
Attached: ice.jpg (150x300, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


patrik laine


continue not scoring.

Attached: 82870de3.png (670x320, 44K)

shatt doodooshit

Shatt Poochene

>McMeme hearing
Glad they finally caught this goonster.


Attached: seattle-guy.png (270x270, 10K)

cant believe poochene got such a high return

fucking Jack Blue ruining the trade market

2 1st round picks?!

what the hell are they going to expect for Stone now? 3 1st rounders? 4??

I genuinely hope my team doesn't make any trades now. the market is fricked

>teds are still gonna suck shit

Jackets traded high to get high returns on Panarin and Bobrovski

Attached: duchenebyeott.png (593x892, 524K)

>Matt "I want to play playoff hockey" Duchene
>traded to the Blue Jackets
Guess who's fucking missing the playoffs now.

Attached: smg.png (672x500, 327K)

R.I.P. Teds

Don't really feel like working today

Duchene is the biggest faggot in the league, prove me wrong.


I enjoyed that beverage during my time in the US.

He's only 20, he still has time to get his act together


t. pikey


The Muskies will never be real.

>/hoc/ American swill edition


Can’t wait till duchene wins the cup

All these draft picks, and they still might miss on the most valuable one

Attached: snes.png (1284x143, 20K)

I'm guessing you're on about Kakko


I'll be pissing myself laughing if Sens get 1st pick whilst theyre force to give it to the Avs.

which thread is it you absolute autists?

shant be posting here

>one thread at 32 posts
>one thread at 3
As much as I'd love to post under that other OP, it looks like we're all here.

Figure it out you absolute fucktard

I'm about that 2020 5th rounder

The one that actually has /hoc/ in the name you fucking retard.

For me, it's Matt "Gypsy Curse" Duchene.

stfu you literal fucking retarded know nothing fat faggot

Attached: bitch what the fuck.jpg (419x610, 39K)

Brayden Point

Grim and excessivepilled.


Bootlicking faggots need to leave

Attached: bings bings bings.gif (280x275, 388K)



Attached: manon4.jpg (448x558, 261K)

you exist

>tfw Wisconsin will NEVER get an NHL team

Does it really matter if minnesota tanks or not?

no the team is fucked for at least another 4 seasons either way

/hoc/ is for friends okay fucktards?

I wonder what Ted's thoughts on the Duchene trade are.

Attached: jackies blue (inaugural, home).png (270x270, 11K)

im not your friend, pal



Attached: 4DC46384-268D-437A-831E-1B6A2BAABD4D.jpg (412x439, 56K)

yes hello

Attached: FL s3.png (1192x1191, 1.19M)


To Florida #Panthers:
F Vincent Praplan

To San Jose #Sharks:
Future Considerations


hey hoc- old man asked me a question last week that i didn't have an answer for: when did the pros switch over from wood to composit sticks? did a rule change recently to allow composit? seems like nobody uses wood now but it's kinda hard to tell as a spectator.

picrelated my captain

Attached: 9zd3z3k59crwfnaq630i_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)


Just took a massive Laine guys

i haven't taken a laine in like 30 games

fuck future considerations was my favorite kitteh

>he doesn't remenber aluminium sticks

see a doctor

There's no rule it was just the introduction of new tech to the game

they stopped using wood sticks in the late 80s early 90s, nobody uses them anymore. you can still buy wood sticks, they are cheap and work fine for beer league, but no pros use them

Fue un cambio gradual de José, ahora lo tengo.

What’s your favorite Canadian province, /hoc/? Mine’s Newfoundland.

delete this shit right now

>On lonely nights I start to fade
>(On lonely nights I start to fade)
>My goals are months away
>(my goals are months away)
>Memories made in the coldest winter
>Goodbye my friend will I ever score again

there should be rules behind the integration of the tech
these new stick bend more than a rubber band, its a bigger competitive advantage than the swimsuits speedo designed and had abolished

Breaking news

Gary Bergman announces Oilers relocation to Houston in 2021. Coyotes will stay in pacific


>they actually paid a first and a conditional first for Douchene

the greatest province in Canada, Alberta

I thought the idea was more goals, not less.

great at what? ruining our economy?

hon hon hon poutine

Attached: hat.png (600x599, 631K)

manly manitoba

lol it's not a joke

where does it end? why not install dampeners on the puck so the shooter can control the flight path post shot

But I really don’t like some of you.


Patrik Laine announces his retirement from professional hockey. Laines close friends suggest that this already happened last year but now Laine has come to terms with his skill level

>not using a $15 wood stick from Crappy Tire

is this confirmation that has he moved on to competitive apex?

full time Twitch streamer when?

Attached: 1540353442163.jpg (900x1200, 50K)

you can blame the politicians for that one

So now that Duchene is on the Jackets, did they inherit the curse?

Like em all except ontario

>I awoke
>Only to find their net empty
>And through the night
>So it seems I'm not scoring
>And now my dreams are nothing like they were meant to be
>And I'm breaking down, I think I'm breaking down

>And I'm afraid
>To play because of what haunts me
>Such as living with the uncertainty
>That I'll never score the goals to win
>Which would completely explain
>Just how I'm breaking down

>Someone come and, someone come and save my career
>Maybe I'll score on an empty net
>But now it's like the puck is taking sides
>With all the worries that occupy the back of my mind
>Could it be that fortnite will suffice?

>Washington acquires Nick Jensen from Det

like the one calling herself premier of alberta?
you faggots have no one to blame but yourself for notley

Massive Senators redemption arc coming over the next few years now that they're free of the curse.

no idea literally who that is

>For Madison Bowey and a 2nd in 2020

that's Ottawa's fault

oh fuck that
solid pickup

still better than Jim Prentice
She'll be out of office in 2 months

Atlanta Thrashers win the 2033 Stanley Cup

cap it

>potentially 2 first rounders and some assets for a player who has never scored over 70 points in his career

just took a MASSIVE columbus. had to flush twice.

Hope you wiped your Duchene sufficiently

that long ago? i remember broken sticks within the decade...
cool thanks for the info
¿quien es jose?
i used aluminum shafts as a kid, try to stay on topic user

Attached: mike.jpg (1200x800, 644K)

composite sticks break just as easily as wooden sticks

how did pooplumbous manage to get fleeced by the "we're a team" guy

Which game(s) will it be tonight gents?

Attached: 14203.png (652x365, 555K)

good one user

Thanks you too

>fingol management

wooden sticks are way stronger than composite sticks, but that have a lot less flex

mcconnell told the finn to winn

ohhh i just assumed they were wood then i guess. cool thanks for the answer

Attached: staal.png (737x378, 58K)

who gives af

Snes teds if Duchene gets his visa shit sorted in time
jests knights

does that motherfugger shine his head or what?

But only after the Kansas City Penguins take them to a game 7 in the ECF

Darren Dreger said Duchene would be in the lineup tonight

If he gets his visa sorted, as per Kekkoleinen


>over the past week Washington has traded or relegated all two of its black players
When is Todd "Only Aryan Men" Rierden going to be stopped?

>closest NHL arena to your county

This pains the casual

Attached: hocmep.png (3450x2208, 3M)

Uhhh Wilson is still there sweetie

Ah, alright

living in the northeast seems fun

Ovi wanted ethnic cleansing

Didn't Crosby use wood sticks till 2008 or something?

If it isn't a Canadian team you don't belong in this general

That's completely irrelevant information.
>Chicago in Michigan
>Craps in Central Pa.
>Canes in Southern Virginia
>Florida in Florida

You're completely irrelevant

Can't wait to see this on my wall

Attached: 61Wld2MCrWL._AC_SY400_.jpg (500x376, 69K)

>Jesse Puljujarvi Seeing Specialist, Expected To Be Out Long Term

Any one of them except dorks/flims.
Which one of them will be shitposted the most though? Probably jackies/snes and then knigs/justs.

Why hasn't Hayes been traded to the Flames yet to reunite him and Gaudreau???

tongue-ectomy incoming

/hoc/ very grim right now

This, Duchene makes every team he's on worse and teams get better as soon as he's gone


i don't feel so good

posting is particularly bad

Wrong. They have completely different properties and wood tends to flex exactly where your bottom hand is, whereas composite has designated flex points.

The tendon on a wooden stick is structurally VERY weak which is why wood sticks have a diminished energy transfer.

Leave it to a leaf to know literally nothing about hockey. 1993 bitch.

-burger king

>trading for a guy who has never broken the 50 point barrier

Everything looks fine on my end.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?

>reddit spacing

it's probably you

2004 actually :)

Attached: gfgre.png (510x606, 49K)

How many 30+ goal seasons does Ovie have left in him

Yes because all players on a team should have over 50 points.


Attached: cb-got.jpg (709x709, 185K)


Attached: 756454_735x390.jpg (735x390, 23K)

They'd have to move significant roster pieces to fit him in the cap anyways

It's actually pretty accurate, people like the capitals because of the bears and south Florida don't like other Florida Virginia is retard country and the Michigan one is contrarians

What's with all these bubble shitters overpaying today?

I'd remind /hoc/ to hang all finns but looks like it's already done. Good job.

What is this supposed to prove you smelly leaf

Attached: sketch-1550845937544.png (720x720, 143K)

You're retarded.

For this year? No.

>tfw in it

Attached: fren.png (1027x824, 343K)

There are basically zero fans of any Carolina team anywhere in Virginia, even in regions bordering it. If anything DC's sports territory stretches down there a bit, because a bunch of boomers there are still Redskins fans since the Football Panthers only came into being in the 90s.

Virginia retard spotted


Attached: 1497306027088.jpg (1200x1178, 285K)


First, we move >laffs to a small ghetto in NY, then we execute a FINAL SOLUTION to the >laffs question.

But why do this without canada?
Get it canes bro (you) guys need to pass Pittsburgh for that sweet bolts/canes ECF

Cringe Filtered

>that sweet bolts/canes ECF
Why not just have the cinderella story upset right off the bat?

Attached: glow.png (408x439, 171K)

this is flat out wrong

wood sticks were way stiffer

Canes are not making the playoffs.



Attached: hello.png (1267x785, 206K)


Neat another retard

>closest nhl arena in buffalo is toronto's
kek this map is such so shit

Because I dont hate the bolts and wouldn't mind the other teams being out first.
I mean odds are against you

>Report to the train station, leaf. Bring a small suitcase only.

Washington officially /ourguys/

most teams already have zero black players

Oh no the odds are against me!
Canes are still not making the playoffs you bootlicking spic.

excuse me user, but the sun was in my eyes.
you dont mind if we sit in the shade, do you?

Attached: 1550866095376.jpg (1080x1200, 127K)

>this mad over the possibility of being wrong
Seek help friend

Nah sit in the sun and get all sweaty for me so I can eat you out

Leafs are just jealous they weren't a part of the greatest moment in hockey history

if you really think wood sticks flexed as much as composite sticks then you are more retarded than mcdonalds trying to compete with burger kings new flame broiled triple king angus whopper

How'd you get on my boat?!?!


sorry you look like a sunbelter

No ones mad because literally no one gives a shit about the canes not even their fans.

No thank you.

>rages like a complete sperg
>i-im not mad

>Comfy games tonight
>Leafs v Habs tomorrow
Fantastic hockey weekend

Yah I don't understand tripfag mentality either.

>t. Can't see his tiny dick past his big belly

leafs habs is gonna be a big one


Remember when that spic tripfaggot went into hiding for two months because his holiday brackets were shit and he was laughed out of /hoc/. I member

the dynamic duo are back lads
linay finna boutta score a hatty off of ehlers hot saucers

Attached: IMG_4623 2.gif (464x330, 2.83M)


The sperger isnt me m8
This is user mentality
>being this wrong

Bruins, Leafs and Habs are all very close togheter, always fun to see Leafs v Habs games, but this one is pretty important too

that chick is like 19

looks like he members as well

You think he would have taken that time to reevaluate his life or at least try to make his brackets better but now they are worse than ever and still wrong 90% of the time.

Laine will never score again, but im gonna score tomorrow :)

/fit/ as a fiddle, buddy.
It's okay if other people don't like what you like, though. That just means less competition and more porkers for you.

Attached: projector.jpg (1500x1106, 110K)

Attached: hokkioc.png (870x582, 665K)

It just proves again that all trips are retarded

for me it's Hans island, the best danish province

don’t spend too many euros on that escort finnbro

Attached: IMG_2923.jpg (750x553, 49K)

Fat women look older.

Attached: VaG.jpg (682x714, 70K)

This is the first good post I've ever seen a Swede make in /hoc/.

For me it's that fat hog of a wife that bracketspic posted, his only worthwhile contribution to /hoc/

How long is that penis? Fag

Attached: pills stare gay.jpg (750x924, 106K)

I'd still suck on dem titties

Shut the fuck up you delusional incel

Silly Sweden

Post self. But she isnt fat m8 just look at that waist line. That's straight good genetics. It's ok if you like petite girls but that doesn't make non petites "fat"

>he doesn't have it filtered
>he replies to it
Reminder to be a part of the solution and not the problem

Look what I can do

for me it's also Bornholm, one of the decent swedish provinces

Thank you

I put some money on the blue jackets so expect a senators victory

I only filter grease

Bornholm is rightfully Danish!

Did you see here face? You might have had it confused with her ass

>dox yourself to appease some delusional stranger on an indonesian paper-mâché forum
I hope you'll understand if I take a pass on that one, chief.

>lazy meheecan cant even produce a screenshot

Attached: bracket.png (374x726, 90K)

Shut the fuck up incel

Too much work, plus I can't read shit on yours anyway.


>for me it's also Bornholm, one of the decent swedish provinces
And now I hate you again.
Give Skåne back to Denmark, rightful Danish clay.

Attached: danish war steed.png (400x376, 163K)

If someone wanted to dox you they can do it without your pic m8

yes hello is this a fucking joke

What a fantastic post!
Picture and its name made me laugh desu

Not just from my anonymous posts decrying the unacceptable fatness of some random chubster posted on /hoc/.

>Edmonton OilersforwardJesse Puljujarviis seeking a second opinion on the lower-body injury he’s dealing with, Oilers GM Keith Gretzky told reporters on Friday.
>Markus Lehto, Puljujarvi’s agent, tells Sportsnet’s Mark Spector that if surgery is required after this second consultation, then it’s “more than likely” the 20-year-old will be shut down for the remainder of the season.


bulju tried to bang the daughter of the oilers interim gm, hijinks ensued

Attached: 1550719140412.gif (480x360, 2.62M)


Appropriate gif. We all make mistakes user, that's why pencils have erasers.


>And now I hate you again.
Such is life
>Give Skåne back to Denmark, rightful Danish clay.
Not before you give Texas to Mexico

Attached: danmark.jpg (400x261, 11K)

>what is an ip
>what is a trace
Yes it would take some work but its doable but odds are literally no one cares enough about you to do it. What's more likely is you are a fatty fat fatty and that's why you sperged out over a girl to feel better about yourself

>implying we could even if we wanted to

>what is an ip
>what is a trace

200 IQ take

Just like it is for us then

I would just reverse google your address honestly.
You're lucky I don't.

Pretty good theory. Panarin is definitely worth more than Poochene so they've set the price at 2 1st rounders or serious assets/roster players

thinking about staying up 24+ hours and watching the Wild @ Red Wings game
what say you /hoc/?
sleep, or hockey?

>I'm not a fatty guys I swear

sleep, your health is important to us

More like
>now we screwed ourself

You should work in some naps, take care of yourself

>a separate republic that was never actually a part of Mexico, established by a bunch of former Americans and other European settlers, that willingly petitioned the United States to let them join the US

>inhabited by Danes and ruled as a part of Denmark for thousands of years, until it was stolen from Denmark by Sweden in a shameless war of conquest, but is still inhabited by Danes to this day

Don't quite see the parallels, m8.
Now give it back to them already.

Attached: danish qts.jpg (500x500, 92K)

3rd shift is a bitch
11pm to 7am
not at all conducive to watching hockey games

>obsessing this hard over some shit you've made up in your head
>all to defend m'lady's honor
Imagine getting this worked up over some chubby girl that you'll never actually meet.

Just sleep.
Neither of them are making the playoffs anyway. You can just watch the recap on the NHL's YouTube channel later.

Can someone post the /hoc/ badge?

stop arguing on your phone and pay attention to me user!

Attached: dinner_date.png (474x519, 445K)

Onion ring version, or the original one?

Particularly unattractive.

Onion ring preferably


You don't have to read it as a comparison, it could be read as a simple statement. It won't happen until Texas is given to Mexico.

Ps. We didn't steal Skåne. We won it fair and square

Senators got 2 first round draft picks in exchange for locker-room cancer Matt Duchene? And a prospect too??

That's a better deal than 10 chicken nuggets at Burger King for only $2.99

What do you need it for?

Attached: h.png (720x720, 1.15M)

Absolutely disgusting

only had to give up kyle turris and a number 1 overall pick

I’m new to hockey. I understand the top 3 teams in each conference gets a playoff spot, I’m assuming by win/loss record.. but what about the wildcards? I keep hearing people talk about whoever has the most “points”. What the hell is a point? Is it literally what teams scored the most goals throughout the season? If so, that’s fucking stupid.

No bitch, user called me a faggot and the trip loser is posting his shitty brackets again!

Attached: Hoc Logo.png (620x712, 253K)

>other people don't like what I like

fuck off, we're full

I need to make some images /hoc/ related.
Appreciate you not asking me a fuck ton of stupid questions like other user.

Shan't oblige if you're going to be this rude.

where did i suggest that i liked it?
you over reach user

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here

you sound like a little bitch right now

In the incredibly slim chance that you're being serious, I'll just let you google it yourself.
I think that the bottom of the standings page on NHL.com spells out most of it anyway.

jus sayin

Holy shit, you faggots sure are an unwelcoming bunch. What’s your guys’ problem?

Here have some feet.

Attached: Hilary-Knight-Feet-1236151.jpg (612x612, 107K)

try saying that to my face and not online fucker see what happens

Attached: 756454_735x3901.jpg (735x390, 82K)

Brown eyes are the sign of poor breeding

No, that's just a bog-standard nonwhite.

We are full, figured I had made myself clear.

light blue/gray masterrace

/nhl/ soon

come meet me at the scotia bank arena then punk

Attached: typical_toronto_resident.png (905x961, 1.26M)

Not sure what he meant by this.
This is clearly /hoc/.

What do you mean you are full? You mean you genuinely don’t want other people to like or try to get into hockey? If so, why?

I was thinking... I went to Burger King™ earlier today to get a Flame Broiled Whopper™ and I started thinking about potential trades before the deadline. I took a long sip of of my Hand Spun Chocolate Shake™ and realized there's a good chance Bobrovsky is might go to the Calgary Flames, a team that is in need of a solid goaltender, just like I was in need of some Chicken Fries™ to go with my Flame Broiled Whopper™.

Trades this time of year can be costly, but if the Flames want to compete with the strong contenders like the Toronto Maple Leafs or Montreal Canadiens, then they have to be willing to put it all on the line, just like Burger King™ puts it all on the line with their Flame Broiled Whopper™ that comes with ¼ lb of savory fire-grilled beef, topped with thick-cut smoked bacon, melted cheese, freshly cut iceberg lettuce, creamy mayo, ripe tomatoes, ketchup, onions, crunchy pickles, and layers of a sweet and smoky BBQ sauce, all on a warm, toasted, sesame seed bun.

Have it your way.

Green is the only sign of good white stock

>What do you mean you are full?
we are full, do you struggle with reading comprehension?
>You mean you genuinely don’t want other people to like or try to get into hockey?
yes, this sums it up nicely
>If so, why?
we dont need refugees from the other leagues shitting up our sport

Taking a massive Metro Division, lads. Might have to flush twice.

>finally saturday

morning all

Attached: Sarah-Stephens.jpg (1926x2880, 1.13M)

jesus christ

>fish mouth

nice blog
also hello

is Duchene the most overrated player in the league?

thats easily mcdavid

Attached: hokkei.jpg (611x218, 15K)

No I don’t struggle with reading comprehension, your opinion is just a bit bizarre and caught me off guard? So according to you, a person must either like hockey, and only hockey, otherwise not be a hockey fan at all? Haha what kind of shit are you guys smoking in Canada?


Attached: IMG_2898.jpg (500x390, 26K)


Attached: pensheadgear.png (589x899, 919K)

how do I get a job as a burger king shill? I need some beer money

Madison Bowey is Shannon's favourite player because they're both dudes with girls' names

Do men actually take pictures of their dates at the table like this?

he's right after overrated shit

>brown soul-less eyes

hockey is for everyone

The Carolina social media faggot and the Vegas social media faggot should fight to the death and kill each other

Another excellent post.

Attached: at.png (620x497, 235K)

They fired the vegas guy last year, no idea who's doing it now since I don't follow social media.

that's a tropical storm flag


yep, you seem to understand fine.

/hoc/ = gril
/cric/ = guy

Attached: 1550192096810.webm (360x640, 1.97M)

>payed car payment and have $70 left

Attached: 1530798202742.jpg (1080x1521, 464K)

why is finland friends with tropical storms? do they even get tropical storms in finland?

Is this for Saturday when it rains all day?

lol really? good. OH SHIT wait is the Carolina guy just the Vegas guy then?

First for canes

I larp as about 20 different fans on this website

nice humble brag

im the chubby beta in the hat

>having $70 in savings is a brag

Who you got tonight boys, Avs or shithawks?

You have a bad attitude and outlook on sports. I hate you

blackhawks 7-5

Would rather watch women's hockey than the metropolitan division desu

good, now fuck off and dont return

What a pussy. Have you checked out /cric/?

probably the single most based post to ever grace this board

Hockey is NOT for everyone. If you disagree, reddit is that way ---------->

been watching hockey for 15 years
still dont know which is which between the metro and atlantic divisions

>I am an american and I don't know anything about hockey

We know.

for me, its trades at the deadline that arent totally shit

Attached: 1544114331635.png (1441x1080, 2.2M)

>eastern wild card race is pretty much over
I thought the flylels were coming up hot

100% BASED


This but the opposite

please no

bobrovsky is bad

You thought wrong.

how did ottawa not even get meier from spic jose in the karlsson trade?

what fucking players did they even get from trading Karlsson, Hoffman, and Duchene?

the flylels' loss to the habs yesterday sealed their fate
wouldn't be surprised to see them active at the deadline

lots of seething in this thread

Just wait until the canes fall out of playoff contention.

This is shaping up to be a pretty /fa/ event.

Here I'll help you out friend. One win= 2 points. An overtime loss=1 point. A regulation loss=0 points. Also, the sunbelt runs /hoc/ without question.

good list, except for Marleau, who's good even if he's old

39 Overall, Teemu Laine
41 Overall, Kero Maatta
9 Overall, Ruutu
48 Overall, Pihlman
2 Overall, Lehtonen
4 Overall, Pitkanen
15 Overall, Niinimaki
22 Overall, Bergenheim
29 Overall, Toivonen
66 Overall, Marjamaki
11 Overall, Tukonen
16 Overall, Nokelainen
19 Overall, Korpikoski
15 Overall, Helenius
60 Overall, Joensuu
31 Overall, Koskinen
9 Overall, Granlund
16 Overall, Armia
45 Overall, Granlund
49 Overall, Gibson
51 Overall, Ruutu
52 Overall, Salomaki
18 Overall, Teravainen
22 Overall, Maatta
2 Overall, Barkov
8 Overall, Ristolainen
55 Overall, Lehkonen
14 Overall, Honka
22 Overall, Kapanen
60 Overall, Lintuniemi
49 Overall, Hintz
59 Overall, Nattinen
4 Overall, BULJU :DDDDD
5 Overall, Juolevi
23 Overall, Borgstrom
43 Overall, Kuokkanen
61 Overall, Bjorkqvist
3 Overall, Heiskanen
15 Overall, Valmiaki
18 Overall, Vaakanainen
24 Overall, Vesalainen
30 Overall, Tolvanen
40 Overall, Heponiemi
42 Overall, Luostarinen
46 Overall, Salo
54 Overall, Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen
58 Overall, Ikonen
59 Overall, Rasanen
20 Overall, Kupari
35 Overall, Ylonen


29 Overall, Jokiharju
2 Overall, Laine

SHAN'T happen.

Attached: AHA.jpg (247x205, 39K)


better than Mike Smith, that guy has more holes than a side order of Burger King's Onion Rings, served hot and crispy, the perfect treat for plunging into one of Burger King's bold or classic sauces.

For the Stadium series

Attached: flyershelm.png (1589x894, 2.51M)

100% factual information.

looks kinda cool

looks like a lacrosse helmet

looks like my stool

Fuck off Randy

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

looks hella lame

some overwatch fortnite bullshit to appeal to flossers


this is already the weakest stadium series in terms of jersey design
>muh two tones

>Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen
has he even started playing yet?

you gotta like fight a bunch of bums, right?

I haven't seen anything this hideous since Crosby slithered out of the abortion bucket

Impossible to say who >your team is since Sid has caused league wide seethe

>tfw the stadium series is so so bad you go to an ECHL game.

Attached: CKtmsJlw_400x400.jpg (399x399, 36K)

Only the Flyers and Caps still care about Crosgod now, so my guess is one of them.

Sharks and preds still seethe about the scf

not really

>3 rings
>1 ring
honk honk

For me, it's the Florida Everblades

Attached: download (3).jpg (257x196, 10K)

Rather based.

Attached: everblades blue.png (270x270, 12K)

He's tearing it up in the OHL for the Wolves. Best player we've had in decades

Your mom still seethes about me putting my dick in her ass

>everyone is mad again


Attached: mariya has a hostile take over of hoc.jpg (700x385, 42K)

Attached: tenor (17).gif (220x165, 132K)

yep and even still pens are >obsessed for some reason
see: your post

For me, it's Ash - Orpheus


Attached: 1548796709054.jpg (300x250, 44K)

Every day, I take pride in the fact that >my team doesn't have any anime posters.

how am I supposed to care about hockey right now when Pewdiepie finally got Elon Musk to host Meme Review?

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (383x266, 18K)

who's your team lad

Kill yourself ya worthless fucking zoomer

Basedlett was trash tho

excuse me motherfucker but its not the same

>mad at the craps
lmao in your dreams
just because little brother got a turn doesn't mean >we aren't 3x as successful


s o y is banned? lol

obsessed lad, let it go

reminder that shorks win the cup this year

Attached: our year.png (1584x742, 81K)

man that's a weird way of spelling the Carolina Hurricanes

pathetic """"get""""

sub 2 pewdiepie
join the bro army in the fight against T-series

who needs quads when god herself blessed my trips?

>mad at 9 year olds

Based list.

Rantanen is best Finn player.

cricket aint nothin but a bitch lasagna

hah, so true.


Attached: wut.jpg (196x225, 7K)

/cric/ or vegana, whichever will it be

Attached: I can feel it.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

finna grab myself a nice yummy onions shake lads


>page 3
/hoc/ is dead

And that's a GOOD thing

/hoc/ is conserving its energy for a full night of shitposting.

/hoc/ is the best general on Yea Forums

McDavid suspended 2 games

The only good game on tonight is the WCF rematch.
I guess there's some fun memes that could come out of Duchene playing his former team a day after being traded, too.

>Leddy leans into McDavid's elbow
>2 games
>Malkin takes baseball swing at a players head
>1 game

NHL Department of Player Safety™

gary doesnt want the pongs to miss why are you surprised


Attached: Sirius.png (906x1026, 904K)

>I guess there's some fun memes that could come out of Duchene playing his former team a day after being traded, too.
For me, this is the game tonight.

Attached: like a five-year-old.webm (638x720, 2.94M)

I would have been mad otherwise, Karlsson got 2 for the same thing. The malkin one is weird though, intent should factor in more

>need to have a "history" to starting getting Wilson length suspensions
>unpunished hits are never part of that
>star players never get a "history" because they are never properly punished

This is just what happens when the NHL keeps putting former players who threw the dirty hits and were the goons in charge of punishing other goons


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Bye then

Trips of truth

Oilers are looking for that Hughes pick

>Caps already resigned Jensen to 4 year 10 million contract

The fuck is going on?

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I know that its already known, but hf boards is the biggest forum for faggots, holy christ

This. Expect to see Wilson as head of DoPS in 10 years


My guess is they want to keep him for 4 more years

Him or Marchand

>grammar nazi on Yea Forums

Attached: 1502946433371.gif (275x154, 1.83M)

>I can't be wrong if I just pretend not to care
Please end your own life.

>Evander Kane started a brawl by peeking at the pens whiteboard
Fucking kek.

that's not grammar, it's punctuative re-definition

who cares queerdog we all know what people mean when they say resign

I'm wrong and I don't care faggot. Have some more anime that isn't even a /hoc/ edit. You brought it upon you'reself

Attached: 6e7673abcc0f01b24d70c92357f4876442f9114b_hq.jpg (500x375, 18K)

Duchene, Kane, McDavid, and MacKinnon need to slow the fuck down.

Yeah, it means that someone quit.

>I'm resigning from this thread

Attached: 55302.jpg (640x685, 98K)

thinking about getting pucks deep and flame broiled whoppers

mcdavid is a dirty fucking goon

I bet she's cold

No brakes on the MacKinnon train.

resign re-sign reeeeeesign

No everyone else needs to speed up

thats you by the way. nobody ever uses that word when talking about hockey

more like McKantwin

Attached: Marleau_speed.webm (800x450, 714K)

Will Ovie hit 60 this year?

>errant /hoc/ got deleted
hey thx guys
>errant /mlb/ remains

he's only 33

Avs are going to WCF my syrup slurping friend

Boy he has not aged well

jannies hate us cause they aint us

>can't even beat the oldhawks
>making WCF
ok kiddo

that's what the liquor does to a man

We've not even played the blackhawks yet. Thats like in 2 hours my semen slurping friend.


>implying it matters
you'll lose anyway

WCF will be sharks/flames vs jets/predators
avs will get eliminated in round 1 (if they even make it to the playoffs)

7 years. They're only halfway through the suter/parise contract.

and chiraq is leading the season series 2-0 you brain ded kook

>didn't even break a sweat during workout despite the balmy 38 degree temp
guess it's time to up the weight

G'day mate, let's throw another shrimp on the barbie

Jannies can't handle /hoc/ frenposting
Jannies are not nice people because they have no frens.

got his ass kicked too

laughing SO HARD at the Minnesota Wild

Jeff Svoboda

#CBJ GM Jarmo Kekalainen: "We have a good team and we want to win this spring. We want to win. We want to prove to our fanbase that we are serious about winning and we are in it to win it."

I just want to die

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don't write off the blues and blackhawks just yet, they've looked pretty strong lately. The pacific champ will probably be the sharks

This, Drouin comes across like such a douche in interviews

Did he? Does anyone have the webm?

i believe in the teds

>...... oh and, Jesse Puljujarvi sucks"

Attached: 1542744617549.jpg (461x461, 31K)

>go on a meme streak
>pretty strong
member when the gaybres and bing bings were streaking?

Please do


this will be /hoc/ when the blackhawks win the cup again

stop using this image you shit-eating fuck head

do not bully please

chicago black niggers

it could be a meme streak, or it could not be
we wont know until the playoffs start

Tonights drink

Got to enjoy a dram with the hockey

Attached: m15821_38.jpg (675x900, 81K)

>visa shit
I don't think that matters since the game is in Ottawa, wouldn't it only matter once he crosses the border with his new employer to then work on American soil?

Attached: 1550461457531.png (1440x900, 766K)

for me it’s evan williams and cocaine
will make pierogis later as well

hockey is meant to be enjoyed with the crisp taste of Bonaqua

Seems like a good drink.

absolutely based

remember to put /hoc/ in the subject line this time

Attached: 1540393673853.jpg (249x249, 18K)

Next thread op should be the elephants doing cocaine picture.

only pretentious assholes spell perogies that way



Cette première gorgée du jour

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Thinking up some dynamite posts for the next thread if I'm gonna be honest

I just went off what autocorrect changed it to lad, I can’t spell for shit. Please no bully.


Next thread should be Nottingham Panthers

I'd rather not invite Greece to the thread.



Got some GOOD shitposts ready for next thread

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kane's production is not sustainable
same shit as eichel's or the mack line

Highly recommend any arran whisky desu.



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