>SWN rest her arms on your shoulders and call you her little bitch boi
why live?
SWN rest her arms on your shoulders and call you her little bitch boi
Weow this hurts
because i know that, as long as we are both alive, there is a nonzero chance that i may, at some point, have some portion of her fecal matter in my mouth
Don't fool yourself, the chance is zero.
i would drag my balls on 10 miles of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walki-talkie
functionally zero, sure, but not statistically
fuck man imagine being dominated by her
im imagining it right now
If you were Floyd, how would you handle this?
Turn 360° and unzip dick
Picrelated is literally her boyfriend's life
fugg. i haven't tasted a shithole in months
finally get too fat to reach yours?
damn, i'm owned. when i was thinner i was capable of reaching my own mouth to my anus, i am a contortionist with cirque du soleil
i never did something like what i'm about to say, you know, but did any of you try to suck your own cock?
i tried a long time ago but i couldn't even come close
it isnt gay. i tried it. it would be like giving yourself a hand job
i could get my tongue on it in middle school
Of course I've tried. Not even close