
Valbong edition

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Other urls found in this thread:



You have billions of people alive today who don't have freedom, billions who have lived and died without freedom. Those people would never had the chance to be free, and if they tried to be they would be imprisoned and/or murdered.

And yet here we have a system set up where strangers VOLUNTARILY take away your freedoms. It's one of the most sickening things a person can do. It's fucking infuriating. It's pathetic. It's MADDENING.

Imagine being such massmedia sheep that you think Jon Jones can beat this man.

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prime Theodorou beats Costa

Reem bless lads

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>ValBong edition
Cormier is the GOAT and Spainsperg is living rent free in the faggot Bong's head.

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Santos - TKO
Marcos - TKO
Oleksiejczuk - DEC
Carmouche - DEC
Yan - DEC
Magomed - SUB

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Jan is going to heem Poopetta, heem Gus in the rematch, then heem Jon at MSG in November. Prove me wrong

What a caz lmao

Good no one worthy of living wants to watch women's mma. Go have babies and post pictures of you taking care of them on instagram and blogging about it.

Send the brit back to his cuckshed

As if she wasn't obese enough already. She's gonna hit 200lbs real easy.

Jan is as boring pointfighter, way too slow and glass jawed to not get clipped

So fucking desperate for attention he doxxes himself, sad.

Who's gonna main the MSG card? They'd surely want a title fight, not a title contender eliminator.

Jan Błachowicz vs. Thiago Santos
Stefan Struve vs. Marcos Rogério de Lima
Gian Villante vs. Michał Oleksiejczuk
Liz Carmouche vs. Lucie Pudilová
John Dodson vs. Petr Yan
Magomed Ankalaev vs. Klidson Abreu


This is Jon Jones' world and you're all just living in it

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t. Jimi

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what does the dern spammer think of this?

Think it's the discord guys mentioning each other, I refuse to believe people are actually that obsessed with them. I see Luke mentioned at least once a thread now.

McGregor rematch maybe, he sure as hell isn't fighting any serious contender.

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would you let big tiddy MILF Mackenzie breastfeed you?

About to go to my dispensary, any strain you fags want me to get? Think I'll go blue dream.

PUKE is mentioned all die time cos he's a janny on like 3 different heemcords and no one likes him hehe

speaking of anyone got an invite to the secret heemcord? need to crash this plane with no survivors XD

You'd be surprised

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blue dream is a classic. can never go wrong with that.

that said, I'd cop whatever has the highest THC %. also, consider investing in a high-end vaporizer so you can burn flower, hash, and oil all in one place. oils are where it's at - the top-shelf stuff is 90+% THC. the absolute best buds rarely go above 30%

Big tiddy don't matter when you're morbidly obese.

Big brained opinion

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blue dream is for lightweights for me it's GG4 and Jack Herer or SSH

so what will you dopes do if Smith gets crushed?


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I'm getting an oil cartridge with like a 90%+ rating. Never tried jack herer though I've heard of it I'll check it out and deliver when I get back.

Please type F For my good friend Bryan Callen who is getting divorced, coincidentally when he finally starts making good money

Not happening, sweetie. Jon is getting heem'd, with one millionth of a picogram in his system

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Smith was winning the story of this fight.

nice picks bro

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this will just be the OSP fight all over again

right but what will you do if that doesn't happen? or are you too myopic to entertain hypotheticals?

Why would I consider such a scenario? I should be also planning for getting abducted by aliens, if this is the standard.

OSP was on like 2 weeks notice. Jon has had 3 full months to prepare for Smith. Smith won't see the championship rounds.

Yeah, because he's winning in first two.

based and smifpilled

your terrible limp dick shitposting is the reason all the good heem posters left for discord. you're basically by yourself now spammy you fuckin loser

Jon Jones is getting beaten lifeless March 2nd. Just accept it and move on.

Do you think when Jones get heemed by Smiff, will he go into the "God has plans for me" damage control mode, or will he break and go full bad guy? I suspect the latter.

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No need to be so defensive if you're that sure about Mr. Bones winning.

This Smith meme ends in just over a week, I'm gonna bet £100 on Jon Jones TKOing him within 3 rounds

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thats a randomer off twitter your heemcord cluedo attempts are embarassing heem your self

There's no need to lose money just to be contrarian my man.

i wouldn't be so sure
i foresee a submission

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it's literally 3 of you, all possibly spammy's personalities, keeping this thread alive. it's sad as fuck. you're all so lonely.

Smith clocks Jon ducking his head circling right after being down 2 rounds in the 3rd, flushes him, saves the UFC, change my mind

I'll put money on him just to finish within 3 rounds, if I'm getting a decent amount. I'm betting safe. I almost feel bad for these guys backing Smith, he's a nice guy but not even on Jones' level. Shit, he's not even remotely comparable

has all the gifts and ability, but makes his life a hellish mess, over and over.
he's a sad case.

should be a large profit coming your way

He cares about absolutely nothing. He probably laughed his ass off after the most recent positive.

Who is your favorite female fighter? No trolling please.

You're correct in that, but it's Mr. Bones who will be submitted.

>shill for a fighter relentlessly
>he loses
>pretend I never shilled for him and that he's a can and that I supported his opponent the whole time

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Are you talking about Khabibniggers?

this guys friggin revved

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what the fuck is Cluedo

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luke is a fucking faggot lol. spends all his waking time on discord while everyone bullies him. also have you seen this dork's twitter? tweets like 50 times a day for a grand total of 4 likes. he's legitimately a fucking spastic but i don't think he understands how sad his life is

dance for me


keep screenshotting his reactions lol
shut the fuck up you mong you have 0 agency in this world. imagine actually being a janny LOL

come back im sorry I hurt you

we can get through this

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO how much you wanna bet he reads plots on wiki and pretends he actually sees those movies
get through your inability to function as a productive member of society first you disgusting cave dwelling gobshite

literally come back I want you near me

>dance for me
Damn Luke is the Chael Sonnen of being a discord janitor

based lukey

you're worse than elliot which shouldn't be possible

I wont push you if you arent ready but I will always be here for you, always.

Reem heems the lanklet

Reem bless

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ur a faggot

only for you sweetie

Twitchy I'm worried about you breh, save us

the Beckys are getting out of control

shitpost all u want facts is ur a lonely bitter virgin

>Real sport

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Wait till the mod hears about this

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same time tomorrow then

i can definitely count on you to always be here that's for sure. get a life smeagol

Literally cringed


Luke doesn't do a good job of pretending not be upset, he tries to play it off like Spain but it doesn't work.

do you feel good about yourself for bullying a guy who's one of the few genuine fight fans in this shithole? everyone has his own flaws.

Who is the Yea Forums Yea Forums moderator who bans me 25 times a day for posting "anonymously?" Is it that fucking zilch from the Netherlands, the dutch man? HOLLAND? is it him? the prime schaub would heem poster? WHO IS THE MODERATOR. one of you discord twitch whatsapp faggots must be in the know.

He wishes he could be king of discord like me

lol his daughter gets impregnated by a guy she has known for a couple months?

he should have read jordan peterson's guide to life

It was a nice carrer
Sad week for mma fans
Lots of retirements

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don't listen to these nerds, Luke. you do a great job at keeping the peace. modding discord is a thankless job, especially when you have to combat autism all day. you're a good guy and a true fight fan. thanks for always having something interesting to add to the convo.

that said, try not to be so crass and demeaning when people disagree with you. it's okay if people have their own opinions, even if they're stupid ones.

>do you feel good about yourself for bullying a guy
Do I look bothered?

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de Lima
Magomed Ankalaev

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What if she still fights and gets Jose Aldo body shotted

i've realised that i might unironically be the best looking and most well adjusted /heem/ poster lmfao

cut out the fizzy drinks m8

I think they're just teasing him, they're probably his friends from the discord.

>heemcord fags discussion
That's a cringe from me

this, they literally can't stop talking about their gay little club

de Lima

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gay little club, or one big, open-access club that only a few select spergs are (self-)exiled from because no one wants to hear their autistic bullshit all the time? sorry no one wants to deal with your mental illness all day. sorry heem died because of you and other retards like you who couldn't stop themselves from attention-whoring because you're all lonely little virgins

Now you, you I like

>gay little club, or one big, open-ass club

absolute state of this post
whatever helps you sleep at night

ITT: robberies in MMA

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it was the right decision, idiot
Literal ref who was in the Octagon said the same

condit won 1, 3, 4
lawler won 2, 5 with no 10-8s
>the ref said

Any thoughts on Cannonier vs Silva?

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look at their faces, Condit got gadooshed up

That's not true though, if you have a different opinion or don't like a fighter they like it's like reddit.

I am the only one who wants every underdog to win in 235? The card is great but ufc is fucking stale. I want new champions


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Who is Dernling's real father?

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Big John thought Robbie hit Condit with an elbow in the third when it was his forearm. He's an idiot

I want new top tens

The ref who literally helped write the rules and offers judging/reffing courses
judges thought Rob won too, get btfo bud

God, Candesanya is such a bum. Why do they always hype bums up, instead of experienced proven fighters?

I got banned from there for not rating a boxer Lister did, sad place.

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Who gives a shit, he's a retard with shitty opinions and fucked up a shit ton as a ref.

Calendar = Jade/Ortegafag
Fucking loser insists on picking WMMA fights.
Pretends he's not on here spamming all of the time.

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Check your inbox bro

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>its possible to make perfect calls

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This is Calendar/"Germany"/Jade Poster on a proxy.

>its impossible to make shitty calls
Literally the argument that was just made, shut the fuck up

Got some decently good shit. 105 bucks well spent

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Lol wtf is this twitter.com/vivi_faces

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Do you think you're smart or something? This is shit people figured out months ago, retard.

I have the highest IQ here. I'm the only one here who can prove unequivocally that the spammer is an american, and that american is calendar (the guy who took the picks for ufc 234).

He is so mentally ill he pretended to not be able to properly take the picks, he did the ones with the shitty black background, but now he's "back" and making calendars and flawlessly took the picks for ufc 234.

i also have the timestamps on his own posts to prove he's an american.

the gig is up kid.


Yeah youre about a year behind nigger. Wait until you find out Switzerland is actually a Mexican

Will start taking the picks on sunday who do you have for the main event bro? btw nice theory you got there me and derek are laughing our asses off about shit like that lol


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Are you fucking retarded? you have the audacity to submit your fucking picks after not streaming for 2 fucking weeks

don't be a bully Luke this is why people don't like you

who is YOUR favorite female fighter?


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for me it is cynthia calvillo, 2019's comeback fighter of the year

so tsundere

more like cum back fighter of every year

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For me, Lucie takes this cake and runs with it...
She has a history of getting robbed in the ufc

I could not believe my eye when i saw vid related but her ufc debut against Lansberg was next level bullshit

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Why is "Valbong" in California?

is that really valbong?

>tfw i get my own heem thread

thanks based superfan

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Literally every single one of those landed

Who is this twig-armed inbred twirp? Some bloody elbow mod or something?

Who can possibly beat GOATron GOATley?

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Cannonier is my boy. Won me some good money against Branch

No you didn't.

No they didn't.

He's really unfortunate looking

Yeah he was +480 to win inside the distance

is there good anime about mma?

The closest I could find as a proper anime cad (only like old stuff) is Battle Grapplers I think it's called and Ultimate Muscle

do hookers count towards your bodycount?

For sure Anderson's chin violently wobbled back and forth for no reason my guy

Looks like a regular attractive dude. Maybe you need to stop demonizing white men.

they did land but he negated pretty much all the power with his head movement, they didn't hurt him at all

that's a cool paint ball gun

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Incorrect. Le tap your forearms and shins with 10 percent power man didn't win that fight. You look at total strikes like they mean anything. One of Lawlers hooks did more damage than an entire round of cardio kickboxing from that meme.

>He pays 105 for a gram of oil

I can get 3g for that.

do you even get high off joints anymore if you smoke oil on the regular?

Cheeeeeeeeeeeck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuur inboooooooooooooooooooooox brooooooooooooooooooooooo

it was 75 bucks just for the oil, you in california?
if you smoke alot of oil it kills your tolerance quite a bit

I gave lawler rounds 2 and 5 though

Lawler vs. Cowboy seemed like a robbery when I first saw it

lads it´s time

Pregnancy makes perfection

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He looks like a rat and is dressed horribly.

if this bum just throws a left hook at the end of this combo anderson is schleep but adesanya knows he has pillow fists so he doesnt even attempt it. SAD!

Gefilte fish, I'm gonna have a conniption.

Now that she’s knocked up, can we start taking bets on when dernfag kills himself?

hes already gone RIP


literally me

i get rosin for about $6 a gram. if i buy weed and press at my friend's house about $3

Tyron Woodley is unironically my favorite champion. He literally destroys his opponents and Dana gets so fucking upset about it. His fights aren't the best but that's because his opponents are passive or spam takedowns.

honorable mentions to Bendo vs Cowboy and Benavidez vs Pettis

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Looks like heeming is back on the menu boys.

WMMA is gay
That being said, I would love to watch an MMA event with this guy desu.

de Lima

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did gsp ever beat a black man?

Only Jussie Smollett.

I didn't realise anyone saved this.

Can anybody explain how hard Barao got flushed? Dude used to be in GOAT conversations and he's a total can now.. wtf.

And he's only 32... It's tuff bee I guess.

Anthony Smith? More like Buster Smif am I right ha ha?

Only real fight fans will get this.

I hope you guys meme yourselves into getting invested in Smith. The thin veil irony is fading. Soon you will have actually convinced yourself Smith has a chance. Then you will watch him get easily finished in 1 round. You will deserve to feel bad for pushing this retarded meme.


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he stopped taking chin steroids

Always was overrated but got his spirit and a lot of chin mileage deleted by TJ two times. Has a shitty weight cut onlu exacerbated by age. He’s at least in reality 37. USADA. Left Nova Uniao and PEDeirnas.

Post slip faggot.

Can’t wait for the interview

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Holy fucking cringe I erased this from my mind you dick

Woodley is the only black guy near his weight that wouldn't have gotten wrestlefucked.

based chael kino


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God i wish that we're me hanging on reem's biceps

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smith tko round 2

how pillowfisted is this man

Till wins the rematch.

And still not nearly as pillowfisted as Jones.

Too bad he doesn't have the skill to make up for it like jones

Daily reminder that Jan styled on Manuwa and has only improved since then. He'll be faster than Santos (as shown in the Jimi fight when his jab was literally unstoppable) and will just dick on him.

Against Nicolas Dalby? I think people would be surprised.

That dude was out of it standing up watch his hands

What's Jones' skill? Only picking fat past prime middleweights as opponents?

>not a top 10 middlweight
>going to beat Jon Jones
pick one

Tuffbee is a dog frisbee brand.

Woodley honestly won the lottery Till lead with that uppercut, he was about to get exposed.

Sounds like Smith himself

What's this about? Qrd?

You would know.

Yeah, I just got one for my chocolate lab.

Smif vs. Jones has upset written all over it.

You're the kind of person who would have a chocolate lab.



Smif will grind him out so hard, Jones will verbally tap on the stool.

I know you're trying to gaslight me and it isn't going to work.

You seem like the kind of guy on whom gaslighting wouldn't work.


he turned gus into a panic wrestler

The more I watch the Smifster the more I believe that he will Neutralize Jon Jones biggest advantages and turn the fight into a 5 round Brawl. From there anybody could win and Jones probably does, but the odds are definitely wacko'd

More and more people are getting wokepilled every single day.

Prove you're not a cazzie: name the fighter in this vid without reading the description.


How do I heem somebody in a street fight? Opponent can't fight either so should be ez if I can yeet him early

Just spam overhand rights til he drops

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>tfw i can heem everyone in this thread

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Probably said something slightly negative about jones and got blacklisted. Jon is a sensitive fella when it comes to media criticism

James 'Sandman' Irvin

Just kick them in the nuts, no need to act tough and get CTE.

my boy jared finna kill that hue

sure brazil you're just all hopped up on that monkey soup

Anyone who can make webms?

Did anyone else check out the 34 minute and 6 second UFC 235 Free Fight: Kamaru Usman vs Rafael Dos Anjos?

fite me irl and not online and see what happens fgt

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Yes I am hoping Usman wins because he gets so much hate and doubters.

I checked the journalists twitter and there's literally nothing there expect a by the numbers article about Jones saying he's ready for Smith
Also a tweet about him asking Jones if he had a comment about GSP retiring and Jones responding no, but that's all very minor, can't be this shit
Maybe he tried to picogram Jon's drink

BOOM oblique kick *snap*
BOOM thai clinch

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Yeah people can make webms

>CHINESE man begging for a fight
at least americans can do a rollout move

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>Jon hasn't had a first round finish in over half a decade but he totally will this time

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You don't know about my Chi tho.

expected from a plus sign

and what u gonna do?
shoot my husband?


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gay desu

say it agaain

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Reminder that khabib is a middleweight

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Smith has just the right amount of swarth not to get blacked.

Rob Font vs Pedro Munhoz please, the finish never got made. Also at 3.17 Pedro gets thrown and is able to threaten with a leg lock if you could do that as well that would be great.

hey post that hardy pic

Whose the skınhead?

Hm, no

So mean.

But Oezdemir took down Smith with ease so Jon should gave no problem doing the same

That tobacco he's smoking?

Us Kamaru fans need to band together. Can't wait to see how the haters cope after he puts a beating on Woodley

Looking for a decent source, give me a minute

I'm surprised they haven't called Woodley Vs Usman off. Usman is going to be busy testifying against Jussie Smollett.

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Oezdemir fell for the same trick that Lombard did (gassing yourself out in a position with no underhooks) Smith truly is the human mouse trap

woodley will lose.. this time!!!

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Woodley was being disrespected a lot in the past but now he beat Till he has all the love. Usman is now the most disrespected fighter.

Not my finest hour, best I could find. Ask Ausbro if he's around and you might get a nice edit

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The admin always deletes the picks, but never deletes the spam posted in every thread that might as well be coming from a bot: the canelo post, the schaub ngannou post, the favorite female post. What an absolute zilch.

fuck off spammy

Really appreciate this webm anyway thank you.

Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.
Reported for violating the law.

New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:
New thread:

Reported for racism.

hoaxers everywhere

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reported for racism


Reported for trolling.

Where is Luke at

He needs a heeming

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Whose your least loved woman on the UFC"s illustration roster?

Luke is a loser

it's the the war master

going to bed sorry i didnt get back to you ill reply when i wake up/email you

All good bro good to know we have the fat zilch absolutely seething the last few days


lol he's in shambles

Looking forward to Yan Heeming the soul of the perpetual child Dodson.

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What's the picture?

Have people actually convinced themselves that smith has a chance, or is this the new meme?

I'm sure it's just a meme/trolling.
No-ones that retarded right?

This is heem everyone is that retarded

Im more concerned with who wins the story of the fight tbhf

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I think people know that anything can happen in MMA, so they spam unlikely outcomes so they can scream "I TOLD YOU SO" in the off chance they're right or move on to the next fighter in the event they're wrong

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Tomorrow's card is so poor, that's one of the fights I'm looking forward to but it could easily be 15 minutes Dodson ruining around

Yan is really good at cutting off the cage. Teruto tried to circle out on him and got forced right back into a firefight

I got faith in Yan, he looked like a world beater in his last fight

Because afterwards they have two foolproof defenses
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>I told you so — the signs were all there you casuals

I predict every fighter on tomorrow's card will win, lose or draw their fight

I'm so confident in this that you can screencap it

Luke is loser

What time is the card on for you guys? It starts around 4pm here, but there really isn't very many good fights so I'm not sure I'll catch it live, maybe just after the fact
Anything else on the card you're looking forward to?

*pokes your eye*

*gets a no contest*

Nothing personnel kid

It’s just 100% shit posting

Smif is going to win while you poo your pants crying about it

I think prelims start at 8am on westcoast? I dont know I'm not getting up for that, just gunna try to catch the main card I guess

That's how bold I'm being though, I can guarantee you that won't happen and everything I predicted will be 100% accurate
I know my MMA and studies hours of tape on each fighter. My IQ is also through the roof

11 am I think. I always look forward to the possibility of Struve getting brutally heemed

Carlo Pedersoli Jr vs Dwight Grant
Rustam Khabilov vs Diego Ferreira
Michel Prazeres vs Ismail Naurdiev
Damir Hadžović vs Polo Reyes
Daniel Teymur vs Chris Fishgold
Jan Błachowicz vs Thiago Santos
Should all be great

Looking forward to the main event, Struve vs Pezao, Michel Prazeres, Pedersoli, and Veronica vs Gillian

Blachowicz is very quietly putting together a nice run. If LHW is memey enough for Smith to get a title shot he may not be far off

Shame about Ferreira missing weight I didn't expect it.

post heems

the prelims are going to be spicy just skip the first fight

"Luke is a loser"

8am is perfect

>White guy
>Heeming a black
Literally have never seen it happen

Amerifat edition

Attached: albini_johnson.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Press F for K-1 bro

Attached: aerts_vs_lardo.webm (954x694, 2.66M)

Attached: fat_man_choke.webm (720x400, 2.86M)

Smith is going to win. Jones does not give a fuck about this fight. Smith is hungry, and he's big, strong, and aggressive enough to get it done. Jones will sleep.

Attached: UltimateFighter22Finale_FrankieEdgar_.webm (1280x720, 2.37M)

Yeah shut the fuck up luke

Based scarfhold choke. If done correct, none can defense.

Post YFW Dern got BLACKED

Grug say bad fighter beat good fighter cause he want it and he love go straight for KO

Attached: 708CCEAB-38B2-4532-BA51-1AA3841732F1.png (485x443, 38K)

TFAK chef matty based and redpilled lads


thicker than a snickers

You've got to be hungry to make it in MMA, kid. Jones' heart isn't in this fight.

Heh, nice one. You sure showed him.

>Bad fighter
>3 fight win streak
>Beat 2 GOATs
>More wins than Jones

Attached: Jon Jones tries to fight without steroids.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Jesus Christ Le Banner is still fighting? And in MMA? Sad desu, I remember when he was getting heemed by Hunto 17 years ago

>2 GOATs
>Greatest of All Time

How come Jones couldn't KO Rashad but Smif could. And don't give me that >"h-he's old!" bullshit. Fight IQ doesn't wear down with age. This was a calculated move by Smif, and a weakness that Jones was unable to exploit against Rashad.

Attached: 1528587729086.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Twitchy heems Luke in the first

>Dern got a career ending pregnancy

Attached: 1550117757477m.jpg (1024x1009, 92K)

>Dern announces pregancy
>Dern poster disappears

really makes me think

>Usman is now the most disrespected fighter

Attached: feelsdumb.png (645x773, 106K)

Thawlts on this beast of an interview?

He will be a father now...
Probably busy

Attached: 40473401_302280843893871_3399527394104671806_n.jpg (640x800, 73K)

Go on then, whose been getting more hate recently? Even Colby gets more love from the MAGA guys.

Zabit meme ends next week
Arisen meme starts next week
woodley meme still next week
smith meme ends next week

You screencaped here first you faggots

Jones doesn't have knockout power.

Arisen who

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U cazzies didn't even watch ONE

I mean arsken sorry

Early stoppage.

Woodley is free money. Usman is terrible.

Her titties are already tremendous. Bitch has the best fat storage genetics.
I am more into ending Jones meme and walker meme

Usman is free money. Woodley is terrible.

What are you guys' ships? Personally I'm a Jonesmier kind of guy.

Attached: 1550221552437.jpg (620x400, 33K)

Majority draw is free money. Usman and Woodley are both terrible.

it was Marty behind subway with the noose and bleach

TJ's favorite judge
I think he is pretty good physically but mentally he starts to wander too much. Usman can break him during the fight

did twitchy get banned from twitch?

Is Clue still a thing


only in the Yuf-nited kingdom

found this jem about punching power on some karate video thots?

>1) boxing punch (which is the most ordinary and simple but much more developed in the recent years)
2)karate punch (which is the most harder and heavy when it comes to hitting a target)
3) muay thai punch (which pushes you to be in distance, that distance made to strike you with the shin or feet or leg or knee.
4) kung fu punch ( is the most faster , practicing to sync with power can be explosive)

Attached: 1545017737137.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

too busty

usman couldn’t even finish Ricardo roidsanjos he is done lol

Ready to watch slap Jitsu

Attached: Eddie Heems Gaycheese.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

based Yves Lavigne

Could this be the all time leader in worst body of tattoos?

based Gaycheeeeeese


I really fucking hate slo-mo webms. Regular speed is so much better.

Should I stay up to watch this? How late will it go? The last EBI was interminable.

prime bj penn heems khabib

Attached: lanklets BTFO once again.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Vick vs Perry at WW is the fight


Sometimes you heem. Sometimes you get heemed. Such is life.

Eh probably not but I’m fucking bored and love Jiu Jitsu so whatever

Attached: 1482302667595.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

Did the dern poster actually post this? lmao

Wrestling seems like a pretty dirty sport

Attached: oilcheck.jpg (636x358, 35K)

did they not realizing he was choking him out?

Is fingering your opponents butthole against the rules?

Just a simple oil check.

Attached: 1482302667596.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Poosman deserves to be disrespected, no one hunts for the finish less than he.
I remember there was a time when he had that norwegian guy's back for like a minute and he didn't even fucking try for the finisish, just disgraceful

There was some crazy shit from that Olympics

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Hahahahaha. What?!?!?

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Perfect set up for Conor's return



Winner of Aldo/Volkanovski fights Ortega?


>the fevala of Tony

UFC is run by fucking niggers I swear.

So now one of these idiots gets the shot over Tony.

Tony was a punk ass bitch and turned the fight down


Dana said he turned it down

Okamoto twitter

>have the longest winning streak in division history almost all time
>be the interim champ
>win a fight after being stripped
>take another interim against a featherweight
He’s no bootlicker

he could be getting a massive payday headlining a PPV but he wanted to pout about it

Holloway vs Pettis (Interim 155 belt)
Gastelum vs Adesanya (Interim 185 belt)

holy heck
No belt fights but it's my favourite PPV since fucking 226 (including 235)

hes fighting conor for the money instead of holloway who would smoke him, makes sense to me

They seriously asked Tony to fight for another interim? Kek

“massive payday”

It's Holloway vs Poirier m8

Who can keep all these gatekeepers straight?


It's gonna take 2 years for LW to unfuck itself because of McGregor sitting out and Khabib/Tony falling through 4 times

Tony is never stepping in with Conor, he's way too small time and weird

The UFC obviously wants to get rid of that nerd

This new ufc website is full of weird stuff

Attached: JANAY_DEBUT.jpg (1440x1260, 159K)

that's what I meant
my brain always subs the names of them though
You should have seen me on the week they fought each other

I was a mess

Diamond is getting that strap son he ain't no gatekeeper

So instead of fighting for an interim belt Tony would rather fight for no belt?

no worries, both start with a P easy mistake to make

Sure thing, dick cheese

only time will tell but either way he made the right choice, max would smoke anybody in lightweight except maybe khabib so taking that fight wouldve put him out of the title race, dustin is game for any fight thats why he accepted it but hes still gunna get smacked up

He will get a real title shot after this fuckery smooths itself out.

I always get the Thiagos mixed up. How are there so many fucking Thiagos

I don’t get fighters mixed up at all.


Max avenging his debut loss
Time is a flat circle

Wake up Max, it's all over

Attached: baseddiamond.png (520x325, 155K)

and Limas and Oliveiras and Santoses

I don't know why in football/soccer Brazilians use nicknames like Kaka and Pele and Ronaldo but in MMA they insist on using their real names which is just confusing as fuck because hues have no name diversity

We need to be honest with ourselves: Dustin Poirier isn't that good.

>A LW title fight that does not involve Khabib, Tony, or Conor


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Attached: [laughs in bong].png (606x570, 410K)

Todays Poirer beats both Khabib and Conor

>Todays Poirer beats both Khabib and Conor


Some of their first names are ridiculous, but if there were 300 people on my street with the same last name I'd probably call my kid Wanderlei or some shit, too

well conor is a bum and we still have no idea how good khabib even is

Ortega vs. Aldo for the FW title

man, that is a bad ass fight

Hollow stands no chance against Khabib if he beats dumbass Porier.

Khabib will be charged with funding terrorism and out of the UFC by then

>Prelims start at 8am for the West Coast


May we have a moment of silence for Tony?


Attached: Tony_Ferguson_MMA (1).png (270x208, 95K)

Little bitch said he wants to leave ufc if he won't fight at 236.
Tony is great fighter and all but he needs to stir some shit up too or they will make him hanging forever

Breakfast omelette with some spicy bangers.

>we still have no idea how good khabib even is

P4P #2 after Jones, obviously.

good thing nobody gives a shit about those libby faggots

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thats not even bad compared to real muhammad hours

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>Tenshin is fighting a boxer AGAIN at the next Rizin in April
>He's a pro and 21-0
any of you guys ever hear of "Gervonta Davis"?

I'm the world's biggest cazzie when it comes to boxing desu

Attached: c89c3b0c49d2bef53a6514d0f67fc476.png (1129x343, 38K)

hot take ufc knows khalabeeb is a can and that gsp would have slept him so they didn't want to diminish his marketability

So then this confirms Conor vs Tony?

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Tank Abbot>Conor McGregor

Khabib is a cutlet who hasn't beaten anyone


lel, they want to get the strap off that fucking clown ASAP

GSP is also known for being the biggest cherry picker going.

If he wanted the fight - it means he was certain he was going to win.

He rejected Woodley, Askren, Whittaker - he only wanted easiness and masqueraded it behind "I only want to el-eh-vATE my leg-a-CEE"

Anderson Silva is the GOAT - doper or no.
If we're strictly talking about natty then it's obviously way too soon given USADA is only 4 years old.

dana wouldn't cuck cowboy like that

Cowboy and Conor seem to be the only two fighters that Dana genuinely feels affection for.

Awaiting lukes thawlts

Nate kills Max dude

>better BJJ
>7 inch reach advantage
>way better 1-2
>better boxing

Chael was talking about it today but he didn't know that the fight was in the making even tho gsp was saying about it almost a year ago on Rogan's podcast.
I still think it was more about catch weight (165) and khabib who didn't want to fight at it. That's exactly why they chimped out on Instagram. Dana could monetized it and just create some meme belt to give away

>any of you guys ever hear of "Gervonta Davis"?

He's a 130lb champ. Amazing power for his size, won every fight except 1 by KO iirc. Tenshin will literally be killed in the ring if this is real (protip: it's fake news).

Yeah, Davis is an absolute monster

He's gonna fucking kill that Jap kid, absolutely retarded move

good luck getting him to fight tho

It’s simply just a rumor. Floyd said it was happening but it hasn’t been confirmed by anyone. Gervonta is a young guy on the rise in boxing. Another one of Floyd’s stablemate proteges ala Broner, probably ends up like him 2bh, Gervonta looked legit at first, then he looked dogshit against Fonseca after missing weight on the MayMac card, landing a lot of rabbit punches and his hype has slowed since

So Aldo is becoming the featherweight champion again?

There is no way some midget kickboxer should be boxing Davis, that's literal murder and should not be sanctioned

Dana has no affection for either. Cowboy gets paid like shit. And Dana could not care less about Conor just his money. Chuck and Matt Hughes were guys he once cared about

>Nate kills Max dude
Did you not see Max's last fight?

He looked like a better version of Nate in terms of boxing.


Itd be an exhibition and its not happening anyways

Max is a weight cut babby Dustin heems him within 3

Damn, this little Japanese dude likes to be humiliated. I bet this summer he will get on stage and suck Anthony Joshua's hog.

trips of truth

of course he turned it down...he should be fighting khabib. If khabib won't fight, strip khabib and then Tony will fight for the real belt.

This is similar to the bullshit they did with Colby saying he turned down a fight with Usman, when obviously he did because he's supposed to be fighting Woodley.


>people keep bringing up BJJ skills when talking about a fight against the roster's best takedown defence fighter

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Dustin was a featherweight who was never good enough to earn a title shot but I still have a feeling he wins.

who won this?

Asakura-Gustavo is gonna be nuts

Shut the hell up

That fat fuck Davis should be boxing Loma not some Yakuza can

T-CTE was landing good shots in the 3rd Nate has a better 1-2 then both of them and is 7 inches longer

*kills the sport*

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For sure Poorier can beat the best boxer in the UFC

Attached: 1474173545503.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

tony vs conor unironically ends conor's career

>The best boxer
Oh no no no

BREAKING: Tyron Woodley will be facing Derek Brunson for the Interim MW belt

Why are you upset

did you see how bad Tony’s defense is, he’s getting merked if that fight ever happens

When Dustin does what Aldo couldn't will you guys shut up with the "Aldo is the goat" bs?

go fuck a dingo, you abo cunt

for sure conor's boxing doesn't suck ass

Attached: HE TAGGED HIM.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

"le improvement" meme about to receive another beat down.

Dustin was an eternal gatekeeper at FW when Aldo was at his peak

the fight doesnt start for tony til he gets dropped, watch literally any of his fights

for sure Tony hasn't been dropped by Trujillo, MJ, Vannata and Pettis or anything

Doesn't matter, Aldo shit the bed against Max twice, Poirier will beat him on the feet and the ground.

Schaub memespeak = opinion discarded

One of Joe Rogan's comedian friends just an hero'd

Attached: 20190222_201259.jpg (1439x1797, 764K)

oh for sure he was in deep waters my guy

Oh one hunnerd percent, b

oh for sure my guy

Must have been the mountains of shame

The UFC needs younger ring girls

Rate my technique




Attached: danadunk3.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

I had to close this after 3 seconds due to the cringe music

22 should be retirement age for a ring girl desu.

Which official drink of the UFC is he falling into

I train six days – actually six days a week. Five days a week, I’ll train three days a week, and one of those days, I’ll train two days of the week, so…six days of the week I’ll be training.

this man, so much this

new girls every year, also

did you know that Stipe Miocic not only fights in the octagon but also fights fires?

Female fighters that lose should have to work as ring girls for the next fight

think this through user

No thanks

no, just no

ring girls piss

but thats aldo

>cyborg as a ring "girl"

Gesu Cristo

i kind of want to see aldo heem Dustin at LW

Joe Rogan has lost a couple of people to suicide
I wonder if he was on antidepressants

yuge cod piece

Attached: cyborg.jpg (352x800, 50K)

I'm pretty sure he just found out as well

Attached: tony.jpg (2048x2048, 587K)

He was in fact. I just watched one of his periscopes from 12 days ago and in it he says he had just gotten back on SSRIs.


Tony vs Aldo is a primo banger.

>I can make 145
what a fuckin brainlet


Tony is for sure on meth

This "medication is bad" meme is awful. Yes, depressed people commit suicide sometimes when they're taking antidepressants, because they don't always help. To think that the medication is the driving factor is retarded though. It saves more people than it "hurts". Please tell me how inhibiting reuptake of serotonin in someone with severe depression is bad.

We absolutely need a new thread.

I'm trying to predict what Joe will say about it

Oh my. Put it in my mouth


that would be nice

Because serotonin is a bad thing as described by Ray Peat.

This is the main purpose of serotonin:
"Approximately 90% of the human body's total serotonin is located in the enterochromaffin cells in the GI tract, where it regulates intestinal movements"
"If irritants are present in the food, the enterochromaffin cells release more serotonin to make the gut move faster, i.e., to cause diarrhea, so the gut is emptied of the noxious substance. If serotonin is released in the blood faster than the platelets can absorb it, the level of free serotonin in the blood is increased. This activates 5-HT3 receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone that stimulate vomiting."

The purpose of serotonin is to produce diarrhea and vomiting to deal with indigestion. Excess serotonin is involved in many problems, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, and coeliac disease.

Regarding SSRI's boosting mood, Wikipedia says:
"The exact mechanism of action of SSRIs is unknown"

Fight me, faggot


My boy Volkov will go back to the top