Zappacosta 23M

Zappacosta 23M
Rudiger 38 M
Morata 80M
Barkley 50M
Bakayoko 40M
Drinkwater 40M
Giroud 20M

How is it possible to be THAT bad at transfer ?

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>Pulisic 50m
>Emerson 25m
>Batshuayi 35m
>Rahman 15m

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Kepa 80M

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Then check Man United or Man City

All rich English clubs are shit at transfers

Jorginho 57M

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united are a shitshow almost as bad as chelsea, yeah.
city overspend by a factor of about 10 but at least they're signing useful players

>45 million for walker
>50 million for mendy
>27 million for danilo
122 million sterling pounds in one trasnfer, only in fullbacks

>60 million for mahrez
>35 million for a goalkeeper
>57 million for a centreback

They are similar to Liverpool, if they won the CL it would have maybe been worth it, but they lost every competition. Now, if City win the CL it'll be ok, but I doubt they'll win

>Barkley 50 million
>Drinkwater 40 million

Do they need to meet some quota about having enough english players or something?

>buying David Luiz TWICE

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>does Johnny english-quota fill somekind of english quota?
Barklel was 15m and consumewater 35m IIRC

>Drinkwater 40M
Is he effectively retired now, or will he be coughed out to someone in the next year or so?
The lad's career just fucking died about 6 months after he went to Chelsea

He's a Premier League winner, the one thing every English footballer strives to be. He's pretty much made it in life. Being able to collect a fat paycheque from Chelsea every week is just a bonus.

They purposely make bad financial decisions because the "club" is one giant washing machine.

>emerson 35m
forgot he fucking existed

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>Free transfer

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>Bakayoko 40M
That's a a fair price actually juding by his Milan performance

what the shit are you on about lad? City have made solid transfers in the last few years

have no idea what you're on about when you say Ederson, Walker, or even Mendy and Danilo are bad signings. League winners pal

letting these people run the club

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why does he never play

Why do English clubs get ripped off on goal keepers so much all of a sudden?

They're not people. That's a woman and a monkey. Huge part of Chelsea's problem along with the kike owner.

European clubs take advantage of EPL teams, they're like drunk lottery winners in a brothel

for Kepa specifically, Chelsea paid the buyout clause to avoid negotiation because they were desperate...they could have bought him for 10 million six months before.

Yes you daft twat

Worst thing about the whole situation is the fat that it isn't even the manager(s) making the signings here. The club's board is terrible at making signings, and they don't even let their managers build their own teams since 2013/14. The club and it's board are an absolute shambles and o is their youth academy.

those are decent signings m8

to be fair mourinho sarri and conte are awful at transfers

worth it

because why would good players go to chelshit when they can go to city

more shocked they refused to sell willian for 70m expecting to get 80m

>this frothing at the mouth abmc


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