Reminder that soccer is a girl’s sport and the USA is the best in the world

Reminder that soccer is a girl’s sport and the USA is the best in the world.

Also reminder that Mexico has Zero (0) World Cup wins and they suck at soccer in both genders

Attached: America Pepe.jpg (499x499, 38K)

for it's population, usa isn't all that at sports in general. at least you're not india though

>muh per capita
Shit meme

>per capita
>not meaningful
i mean you still use outdated measurements and throw toys outta your pram when you suck at something only to claim it's shit. truly childish and abysmally embarrassing

if you don't count per capita then china and india are the 2nd and 3rd richest countries on earth

wait, maybe you actually believe it

>bring imperial units into a discussion about sports
I see europeans doing this shit on Facebook and YouTube all the time. What the fuck is wrong with you guys
Also when the fuck did we abondon a sport because we are shit at it

Sports and wealth are different. American olympic medals per capita isn't even bad. We are 24th and even better if you exclude meme winter sports

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>Reminder that soccer is a girl’s sport
Did we need a reminder? Seems self-evident.

the richest and most famous athletes on earth play a "girls sport"? kek, this is the worst meme ever

he's just mad that the sport his country plays is irrelevant

>and most famous
It's not fame unless Americans know who you are, Falklands Loser.


imagine being this cucked

Notice how he didn't say North Americans or Canadians. He said "americans"
lmao, leafs are such fucking cucks. Most pathetic country on Yea Forums

My son... They ARE American.

>please notice me USA senpai!
nice job leaf

Because Canadians aren't famous unless they're famous in America, trash eater. Nice Olympics you guys hosted, btw. I liked the part where your police robbed one of the athletes at gun point. The garbage water in the pools was a nice touch too.

Based Canada, our greatest ally

Americans can't make impoverished dog eating spic countries seethe half as hard as Canadians can. It's our true national sport.

Cringe as always. These guys must be dying to be known in fatmerica. I bet they would trade this to be known in amerilardia.

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>Reminder that soccer is a girl's sport

Wow it must obvious day on camp stupid.

Meanwhile, in Brazil...

Attached: brazil.jpg (640x480, 97K)

floyd made all that money in just one fight? and against a fucking amateur boxer?

fuck this world

What is up with the same br and argenchino shitting on america in every fucking thread

i thought canadians were supposed to be nice