*wins copa america*

*wins copa america*

Attached: descarga.png (500x700, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is Agüero? Where is Otamendi?

>that midfield


>more of the same, but with icardi
enjoy getting one or two good results and then elimination by the first team willing to sit deep and counterattack

>elimination by the first team willing to sit deep and counterattack
ah yes, i love modern tactics

>that defense

Also, doesn't Messi hate Icardi? To the point where he doesn't even want to play with him in the NT?


Icardi is banned from his NT unironically because of the Wanda situation

>literally who: the team

what the fuck is Correa doing there
The Correa who should be there is Angel Correa from Atlético de Madrid, the ugly one. That is Joaquín Correa from Lazio, a forward.

And Kannemann or Funes Mori should probably be in Mammana's position

And Di Maria is better in that position than De Paul

>Fixes your formation

Attached: canvas.png (500x700, 180K)

Funes mori is fucking shit mate

Kannemann was my first idea but wasn't on that website so went with Mammana. The right midfielder spot was for Palacios but he's injured

Literal whos

literally why

>Not knowing who Armani is
Did you even watch the WC or the Copa lib final?

>gazza niga
for me it's gully side

I wanted a Kannemann who plays in Brazil for Gremio, but he isn't in the formation creator.
Pezzella, Otamendi and Musacchio generally play on the right. Foyth from Tottenham too. We are short in left footed defenders.

it's strange how it has Argentine league players and not Brazilian league ones.

>*wins copa america*
the other striker can be pedro or jesus

Attached: formation_22_02_2019_ 23_29_50.png (1000x1400, 228K)

Thats really the problem with Argentina NT right now, they prefer to pick players from the Argentinian farmers league instead of the actual elite argentinian players in a top league.

Because Mbappe scored twice against Armani.
The goalkeeper should work in Europe and be used to facing elite strikers.
We have 3 Goalkeepers doing ok in Europe, Benitez from Nice, Musso from Udinese, or Gazzaniga from Tottenham (who unlike the other 2 isn't a starter), it should be one of them.

what the fuck's going on in that defense region user

Which goalkeeper starts for a top European league club? Armani is the best we have

>10 from 11 players in my list play in Europe
>you go and talk shit about the very one that plays in Argentina
Also, our farmer league is by far the best in the continent, and is top 5 world wide

they unironically only need silva with marcos and casemiro sitting in front.

total football negrito

For me it's

Neymar-Firmino-Douglas Costa


defenders I have no idea


>ignores Rulli once again
Fuck you, you don't deserve him

Why not Aguero striker?

Argentina will never win anything with Messi. He's locker room cancer

Where's Dybala?

>le concede 50 goals per season man
>le 27 years old future prospect man

Even if Benitez from Nice or Juan Musso from Udinese don't play for top clubs, they get to face the best players in the world every year.
That is more than what Armani has experienced or can experience in South America.

ideally it would be this but OP shit site doesn't have all players and only basic formations

Attached: copa america.jpg (510x673, 44K)

who the fuck is benitez

Do you unironically rate V. Junior?

But the Argentine league is the best in the whole continent. Armani is a great player and any other goalkeeper is shit, inb4 >Caballero

he has the tenacity and workrate whicg will always trouble any team, and has a ridiculous amount of pace while also keeping his head up. plus he is still a baby.

if tite moves nerman centrally like he has always wanted then vincius is the answer.

For me, it’s columbia.


Attached: Disgusted girls.gif (384x216, 1.79M)

Tagliafico is based, fuck you

*is offside*

>Marquinhos in midfield
>Alex Sandro
>Douglas Costa
>Vinícius fucking Júnior
What the fuck is wrong with you.

Attached: Dismayed stone oriental man.png (342x360, 298K)

tagliafico is good
mammana wasn't my first option, but kannemann

marquinhos has been playing in midfield for psg in case you haven't noticed

Me too, that team is severely underrated and james is playing high level ball

watch european football guillermo
what the fuck is wrong with you?

It's a waste of a good centre-half, though. Put Fabinho in midfield and let Marquinhos play with Thiago Silva at the back.

>*is onside but gets cucked by halal refball*

he wasn't off side. someone who "obstructed" the keeper was off side, at least according to VAR

So who would Brazilians actually like to see there?

the whole point of fabinho at the back is that he is good at distributing down the wing in possesion phases.
the 3 at the back are
marcos as a half back will drop into cb when needed or casemiro will.




>top 5 world wide
Hahahahaha why are Argies so desilusional?
And for your question, I think Juan Musso has done a pretty good season for Udinese, better to have a Gk that plays against Juve or Napoli than one than is only good against teams like Talleres or Chacharita.

>ONE centre-back and it's 82-year-old Thiago Silva
We'd get violated.

>and is top 5 world wide

probably this

Attached: lineup (14).png (480x600, 110K)

>Nerman on the wing
really? wasted.

>Marcelo (or Alex Sandro if Marcelo's still shit when the Copa starts), Thiago Silva, Marquinhos, Danilo
>Coutinho, Arthur
>Neymar, Firmino, Willian

1. england
2. spain
3. italy
4. germany
5. argentina

when was the last time a french club won a continental cup again?

this is the best i could come up with, but i'm struggling to think of any competent centre-mids who aren't playing in south american farmers' leagues or benchwarmers for shit midtable european sides

Attached: lineup.png (336x421, 166K)

>I buy into Tuchel's Neymar as playmaker meme
Wasted trips.

Attached: 2l0ahe.jpg (415x470, 39K)

its possible, hell to make you feel safer replace alex sandro with filipe.
a lot of the elite 3 at the back teams already do it. psg and silva did it against man utd, pep has been doing it this season with fenandinho as the half back (when in possession he is in midfield, when out of possession he is the 2nd centre back)

watch their away game vs belgrade this season and tell me he's not a center player

are you fucking kidding me?
tuchel, bielsa, and tite all feel he is wasted on the wing given his ability on the ball

>our farmer league is by far the best in the continent, and is top 5 world wide
You only got two teams into the Libertadores final by cheating, faggot. River should've been disqualified against Santos and Boca got lucky that Palmeiras lost their shit, because their team is way worse.
>top five worldwide
Argentinians don't deserve football.

Attached: Press square to doubt.jpg (200x303, 8K)

>no fernandinho

for fuck's sake

if your league is so good why do all of your competent players move to the epl and la liga?

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>are you fucking kidding me?
Coutinho is going through a bad spell but he's easily >our second best player after Neymar when he's confident. And who else would you bring on the right? Don't give me the Douglas Costa meme.

you don't just walk into belgrade and win

what's wrong with lo celso

None of the Sudaca leagues are good, but the Brazilian league is way better than the Argentinian league. And it's not like Argies don't leave for Europe either. Of course they do, the money and the quality is there.

>if you ignore the two argentine clubs that played the final, you didn't do shit in the last libertadores

Attached: 1535989682911.jpg (543x443, 51K)

When you can spend nearly 400 million euros on 2 (two) players, you can and should.

>tuchel, bielsa, and tite all feel he is wasted on the wing given his ability on the ball
basically this, you want to put the pacey braindead ngubus on the wings and the talented gifted lads in the center.

>one cheated and shouldn't even have been at the semifinal, let alone the final
>one lucked their way into it after the best Brazilian team choked
Wow, what a great league you've got there, Carlitos.

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argentinian's love football so much it should be possible for the government to force a certain percentage of young kids to only play as defenders from a young age.

The Brazilian league where geriatric Dalessandro, Maxi Lopez and Lucho Gonzalez do fine. Even a mediocre mind broken Boca Jrs managed to eliminate Palmeiras without much problem.
The only good team right now is Gremio who play like Uruguayans.

>3 of the last 5 libertadores have been won by argentine clubs

that's just counting the present, do you want me to give you the historical numbers? just accept it, we are the best in the continent, you have been historically our little bitch

>but muh 3 pele world cups back in the 50s when no one else cared about the sport


it's the same for all third world countries besides uruguay (who glorify defending), we produce more attackers than defenders because attackers make more money

simple as

forgot about him. just need someone to play adjacent

for me, it's Paul

>He actually got a red card for this

Attached: Dede Cruzeiro Boca.jpg (680x453, 40K)

>And who else would you bring on the right? Don't give me the Douglas Costa meme.
a fit douglas costa is twice the player of the choking, indecisive, ball hogging, shit final pass willian.
willian went superhuman when his dad dies and chelsea won the league, he has been unbelievably bad for club and country for 3 years now

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>we are the best in the continent
¿Cuántas copas tenés? Tenemos 5 (cinco).

Oh, I forgot, Boca also refballed Cruzeiro.
Las Malvinas son británicas, faggot.

I remember that an unfit costa did more in 4 minutes vs belgium than william in the entire world cup campaign

An Argentine club is the current Libertadores champion
>close present
3 from the last 5 champions were Argentine clubs
25 titles, almost the same as the rest of the countries put together
>best club
Independiente (Argentina) with 7 titles

My nigga, we were talking about leagues, not national team

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he's been shit this season and would drift inwards, occupying the same space as nerman in this hypothetical lineup
take the pacey negro pill and play vinicius


*revolutionizes the tactics and wins UEFA Nations League*

Attached: lineup.png (480x600, 108K)

>do fine
Where did their teams finish again? The exception would be D'Alessandro, but even he only played 19 times and scored 4 (four) goals the entire year in all competitions, so it's not like he was that important for Inter.

where is guedes

Now tell me how many of those champions refballed their way to the copa.

Sorry, I only discuss numbers, not subjective shit like what you are saying

It's time to stop.

>ignoring CONMEBOL faggotry
Typical Argentine hypocrisy. I've noticed you're still to address the fact that both River and Boca shouldn't even have made it to the semifinal last year over their blatant cheating.

>south american football

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How the fuck did they cheat?

there tite, I did your job for you. now go say vamos and motivate them

Attached: copa winners 2019.jpg (530x662, 49K)

lol, what do u expect from a racing club playing football?


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only klopp is retarded enough to think firmino is a 10

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He needs to regain his best form, which he hasn't done yet this season due to injury
He scored against the mighty Tondela today so, stay coping

River fielded an ineligible player and weren't punished for it, despite the fact that Santos were for the same thing, which shows CONMEBOL's bias, while Boca refballed Cruzeiro when getting Dedé sent off for no reason.

>3-5-2 is bad
Zoomer detected, 4231 is dead

They had the papers saying he was allowed to play. Suspensions were deleted with the new conmebol president, Zuculini's red card was old as fuck

Dede is a fucking criminal mate, literally the only player in history to get red carded in both legs of a series. And he broke the goalkeeper's jaw

4-3-3 is unexposable midfield: the formation and is thus the best

Google "carlos sanchez zuculuni" and you'll see dozens of articles explainin why these 2 cases were different

>Dede dindu nuffin
He broke Andrada's jaw

Why do people still use this retarded formation?

He always performed for Brazil, if he didn't play well >we can just play Vinicius like you said

The Benfica players, Brazil is lacking central midfielders and Fred is not doing well

>that formation
>Luís Filipe and Alex Sandro but no Marcelo
>fucking Militão
>Paquetá as centre-mid ahead of Arthur
>Firmino as a 10

Attached: Black man with glasses and dreadlocks wonders what in the fuck.jpg (798x795, 78K)

The goalkeeper's the one who clattered him you blinkered cunts.

ffs, some people just don't want to let go of their boomers.

It's a great formation, if shit get's real the atacking midfielder can push foward as striker or as a winger

Only way i can see 433 being good is if the defensive midfielder drops down as a libero and the wingbacks go up

If he picks up his form he's way better than either of those two clowns.

>implying 3-2-1-3-1 isn't a high iq formation
>implying marcelol is good
>implying militão is bad
>implying malcom isn't the gonna be the goat
>implying gabigol isn't gonna be the top scorer

When was the last time a São Paulo player turned out anything other than shit?

Its boring zoomer shit, too defensive minded, cant play a fluid possession game, dont see any passing triangles, diamonds, just play bielsa ball

marcelo can barely walk let alone run its 2019
militao is literally the best player in the please watch us league
>shit talking the top scorer that players for that shit santos team

He is one of those rare ones like Kaká, Raí and Ceni

He's at Flamengo now, actually. And he's still shit, he started scoring some meme goals towards the end of the season but even santistas said he still wasn't playing well.
>best player in the Please Watch Our league
Dunno what the fuck happened to him but it's still too early to fully write him off. He can get back to being good for another couple of years still.

Why does Argentina produce boatloads of great strikers but everything else is mediocre or shit?

what? they have good midfielders.

Everyone wants to be the next Maradona. Over here at least we've realised we're not getting another Pelé.


he killed himself getting real those back to back CL, all the meme copa americas and then the world cup.
he can barely play and when he does he can barely jog.

defenders make way less money than forwards

why would you want to play defense?

So if he finally gets time to recover now he doesn't have to carry Cristiano, he might get back to being good again. If he doesn't, then it's time to let go of him in the national team, but not quite yet.

paredes, messi, lo celso

Such as?

>he doesn't know how great it feels to steal the ball off a dumbarse striker's feet

Attached: Smug Haruhi.jpg (300x169, 13K)


they're just fucked
they should just start playing any ball playing centreback as a dm. all the dms in primera are angry manlets with no ability, skyscrapers that serve no purpose, from a different country or >gago

Attached: arfentinca.jpg (343x449, 25K)

You can't seriously be classing him as a midfielder. He's a forward who can play in midfield but it's not the best way to use him.
>paredes, lo celso
Come the fuck on.

Attached: Asuka wonders if you really are that stupid.jpg (750x581, 100K)

the arsenal flop...

messi isn't a midfielder...


>lo celso

what? put these three players in a 3 men midfield and tell me shit wouldn't be slick.

>all the dms in primera are angry manlets with no ability
marcone is skilled and not a manlet

also, that's irrelevant, france won the wc with kante playing that role and he isn't creative nor tall

It wouldn't. Messi as playmaker is useless without a decent striker -- and for some reason Aguero turns to absolute shit with the national team -- while the other two are memes at best.

>So if he finally gets time to recover
he basically has a chronic muscle injuries constantly, and is one of those players that will now always play "injured". copa games are 3 days apart, he will only be able to play maybe one game a week.

you remember the belgium game? how he physically strugled to even attack let alone defend? yeah, thats what he can do now.

sandro, filipe and arana will be your left backs now

messi can be a 8 that pushes into 10, while lo celso plays hollywood passes as a DLP.

how is suarez better than aguero? theproblem is taht messi and aguero didn't play many games together, higuain has always been our first option

only in the last wc aguero started over higuain and he had his best results with the national team

but he isn't an angry manlet and is ridiculously fast which allows him to intercept and tackle
marcone is decent I will give you that, but I'm not sure if he can cope at international level

If he can get to half of what he could do before he's still the better option. Filipe Luís is a fossil and not as good and Sandro is a meme.
Fucking hell.

Attached: Sad anime girl.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

That doesn't matter if Lo Celso is shit.

Who the fuck are these people? I recognise about three.

ascacibar is our kante, and we can have lo celso on the left and another boxtobox in the right, the idea was exequiel palacios but he got his leg fractured and will probably miss the copa america

he ain't shit
although I only watched him vs real madrid this season, still he was elite then

It’s honestly amazing

Icardi, Di Mari, Dybala, Higuain, Aguero and of course the GOAT top or world class

Thats only this generation

I like cibar but he is about to get relegated with stuttgart

Attached: arhentina.jpg (510x651, 51K)

>how is suarez better than aguero?
He's not and that's not the point. Aguero seems to have some sort of mental block when playing for the national team -- probably because of for how long Higuaín kept getting picked ahead of him despite being past it for years -- and now that he's 30 it's probably too late to fully amend that. The point is that Messi as playmaker won't do much when an ineffective striker like Higuaín or an out of sorts Aguero is up top.

It's a shame too, because a confident Aguero is one of the best strikers I've seen.

stuttgart won't get relegated

Okay, okay.
Messi, we all know
Icardi obviously plays for Inter
Tagliafico plays for Ajax, I knew that since the World Cup
Lo Celso, I don't know. I think he's the Argentine that plays for PSG. Nigga's name sounds like a fucking cola drink

The rest, who in the fuck? One guy's last name is Paul. That's not how you use that name.

What the fuck is wrong with Argentina?

Now think back to him vs. Real Madrid in the Champions League last season.

mein friend
its happening

>Dybala on the right
>Messi as 10
Switch them for fuck's sake.

aguero was our best player in the last wc, I think he can still perform, even more considering how good he's being this season with city

people say "why can't messi win a wc, he has teammates like aguero, higuain, di maria, etc", yes but they are all forwards, we haven't had a real team since 2006

stop posting

>3 in the back

Attached: fRZomNlU_400x400.jpg (216x216, 13K)

>wanting dybala as a 10

Lo Celso is currently on loan at Betis, actually.

Embarrassing post there, lad. Step away from your computer, prepare to neck yourself, then neck yourself. Howling at the absolute state of you right now.

If he's on the right, you might as well not play him.

He's definitely a thousand times better than Higuaín, but at 30 it's a bit late to start a proper national team career. At City he had time to get used to the team, acclimatise. He loves the team and the fans love him and that helps any player's performance. He hasn't got that environment with Argentina.

nice memes, here is your you
stop posting

Here's that (you) that you clearly want with the absolute state of your posting.
You should clearly stop though.

*wins copa america*

Attached: Qatar Flag.jpg (500x300, 13K)

imagine the South american rage if that happen

Would literally never watch another CONMEBOL-organised competition ever again. It's pathetic that they're there. Just to point out that from the team that beat Japan, 5 (FIVE) players weren't even Qatari, so it shouldn't even count.

probably not much rage but a lot of shame and laughter

Nah, Asia is just pure fucking shit like Concacrap.


Unironically based lineup, replace De Paul with Papu and you win

O único gajo que percebe da poda

Literally impossible

Rulli is so fucking shit lmao

>de paul
Jej, good one op

>survives getting muleled and scores
pretty based

For me its the front five of

>Di Maria-Dybala-Messi

>winning a championship with Argentina

If they even reach the semifinals they will get refballed to death, is the sudaca way.

he won u/20 world cup

Literally who, the team


Reminds me of women playing.

top tier b8

Musacchio should be starter on defense.
Better than any of these no-name memes you got there.

gomez looked quite bad against milan last week, i don't know how he's been doing this season but it seems like he's not on form at all

>From Latin argentum (“silver”)
>only ever wins silver medals
makes sense I guess

>believing this

Simple as

l would call aguero before messi if it came to either of them simple as

Attached: bullshit.jpg (570x558, 260K)

*never watched Argentina without Messi*

Is this Italy’s B team?

that disgusting nigger correa is fucking dreadful, fuck off with him


Attached: 1550653268974.jpg (185x272, 8K)

Remember argenchina’s magic circle formation?

t. Maradona


nigga he sucks


Attached: formation_23_02_2019 12_26_16.png (1000x1400, 254K)

>That defence
Sorry Chile, but this time...no, sorry.

>imblying Jara-Medel was a world class defense

Attached: 1498306192692.jpg (712x713, 154K)

>left back who never defended properly
>now old and can't track back anymore because insists on keeping >muh meme offensive play instead of being a proper midfielder
>expecting to regain his form

Please, lad.

>Good goalie
>Poor defence
>Decent midfield (Paredes and Celso could be elite)
>Outstanding front 3

Attached: 426EF09C-4007-44B5-8EF1-1E4E81BFAD9A.png (1000x1400, 230K)

*Wins Nations League*

Attached: 71DCADC3-27AF-4282-89BE-38DBE46C805D.jpg (1125x1118, 399K)

>Callum Wilson
>Rashford as a winger
>Maddison as a winger

Enjoy getting raped by Colombia

Wilson’s one of the best English goal scorers in the prem this season and Wan-Bissaka has been the best RB so far, we’d probably actually play 442 diamond like we did against Croatia in October

Attached: D3FC16A1-B9C3-4A3B-B917-AE91B8F2F446.jpg (1125x1119, 396K)

>rating henderson

Attached: 781E75AB-2695-44F1-8B1A-AF8C66C53E47.png (1000x1400, 236K)

Who’d you have then?

Lascelles over stones or maguire?

Bose and Isa are 34 and 32 respectively. They're too old to play that position well. Should be Albornoz and Cuevas instead

he is /pol/ memeing. ignore him

wrong image bro

Attached: 1539272048538.png (480x600, 85K)

Messi and the who

How are they gonna stop this?

Attached: nido.org_1550888369572.png (315x515, 312K)

Ummmmmmmm sweetie England is a diverse country, we can’t have Wh*te centre-backs in our team.

>Some boomer
Ricardo Carvalho when?

England sure is white

>Bruno Fernandes

Is he the real deal? His stats for Sporting are insane.

Sporting is Bruno Fernandes and Bas Dost + 9 players

>t.Reinaldo Rueda

Díaz should replace Medel in the midfield, Medel goes back to the defense, Roco doesnt even go the bench, Beausejour is dead, replace him with Parot, Castillo is literally playing with one less player, replace him with Puch or Valdivia or something.
Bravo hasnt played in like a year and he left us out of the world cup, replace him with Arias

*fixes your shit lineup*

Attached: ingerland.png (342x443, 176K)

It’s not as if deselecting everyone but the white players suddenly means England becomes white again- they’re in the country anyway, may as well give the best players a call-up whatever race they are

Why walker over AWB?

he's better.

*blocks your path*

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-23-12-25-55-835_com.brave.browser.jpg (713x971, 117K)

Who in the fuck is Saravia lol

>all these retards thinking Icardi will get in the team

Overrated shitter, Falcao still has something left in the tank and Muriel is doing great at Fiorentina.

>that zoomer midfield
Do people actually rate Rice or are they just rubbing it in the face of the Irish?


Why not have both Mina and Espinosa as CM?
>Mfw both 6'5 giants scoring headers and cucking the manlet Argies

Imagine believing mexican league is good

Mina wasn't in the website. He was my first choice.

Militão - Marquinhos - Silva - Sandro OR Telles
Casemiro - Arthur
Costa - Firmino - Pootinho

>loses to england on fucking penalties

>no side backs

Attached: 120361 2.jpg (400x400, 25K)

What website is this?

Not really, he's a shit and overrated shitcunt.

>has to go to penalties to beat a jamesless congolombia

u serious? because it's the most stupid thing I've ever read

Cope, he wouldn’t have made a difference

>top five worldwide

Attached: martin-freeman-bilbo-006.jpg (460x276, 21K)

>No James
>Needs reffball
Your national team is a joke and the play style is ass.

Where the FUCK is Marcelo Díaz god damn it. Also, change Roco and maybe we cna win the third

enjoy getting destroyed in group fase

>England national team is a joke
Lost to Trinidad and has one prospect as their entire hope for success if this person is from their flag
If they’re Colombian, then the joke beat you lot and South Americans always call not being allowed to cheat ‘refball’ fuck off you’re not allowed to foul inside the box and you can bitch all you want about giving away penalties but Colombia were atrocious and kept kicking the pen spot in a pathetic attempt to stop Kane - we’re also in the semis of the nations league as we were in the WC

Nice defensive suicide

I think Mercado who scored today against Barcelona for Sevilla should be there instead of Saravia, who is a local league player.
They subbed him out for El Mudo Vazquez and Barcelona scored another 3 goals.

borre might not be a good finisher but hes one of the best forwards in our league

>we’re also in the semis of the nations league
>Being this triggered off nothing

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