wait for the harper chants while the flyers are getting their ass beat tomorrow
add another tripfag to the filtered list
Based, I'm also a Pongs fan as well. Too bad he will have already signed here, buddy boy.
same. he literally just started posting today, he's one of the guys that forces this shit. honestly good that he tripped so I can make easy work of it
>literally no one from Yea Forums supports their teams
What am I supposed to do, trip up like an absolute tripfaggot so people know I've been here almost every day for the past 10+ years, "Chadres"?
No you're not you fucking faggot. You're a dumb tripfaggot cunt looking for attention from the samefagging crowd.
That's a weird obsession you've got with me, friendo. But I've got the based Harpieheads on my side so you lose!
Imagine how loud the boos in philly will be for Harpie if he doesn't sign there.
>seething this hard the based Harpieheads owned his ass
lmao @ ur life kid
And he and based MaCHADo go back to back. I'm fucking creaming m8
the virgin "lifelong" insecure padres fan
the chad daddies fans
Lifelong Padres fan here
based harpiehead working debbie downers into an absolute shoot
Not loud at all as most phillies fans wont even show up to said games when they are bound to finish last in their division again.
based and redpilled
Just means Klentak is a fucking cuck and the Owner has to play GM in a desperate attempt to get Harper now. Which if he fails there's always prostitutes you can fuck legally
m8, he's literally in Peoria right now.
>Based MaCHADo and Harpie both hit 40+ dongs this season
>Based Bauie puts up an ELITE 1.60 ERA
>Citizens Bank Park's face when
based barves fans
>philthies ownership still on Stage 3
deal with it.
If Klentak isn't there then nothing is happening.
i bet you're a cool guy completely unlike chadres
OH NO NO NO!!! kek
hey thanks man, you know I'm just about chillin' out, enjoying baseball and havin' a good time
Hey that’s logical but I just really dislike Myers as a player for some reason
I'm the most based and redpilled person here. I also hereby claim myself KING OF THE HARPIEHEADS BITCHES
Harper should just resign with Walgreens
Told you Phillies fans be chugging the blue pills for years and fall the hype machine every time like this offseason was.
stfu you pale radres ripoff
preordering my harper jersey rn wbu m8
also coronado high class of 2017 here, sdsu engineering now
This is now a bandwagon Padres thread user I guess you can consider yourself The Godfather or something
but but but a niggerdelphia reporter said bryce loves niggerdelphia according to sources close to bryce....its not like they could be lying or anything so as to not hurt bryces contract negotiations or anything haha bryce loves niggerdelphia haha.
But I am one with the Harpieheads, you simply cannot stop me for I am king of this based and redpilled general.
What's a Padres? You mean Chadres?
Very based
Stage 3 bro. It's OK.
No that's me, bitch.
This Chadres guy seems like a real bummer. I'm out on this one boys, peace
Hi nico
we led all pitching staffs in extra bases per batter
I approve of this name
Who's Nico and why should I care?
Joc Pederson
I miss Radres...
go away
Let's rally the Harpieheads together and make the most lethal shitposting force bros.
t. debbie downer """padres fan"""
is based
there doesn't seem to be any kind of meaningful correlation between these two stats so fuck it, Oakland.
Hard pass
>rich guy goes to vegas for the weekend
he's probably just there to gamble and fuck high class escorts. sports "journalists" are really reaching these days.
i endorse this message
apparently Heyman is just a mouthpiece for Boras. I know we'll never know the truth, but I have a gut feeling the Phillies are just outbidding themselves right now
just bought my maCHADo jersey at the team shop and preordered my Harpie jersey. ama.
imma chadres fan bro....
honestly yes also go Yea Forumsstros!
>San Diego lifelongs coming out of the woodwork
What color did you go for my man?
Hi Bump!
he better have gotten based and brycepilled brown desu
t. seething "always here" philthies lifelong
Not so sure the daddy lifelongs are falseflags or real now. They are coming out in big numbers. God bless the original daddy that posted here before all this... GOD BLESS HIM
>Heyman is just a mouthpiece for Boras
this is just cope from from niggerdelphia fans who simply deny reports they don't proof of this. answer me this lillies fans, if haprie loves your city so much why hasn't he signed such a lucrative contract? hmmmmmm.
Based and Chadrespillled
He was a true hero
are you gonna join the /mlb/ fantasy league?
Fucking A. Give a shit about a team, and try not to be an annoying prick while doing do?
Get mocked and falseflagged for it.
What a wonderful world, indeed.
Have a good weekend, lads. Be sure to call your Dads and tell them you love them. Talk to you all on Monday.
? Not a phillies fan but I'm not sure what you're getting at either way. Do you really think Harper is going anywhere but Philly at this point? It's a one horse race
>those tits
Its just 2 or 3 people samefagging, the majority of posters here aren't that bad. One of the worse parts about anonymity is that people literally pretend to be multiple people to amplify their voice.
>nigerrdelphia damage control
Who is going to be the spring training star that sucks in the regular season?
I’ll go with Profar
hey dumbass you're the person they're mocking in that post, why don't you go be a faggot somewhere else for once.
spastic pencil neck samefag zoomer, kill yourself you wont be missed
put your trip back on Chadres
>you wont be missed
kek lol oh no no
See? This is the type of samefagging we're dealing with here. You don't have to be a Phillies fan or whoever to see that this is just pathetic semen slurping at its finest.
hmm I dont know. Happ was another one last year.
kek lmao oh no no
This thread smells a bit philthy
kek lol oh no no
>be philthy
rodgers are you there head to the 'cord
>mfw filthedelphia scum
This is why I mostly avoid this place in the offseason. See you lads when the regular season starts.
>mfw literally any EST team
>living in the future
what did i step into?
Wanna know something that's worse than being a phillies fan?
Being a flyers fan kek lol wheeze
>gaysconsin broors
>niggerdelphia philthies
>jew york stankees
>los angeles doyers
>san faggot gints
>chimpcago whos
>bombston red cucks
>gayrizona barebacks
>colorado cockies
More like Fagthies, amirite?
dads more like duds and the astros keep winning
Man not even sure who is more autistic these days between Chadres or Folesbenis
Same cancer, different day.
>be houston
lmao @ ur life kid
sometimes the winning move is to not play
>living in pooston texass
kek lol haha
is this a padres look decent then stay at the bottom of the division only for the rockies or dodgers to coast to the wildcard
Harper to the Phillies makes a lot of sense now
>be houston
milkies uwu
Stage 3: Bargaining
>be san diego
the difference is a Eeries and a shit ton of pennants
Chadres, you have jut been added to the list. Enjoy your stay, because it is SURE to be a short one when I expose you :)
can baseball PLEASE start?
just made maCHADo my phone background
trip on
Urg... agh
All my weeks of building e-cred on /mlb/ straight down the tubes... all due to these asshole false flaggers
it did. today.
there was a thread about it.
bryce harper sucks lol
This. And the circlejerk around him is Reddit tier. We used to hate him for being a little bitch with that "Bryce I wish I were in New York Harper" pasta, what the fuck happened?
He's going to be a huge dud. Dude is not hard to strike out in a tough spot
welcome to the list
oh fuck you
Godgers please save us
padres suck my little kek
Yale getting shat on 18-4 vs NM state. for some reason it's on twitch
anybody remember this guy's show on comedy central? was kinda funny
S, fuck cowards like him. He could have gotten all the help he wanted but didn't bother reaching out.
*pounces on you*
found the padres falseflagger and surprise surprise it's an anime cusbfag
eh idk I'm sure he had been getting help for years. If he didn't start a family and his parents were passed I'm not sure you can hold it against him
yes and yes
sometimes you can't help yourself, like spending your days posting on a Mongolian woodworking board
Ofc it's the same guy. Why else would they hold a grudge against the Whos?
we've already been through this, the samefagger is a KC fan
How do you know that, curious
say goodbye to jerry...forever
Perhaps explains all the autistic Chefsposting in /nfl/. God damn meth.
All according to plan....
*raises paw*
go cubbie
>the team known for fixing the World Series plays at guaranteed rate field
*raises paw*
Here's your one (You). You fucking beta cuck SJW bluepilled redditor. Now get the fuck out and go back to your safe space.
sorry sir.
Nah you're good man I was in the wrong. I've just been really stressed out recently and I'm not finding the appropriate venues to vent my frustrations. Not your fault man, I'm sorry.
Why would you name your team after soaking meat with some herbs and lemon juice?
You got a fuckin AM radio??!!!
Poodres haha
go daddies!
Your a double dipped queer with extra sprinkles
*licks paw*
this post made me squirt
Why would you name your team after not getting hit by a street train?
Bruh, it was the turn of the century, shit was wayyyy different back then.
Why would you name a team after boiling beans and hops?
what are you coming on about
this is an outrage!
I'll wager he's talking about the brewers?
Lucchesi is the only current Daddies pitcher sort of worth a shit but hes a 4 ot 5 atm at best. Paddack could become a baller, but hes the only farm league guy I have much faith in. Starting pitching needs to be overwhelmingly addressed via fa/trade for the Daddies. 3 out of Bauer/Sale/Cole/Verlander/Bumgarner/Thor/Degrom need to grabbed by them by opening day next season.
confirmed for never watching Ken Burn's Baseball
which cusb fan is it? the one that avatar posts as the anime headless girl?
Ahhh, a man of taste
hello false flagging "padres" fan
I call them the Chadres
neither since i'm not a cubs fan but continue to cope at my daddies.
They won't be able to afford 3 of those without sacrificing their farm and/or getting into luxury tax territory (that's if they sign Harper)
Kek at jpg
aidubly jej'd
seethe at the chadres! seethe!
You're gonna reply to this one post 500 more times, right?
Trip goes back on, Chadres.
This asshole's rolling 7s and I'm stuck on snake eyes
Yeah I love Harpie but having 2 to 3 elite pitchers would def be preferable.
Every god damn website has a fucking notification and pop up "sign up" "enable cookies" "please whitelist our site" jesus fucking god damn christ what happened to the internet
That's why I'd rather just wait until the market is right for starting pitching. Harper's a bum who just wants money anyways.
Ad revenue becoming part of the budget.
Fangraphs respects me too much to pull that horse shit.
Taken over by corporations and liberals
The Padres have a surplus of highly rated pitching prospects, but pitching prospects are very volatile. I'm not sold on Luchessi, he really needs to develop a third pitch, we will see this spring if he can. I think lamet could actually be a solid 3 or 4 when he is finally healthy though. But, they should definitely sign someone after this season.
fangraphs is literally one of the worse perpetrators of this, that website is dying.
faggots happened
>corporations and liberals
Kek there's that leftist boogie man!
Lamet is on the 60 Day. He's not coming back for a while. I want deGrom (major major longshot) or Snell (might not be as much as a longshot but the Rays always trade away their stars) the most for the Padres, though realistically speaking I think a Bumgarner or a lower tier option like Zack Wheeler via trade is more likely.
I always thought of them as the most pretentious, sanctimonious, holier than thou pieces of shit who don't appreciate baseball for what it is. Good riddance it's going to die off.
Loseaton losstros
If you look at it this way you may have lost tatis but you got a former padre in ricky back!
Yeah I said Lamet will be an option when he gets healthy which should be mid season. I don't understand the hate for fangraphs, I just like using the tools to track data and try to find silly correlations that might explain something. I guess their articles are snobby or something?
The more I think about it, maybe the White Sox are trying to be coy. At least that's what I hope they're doing. They just got burned by having their offer leaked and stalling too long on Machado, possibly they swoop in and sign Harper to save face.
I know that won't likely happen, but what else do we have as fans? We're hopeless right now and this franchise sure needs something positive to happen soon.
There's no way the White Sox stand a chance imo. I don't think players are drawn to that team naturally as it has an owner who comes off as a spoilsport and having to play in that awful ballpark. If there's a mystery team out there, I'm thinking it's the Cubs. That said I'm a Cardinals fan and my biggest fear is this. If the Cubs give him any offer I just feel like he'll take it.
Why would you name your sports team after being physically fit?
Why would you name your sports team after a town of boys?
Why would you name your team after the Jetsons dog?
Also having to live in the shitty part of Chicago too.
PEORIA, Ariz. — What a time to be alive. There we were Friday, in the heart of the Cactus League, for the formal announcement and champagne-free celebration of the largest free-agent contract in baseball history …
And the team responsible for it was … hold on a second … the San Diego Padres?
Not the Dodgers. Not the Yankees. Not the Cubs. Not the Red Sox. Not the Stupid Money Phillies. Not the Angels. Not the Nationals. Not, in other words, any of the unusual suspects.
No, this was the Padres. How awesome was that? Did you know that just two years ago, the combined salaries of the 25 players on their Opening Day roster totaled $29.6 million? And now they’re going to be handing over $30 million a year to just one human, Manny Machado, every year for the next decade? Amazing.
this is a good read
Why would you name your team after whipping your dick out on the subway?
Reeks of Plebbit copypaste.
Why would you name your team after a diaper fetish?
can soxie woxie pweez habs harper?
then dont read it faggot. go back to spamming memes or whatever other brain rot you partake in
Why would you name your team after the furniture children put their backpacks in?
This is an outage!
Discord has entered the thread
Why would you name your team after the directions on a compass if you never go anywhere?
...sigh... gackt... gah
No I just don't have time to read long double spaced crap on a Yea Forums thread. Go shill it somewhere else pls
Why would you name your team after having freshly bleached under garments?
For the memes
its an article written by Jayson Stark, an accomplished and well written journalist. Ive been posting articles from the athletic occasionally and people have said they read them so I'm going to continue to post them. I just hope they don't drown out your baby talk memes, that would be awful
Always wondered what happened to Stark when he got shit canned from espn
THE Jayson Stark? Well tickle my asshole from the inside
Entitled AF
Gayson Stark?!?!?!? Holy shit my apologies for underminding such greatness. I'm reading right now :D
>Gayson Sucke
What is the baby talk memes? Can someone point out what these are? Are you talking about the sigh... posting
ok so you really just want to same fag and post weird unredeeming forced memes, got it
Back to Fangraphs Gayson
When the fuck are whos fans going to stop their faggy temper tantrum already? It's extremely aggravating to see you faggots cry every day.
That's another falseflagging Cubs fan and he doesn't represent us.
which cubs fan is it?
brown ofc my nigga also copped some tickets to opening day. very proud to be a san diego resident.
Thoughts on Moncada this season? Think it will be a big year for him?
What is the purpose of spamming this every time?
>SEA: Ichiro has two-run single in spring opener
The man will likely drop dead the moment he's released and can unironically probably still produce. It's going to be a UNESCO heritage violation if the Ms don't start the season with him
Anyone else here think ICHIRO baseball?
FUCK Bartolo
Marry Ichiro
Kiss Javy
is this the autism thread?
Ichiro is cringe and redditpilled. barry bonds and sammy sosa NOW those are some real baseball players...
>barry bonds
home run leader
>sammy sosa
best white baseball power hitter
lol JUST!
oh these assholes are really forcing my hand
to slide up and down your little weenie? yikes!
oh you can die now asshole
did i just force your hand? ewwies!
>WAS: Nationals have 'moved on' from Bryce Harper
... to what, exactly?
if philadelphia doesn't sign harper will it generate more anger than the white sox not signing machado?
To eating Haagen Dazs ice cream right out of the tub, watching sad movies on Lifetime while quietly sobbing and wearing sweatpants, wondering where it all went so wrong. .
ahahaha you literally have autism
Definitely. Unlike the whos, the Phillies are actually trying to compete.
Over 2 months ago I said I never wanted that shithead on the White Sox anyway. Fuck em', SD will be lucky if they get 3 years of high level play from a bum like him.
You only don't want him because he's not white you fucking bigot. Enjoy losing 100 games again.
I didn't want Harper either. I have no problem with latinos, Yolmer Sanchez is awesome.
>I have no problem with Latinos
Based but bluepilled
The term is latinx you fucking racist.
402nd for the Washington Baseball Eagles
Who are you and what have you done with Pengwings?
>If there's a mystery team out there, I'm thinking it's the Cubs.
I don't think it is the Cubs because I think their ownership made it clear they need to subtract payroll to add someone like him and I think the quiet off-season from the Cubs is a result of them not being able to subtract. Their bad contracts are too bad.
4 generals
How many Lieutenants?
they made millions....
and won nothing
of Washington DC natives sad.
>Yankees brought down legitimate starters
>Red Sox playing all minor leaguers
Yankees tbhfampai
....will finish with a bettee record than the pooston asstros
i needed the kek thank you sir
>hitting a home run off of a minor league pitcher in spring training is equivalent to winning the world series to Yankee fans
bird and clint look much healthier, gardy and vomit might have some competition
bird is a spring training babby though
very true, didn’t he hit like 8 bombs in ST like two years ago then stink the joint up?
>first grounder of ST is right to Andujar
>red sucks
>rafilel poovers
>don't want to listen to NESN but WFAN is always 1-2 pitches behind
>pitch clock
Kike Hernandez
Shawn Green
well he LARPs as one
Joc desu
who wins?
>red cucks
the dangerous 3-0 lead
>NESN whining about the pitchclock for forty minutes now
fucking boomers
>past a diving Andujar
that didn't take too long
Bird showing out again kek
But the Stankees didn't need MaCHADo i thought...
you KNOW he’s going to hit like .230 in the regular season w a sub .300 OBP
shaddap dad
better than that tub of lard devers at 3B, only thing he’s ever dived for is another piece of chicken from his extra large bucket
4 more hours......
why the fuck haven’t we signed Bryce yet bros
why the fuck is andujar such shit at third
why the fuck did we pass on based manny
tiger fans, is iglesias a good bench piece? or does he have to play every day to contribute
>Jew York
kekkies.....oh no no no trololololololol
damn this dude is trash
holy fuck these two have literally no idea what they're talking about
frazier's pretty good at almost hitting huge clutch home runs
>a fucking speaker does not simply kekkies.....
everything was better than expected
True Story.
At a baseball game? Surely you jest
You know why.
what game we watching, anons
For me it's doyers whos.
muh luxury tax
daddies bruh...
Kekkies v Red Keks is the only game I get.
in english, please?
Audibly kek'd at this
Astros of course
I dont even care we are losing. Baseball is back baby.
/r/mlbstreams my friend. Every game in HD usually.
lol I know about mlbstreams, a lot of spring training games arent being broadcast anywhere
fuck yes
careful, i have it on good authority that we are ALL astroposter.
based natties gonna win a natty
I said good day
>can't even win a playoff series
As i wait for the astros to play who should i watch in the meantime? well /mlb/? i'm waiting
Good day to you as well, sir.
aint nothing wrong with using that subreddit to find great streams my friend. Show me a better stream finding site and Ill use it.
Streams are the only thing that "site" is good for.
Basedball is back
time for another disappointing season doyerchads
that's a fair question. Either Sox/Yankess through the pain, to check out the champs?
Or Braves/Mets for the lulz
At least they're not the >kongs
Go doyers
making it to Das Eries is disappointing
I would give my left nut for that to happen to my team, user
to you as well
a great choice user i may also check out the angels/giants game or the doyers/whos game
Actual NEW with new news
in before spergposter
If you must, I guess?
Comfy cardinals vs Marlins
not watching, but do tell: Are the Marlins a complete trainwreck?
JT Double!
America's sport.
so fucking comfy, lads
They're getting bullied by minor leaguers right now so they might suck
500 and NEW / NEXT
Bulju :DDDDD
double kek, swing and a miss buddy