Anthony Martial Apologises for Cheating on Pregnant Wife

This apology reads like he was caught stealing the last cookie from the jar, wtf Yea Forums I thought Martial was based??

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>Thought martial was based
If that pic is him with the cheating thot, then 100% based.

Easy to have morals when you have no choice

still amazes me that modern athletes ever bother to get married

literally what is the point

After a while you just want something to go home to

right, i'm sure the multimillionaire celebrities with bodyfat under 15% wouldn't be able to manage that without a legal contract


Didn't he do the exact same thing to his first fiancee?

Ya, some do, but at the end of the day you're willing to sacrifice certain things to make those close to you happy. Prenups aren't air tight anyway.

know how i know your lawyers suck

oh shit is he one of the "Massage Parlor" patrons in South Florida?

They said 175 more names were coming out... some of them famous

i dont even know who this dude is... gaysball player?

I’m sure it’s about status. Footballers always do couples stuff.

>cheat on your pregnant wife
>apologize via instagram


But why marry when you're active? At least wait until you retire...

In all likelihood, you're gonna be paying for her lawyer as well. I mean nigga c'mon Jeff bezos even got took. I know he didn't have any legal tie-ins but still..

You can say that for any man that can pull pussy on the regular.


footballer with family = stability
its an unwritten rule
they are actually programmed to get wife and kids early so they can become emotionally stable for better results

This. Also, if they are interested in keeping their money and maintaining their newfound status or themselves and future generations, they will try to find someone in their class and form a family (the fundamental economic unit in a society).

>the fundamental economic unit in a society
lmao my dude

>a family (the fundamental economic unit in a society).

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>(the fundamental economic unit in a society
t. churchgoing pragerU student

they get trapped by some foid when they are 18-21

>keeping their money

Yes a French footballer who plays in Manchester went all the way to a Florida massage parlor for just a handjob

wouldnt you?

"They are casting their problems at society. And, you know, there's no such thing as society. There are individual men and women and there are families."

Margaret Thatcher

hes right tho, bunch of retard communists

you're right, supply and demand are solely dictated by family units. lmao


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starting to see why mourinho hated this guy

they love each other


I'm pretty sure they've gone through this in private, he's just making a public statement

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you say that as if Robert Kraft didn't get busted