
CBJ @ OTT, 7 pm
MIN @ DET, 7:30
COL @ CHI, 7:30 (6:30 Central)
ANA @ CGY, 9 pm (7 pm Mountain)
WPG @ VGK, 10 pm (7 pm Pacific)

Attached: de.png (1200x1200, 1.68M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Which rink has the best ice?
Bell Centre (Montreal) - 28.0%
Rogers Place (Edmonton) - 21.7%
Bell MTS Place (Winnipeg) - 6.6%
Xcel Energy Center (Saint Paul) - 6.0%
Scotiabank Saddledome (Calgary) - 6.0%

>Which rink has the worst ice?
BB&T Center (Sunrise) - 16.8%
Gila River Arena (Glendale) - 10.7%
Barclays Center (Brooklyn) - 10.7%
Honda Center (Anaheim) - 8.6%
PNC Arena (Raleigh) - 5.9%

How do you feel about Islays my friend?

LOVE the female body
HATE fags

simple 'as it

which hockey team best represents pic related

Attached: 1524728784909.png (500x800, 225K)

Good choice.

Mine tonight is an extremely rare Yamazaki.
A bit stronger to what I usually have.

Attached: IMG_20190210_004507.jpg (2736x3648, 1.55M)

Sorry lad, saw this just a smidge too late.

Attached: nottingham blue.png (270x270, 12K)

I specifically requested the elephants doing cocaine picture. Can someone at least post it?

Hope the /beav/ are ok this winter

Vegas Golden Knights

ugly skinny slag
t. flaming homosexual

Vegas Based Golden Mad Lads

Attached: 1394842343733.jpg (640x640, 58K)

Only one THE game tonight lads if I'm being quite perfectly completely honest with you

Will jannies delete this thread for nipples in the OP image? I'm scared friends.

Attached: 31432025_2117610078526095_2676907533385334784_o.jpg (1334x1000, 112K)

little early to be chopping rails, don't you think?

Always wanted to taste Japanese whisky but been too cheap to buy any.

Dunno what you're talking about, lad. Her nip-naps are clearly covered.

Weebs are not welcome here

Attached: henrik sedin.jpg (1719x939, 743K)

I'm so sorry, lads..
I let you all down... =(

Attached: 1520807309317.gif (195x229, 1.32M)

I was gifted it from my fiances parents when I was in Japan.

I couldn't find this exact same bottle anywhere on the internet.
But a standard bottle is like £80 here.
Its quite strong but leaves a really good tates.

sam vs me who wins?
me obviously

Not to worry my fren they are warm and snug in their lodges

Attached: 5ea8037ab2f389feab151e7f6af18aec.jpg (600x400, 58K)

Hey Pewds, what's your favourite hockey team?

>There have been some immigration hurdles the #CBJ will have to clear for Matt Duchene to play tomorrow in Columbus. Team dispatched legal eagle Peter Lovins to work on it, and expectation is Duchene WILL be able to play tomorrow at Nationwide vs. Sharks.

That's my insurance agent.

Attached: asdf.jpg (200x325, 28K)

i miss him

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>beavs build little buildings to live in
This still blows my mind when I stop to think about it.

Not if you’re a degenerate like myself
Plus I worked all week so it’s time to relax

Attached: veryelite.gif (500x278, 2.59M)

you can get a bottle of the Suntory old still but it's 400 dollars.

what kind of beaver magic do they use to make the roof levitate like that?

Can he play tonight though? How do visas work now that hes playing for an American team but in canada


M8 theyre 4th you fucking fag

Attached: file.png (699x831, 60K)

I do too and I'm a Shorks fan. It was fun seeing the Sedins and Jumbo in their primes cycle like no one else in the same game.

There is no animal alive on this planet better than /beav/

lots of animals do that

Fantastic post, friend.

Attached: canes blue (2018).png (270x270, 12K)

mcmeme suspended 2 games just saw the news
Laughing my ass off

I'm afraid someone already called dibs, Britbrat
Kitties are Quebec City bound

Attached: 1521171787673.jpg (214x235, 8K)

Old World Panthers are a better hockey club than the Florida Panthers prove me wrong you can't.

They’re shit and so are your opinions

I giggled

Attached: 1531285247269.gif (304x111, 18K)

yeah terrible decision by safety
leddy should have kept his head up
guess gary wanted to set a precedence that in the nu-nhl, no superstar is safe from the banhammer

t. Manchester supporter.

We’re all gonna be shitposting the jackies/sens game right?

It's no 3rd though is it?

Hope we get yous in the play offs

Attached: 040918-FINAL_CLAN_MAIN-FINAL.png (2016x1704, 368K)

>tfw no comfy den

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oi vey

>mostly-English league in a mostly-English country
>1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are Wales, Norn Iron, and Scotland

Attached: brit girls.png (540x720, 623K)

Poor McMeme, hope he doesn't off himself

Just for you.

Attached: Semyeon.webm (712x400, 1.38M)

>McDavid suspended for 2 games

Attached: 1512106445615.jpg (688x808, 151K)

Damn she THICC. She healthy

based braebro

Attached: Clan.png (270x270, 16K)

Thank you for the rare webm, fren.

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>being fat

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(Even if most players are north american)

avatarfagging is against the tos

Attached: canes seabass aho.png (540x540, 51K)

Get tae fuck

But reaction images aren't against the rules, faggot.

Attached: Dustin-Byfuglien.png (1706x941, 1.95M)

Ewe don't say??

Attached: 1524342641709.jpg (817x670, 93K)

That's a hard "basé" from me.

>mad at reaction images
>on a Burmese basketweaving forum

Attached: Smiles.jpg (800x601, 263K)

Yea Forumsvs!

Attached: sketch1522784792128.png (720x994, 642K)

>animefaggots are taking >my side
Changed my mind all of a sudden.

I say anyone in /hoc/ using the term "avatar" can't be up to any good and should get Banned

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Its hockey night

Attached: 20190222_232427.jpg (4032x3024, 3.46M)

How bout no?

Thinking about ice


DART MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

664 days until avatar 2

Attached: Evgeni-Malkin.png (1719x939, 1.85M)

based and kinopilled

Attached: feed and seed.gif (1100x450, 326K)

where's the graph on malkin taking dumb penalties with 2 minutes left in tie games?

The science just isn't there yet.

Fuck boomer dump ins

Ducks on the menu tonight

Attached: 🔥🔥.png (612x380, 10K)

for me it's the snes getting irredeemably btfo as tears of joy stream down duchene's face and tears of sadness stream down mark stone's face
would also be ok with the reverse

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30 bings

looks comfy

Ewe guise, I love /hoc/
>we're so fucking good together, ewe guise

Attached: 1519363772188.jpg (728x613, 69K)

Not elite numbers desu

top 10 anime crossovers

Attached: Getzlavatar 2.jpg (400x573, 88K)

Yah it’s pretty cool here

do aho

Agreed, above average at best

So is your face

I want your hooped Jersey for scrums

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what is Bulju thinking right now?

Attached: bulju.jpg (480x360, 8K)

Bit gay lad


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hmm, i wonder where this could possibly be from...

Attached: duckhunt.jpg (4032x1960, 1.87M)

>at rules

Redpill me on the Blackhawks, friends.

Attached: Nicklas-Backstrom.png (1719x939, 2.31M)

I'm totally fucking jealous
I'll get one eventually
I need to find new cheap jersey store

Attached: 1531114129399.jpg (1000x1000, 140K)

liking the girl in the maroon dress

You think they'll ship to Scotland cheap?

I think that's Hailey Salvian from the Athletic but I could be wrong

I can't believe san jose stole our meme, land sharks don't even exist

I guess we see what we Want, lad...
You see something tasty and scream, "Oooh, Gay!!"
>I've heard people like you aren't welcome here
I've never heard of someone getting banned from /hoc/ for being Gay, however

Attached: 1540098468611.gif (500x750, 817K)

Not yet at least

You'll need to find a local shop for the Real Cheap
You got a China Town nearby?
Do you have China Towns in Britain?

Attached: 1519875208697.jpg (425x284, 35K)

Of course you do.

Attached: gril.png (573x514, 502K)

Might buy as I want a green and white ice hockey jersey

Attached: Shark cosplaying as a reptile.jpg (1063x664, 318K)

fuck off homo

how do you know who did it first?

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poor ducks getting memed on by everybody

Attached: kings.jpg (640x640, 65K)


Want a Patrick Marleau sweater desu.

Maybe if you hydrated more you wouldn't be so fucking thirsty all the time.

Attached: hydrate.jpg (1024x576, 161K)

>.......candy gram..."

Attached: 1537347603117.jpg (1920x1080, 810K)

those fuckers deserve it

ask a girl to post her feet for /hoc/

Attached: 1522248339683.jpg (250x250, 21K)

t. crushes on a twink

I like the Penguins

imagine not wanting to fuck every attractive woman

I have a soft spot for Getzlaf and Perry

I too am a homosexual

i like getz too cause hes a good ol' regina boy
but fuck the ducks

Norway? More like Doorway because when you see it you want to walk through it and leave

Imagine setting the bar for "attractive" so desperately low that you lose your mind over a woman whose face you can't even see and whose body is almost entirely hidden by shadow and the folds of her dress.
There are almost 4 billion women on the planet. You don't have to go after literally the first one that you see.


Attached: file.png (1020x992, 819K)

more like vagina boy

Norway more like boreway because when you seem him you want to bore his tight hairy asshole with your cock

don't slam the door too hard on your way out




Attached: 1526974076962.png (651x768, 159K)

>so desperately low that you lose your mind over a woman whose face you can't even see and whose body is almost entirely hidden by shadow and the folds of her dress.
how desperate is this post that you need to completely lie to save face

shut up nerd

>Revolving Norway

Shall be rooting for Ottawa tonight.

Attached: smuk1.png (638x685, 136K)

>coked out
>cheap suit
>cheap tan
>cheap car
LA Kings

If it was a nigger with a swisher hanging out of his mouth, maybe.

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Attached: EK-65 Ranked 1.png (1707x941, 2.36M)

>that is all

Attached: 1521744267313.png (968x1113, 851K)

LA is a suburb of las vegas lad


Nothing gay about a little buttsex between nations

>Milk $2.99



actually that is in fact pretty gay

Attached: morna norge.jpg (500x375, 92K)

Big bunda

Don't fucking ever reply to me again Sam.

Need I remind you of our 7-1 victory over the JE7S.

>he thinks there is only one BING BING WAHOO poster

Ive never been to Norway or Finland.

Been to all the other hoc countries though

>Sam is already making Enemies this evening

Attached: 1534970095425.jpg (452x611, 53K)


Duchene playing tonight?

>Ewe Guise

Attached: 1540520645043.jpg (1750x2500, 381K)


Sens gonna win this one.

Duchene is on the other team.

Yes, for Columbus


let's get ready to /hoc/

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I've already explained in great detail why Michigan and Minnesota are pretty equal in terms of good players (except goalies, where Michigan beats out Minnesota) on top of the fact that Michigan has had a successful team for 84 years with higher attendance numbers in a run down arena in a shitty part of a city that is mostly black

you can claim to be the state of hockey all you want, and everyone can ride their dick and follow the crowd all they want, but if you actually look at the facts, Michigan is the clear winner here. And we dont even call ourselves that.

Minnesota is so balls deep in this idea of being the state of hockey, so what the fuck is their excuse for being so fucking shitty?

I'm tired of this state of hockey meme.

I was told you could purchase Yea Forums passes with a credit card now but I'm not seeing the option, what gives?

>when you get so fukkin high you become Johnny Bravo.

Stop posting the schedule you stupid fucking nigger. We don't need people like you around here

>Duchene already getting a tribute video

Attached: 1374101212066.jpg (381x477, 65K)

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Post cc# and 3 digit code and /hoc/ can help.


Attached: Q7oBGJH.png (220x263, 39K)

You seem upset and lonely
>I'm gonna write that down...

Never mind I figured it out

I've been pissed off since lunch. A trucker honked at me as I was pulling into a lot and he was leaving and when I got out of my car he drove away. Im also pissed off because I lost a pepperoni stick in my car.
At least GO JETS GO are playing tonight

He always either posts about hating the schedule if it's there, or hating how lazy the OP was if it isn't there.
Just ignore him.

sens won that trade

My dog can find the pepperoni stick for you. He might tear your car apart though.

I feel you, sorry.. sending some Good Vibes, no idea if that works, let me know
No.. he needed to talk, that's all..
>I can handle myself, fren.. take a break


yeah but wait for stone to bail

what just straight capital? You gotta diversify that shit bro

What the FUCK is his problem?

Attached: john-tortorella-1996-3.jpg (435x600, 34K)

>hating how lazy if it's not there
No. You mouth breathing fuck. There's more than ONE Canadian posting in any given thread about hockey. I hate the casuals it draws in. I can't wait until you die of undiagnosed sleep apnea, you fat fucking retarded subhuman

What do you lads like to put in your pho?

End me lads....

Attached: Iku-tursi.jpg (691x691, 76K)

This is what happens when you hire a dessert to coach your hockey team.

Attached: torte.jpg (1200x1679, 118K)

This game is extremely low-test

dafuq is pho?

Index funds and bonds my man

Vietnamese meme food for faggots who think that sushi is too mainstream.

That's some wierd looking fudge

Why the fuck does Ottawa still have a team?

how embarrassing

The yid the yid, we've got to get rid of the yid.

could ask the same question for several franchises

Ottawa and Edmonton should have been relegated long ago.

Attached: 1402041990552.jpg (500x456, 67K)

How do you justify a western conference game starting at 1830?

So say in a just and right world we have pro/rel and no salary cap. Which teams get promoted when the disgrace that is the snes and kings get relegated?


Attached: 45794296_1991152457620236_4923889510455967744_n.jpg (1080x1285, 109K)

>this is late for you
least coasters get out

Get ride of
24 team league 8 team playoff. Winner of each division is 4 of them, other 4 are wildcard from entire league

The yid, the yid, it's very well known known what they did

>snes trade Duchene for picks
>Duchene signs with OTT in the offseason

Attached: 1635234681.png (1200x810, 784K)

By not being on the least coast and not using military time


Based Laura Stacey
One of the biggest stand outs from the rivalry series

I don't even know what the fuck 1830 is

How was that not a hook?

how about "no."

Attached: middle finger.png (756x765, 158K)

>not liking sushi and pho equally
smhtbqhwy lad. town I live in only really has a minority population of asian people so a lot of the food around here is asian.

holy fuck I'm stoned lads

You missed the memo, no Californians in /hoc/

Far out man

try giving yourself the suck.

Damn is that 4 penalties already?

Get rid of the Jets

>24 teams
no. Should be
>Sasksakatoon HC
> Mississagua HC
>Halifax HC
>Hartford HC

not even close leaf.

how's everyone doing?

Attached: 1539854744413.gif (240x320, 28K)

Why does Gary hate my snes frens so much :(

Attached: CDB7AC57-C011-41C2-9440-51F3898BDF6E.jpg (266x190, 11K)

MST fegits

make some room on the couch m8, about to be joining you

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Post your favorite WHL team, your second favorite WHL team, and your plans for the night
ICE, Wheat Kings, and getting high and enjoying budlight while listening to the game on TSN 1290 official sponsors of YOUR WINNIPEG JETS

Just call it 6:30 pm like an actual human.

shit game

Gary is AFRAID of the Debbies Raw Sexual Power

Attached: 1548713398312.jpg (256x192, 10K)

Jets couldn't even sell out their playoff games, even with the smallest arena in the NHL. Relocate them to Quebec City.

Calgary hitmen since I've been to one of their games

I have disdain for them both equally.

I'm always so grateful when we don't have to hear that shit ass jingle of a national anthem that canadia uses, fucking hate that song

Pats, Wheat Kings, and watchin' Matt Duchene stab another team in the back.

grow up

To be fair, a playoff game on a Saturday afternoon in the middle of summer? Hockey shouldn't be on when it's hot outside. Of course I'll still listen to the game on radio. But I'm going to take it in from the beach, not a fucking ice palace

Oh canada is great fuck you

Will it be kino?

>delays puck drop to honor military every single night
Why do you honor a group who hasn't won a war since 1945?



Attached: homerdelighted.gif (400x300, 1.74M)

we'll win a war against your face
it gets stuck in my head, it's the burger king jingle of national anthems

Minnesota Wild @ Detroit Red Wings

This but to Atlanta.

That Winninigger damage control was so fucking funny.
>F-fake news! I w-was there it was f-f-full

I think Burger King SUCKS

Attached: 4AB1CB2B-2C9F-471B-886C-9576198C501A.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

Lies and slander.
Every game was recorded as a sellout.

>fake news

>having opinions means that you need to grow up

we have food at home

No let's not argue now while there is hockey on.

>late April/Early may
>finish uni for the year, get to work a manual labor job
>Watch rough, playoff hockey every night
>It's not cold out anymore

Can't wait lads.

We're not arguing. I'm right

Imagine being such am insecure fatty you have to go online to trash talk girls you couldn't fuck if your life depended on it

Yah I know so let's shut the fuck up about it for once.

unless your job is keeping you from watching hockey

who is the sticc? she's fucking beautiful

Ottawa and kings OUT. Saskatoon and Mississauga IN

Attached: Saskatoon HC.png (5612x4250, 1.31M)

Unironically gave myself a Karlsson mustache + goatee combo lads

Attached: karlssonstealth.gif (400x261, 3.59M)

No man, good hours.

imagine thinking you should harass girls in person instead of online

Debbie St. Pierre.
She's cute, but her social media posts can get pretty insufferable.

You mean Houston and new orleans

Looks like an actual giant faggot

By simply not getting a haircut for 6 months I've gotten an almost spot on Karlsson look going on

will anyone else get traded?

I've been trying to trade your mum for months but no one will take her.

Anyone want her for a 1st round pick?

If you're gonna talk shit better be face to face
Here is the (You)
This retard did give you

Houston and New Orleans will never be promoted ahead of QC, Hartford, and Halifax

Is Mutiny on the Bounty any good? It’s coming up on TCM and I’m thinking watching that instead of the hokkei since there is nothing but SHIT games tonight.

It’s the pic related one, not the one with the fags.

Attached: 5544C413-0DF2-4CAF-A5E4-E7DC85DDCCC4.jpg (206x305, 31K)


duchene lying through his teeth talking about how great ottawa was

>Filthy Long Hair
fucking stinking hippies

Attached: 1533183214429.jpg (550x733, 95K)

harri sateri looks like my cousin who had a beam fall on his head

Neither would seattle


You're the fag if you're not watching hockey you pathetic son of a dog

>imagine not watching Boats


what makes you say that? seemed genuine to me

>son of a dog
this is how you upset a Canadian
>Pay attention

Attached: 1537207435606.jpg (820x820, 43K)

>says Raleigh, pissing in their pants

Hail, Connecticut

Attached: 1522103205487.jpg (692x922, 215K)

Hartford has no building.
Hartford has no market.
All they have is nostalgia and a tiny handful of very vocal fans. They're not a commercially-viable market.

who here /falseflagger/?

he seems like a pretty nice guy off the ice. good old christian boy. he just wants to play some ploff hokkei.

thank you, they're all annoying desu women

>criticizing anyone on looks
i bet i could fuck the gaps in your teeth

Starting to lose hope at 27 that I'll ever get an NHL contract lads

Mississauga isn't a good place for an NHL team.

mcdavid got suspended?

more like mcgoon lmao

I was very kind to a lady today on the internet. She gave me sex in compensation

Yeah with your small penis

Nah, a lot of models are fine.
Not all of them spew the vacuous, trite "ladies, never forget how powerful you are" nonsense that she does.


Attached: relocanes.jpg (782x78, 26K)

in your horse-like mouth

its more like retards just screech the loudest so you notice them more.


Attached: satan.jpg (500x325, 55K)

Markham them?

>Blackfags miss an open net
>Avs score
O I'm laffin


they can play at the mall again

Try posting Hartford's attendance record.

Hamilton makes the most sense for the GTA

Boats are Reddit.
>le movies women don’t understand xdddd
>le loyalty and friendship even though I’m a friendless loser
The incel takeover of this website in 2016 was a mistake

The NHL disagrees.

>that is clearly a statue of Baphomet

Attached: 1531058344038.jpg (200x288, 62K)

yep. Very versatile

Attached: Laura Stacey rush.webm (853x480, 2.89M)

Wrong this place was made for incels. The normie influx followed by being an Incel "ironically" was a mistake

Darcy Tucker there too.

Attached: Dz4oDgHUwAA-MZL.jpg (1024x766, 166K)

doubt rogers would allow gary to segment their market.

Already turned it off. 10 minute overtures are so cringe. How did boomer retards think this was okay in FILM

Hamilton it is

Fuck Rogers and fuck gary



t.9,384 attendance per game

1996-1997 was the last season in Hartford.
The Hurricanes average 250 more people this season than the Whalers when Karmanos stole the team away.
The thought that Hartford is a "small" market that cant support a team is an absolute joke considering how Raleigh supports their team.

Attached: 13680.png (778x82, 4K)

Swap ducks for kings. No one will notice anyway

stupid zoomer faggot scum

I bet you are also one of those weird contrarians who prefers fight fight over the vastly superior fight fight fight

Early Friday evening reminder none of you would say the shit you post here to my face because I'd rip your dog fucking skulls up like Finnish goaltenders

that movie is great. The first one with Charles Laughton and Clark Gable is my preference, but the Brando version is good too

Only Hartford's best season for attendance was barely more than Carolina's worst season. None of their other seasons beat any of Carolina's.
In literally every other season, even seasons when the team was shit and hand't made the playoffs in ages, Carolina's attendance was still higher than every other one of Hartford's seasons.

People who think that Hartford could actually support a team are speaking entirely from emotion and nostalgia. It's over. Move on.

the rangers owners probably felt the same way when the islanders became a team, and the kings when the ducks were created.
If there's money to be made, the NHL will make it happen

Id drop your faggot ass with one overhand right pussy


>If there's money to be made, the NHL will make it happen
Yep. And there's no money to be made in Hartford.

>*brass bonanza playing over faint sobs*

rogers also directly gives gary billions of dollars for broadcasting rights and advertising. hes not going to want to piss off his one of his larger contributors.

I'm talking about Hamilton you sperg

There's money to be made in peddling cocaine at arenas but I don't see the NHL pushing legalization. Garu bettman is a fucking pussy I suppose

I know that, you sperg. Just using your point to make my own.
/hoc/ is talking about other things than just what you're talking about.

>reply to someone
>"no, I was talking to someone else"
Take your medication you fucking spastic

Ottawa to Quebec
Florida to Hartford

Imagine being this self-obsessed.

Duchene to winnipeg, you heard it hear first

would vote yay on

there's nothing preventing Rogers from buying the broadcasting rights of the Hamilton team. They own the broadcasting rights for almost every team in Canada anyways

Who is more likely to embarrass themselves tonight at vegas/winnipeg?

I hate when dickheads try to butt into a conversation. speak when spoken to you little brat

this senators game is more disappointing than every meal I've ever eaten at burger king

It’s supposed to warm up this weekend, I’m thinking about doing some yardwork.

sports arenas are actually classified as international waters too so laws dont apply

yah I had to get up walk away

watching college hockei right now, and there is no fucking way Hughes is anything but an overated role player

>Wild literally can't stop winning games

Attached: 1527192928481.jpg (601x508, 31K)

anyone have a nice easy link/pic of the average age of each team in the 2018/19 season?

Attached: Miranda-Kerr-by-Laurent.jpg (759x500, 54K)

If you average the attendance for the history of the franchise, the Hurricanes have 14166 fans attending. Hartford had 12815. A difference of one thousand and fifty one (1351) fans.
Karmanos moved the franchise to gain an average of a thousand fans in the seats. Stanley cup be damned.

Its absolutely pitiful.

Attached: GO TO YOUR GAMES.png (1306x1040, 301K)

Only a brainlet would take him over Kakko who is Rantanen but better at everything

I fucking love aussie wild poster

family reputations will do that for you

G'day mate


Then why aren't I allowed to smoke in the bathroom?

you can you just gotta be sneaky about it

how many careers is edmonton going to be allowed to ruin

I remember the days you were allowed to smoke inside the arena while you were watching the game

those were the days


how is this

Attached: Average NHL age 2019.jpg (1036x1166, 337K)

I don't hate the mild. It's more of a pity than anything. But Aus Mild fan is light years cooler than the stupid fucking poopeelander that constantly disgraces MY future four time Stanley's Cup winner Winipeg Jets

after connor mcdavid’s inevitable suicide the league will be forced to step in

too many

Attached: The Orange Guy.jpg (300x400, 14K)

vegas probably :(

Imagine if the best players from the GTA didn't have to play for shitholes like the Canes, Panthers, and Oilers and could play for a second GTA team Imagine McDavid setting up Skinner and Subban manning the point.

Most importantly McDavid's career wouldn't be wasted in Edmonton

Attached: Second Ontario team.png (5612x4250, 1.2M)

what am I looking at here?

>Miranda Kerr
I love how you keep choosing such bad models.
Apparently every photographer, producer, and every one of her peers who were willing to comment said that she was fucking miserable to work with. And apparently she torpedoed her own marriage because she was a selfish cunt, and so now her kid doesn't have a dad around.
What a treat.

We knew this from the world juniors. At best he'll top out at 3rd line checking center

every single thread

Hartford was a Tier V team in their own state, only bankrupt junkies, Albortions, or butthurt Quebecois would think they deserve to """reclaim"""
a team
>b-b-b-but QC!
>b-b-b-but Muh Whale!
you faggot (singular, shitposting autist) are obsessed to the point of unironic ironic positivity

suck my CUP

suck my SUNBELT owner

suck my SUNBELT cock faggot

/hoc/ a shit and the Albortion Sam is a joke

That would be great if you would've actually sorted by age you complete and utter retard

Tampa, half the dudes there look like this

I feel your pain

average height weight and age from all 31 NHL teams for the 2018-19 season.


just scroll down this page to find it

how long until cahner mcmeme demands a trade

based falseflagger

The rest of >us really didn't need to have to answer for posts like this, lad.

Attached: program.png (806x694, 336K)

love those 90s canucks jerseys

Imagine...no more teams like the ducks, kings, or panthers and actually putting teams in places where they actually have fans.

Only the most unhealthy and underperforming of Sunbelt (and oilers) franchises are unhappy with such a proposal

Attached: Nova Scotia.png (5612x4250, 1.44M)

do you have team Alberta?

gotcha, I’m retarded

sam is a Manitoban, I don't take kindly to you associating him with us

you all are missing the big picture.

Portland needs a team to complete the rain belt triumvirate.

Attached: totems program.jpg (1357x1954, 459K)

thirdworlders are obsessed for some autistic reason

link the last time a Canashit autist spent thread after thread shitposting against Florida or Arizona or San Jose

>casual sunbelt anime faggot bandwagon fans already jumping ship
maybe I can finally get some cheap tickets

will they do it again lads

Attached: jet.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Literally just ignore them.
This is the attention that they want. Don't give it to them.

Attached: Alberta.png (5612x4250, 1.35M)

youngest team is the avs, interesting.

wild average 30.29 thought it'd be high. but bruins, wings, kings, penguins, sharks all higher. mmm

Attached: jessica_gomes.jpg (708x1000, 88K)

monumentally based


Attached: Average NHL age 2019-2.jpg (1015x1146, 344K)


None of those teams are at the bottom of the attendance average.
The Hurricanes have a good product on the ice, its tragic they struggle so hard to fill the arena.
The team doesnt need to return to Hartford. Any market willing to support the team properly would do, American, Canadian or abroad.

To be completely serious, I bet the province of Nunavut could put together an academy and ice a much better team and have far more support in 20 years than 20 years the panthers or coyotes ever put together.

Attached: Nunavut.png (5612x4250, 1.3M)

why is the age different :/

Attached: Nicole-Trunfio.jpg (1571x1000, 232K)

>None of those teams are at the bottom of the attendance average.

Attached: athink.png (614x614, 43K)

I sorted it

Nice, it would be fun to watch all the Albertan NHLers play on a team together

Can we sort the teams by average attendance by age?

Bottom as in last place.


you're fuckin gross

but minnesota's average age changed? or can i not read?

Are the ducks, dare I say it, back?

You don't like the province of Alberta?

I see it too. Maybe it updated after the Coyle trade

The Bruins age changed too; I don't trust that shit

>dallas confirmed for old fatties

yeah a few numbers have changed not just mins average age, but yeah probably due to trades.

Attached: Kelly-Gale.jpg (1024x683, 104K)

Back on the menu sure

Attached: Laughing ghosts.gif (470x355, 484K)

no i just dont like the colors or design

the Whalers were one of the "hockiest" teams ever, right next to the Penguins, as far as association with hockey is concerned.

That would actually be the maple leafs my coked out friend

imagine what bulju is up to right now

no idea what that means but i disagree.

When did varly get a golden horseshoe up his ass?

best flag for best province

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Anyone else remember when I posted that cock

So we're all in favor of pro/rel and no salary caps (sunbelt welfare) right?

You can get some pretty cheap ones. Just gotta look. For me, its the hakushu

No, could you refresh my memory?

Pretty much just you

...and hours per day on fortnite?

comfy is just a code word for boring desu


>Oh what am I doing with my Friday night? I'll get high and eat slop (like there's anything else to do in Ohio) then post my dick on a hockey forum to distract the other posters from my team giving up two prospects and two first round picks for a single rental since we're just embracing win now mode since one of our players is defecting back to the USSR after we get bounced by the fucking islanders round one and our goalie is the only person on earth that still isn't convinced his early career luck is long gone

you make a strong case

>trade Nino
>Kunin gets more TOI
>Kunin is actually far superior to Nino

>trade Coyle for Donato
>Donato is younger and actually fits Wild's fast pace hockey better

>Wild goes from Wild card team to top team in central division

Guys i think Fenton is actually some kind of genius.

Attached: 1410059413386.jpg (480x454, 33K)

Love Ted.

I think the NHL should change it's name to the Ultra Elite League (UEL) or something else cool

business idea: rocket propelled ice-skates

You just love his chubby cock (and there's nothing wrong with that)

you have to be 18 to use this website.

Together we can end bullying

no that sounds like a shitty euro league

Absolutely no one else shares your values

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oh shit, Duchene was traded to Columbus, how long until Tortorella beats him up in the showers?

kek the jackets have given up so many penalties

Lord Stanley's League of Greatness, LSLG

together we can band together and mock the weakest kid!


Badass Hockey Legends League (BHLL)

Based Fenton

the absolute state of ottawa

>Kunin is actually far superior to Nino
Nino has been a point-per-game player since getting traded to the Hurricanes, though.

imagine paying several hundred dollars for nice seats to watch your favorite player get traded to the other team and then beat you in your own barn.

ottawa is truly hell


Go Flames Go

Attached: snoop.jpg (306x306, 20K)

what jersey does snoop not own?

KFC Little Caesar's Blue Cheese Dressing Hockey League

Attached: 1549016772352.jpg (345x336, 214K)

"National Hockey League" doesn't even make sense because it's played in more than 1 nation
Ultra Elite League at least makes sense because you have to be ultra elite to play in it

he's like the american shannon

Columbus already has 34 SOG and the 2nd period isn't even halfway over.
What is happening up there.

akshully its a province, not a state!

But he wouldn't have done that in Wild. Nino was complete non-factor for 2 seasons.

>you have to be ultra elite to play in it
the existence of bulju proves this isn't true

he doesn't know about my BASTE Orlando Solar Bears because he only orders the cheapest jersey from the default Fanatics.com tabs

Snoop ""Dogg"" AKA Calvin Lion is not MY supporter and probably a nigger as well ok. Praise the Vezina

>a province

Go Flames go

"Nation" is not a synonym for "country."
A nation is an ethnolinguistic group of people that claim a common heritage and culture. So you could argue that Canadians and Americans (descended from the colonists, not new arrivals) comprise the same nation.

it's too redundant, it's like saying the most bestest; Lord Stanley's League of Greatness on the otherhand...

Bob sucks he will win a series for once

I am 100% committed to /hoc/. I will never cheat on (you).

reminder that Van Halen's first album is only noteworthy because of Eruption and the general guitar sound of Eddie, composition-wise it was unoriginal and lighter than Foreigner.

Give me a (You) to prove fidelity

He's a filthy bandwagoner

Call it the "Super Ultra Canadian 'Merican Dynamic International Kontinental" hockey league. or SUC M' DIK


Love ted



Attached: DWn7qu3UQAEeN_B.jpg (1200x672, 133K)

ahh you make a good point but it still sounds too generic to appeal to the kids today
Lord Stanley's League of Greatness has a nicer ring to it

lads, you all look like smart-minded businessmen. i have a very limited time opportunity for you all. for every (You) that is invested in this post in the next fifteen (15) minutes, I will guarantee to triple the (You) return in the next thread.

You have given me something to think about, I'll give you that.

you win

League of hockey legends, in case anyone couldn't piece that one together

How drunk are you right now /hoc/?

Johnny Gaudreau and People Almost as Good as Him League

hate to say it lads, but i'm hoping that faggot bracketnon's ducks win

>deciding a championship game with a shootout
Grim. I can't even support this for the purpose of bullying Canadians.

fucking shit, did you just read my mind?

>poor mans Patrick Kane

so who is the flim flam starter? rittich or smith?

(you) can go fuck yourself


crushed about 20 tinies since 6


based and bluepilled

Fuck out of here with that pussy shit talk to me when you got 50

How do you not get annoyed by the frequent peeing

he's been hot garbage since the all star game

Bad news, lads:
I've got the next OP lined up and it's not sexy. Not sexy at all.

Imagine being a tkachuk brother and knowing you never be as good as your father

can someone please post this elephants doing cocaine picture?

I will take you up on this offer

end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

That would require humility and self-awareness.

working lad

I piss outside by the fire like a man

yeah it stung for a long time but I look at it as a sign that without USA winning gold, the americans would have stayed in the states and not gone to Canada to play professionally. That gold was the last thing Knight, Decker, Lamoureux twins had to win to prove to themeselves and others that Sochi was behind them. I admire the USA players too much to hate them anymore to be honest

Attached: Brianna Decker_2019 CWHL Allstar game.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)



they're about 50-50

>poor mans Patrick Kane

Bulju will be traded to Montreal come Sunday

name one

every species of bird

a nest is not a building


it can be, what about bees or wasps? or anything that burrows? if you burrow the whole earth is your building

Attached: huge-nest.jpg (640x508, 122K)

yeah bee hives are probably a good example. ant colonies maybe, although yeah idk if i count burrowing. termites i think can make above ground structures similar to ant hills but via building and not burrowing. but nothing comes close to the complexity of a beaver dam imo

Joseph Melican is a paedophile

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