Can we have one of these threads? i miss them...

Can we have one of these threads? i miss them, so lets pretend that Montana is the GOAT because he is 4-0 instead of 6-3.

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100% > 66.67%

shouldn't the percentages be based on how many seasons they competed really

by that logic
1-0 > 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-1

>only 4 conference championships
>only 4 owls

Joe won every single Superbowl he's played in. Tom has won 2/3 of Superbowls he's played in.

>trent dilfer has won every superbowl he's played in

>Plays will greatest coach of all time for two decades
>Only 6 rings

Joe played in less than half of the super bowls Tom has because his team was getting bounced by the likes of Phil Simms and Tommy Kramer.

but brady never played with bill walsh, i don't get your point?

Shame Joe only played for four years

>all these system-babby dick-loving niggers in this thread
Shameful really

yeah joe "west-coast-baby" are annoying and utter fags

Go ahead, doubt Brady; it only makes him stronger.

How can I pretend Montana is the GOAT when he couldnt throw a spiral past the age of 34?

Or the fact that he averaged 15 TD's a game and never had more than 31?

Or the fact that he never broke 5,000 passing yards? And barely broke 4,000?

Or the fact that he has the woest TD:INT ratio out of any QB in the Hall of Fame?

Or the fact that he was so shite the 49ers dropped him and won another ring anyway with Steve Young?

You ask the impossible, user.

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Joe didn't have to cheat to win his rings. Lmao

or the fact that brady had nearly twice as many career td's than montana while still being statistically a top 3 all time performance player?

>balls coated in teflon
>stickum gloves
>greased arms
>no salary cap

he cheated more than brody

even with 2/3 brady has better stats and more afc championships

theres literally no scenario you can make anymore

75% postseason win ratio > 45%

>montana BTFO 3 of his owl opponents and marched them down the field for game winning TD in his other one
> never needed other team to spill their spaghetti like not giving it to marshawn or > 28-3 or 5 rb passes to the outside in a row
> ZERO interceptions in 4 owls
> non-qb protecting/wr-pandering babby era where they were protected
> had to go up against coked out lawrence taylor in his prime trying to literally rip his head off and burrs legendary defenses

>needed the best receiver to ever play the game
>only won four (4) owls
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to the gas chamber you go joe montana fag

>Still lost 3 owls
lmao some GOAT u got there

>Needed the greatest coach of all time
>Needed to cheat
>Needed his defense
>Lost to eli Manning 2 (TWO) times
LUL kys leaf faggot

montana won his first without rice and BTFO of the bunglels

> lost to eli manning twice
> 2-3 vs peyton in the playoffs
> needed the greatest kicker ever
> needed the greatest coach ever
> needed the greatest tight end ever
> pats defense for first run were filled with hall of famers

>needed the greatest coach of all time )(i.e. Bill walsh)
>needed to cheat
>needed is defense and HELP ME JERRY
>FOUR (4) one and done
>didn't make the playoffs THREE (3) times
LUL kys ameriturds

>won 6 owls nonetheless
>won 6 rings nonetheless
>orchestrated a 4th quarter game-winning drive to put his kicker in a very easy position to kick the game-winning FG (in a dome)
>never had the greatest coach ever as this goes to bill walsh
>needed the greatest WR to win three owls (brady only had gronk for 2 owls and this year gronk is a shell of himself)
>"the first run", because unlike your meme qb who was exposed once he left so the world could see he was nothing more than a west coast baby, brady has had sustained success for about two decades

I'm firmly in the Brady > Montana camp, but the yards and TDs stats you can throw out the window, they're meaningless when comparing these two eras. Numbers are way way inflated in this era. Much more impressive is Brady's playoff success, it's unprecedented.

> patsfag "admitting" walsh is the GOAT over belichick
you're not even a good troll

>Walsh better than Belichick

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>Loses to eli Manning
>Loses to a literal backup QB
A fucking LEAF

Brett Favre is the greatest quarterback of all time

t. Brett Favre

Hello Brett

Reminder that thanks to Brady this autismal fuck is going to be a hall of famer

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>montana lets his backup overtake him, backup proceeds to have an incredible peak with the same system and even wins an owl
>brady has his backup banished to the opposite coast and even has him cursed with a glass body for good measure
There's no debate anymore.

>loses to refball
>loses to fake injuries/Welker butterfingers
>loses to "shit, ratings are tanking and people are mad about catch rules. Lers gift the Eaglels TDs and let them use illegal formations" scripting

In Olympic terms: 6 gold medals and 3 silvers > 4 golds and a handful of lost NFC championships.

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John Elway best QB.

Yeah when Montana was gone his team won a SB without him. Definition of a system babby. Brady's team couldn't even make the playoffs without him.

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Who the fuck puts Favre, Elway, Brees, or even Marino in with the GOATs

A lot of faggots want to put Brees up there now that it's clear he's not going to win another ring. Volume stats I guess.

Brady is too old and his wife is getting ugly fast

I agree
kys breesus is a goat

6/19 > 4/16
How can this even be argued?