Will Liverpool win the league this season or let it slip again?

Will Liverpool win the league this season or let it slip again?

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Give me her name and I'll tell you.

Her feet are gross

this stupid cunt has the audacity of posting a video on valentines day saying ''dont be sad cuz youre alone im alone too teehee''

do you think this bint has ever paid for a drink in her life

Looks like she has pancake baps desu lads. When she's on top they'll look like pool balls in socks. No thanks.


>cute face, good tits and ass
>you look at the feet
nigga is you gay?

Can you even satisfy a grill like that if you don't have an 8" x 6" dick brehs...

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Weird nose
other than that 7/10

I hate you.


Feet are the thinking mans choice

Is this what the mixed German master race looks like?


Attached: gtr45d.png (1874x1120, 2.84M)

>modeling next to the shitter

How do I get a gf like that, lads?

God. Damn.

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Be urself


i want to slip my peepee into her vajayjay if you get what i mean

Please elaborate. Not quite sure I understand.

imagine looking like that. life on easy mode

I think he means that he would like to insert his penis into her vagina and commence sexual intercourse.

great tits but ass is very average and feet are ugly.

looks like she's from around here


She's a German model, not an Amerimutt

>slim chicks with big tits

Attached: when you see it.jpg (500x684, 45K)

Yeah, she's cute but she is not my type. Next.

She is so perfect its not even fair

>elite tits
>elite face
y'all niggas gay

Literally an average looking woman over here. We have the luxury of hot women who don't look vapid as pig shit
t. NYC


>Implying there are women that pretty in NYC
I literally lived in NYC for two years and only women who looked somewhat close to that were tourists

>that face
get some taste homeboy

nigger there are 8.6 million people in NYC proper, there's bound to be some attractive folks. if you lived there for two years and didn't find any, it's your problem.

That shithole city literally has the ugliest women on earth outside of maybe Ohio. The only good looking American women are in Arizona, Florida, and some rural areas before they get fat. And those are all a dying breed.

shut up you inceluous freak

What a disgusting manipulative woman.

I was there for a couple of weeks and 90% of them were goblerinas.

omg, she is just perfect!

Also, they'll slip

Attached: J4qXoO6.jpg (300x300, 22K)


Funfact: That girl lives in my city (Munich)

I have a realistic geographical chance with her, lads


Ohio is full of beautiful midwestern girls, but you're right about NYC.

>t. NYC resident from Ohio

what combination of races is she?

sorry m8, she's taken

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go get her Mehmet

lmao you're clueless


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Wtf he has the same type of patchy "beard" as me, why can't I find a girlfriend then?

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girl feet can not physically be gross

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imagine your gf posts revealing photos on the internet... you JUST KNOW you're getting cucked christ how pathetic

imagine being a hot girl