/nfl/ general

Kraft is finished edition

TB: Bucs expected to keep DT Gerald McCoy in 2019
NE: Robert Kraft facing prostitution ring charges
NE: Devin McCourty announces he'll play in 2019
CLE: Browns and LT Greg Robinson in negotiations
PIT: Bell's trainer denies that Le'Veon was 260 lb
FA: Broncos will not re-sign Domata Peko early
FA: FS Glover Quin is considering retirement
FA: Saints are releasing S Kurt Coleman
FA: Corey Liuget open to re-signing with Chargers
CIN: Bengals hire NYG DB coach Lou Anarumo as DC

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apparently he's only getting charged with a misdemeanor.

Brady was involved in the child sex trafficking ring

this is the end of the pats dynasty and i for one could not be happier

I fucking hate the Patriots with a burning passion but the timing on this is just too convenient. Watch the media ignore the Jewsy Smollett story for weeks to cover this instead

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>Bucs expected to keep DT Gerald McCoy in 2019

Playoffs or bust

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It’s bust, then

meme magic 2 ez

This is the year boys, my nanners are going to get a winning record.

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wuh oh

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I mean is there really anything else to cover with Jussie Smollett? shits done who cares anymore. Crying false flag when they have video evidence is pretty dumb.

You can only post itt if your teams owner is not involved in child sex trafficking

not so fat Patriots scum

It's time for the league to do the right thing and strip the P*triots of all their titles

pls be Roger Goodell

per schefter- Kraft is not the biggest name involved

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>It’s bust, then
Believe in the Arians Nation

>Crying false flag
Never said anything of the sort

Bonald Bldumpfh

Pls be brady

As someone else pointed out Tiger Woods lives near Jupiter and so does Greg Norman. Not only that but the NFL owners meet near by in palm beach. There's a lot of potential this could BTFO a lot of NFL owners or other major figures. Also not to get political but you know people are going to there's a Trump golf club or something in Jupiter as well.

It's Micheal Jordan or Tiger Woods whose the bigger name. That's where MJ lived

RKK is based

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The Kamala Harris and Corey Booker connections...

>charged in Jupiter, FL
>implying a bunch of Dolphins fans won't jump at the chance to put Kraft away
ok retards

desu I don't even know who owns >my team anymore, and I'm not sure the former owner remembers.

t buncos fan

Is drumpf finally finished? Even he can't get away with fucking actual whores while serving as president

>Robert Kraft facing prostitution ring charges
I didn't think he'd get that 7th ring this quickly

>soliciting prostitution is the same as being apart of human trafficking
this is why you don't trust the media. they always put their little spin on everything.

inb4 Marino or Dwayne Wade or someone else

>I can't even read an article headline correctly let alone take the time to read one of the 50 news stories about this

>police investigators said he was involved in human trafficking
fake news. they said he's involved in soliciting prostitution. nice try though retard.

how do you think the prostitutes got there champ

>Bigger names involved
>Trump just went to Mar-a-lago to "golf" again

It's over Magapedes, they finally got him.

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Police have released the names of the prostitutes

Hol Mah Dik
Sum Yung Guy
Pae Mi Sir

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To me that just looks like two shitty dem candidates jumping on the opportunity to win people over. If it hurts their chances good. I don't like either of them as candidates

So now you've confirmed you can't read an article, can't read a headline, and can't even read a post correctly. How do you function, day to day. Is your handler around?

i'm sure you're a brilliant debater on /pol/

Bang Ding Ow still works lol


All that money and this dummy isn't smart enough to just go to Japan and get legal and better pussy than these low tier girls at massage parlors in America.

>Why yes, I frequent Orchids of Asia Day Spa, how did you know?

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Rent free.

Those fags must be desperate since the Mueller investigation is a bust

>Patriots paying for top tier talent
10 million? You want 5 million? What do you need 2 million for?

Listen I can trade a 1st round pick for oral or two first round picks for vaginal, best I can do

and yet they are still competitive every single year. Kraft should not be publicly shamed, he should be emulated.

Seriously who gives a shit

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Do it faggot.

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It honestly isn't more. I slept with a former JAV actress that is way hotter than any girl I've done in the U.S., and it was relatively cheap.

mostly normies because they don't wish to believe they pay for this to happen

sure convinced me pal


If this is a traffiking bust that means the girls are sex slaves. go back to r/patriots

>The police in charge of the investigation say so
>B-but muh views
Absolutely fucking pathetic.

Guess that's another asterisk to add to the total

I wonder if Jeb! is involved in it

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This is a human trafficking bust. Even worse than a prostitution ring. This is huge. Of course like Epstein he’s a white billionaire so he will avoid jail time likely.

They're both kikes

>implying he has the energy to fuck hookers

My cousin works down there. Hearing it’s Rubio. Watch.

Just spoke with man outside of Kraft’s house. He said he will support Robert Kraft even if he is proven guilty. His next door neighbor says, “Robert Kraft isn’t a good man...he’s a great man.” @NBC10Boston

>Martin County Sheriff says the women involved in human trafficking ring were given no days off. They averaged about 1,500 men a year. He says their hygiene was “minimal” at best @NBC10Boston

how confident are you in this statement? rubio has a hot wife.

>4 men a day
>probably around 4 hours of work a day
>they cant spend the remaining 20 hours taking a shower or cleaning their cunts

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>no days off
oh please

i mean they were probably living in a cage or something lol

>paying for sex is illegal
You Americans have dumb laws.

there are places where it isn't illegal. considering he's a billionaire, one would think he would have just gone there.

>You Americans


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He's a billionaire. He could go to any shitty podunk bar in florida and walk out a minute later with one of our fine beach slags on his shoulder ready to suck the chrome off his super bowl ring

billionaire grandad fucks a hooker

>Do your job

a lot of girls in those parlors are slaves how are the customers supposed to know which one's are and aren't? it's just some chink girl giving you a handjob

>tiger woods has just walked off his tee and is being escorted out of the golf tournament in Jupiter. Appears he is turning himself in.
Tiger was the bigger name?!?

This Jupiter place seems like a Nucleus for a shitload of rich people. If this really does involve human trafficking, it might be a go-to location for these guys. I wonder how much of the NFL has done this same shit, and if so how much they'll back Kraft so they don't go down with him. Go Pats

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Nobody should be surprised. I do question the timing and methodology of the case though

>Not Done

t. illegal VPN to view memes banned by the EU

>Incredibly rich people fuck/solicit prostitutes
Why is this so surprising again?


why do people think anything will happen to kraft? R******s owner forced his cheerleaders to do porn and nothing happened

imma need that livestream of nbcboston. Thank you.

Screencap this
A source told me it's MJ.

I guess Bob Kraft is not getting.... a happy ending.


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Magic Johnson. And he has aids. Spreading disease while banging lady boys. Not surprised desu.

no chance. it's gonna be one of trump's kids, probably the one who just got divorced.

>Tiger woods is a bigger name than Kraft

God I hope so, he's a dogshit terrible owner


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Other than the aids part, cute ladyboys are pretty nice. Of course, don't be an like him and not get tested for stds. Anyone who legitimately does not have all parties involved get tested before the lewd acts is an idiot




They got arrested because they're tryhard pervs. Just stay at home and jack it to blackedraw like me and you won't have any problems.

I guess Ho Lee Fuk retired, then?

Obsessed, t.b.h.

r kelly will never be stopped

Nah he gets his from Epstein, and he likes them younger.

Golf is more popular than american football globally and more people know who tiger is over robert. Do you live under a rock?

>you are now picturing Andy Reid getting a full body massage

Bill Belichick and Tom Brady are definitely implicated in this huge scandal. Just you watch. Half of the Patriots team are going to get charges for this.

>victims between ages 13 and 16
but noooooooo, everyone said it was crazy that pedo sex rings operate and have high-profile clients

Why didn't Kraft just go to Vegas to fuck hookers like the Jerry?

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Creepy Kraft is back at it again

How can physical specimens like these not have any standards?

Jerruh knows all the loopholes and insider info.

Kraft is a bumbling retard

Where to get up to date news on that?

now all that's left is for Jerruh to expose the Rooney's and he will be the most powerful man in football

belichick is definitely the ring leader in this scandal. he is probably a maniac off the field. pretty much all quiet people are.

Man, it would make my week if the other person involved in this is that little bitch Goodell

Goodell is too good-looking to get down with that nastiness.

>Schefter: now hearing that Kraft and several members of the team took a previously unreported trip down the coast to Jupiter following their win in Super Bowl XXXIX. It has not yet been confirmed who was present, or if they visited the massage parlor.
Uh oh....

>yfw brady finally goes down

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holy shit are the patriots actually finished

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how long until patsfags come out saying "w-who cares, every other team owner probably does it!"

already done just see one of the threads about it

Patsfag here sitting with a shit-eating grin, who cares lmao of course Kraft fucks hookers. Kinda messed up how he's probably being extorted with a sex type though.

>every other team owner
>Packers team owner is the shareholders
half of Wisconsin finna get dabbed on by the FBI lmao.

>prostituion is illegal in (most of) usa
where is your freedom now americakes?

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Where are you hiding the jew gold cheese country

yeah i literally don't care either. nobody in boston will care either, the only ones who may are the lifelong since 2016 liberal fans, but who gives a fuck about them.

It's George H.W. Bush

He'll be fine. He's an award winning team owner.

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For me, it's THE Philadelphia Football Eagles, Philadelphia Baseball Phillies, Philadelphia Basketball 76ers, Philadelphia Hockey Flyers and Philadelphia Soccer Union.

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>Kraft can't get a nice handy from a chink in peace

imagine liking teams from shittydelphia lmao

I'm just worried about how many draft picks Goodell is going to take away

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i know you're kidding, but has anyone seen the video from GHWB's funeral? it's probably Jebbie.

Based and Phillypilled, as usual

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I've got sources on the inside that told me Kraft has a necrophilia/Week-end at Bernie's fantasy
He's a real kinky jew

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I’m a Raiders fan, Mark prolly doesn’t have enough money to afford a happy ending. They prolly charge him extra because of his leathery fucking skin.

What are the odds that the Saints trade for Antonio Brown and their locker room literally erupts in flames thanks to their entire receiving corps (Dez, Brown, Michael Thomas) being massive headcases?

craft is /ourguy/

he likes sex

fuck you all

I didt realize there were so many hill shills and feminists on /nfl/. This board has been dead since the owl until this morning.

Lads, the Colts trade a third rounder for Antonio Brown and then sign LeVeon Bell.

Did I just solve the NFL?


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My dude, you must have missed the last thread.

Mark is a weird dude, he drives from Oakland to Palm Springs just to get his hair cut like that.

Third rounder isn't enough

>100,000 dollar fine and 100 hours community service

Oh no lads the dynasty is finally over, it's [insert your shit team here] time to shine!

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90% of people only read the headlines

>yfw da bears dont get busted for sex trafficking

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desu this should prevent Kraft getting into Canton.


But correct.

All the r/NFL posters came back to shit on the pats after the pats shit all over them in SB53.

Eddie DeBartolo pleaded guilty in a political corruption scandal and still got into Canton. Rings talk bullshit walks.

If Jerry Richardson had won those two Super Bowls, he could have admired as many women's rears as he liked and the NFL wouldn't have said a word.

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>Implying Kraft needs to be inducted into the HoF to be considered the GOAT dynasty owner of all time.

it's over, brady is finished

Brady took a trip to Japan. Makes your noggin jog

>Has Tom Brady in the pic
Already trying to mislead everyone huh? Also, Kraft had very little input over the teams decision making. Kraft knows dick about football. Belichick pretty much does everything and pretty much is the gm.


This /thread

aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself here? kraft has a warrant for his arrest but he hasn't yet been convicted of anything.

>no days off




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>He doesn't think goodell would use this as an excuse to punish the team for something the owner did
Just being realistic desu

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I fucking hope so.

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all me btw

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>Authorities, who set up hidden cameras at the day spa, said there's video evidence of all of all of the suspects, including Patriots owner Robert Kraft, participating in the alleged acts.


>President Trump on charges against Robert Kraft: "It's very sad. I was very surprised to see it. He's proclaimed his innocence totally."

reminder that the only reason porn is legal but prosecution is not is because you can tax porn.

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prostitution not prosecution, fuck.

rhythmic slapping sounds

This is sex trafficking you retard not just prostitution.

These people are straight off the boat, have their green cards taken, overstay their visas, and live in indentured servitude to mobsters and thugs

why are jews so degenerate you guys its ridiculous


These look like good odds


I am not referring to sex trafficking, I am only referring to prostitution.

prostitution should be legal.

If im an old fuck that wants to fuck hot chicks but not have to put any effort into anything it should be my right god damn it.
this is america

>hating bestway
lmao. i bet you go to mccdonalds

Q predicted this.

who gonna stop em?

Guilty, no jail. Pretty obvious, if you are aware of how things work in this country.

>spa prostitution
It's best prostitution though

This is Bill Cosby all over again, only this time there's evidence.

a lot of the asian crime gangs trick FOBS into thinking they get to move to america, but when they get here they get pimped out in massage parlors by the yakuza and forced to jerk offf robert kraft.


Ardmore, OK has the best ho’s

(sex trafficking) Ring Count:
Pats - 1
rest of league - 0

you jelly?

Prostitution is voluntary. These girls were sex slaves.

He’s too autistic to do anything like that. He is a genuinely boring person content to stay in a dark room and think.

>implying if a bunch of women present anecdotal evidence it is not immediately true.

don't you know how twitter lynch mobs work?

FUN FACT: Trump National Jupiter Golf Club is only 15 minutes [5.7 miles] from Orchids of Asia Day Spa & Massage, the sex trafficking massage parlors frequented by Robert Kraft.

i cook my own food, i don't eat garbage.

(((Epstein))) sure sounds white too me you jew.

>uniroincally believing kraft will see the inside of a cell

is there a more brainlet opinion?

not even a patriots fan but, that's what they get for being illegal staying/coming over the border. this whole scenario is completely hilarious.

Wait what? Where can I find this?

>the freshest food around
go eat your ratty ass kebab faggot.

Exactly, rich people never see jail

>Free prostitution
Freelance prostiution is gone a long time ago. Prostitution is managed by the mafia networks now.

Fucking sex slaves is serious

This is one thing that concerns me. As a libertardian in my youth, I believed (and still do) that prostitution should be legal. But how is a customer supposed to know if the gals are doing it on their own free will? That’s a hard one to solve. We need to legalize and regulate it.

you think he's going to see the inside of a cell?

>unironically thinking that sex slaves shouldn't be legal
when did this place become leddit?

They got video evidence. If this ends up being a giant ring he was part of controlling he's going to prison. If he just participated he'll be out after millions in bail, legal fees, and his reputation destroyed

they don't get to shit talk the Pats very often and this is fresh. let them have it.

all pimps and hoes must be registered with the government while attaining a pimp and or ho license.
Anyone caught doing it without the license will pay a 5000 dollar fine

you can buy everything yourself and make your own sandwiches you retard.

they come in through normal ports of entry with valid work visas, you mongoloid. these operations are huge and operate in all major cities.

back to /buildwall/, you fucking moron.

imagine being this retarded because you dont like a certain team

Not based

Subway is ass

imagine being this retarded because you like a certain team

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When they say sex trafficking are they talking about underage slaves or is it just regular prostitution?

lol what a faggot
>get offered a peepee rub during massage
>get all offended and rant on yelp

You're literally a retard if you don't know about this by now

Poor people from China get smuggled into America then forced to fuck people to pay back for getting them into american while their ID and passport are kept by the criminal organization

They live in the building in secret rooms with 10-20 other girls and not allowed to leave the building.

You can easily google sex trafficking

Probably somewhere in the middle - kidnapped girls forced to work. If they were underage you’d be hearing a bigger stink about it. (I didn’t read the article btw)

It's been reported that most of the girls were 13-16

I'm asking whether or not Kraft was accused of fucking regular prostitutes or underage slaves. I know the the difference between the two categories and the question implies as much you fucking knob

Oh OK. Why aren’t they talking about statutory rape then?

>yfw da bears win da superb owl

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So after this debacle Goodell isn't going to allow the refs to let the Patriots win anymore superbowls right?

>New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged with two counts of soliciting prostitution in connection with a Florida spa tied to an international human trafficking ring, police said Friday.

>The spa was among 10 shut down in Orlando, Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast after a several-month investigation revealed women there were in "sexual servitude," according to arrest records.

A girl I hooked up with is now "non-binary gender queer." How should I feel about this?

Idk. My ex was bi when I dated her and now she's gone full dyke

Reddit bay tier post. Kys yourself, tripshit.

do people in florida really not tip 20%? are they too poor?


a girl i went out with in highschool became a full blown tumblr lord and FTM tranny.

Man for some reason bitchknees is not spamming his garbage in this thread. Oh that's right he is a gutless pussy like Sticky Stump

No reason to tip 20% if the service is shitty. That's kind of the whole point of tips.

>his owner isnt an old ass man still banging hoes
based bob still getting it up somehow


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>have actionable intel that a brothel is using sex slaves kidnapped from China
>instead of shutting it down and arresting the proprietors, set up cameras and allow the illegal brother to continue exploiting the women for months just so you can fine more patrons

American police work everybody

Nah he got banned like a faggot.

Are there any other jets fans here that are getting way too optimistic and are falling for /thetrap/ for like the hundredth time?

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You're not wrong. I have a very average dick (7in), but my ex always preferred females.

Why do you say that?

>USC qb
might as well have kept the black coach and prayed that their memes would cancel out

Is this the beginning of the fall of the Pats?

Going in the cringe folder for sure

so ol bobby kraft likes the little kids as much as tommy? interesting.

inb4 the seahawks pick him up. it's a tradition now!

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I'm honored

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Of course the shit skin is an eagles fan.

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>man shit at job will have plenty of job offers

Press F for a legend
>good guy Howie

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Irony is your team is mostly shit skin fans and will be soon after the Raiders leave for Vegas

Yet Kraft has 2x more rings and success than Jerry boy does in the world of football

if you aint doing anything tonight check the mexican football league at 9 pm bros

fite me cowcuck

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He was healthy once also, the writing was on the wall

no it hasn't, he's charged with a misdemeanor

they literally just mean pay for sex
also human trafficking just means that they had a man managing them aka a pimp

>Stephen A. Smith says the Panthers should sign Le'Veon Bell when Christian McCaffrey exists
>Tries to justify it by saying the Panthers have "no receivers"
>When DJ Moore and Curtis Samuel exist and were both amazing in 2018

Can the ((((((((((national media))))))))) just admit that they don't actually watch the Panthers and only pretend to pay attention to us so they can dunk on Cam?

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>playing madden 19 on pc
>sign 3 players from FA, draft 7 rookies, defense is now 87 ovr
>offense is 79 ovr even with a 85 ovr QB

cam was playing hurt when he probably should have been shut down. personally i would have just let go of ron rivera and start fresh with hue jackson

You now remember Cam Newton the FS

And it is legal, in Nevada. Kraft could have easily flown there and had any legal prostitute he wanted, but he was lazy and cheap so he decided to go to his local Asian massage parlor and fuck the enslaved prostitutes instead

Sup hue?

Lelphins fan here, you guys are fucked. Gase is a hack

>gase and williams apparently at each others throats
the fucking state of the jets, im more worried about the dolphins

ded sport

My thoughts exactly. Seattle is the new dumping ground for washed up kickers.

Look at all the redditfags back making their first post in weeks since kraft DABBED all over this shitty general. Kek, stay mad.

nevada is such a meme. overpriced shithole state

Please be tom Brady and please have it be underaged kids. God please please please give me this one win.

yea I'm sure the list is all 70 year old Jews who live in Palm Beach, plus Brady

This gonna blow up like the Minnesota Vikings and the boat thing did. But 1000x worse. A lot of guys have already reached out to their attorneys. I don’t have the names yet.

>Kraft scandal

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Nevada here, suck it flyover bitch

>Tom Brady
>fucking women, not boys
don't know about that one chief

>Donald trump JR has turned himself in to the Jupiter police amid reports he was also caught on tape.
Per CNN.

>like Epstein he’s a white

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What kind of country do we live in where you can’t have sex slaves armed with machine guns you keep loyal with opium addiction? Leftist ruined this nation.

This. I watch nothing but joi and big tits milf solo videos. My porn taste hasnt got sicker or more perverted. Which is nice considering the digusting stuff my friends are into.

>some rich jew who's tangentially related to the team gets charged with a misdemeanor
>It's over for realsies this time, the Patriots are finished

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>tangentially related to the team
this fucking DAMAGE control holy shit

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>owner has sex with literal slaves
>wow it’s fucking nothing

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>it's real

Its finally happening. Pinch me am I dreaming?

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the sting was a Russian operation to steal his new ring cap this post Putin wants to steal all of krafts rings

aside from being the (((guy))) who bought it two decades ago, what team decisions does he make

They already are. Unfortunately for them 95% of america hates them so they're kind of screwed in that regard.

>Putin is building an Infinity Gauntlet with Pats rings

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>slobbering retards on Twitter trying to argue that SB53 is 'tainted' by succgate

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>Oh nose, we're so screwed! How will Pats fans ever deal with being ... hated!
maximum cope

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daily reminder that even if you are a billionaire this is the best you can do without chad genes

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This is Work of the Russians desu. First our election now they framing literal patriots. So sad. Ya know Drumpf won’t do a thing tho cus he’s Putin’s little bitch.

This. If it was just prostitution it wouldnt be as big a deal. The fact these are sex traffic workers makes it a huge deal.

So, uh, does this mean there's a video out there of Robert Kraft getting his dick sucked by a middle-aged Asian woman?

Are we going to get to see it?

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345 views is tinfoil territory bud

>does this mean there's a video out there of Robert Kraft getting his dick sucked by a middle-aged Asian woman?
Not an asian woen, but we have footage of him ass fucking a middle aged man

Literally nothing wrong with getting a tug job from a slave if you didn’t know it was a slave.

Good thing Yum Sum Kum escaped

>robert kraft once donated $100,000 to a Massachusetts anti-sex trafficking group
Fucking kek

No it isn’t. Just stick a camera in the room and it’s a porno

Anyone else jazzed to b8 to the video of the most successful owner of all time getting his world rocked?

Imagine defending a billionaire who fucks sex slaves. Like just imagine..

*goes 14-2 in your path*

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84. Million. Dollars.

*Goes 2-14 in your path*
Fixed that for you and your team paid 84 million to a guy who is 4-25 against over .500 teams

Based and skolpilled

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I actually dont think people should be arrested for getting happying endings or for paid sex

Cringe and cucksin pilled


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The Vikings should trade thielen to make cap space and to get some picks for o linemen

Based and Kaeppilled

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Imagine getting mad at this

People don’t ACTUALLY root for the vikings, do they?


why would anyone do that to themselves

technically true as the biggest name is ROBERT KRAFT

>Charles Barkley and the TNT crew dunking on Smollett
>Robert Kraft getting arrested for prostitution
This is the best sports day in a long time. Any chance Lebron will tear both ACLs before the night ends?

nigga, sometimes you just want to hit up your local mickey ds.

So Kraft is involved in this Russia thing, right?

Also, Trump curse continues.

ya seethe?

>Trump Is the other name. You just know.

Just imagine if Sergei was also there.

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>lighting ANOTHER fire under the Patriots after their 6th ring


>Kraft is finished
Holy shit, what happened?
>Hiring prostitutes
So fucking nothing. Why is this still even illegal? Like 50% of adult men have hired a hooker at some point in their lives, nobody gives a shit anymore. In some areas of the US, it's totally legal, and in sane countries(Europe/Australia), people openly advertise for that shit.

I was expecting something serious, not "rich old man pays for sex with young hotties", which every old rich guy does. What a letdown, I wanted the Patriots to actually be fucked.

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>young hotties
not so much

What do you mean?

the prostitutes were sex slaves which is the real problem

Good thing a wall on the Mexican border paid for with stolen money from the military will keep Chinese from flying in hookers.

but this week’s tournament is in Mexico City.

game starting niggas (mexican league)

>the prostitutes were sex slaves which is the real problem
Was he complicit in that or know that or was he just a randy old man looking for a fuck? Because the article I read made it sound like he just visited one of those "massage partlors" and got some happy endings, not that he was running some sex slave operation.

No, that was Trump's buddy Epstein.

>sex work is work
>sex is a service provided for money
>it cost money to get the women to the U.S.
>the women are paying off their debt with sex
Back to work, wagies!

prostitution is what he was arrested for but the spa having sex slaves do their work gives it a real bad lookfor Kraft

what did we ever do to you

>Kraft is finished edition
Today is the only day that Bills and Jets fans get to know what winning feels like.

/EFLI/ general when?

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I just think that's a lame technicality. Prostitution should be legal anyways, and just because they were illegal whores doesn't really make them any better or worse than the legal ones as far as the "sex slave" thing goes. They're "sex slaves" only because they aren't here legally, otherwise they're no different from any other street walking citizen.

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Fuck off spic

The only issue should be is if they are working against their will for no pay...if its their job and they are ok with it, then there should be no crime especially when its legal a few states to the west in the same country

>The only issue should be is if they are working against their will for no pay.
Even if they were working against their will, how the fuck are the customers supposed to know whether they're doing it against their will or not? The truth is all whores are "doing it against their will". Nobody wants to be a whore, they do it out of desperation or greed. Acting like Kraft should somehow determine whether his whores are being beaten or enslaved in some kind of scheme ahead of time is fucking retarded. Is it somehow better if Kraft got his dick tugged by a woman who picked up whoring for cash versus some dumb whore here illegally who has pimps? It's literally the same fucking thing to Kraft one way or another.

The distinction here is purely a witch hunt. Kraft is guilty of hiring a whore, that's it. Something a huge percentage of the male population does on the regular. Something legal in most countries that aren't draconian shitholes. It's just such stupid, puritanical nonsense news. Seeing the left condemn prostitution in this instance is laughable hypocrisy.

There have been reports that they weren't allowed to leave. If he supported a sex slavery ring in any way he should be banned for life by the league.

Just want to add that this is like jailing a 16 year old teenager that bought illegal fireworks because it turns out the guy selling the fireworks was having enslaved chinese kids make them. Fucking stupid as hell. Yes, buying fireworks is illegal. Somehow making them morally responsible for the vendor's private behavior is incredibly fucking dumb.

Do Patriots fans even give a shit? So what if Kraft gets kicked out, Bill and Tom are the reason for the franchise's success, not him

>How can sex slavery be real like nigga just walk out the door like nigga just close ur legs lmao

Yep, reported for off-topic/politics. Fuck off back to plebbit

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No. That's fucking stupid. See:Kraft is responsible for hiring a prostitute for sex. He is not responsible for how the prostitutes are treated by their pimps.

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Johnathan will take over the anyway and it will be business as usual

>announcing a report
Nice work, retard. Just want to add that mods don't do shit on these boards anymore. I haven't seen an off topic post deleted in like a year. Most flatout porn on this board stays up for half a day. Most offtopic shitposting is never deleted. Good luck.

rich guy pays to fuck women, why is this a big deal

>Kraft is finished


Because some illegal chinks forced the female illegal whores to be whores against their will or something. So that's Robert Kraft's fault.

I literally just came off a ban like 2 hours ago for posting some shit about trump lol. Now its your turn, eat shit

Mar a lago is pretty close, too. Plz be Trump.

So you're the one guy out of like ten thousand offtopic shitposters that they banned. Congratulations. You were enough of a flaming retard to stand out. Nobody else in this thread is going to get banned. Report away.

U sound nervous lol. Yikes


Its kinda sad that a pillar of the franchise will go down over some undocumented sex slave but thats about it. His son will take over after he's forced to resign out of shame.

Yeah, I'm super nervous, which is why I'm going to continue to post about Trump and Kraft in this thread while you sit there with salty tears filling your eyes wondering why they won't ban me. Mods don't do shit anymore you newfaggot retard. If you were here longer than a few weeks, you would have noticed.

Everyone saying kraft will get kicked from the league is fucking delusional. So he bought a hand job from a massage parlor, boo fucking hoo. I bet you fags have never got your dicks wet. Or you just hate the Patriots that much.

Ahahah fag this was my weakest bait, look at you go. I feel bad for your keyboard lmao. S E E T H I N G. Seriously tho fuck off back to r*ddit where youve been for the last three week.

It's just angry liberals that hate the Patriots and drama queens looking to stir shit because they hate the Patriots. This happens to any other NFL owner and nobody gives a shit, because in reality it's a "who gives a fuck" story. It will have some longevity, but only because the media/liberals are desperate for Patriots failure.

be shit

>lmao i was only pretending to be retarded!!
Wow good one you fucking moron. I type fast, my keyboard is just fine.

Ur pissed lmao

Another epic reply. You are just le master troll. A shame I'm not banned yet. All this offtopic posting is just begging for moderator intervention.

Still replying? This is the most attention you've got all day i bet. Sad

I'll keep replying. You're going to need to do better than decade old banter to faze me, faggot.


You guys are both fucking retarded holy shit.

Lmao if Snyder didn't get kicked out for pimping his own cheerleaders nothing is happening to Kraft. Unless he's some criminal mastermind running the trafficking ring, this will be forgotten once the "bigger names" come out.

And you're an even bigger faggot for acknowledging it, faggot.


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They can't even do anything anyways. What are they going to do? Try to drag out a story about old rich guys hiring prostitutes? Try to hold them accountable for how their pimps treated the hookers? It's just a dumb, desperate story. It's not 1990, prostitution scandals don't mean shit anymore.

Fuck off cringe folder nigger


>i-it's off-topic

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Still waiting for you to take that pic, sandspic

fuck you faveLA monkey. eat subway and choke on it you stupid spic. also don't call yourself rasm fan anymore, you are obviously a patsfag who is defending Kraft.

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>cringefolder guy accuses anyone else of craving attention
>the guy that wastes his time hand writing out posts on Yea Forums for attention
o i am laffin...

Kraft didnt do anything wrong. If paying for hookers is so bad id be serving three life sentences rn. Im a better rams fan than youll ever be a philly fan, you third world poverty shitter. Never reply to me again

I only do it when im at work and getting paid. You get assblasted for free. Yikes.

>look how stupid I am

I don't genuinely believe that anyone complaining about Kraft hiring hookers actually, seriously cares or is morally outraged in any real way. They just hate Kraft and want the Patriots to fail.

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is flacco elite?

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>I only do attention seeking cringe shit and act like a manchild going through a midlife crisis when I'm at work
Wow that totally makes it okay, you pathetic retard.

If pirating was so baf, I'd be doing 3 life sentences

I literally predicted every playoff winner and picked the super bowl spread you dumb fuck. Hahahahah i just dabbed on you irl

Rams will win the Superbowl.

>the new england traffickers

What team did the Police support when they busted him?

>Brown himself has mentioned San Francisco and Green Bay as potential landing spots.
I mean, I don't know what the packers would have to throw at the steelers to get him.
But fuck me that offense would be terrifying

Leave Kraft alone, he was just trying to deflate his balls.

jesus, you are just repeating yourself like a broken record. just kys ironically already

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Until Aaron gets his annual injury

Did YOU go 100% in playoff picks?? Im on top of the world rn and u cant tell me shit til next season. Stay mad darkie :^)

>He thinks a broken collarbone and a sprained knee are connected
must be nice to be as dumb as you desu

new england patriots.

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>le i predict rams loss even though i'm a rasmfag man

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Kraft needed to get his mind right before deciding what sort of ring to get this year.
It's the leagues fault, really.

That makes me smart.

>it's real

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Checked and kekked

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just put yourself into the folder already cringelord

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They are. AIDS weakens the body

>gets called out for being an idiot
>"time to double down so people don't think I was serious!"

You should really appreciate what I do here instead of whining like a bitch all the time. I used to like you

This same thing happened to the Vikings on the love boat.
...Except I don't think the owners paid for the Vikings hookers lol.

>I used to like you
That's where you fucked up.

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You sound like you're under a lot of stress, AR. You should call up Kraft and see if the Day Spa has any Thai ladyboys available for you.

>“You know what you should’ve did? Just went out into Liam Neeson’s neighborhood. Could’ve solved all your damn problems,” Barkley said while laughing.

>Earlier this month, Neeson said he thought about killing a black person after he found out someone close to him was raped. He also said that he wandered the streets with a weapon hoping a black person would “come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him.”

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Also dont forget I single handedly BTFO'd all the cowshits from this board. You're welcome

>unironically caring about a strangers sexuality on the internet
sure you're not projecting?

Let me guess, cowcuck? Or chiefs? Lel, get shit on

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/Bills Owl 2020/

SAS doesn't watch football, period.

so uh, why should i care about the combine?

You shouldn't

prostitution isn’t illegal due to moral reasons anymore (unless in religious boomer states like utah), they may have originated from moral reason but they’re kept in place to discourage sex trafficking, which is exactly what happened in this situation

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>His owner is a sex trafficker
>His QB is a pedophile

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patriots owner lets his team cheat in game while he cheats real life
can't make this shit up

Gronald Glumpf BTFO

jupiter is like a planet though lol

>no more parkey
owl bound

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So Gillette is going to drop the patriots now right especially after their controversial commercial or are they going to be total fucking hypocrites and pretend nothing happened?

>Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter, Florida
Really makes you think

The stadium bears their name, what happens there?
>The New England Patriots, playing out of Foxborough, MA in Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Stadium

They'll take a wait and see attitude, and watch the money, same as usual.

Other way around, they were here legally, but were confined and bullied into sex without pay. That a bit different from street walking citizen. DESU I just want him to suffer the same sentence as all the other johns on the list. Four weeks in some scuzzy county jail sounds about right.

crap I forgot about the t b h bs, I thought 4channel would put a stop to it.

Looks like not paying for top talent finally caught up to him. I get not wasting your money, but if you have his kind of money, you should be literally buying the best women money can buy.

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>me and brady's sixth ring

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>me and robert kraft's six trafficked prostitutes

>his owner doesn’t fuck prozzies on the regular
state of ye

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Except for the super bowl victory, lel

Compensatory picks for this years draft
>his SB-winning team doesn’t have 12 picks immediately after

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bros imagine waking up next to that

This is the first time in 10 years the Packers did not have any compensatory picks.

>Seattle only has four draft picks

Half will be running backs I'm sure

>Donald sterling says off color remarks about minorities in the privacy of his own home.
>forced to sell team
>Robert kraft gets caught in pedo sex slave ring gets to keep team


yeah, that’s right

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>talking about suspending Kraft

Lmfao yeah because the last two times they suspended people from the Patriots, that totally didn't backfire in their faces

They never fucking learn!

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>dude literally is a pedo law breaker
>"lol why are they thinking about suspending him"

Lmao patsfags are brain dead

Yet somehow they are sll trafficked to the one civilized county where it's still illegal. Seems legit genius.

Well of course. Mature reasonable adults are extinct.

Seven (7)


Seattle is full of shit... they don't need RB's. They need receivers, a reliable WR and a powerful TE, plus a DE and a CB. And for God's sake, they need to talk with Russ ASAP

He backed Brady when they traded Jimmy

Wouldnt be shocked if D-Wade did shit like this... He banged my fat Mexican co-worker. Pretty sure he is just down for whatever

>Having a hot wife stopping someone from ever wanting to cheat

I take it you've never had a relationship with a hot bitch... protip, it gets old, no matter how hot she is

>dude literally is a pedo law breaker
>"lol why are they thinking about suspending him"

What evidence is there that Kraft is a pedo? My understanding is that massage parlor chicks are adults if not actually old broads.

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Jerry fucks hookers anywhere.

He opened up a Suite full of hookers to Bill Ford at the owners meetings. Bill says he "declined"

yes, but user was talking about the world of hookers

is soliciting a prostitute a major crime or a misdemeanor?

It's a misdemeanor. People are exagerating shit way out of proportions because they hate the patriots.

>The New England Shanghaiers

He's never made any. People act like there was some sort of friction between belichick and brady but that has never been backed up by any real evidence besides hearsay and conjecture. I've always viewed him as a guy who chased after the coattails of brady and belichicks success stories while promoting himself as if he did anything for the team. He may be a competent enough businessman, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been completely worthless when it comes to the sport itself. I've always viewed him as similar to a backup who didn't even play in the superbowl but reaped the rewards and even bragged about being there. Never cared for the (((guy))) and have always thought he could easily be replaced.

It was always retarded that bob kraft got so much credit for lucking into Bill bellichick

Nobody remembers how Bill parcells actually left because he couldn’t stand ownership

>t. E!SPN

who /MissingMahomes/ here?

Patriot fans and their Jewish fans defending a Jewish owner

I’m shocked

Israel will save Kraft, he's one of their top jews


Kraft is a "good owner" when compared to bad owners - Snyder, David, Jones.

He knows he's a business guy, and lets BB do all the football related shit. He doesn't try and insert himself where he doesn't belong. He doesn't micro-manage. He hires good people and lets them get on with it.

Haha jews right? lol xD

>marry jewish old hag for status co
>fuck other bitches in secret
jews lol xD

>incident occured in Miami.
>home of the Miami Dolphins.
now I am not saying it is a conspiracy, but.

ok now this the best post i've ever seen on this site before

It's not wrong. The Trump curse continues as everyone associated with him gets thrown in jail.

Me. Life is boring when mahomes isnt playing

>is soliciting a prostitute a major crime or a misdemeanor?
Misdemeanor. Retards are just trying to somehow say Kraft is responsible for the whores being mistreated by their illegal immigrant pimps. Completely retarded.

>Robert kraft gets caught in pedo sex slave ring gets to keep team
There's no "oedo" anything, and he wasn't caught in a sex slavery scandal. He hired a hooker to jerk him off that happened to be a sex slave. If he was involved with it or owned it, why the fuck would he pay his own slaves?

Also, they've already clarified that the "sex slaves"/illegal immigrant whores were in their 20's and 30's.

Are there any teams that will be sink or swim next season?

Imagine unironically being cucked by shareholders and defending being cucked.

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it hurts

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>First-time offenders charged with solicitation are typically permitted to enroll in a diversion program and serve 100 hours of community service, a former prosecutor told the Associated Press.

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>they’re [anti-prostotution laws] kept in place to discourage sex trafficking

You mean how like anti-drug laws have completely halted drug use?....

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>pedo sex slave ring
>pedo law breaker
yeah they look pretty underage to me

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Those are the managers/madams. I know it wasn’t a pedo sex ring, but you’re making yourself look stupid here.

sure, but iirc the cops said those were the people they had on tape giving the tugs too



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This lol. When will packers ever recover?

Probably the Ravens and the Seahawks.

>Bob "chain her and bang her" Kraft

>when you support a wall to keep illegals out but also need a hand release
Kraft is an absolute madman.

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>elite buissness man solicited a prostitute.
>the media expects this to be shocking news.
Come on this what people in that tax bracket do, theyve always done that. Youd have to be completely naive to think otherwise. Not defending that scumbag by any means I just think its silly that the media thinks this is """"""shocking""""""


What is that anyway? A month of community service? Also, goodell (no matter how scummy he is) couldn't dock draft picks and give kraft fines because this had no relation to football.


misdemeanor. HOWEVER--
He didn't just go to a brothel, we went to an establishment that participates in human trafficking, and those women were there against their will. He could've gone anywhere, but he did THAT, and that's why he's fucked.


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Seriously, Rooney hired a guy who covered up rapes and murders, while Irsay killed a broad.

>5 posts early

Interesting. So why is Kraft taking the fall?

Must've pissed off some powerful people.

2019 has been a bad year for Trump associates connected to Russia.

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not under this coach, i'd wager

>500 and NEW

kek, nevar 5get

non-early non-shit thread

damn, that really is the distiction