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who gives a shit, prostitution should be legal

and what's the point of being a billionaire if you can't pay for sex

everybody has a price

he'll just throw some dozens millions at the person sueing him and that'll be ok, pure Murrikan way of justice

>implying a Jew won’t Jew himself out of this
God chosen people for a reason user

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based kraft

most expensive whore in a while.

Kraft and I went to the same college

Go Ephs

This leaf is right.

Countries that spend all day criminalising prostitution end up with a society of incel orbitors who have no easy way to get sex and women turning into thots from the attention.

>prostitution is illegal in america

nice land of the "free" you got there

>police chief in charge of investigation is a known issue dolphins fan

Go figure. Probably still asshurt about the Miami miracle

It's not lack of prostitutes, it's lack of incentive of women to marry men who make more than them. When women make more money than men, they don't marry them as often.

You pay with "gifts" like regular people user!

its impressive a 77 year old can get an erection to fuck bitches.. unlike most you incels.

>damage control itt was quick
what a disgusting organization with a headline player that likes to sexually kiss and touch little boys and a scumbag owner who likes to pay diseased whores to spit in his mouth what a disgusting organization

We need 3 threads on this why?

I thought I was the first.

This is such a non story.

You're right it should be legal, but it's not. Maybe if fiscal conservatives hadn't tied themselves to moralfag evangelicals for the last 4 decades they wouldn't have this problem everytime they wanted a handy

Same reason we need 3 threads on every minor scandal that's sports related.
It is because it might be related to a human trafficking ring. Which means it will probably get covered up and memory holed.

It's not just about prostitution.

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You were about 20 minutes after the other 2

>tfw go to Asian massage parlors quite a bit

How fucked am I bros?

cant believe happy endings are illegal
its just part of the massage

>muh prostitution laws
>muh gambling laws
>muh open container laws
>muh abortion laws
>muh age of consent laws

protestants were a mistake

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Why does ronaldo/messi winning/losing need 27 threads?

just turn yourself in now before it gets any worse bro.

Degeneracy was a mistake, puritan America was a million times better than this dystopian shithole

There isn't a NFL rule who forbids prostitution soliciting by the franchise owners

"Land of the Free"

Yeah sure Kraft went to school with an Etruscan dude shitposting on a Cambodian oil painting site.

>tfw I used to go to this parlor like a block from my house when I was living in Palm Springs and my masseuse and I were so in sync that I could text her at 3pm to tell her I was leaving my house, my dick would be in her by 3:05, and I'd be back at my place by 3:35 showering in time for my girlfriend to be home by 4
>not having a side chick that is a masseuse

Plus she hooked it up. On my birthday, we had a 3-some on the house. Always doing special things like that for me.

Will Bill Belichick trade Kraft?

You forgot circumcision, something many of us amerifats are rightfully pissed off about.

Pornstars are paid to have sex. How is that any different? Prostitution is a non-crime.

Not WITH you fuckwit. just the same school.


>tfw going to an asian massage parlor tomorrow

Found one where the girls put out.

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If you hate this country so much, then leave it and go live in the Phillipines or whatever. They're on an anti degeneracy kick there. Leave the adults that want to have fun like the founding fathers intended alone.

>get lynched as a witch if you fucked your gf in the woods
>have to go to 9 hour sermons
Yah, nah.

asians dont actually look like this. Thats all plastic your seeing there

If he isn't married, then it's not really a crime.

Serious question, is getting a handjob from a nurse with gloves really "cheating"?

We'll look back in 15 years and know that THIS marks the beginning of the end of the dynasty.

Because it's funny.