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he dindu nuffin he a gud boi
Just like Spitzer, he dun du nuffin rong
>there's already an arrest warrant out for him
they must have some strong ass evidence
Doesn’t matter. Got 6.
Is this the man behind TV dinners?
Police just confirmed in a press conference that they have video evidence of Kraft soliciting a prostitute.
>they've got video evidence
The poor fucking lad that has to watch that.
>land of the free
>can't even buy a whore
>paying for sex
Doesn't he have a "wife" that's like a 25 year old model????
nothing wrong with fucking hookers desu
>only pays to get jerked off
>"""journalists""" throw the sex traffic meme in their headlines for clicks when only the chink matrons are getting charged for that
Bill snitched so he could seize control of the organization.
It begs the question of what's the difference?
Kraft pissed someone powerful off. Many of our oligarchs are involved with this seedy behavior, varying in degrees of severity which ranges from doing cocaine with hookers, to human trafficking rings, to child trafficking rings, to murder.
Kraft stepped on someone's toes, didn't pay back a favor, or otherwise has some enemies who're as powerful or more powerful than himself. When someone like this gets "caught" doing anything, this is almost always the case.
>be billionaire who owns greatest NFL dynasty of all time
>get arrested for fucking whores
how can the pussy be that good
She had a literal black kid.
She's just a gold digger that legitimately cucked him.
>this post is made and followed up with , a post of King James himself
Coincidence? I think not.
post the mugshot
New England Prostitutes
couldn't happen to a nicer team
True Detective season 4
>being that old
How does it work? Viagra? Tim Brody avocado smoothies?
>giving the patriots another excuse to win a championship
when will they learn?
2019-2020 revenge tour
seven rings
Ladies and gentlemen...we got him
Oh boy
He is so fucked becaus is the NFL and not the NBA
Kraft got dat Yellow fever
Lanyun Ma, 49, of Orlando: Charged with human trafficking, racketeering, unlawful transportation for the purpose of prostitution, deriving support from proceeds of prostitution and engaging in prostitution. Her bail was set at $155,500.
Liyan Zhang, 41, of Pompano Beach: Charged with racketeering, operating a house of prostitution and 30 counts of engaging in prostitution. Her bail was set at $115,500.
Junhua Dong, 50, of Vero Beach: Charged with racketeering, deriving support from proceeds of prostitution and engaging in prostitution. Her bail was set at $250,000.
Yan Xu, 51, of Sebastian: Charged with racketeering, deriving support from proceeds of prostitution and engaging in prostitution. Her bail was set at $150,500.
Kenneth Zullo, 64, of Sebastian: Charged with racketeering. His bail was set at $100,000.
Yaping Ren, 27, of Orlando: Charged with racketeering, deriving support from prostitution and engaging in prostitution. No bail information was available.
isn't he way too rich to be done for this?
what did he actually do?
He got his 7th ring - a prostitution ring
Fucking gooks. Their bail should be in the millions.
What happens when it's revealed this chick was like 14?
Reminder Brady french kisses his own son
damn, Mark Wahlberg is gonna be pissed
>Police say he was driven to Orchid Day Spa in Jupiter where detectives say the illegal sexual activity took place. Investigators confirm there is video of each of these listed men engaged in sexual acts inside that spa.
>grown man wants to pay money for consensual sex
I'm not going to pretend to give a shit about this just because somebody from the New England organization is involved. But I'm going to have to hear about it for at the very least the next two years anyway. Fuck you, you literal children.
>underage chinese girl human trafficking ring
Christ almighty
We are absolutely fucked lads
>85yr old getting handies
That poor FBI agent having to confirm the video
All this over a happy ending? Grow the fuck up Florida.
With jews you lose.
>that one guy born in 1934
lmao absolutely no fucks given by that old perv
everyone's going to virtue signal and try to claim that kraft was somehow personally kidnapping chinese elementary schoolers for his perverse massage sex dungeon
I guess you could say that the Patriots Dynasty ended with a happy ending...
Anyone have pics of Yaping’s Ren?
> Lu Mingfu
> some nigga who isn't even 30 paying for sex
it really is over for thisguycels
His wife died in 2011 from cancer
is Daniel R. Young, dare i say it, /ourguy/?
I have this scenery in my head of an middle age chinese woman trying to give Robert Kraft a blow job but his dick stays limp. She becomes a bit discourage by this, stop a moment and look at him a bit clueless and Kraft starts shouting : "DO YOUR JOB ! "
dude could just go to the bunny ranch or any of those place in nevada. hell he could buy the place out
The elite running sex trafficking rings? Never! That’s crazy troll talk guys haha :) Bernie 2020!
Sounds like he went to some cheap Asian masseuse and got rolled up.
Which is weird considering this guy could pay Lindsay Pelas (or any instagram roastie) to cum between her tits.
Reminder that living a life of sin and carnal pleasure is a road to eternal damnation. You would never see Based Paul Allen doing something like this.
Just when you thought Friday couldn’t be any better.
why the fuck would you travel somewhere for sex slaves when you could travel somewhere it is legal? or just buy an expensive call girl/escort at home?
Nice false flag
>Liking vaginas in 2019
TB12 my man
>Patriots owner Robert Kraft being charged with soliciting prostitution related to what FL police say is a massage parlor where women - who were told they were coming to US for legit jobs - were in fact held as virtual prisoners/sex workers.
Tonight, we are ALL Patriots!
Because he didn't fucking know obviously. You think he went out of his way to find the youngest, most illegally kidnapped Chinese girl to give him a happy ending? No, he rolled into whatever place and got unlucky.
He's about to get 3 more.
based and dickpilled
>tfw this gives the Pats a reason to be mad/makes them believe everyone hates them
Kek underrated. Fucking Carlos
people with that kind of money never simply "roll in" to any place
>deflate my dick-gate
> who would win
> generations of morals and discipline of the white race
> or sex with asian women
The “trafficking” stuff is just moralizing, they know what they’re getting into. They come here because they can make more money.
Our society just cannot acknowledge that large numbers of women are fine with selling their bodies.
haha so there are people here that are so desperate they go to illicit massage parlors, not me though hahaha
Unironically asian women
They don't look like that retard, they were probably all nasty pinoys or thai
Where do I find an Asian woman who looks like that? I've dated a bunch of them and they all had little boy hips.
Honestly who cares, let the man get some pussy. This only is against the law because we are all beholden to the bible for some reason.
Chinese thots are pretty much the creme of the crop. You only want the ones you can't afford though.
Watch your back brother. I think about it everytime and am careful.
Who gives a fuck? Prostitution should be legal and regulated. Roasties do it all the time it's called marriage
>wanting old lady handjobs
>90% of the list was born before 1966
The absolute state of boomers
>And you wanna know something else?
>It was worth it.
>Martin County Sheriff says the women involved in human trafficking ring were given no days off. They averaged about 1,500 men a year. He says their hygiene was “minimal” at best @NBC10Boston
I feel the same way. The reason I give a fuck is that this is all fucking hilarious.
you must go to japan or china and find country girls who only ate rice and noodles growing up
The man’s 100 years old and his wife is dead, no shit he wants to get his boy played with. What a joke
It's really more about untaxable income which the govt fucking hates
Plus the whole trafficking thing
Cheatriots fans are depraved monsters
It is a huge problem in Israel too. Some Israelis in South America wee recently arrested for child trafficking too
our guy had a particular fetish it seems
Idiots you don't understand what he's being charged for. He's one of the pimps in the ring. They found 20 of them.
If I were that rich and powerful I'd just have live-in prostitutes or ladies who are my "friend" who come over to the house a lot and I buy things for them or pay their bills. There's a million ways to do this better Bobby
I wonder what kind of kinks he was into? Did he have jungle fever, big culo latinas, 3D lolis, maybe trannies?
probably just homely frail asian women
God I hope he gets voted out and has to sell the team but given that Jerry Jones is in the league and almost 100% does the same shit I doubt it
>parry whore to fuck you until you die
>she doesn't
>pay whore to fuck you for a night
>get arrested
I've been thinking about getting an escort for a few years now. I have a really bad ass fetish and I fantasize about smelling a woman's asshole. Unfortunately I have no other way of having access to sex.
imagine the owners meeting at the beginning of next season
Both those things are solved by legalising it. When legitimate brothels are allowed to open they will pay taxes and the need for illegally obtaining workers goes down.
imagine the smell
Why is this even illegal
LMAO meanwhile pic-related is what the owner of America's Team gets for free.
Memes aside why is this illegal?
Man, I always thought it would be Belichick or Brady retiring that would break up the dynasty, not the owner fucking everything up.
>be friends with Trump
>go to jail
oh well, >we had a player literally murdering people just a few years ago. it is what it is.
>Unfortunately I have no other way of having access to sex.
Do you look like Joseph Merrick or something?
I get those 'massages' from time to time, too.
We pretend to be a Christian nation
Exploitation. Virtually no woman would be a prostitute if it weren't for poverty. Johns contribute to their suffering.
Because Jesus.
>degenerate kike is a degenerate
never heard this before guise for real
>Memes aside why is this illegal?
I think the "holding people against their will" part of it
You have to be a Chad to get laid. I'm a 24 year old CPA and have no friends.
>Virtually no woman would be a prostitute if it weren't for poverty.
Because America is retarded and people like exist.
Except there’s high class whores who make millions a year.
Imagine being a white knight that actually believes this
You have me user :^)
You don't. Your standards are probably too high
>Virtually no woman would be a prostitute if it weren't for poverty
have you seen these thots on instagram? most of them are from rich families and want to continue their crazy lifestyles without having to beg daddy for money so they let arabs shit on them instead
So were the prostitutes consenting adults, or were they sex slaves? Cause this thing is alot less funny if the latter is true.
Thank you Jussie Smollett
yooooooooo lmaoooo
>You would never see Based Paul Allen doing something like this.
because he's dead?
what do you think "human trafficking ring" means user?
how long is brady going to be suspended for this
Makes me miss backpage even more
how do any other mongers find workers now?
he owns a fucking football team
why is he spending 60 dollar on disease filled whores?
why is porn legal then
Kraft got a tug job. He had nothing to do with the ring itself.
It's refreshing to see at least one other person can read between the lines.
police love to tack on random charges. if they were here illegally its automatic human traffic regardless of circumstance
Jussie has to be so happy this happened because everyone is talking about it and not him finally
mfw Tom Brady buys the team
>dumb poor chink wants to come to america
>has zero skills outside of being a chink female
>willingly works for fellow chink matriarch as a glorified prostitute for a source of un-taxed income, in a state where prostitution is illegal
>if they didn't get busted they'd wait til they grow old and become the new matriarch
Do you always eat lobster?
One of the new girls at the place I go to is young and really pretty and doesn't seem nearly as into her job as the other girls are. I really hope she isn't being forced into it too.
Very good post.
Doesn't surprise me. The guy is a weirdo and coocoo for cocoa puffs. He always sounds drunk. Remember when his wife died of cancer? About a week later he was dating another woman. Dude is dirty.
the article says they were held captive
you don't get rich by spending unnecessary money
>60 dollar whores
that's poverty tier for a rub and tug
so the rumors are true that he likes kids like tommy likes kids? eww fucking ewwwwww burn in hell jew rat
thank you jupiter police department for rigorously going after 2 consenting adults for having sex in private while murderers are heroin dealers run rampant on the streets
I feel much safer now
he is already rich, doesn't need to get there
Maybe it’s his kink. Some people are weird, bud.
Just heard there's news of Tom in one of the videos. Holy shit the Pats organization is going down
>I now remember this guy telling the ESPN latino reporter that he was invited to his *big* party to celebrate
Can you consent if you’re a sex slave?
All new toys get boring after a while, even shiny ones. Same applies to roasties.
>bostonians support slavery
not a shock desu
t. seething Bostonfag
>he owns a fucking football team
>why is he spending 60 dollar on disease filled whores?
Could be any number of things.
- Maybe his girlfriend isn't into the stuff he wants to do
- Maybe he just wants some variety
- Maybe he's got a self-destructive streak and he wanted to get caught
- Maybe he was doing it because he knew it was illegal and got off on flouting the rules.
You don't stay rich by getting busted for frequenting seedy high risk slavery-tier brothels.
Maybe he only gets off on misery though. He is rich as fuck after all.
I thought he had that smoking hot 20 year old he was hanging with?
I know she got knocked up by some other dude but still
Maybe he was just sugar daddy?
He's always seemed drunk and creepy in every video I've seen of him
Fuck you Jupiter isn't that bad.
WHY would you not just pay for some high class prostitutes? Really a fucking cheapo spa trip?
prostitution should be legal in a town called jupiter
No, your problem is you make stupid excuses. I knew you'd come back with something along the lines of "I'm awkward and it's too hard." That's fucking retarded.
I didn't start dating until I was 27, I'm broke and still live with my mother, and I've had no trouble getting into long-term relationships. And being a CPA should make things easier for you--my last girlfriend was a corporate tax accountant who used to be in public at EY. I hung out with all her former coworkers and those people would take any excuse to grab a bunch of strangers and go out drinking.
Jupiter is a planet though lol
It's not just Christians, the left doesn't support it because feminism thinks sex is oppressive to women
Do you think he was corrupted by anime?
>Kraft is not even the biggest name involved in this investigation
Oh Shitttt
The massage parlor is apparantly only 30 minutes away from the Mar-A-Lago and he's really good friends with Trump and Kraft is a frequent guest of the Mar-A-Lago
whom among us can't say they wouldn't want to bang some stinky smelly crusty dirt-caked-on-the-skin ugly thai ladies?
>a Chad
stop taking words like this seriously and your life will probably improve
Jerry Richardson literally did nothing wrong.
Watch the NFL slap Kraft on the wrist and say that making dirty comments on jeans day and dropping a hard R is worse than aligning yourself with human traffickers, who are some of the most degenerate, evil sort of demon-spawn on Earth.
>Jupiter, Florida
Tiger has got to be involved.
>he actually believes they were sex slaves
there is literally zero evidence supporting the claim by Jupiter PD that they were enslaved
law enforcement say that of every massage parlor bust because it's good PR in their eyes
How is it that I'm a poor nobody and had a successful Chinese girlfriend buying me $200 dinners, and this guy is a famous billionaire and he has to pay for discount sex slaves?
I heard there were Russian prostitutes.
that's just not right. feminists support sex worker positivity
I'm glad you, a random user online, have more information than the investigators actually there.
oh so its not big a deal. the headline makes it sound like he was running a human trafficking ring lol. who gives a fuck if a guy buys a whore
Do you think Donald Trump would settle for a rub and tug slut?
Please don't bring up the Orange goblin
I heard it was a water park.
Same but I'm in corporate tax at PwC. I still don't think I could get laid though.
Because MUH VALUES. Literally every argument against it can be shut down by legalizing it. People are fine with whoring for free, but paying a whore is somehow worse.
>literally zero evidence
the story came out like 20 minutes ago, i'm sure you've looked into it thoroughly already?
>lets just believe police leaking information to the media
good goy
There’s literally zero evidence they weren’t. Your logic works against you too seething patsfag.
Never underestimate the power of yellowfever
Osama Bin Laden was
can they honestly just not help being what they are? man are they dislikable
>Why is this still illegal
It perpetuates child prostitution, the entire industry is more based around children than you think. The legalization would push the bounds of degeneracy even further. I did a paper at Uni once about it, I actually got some college libs upset because I was shitting on sex workers. It’s a degenerate cultural thing and would hurt society as a whole. Children would be groomed into prostitution but now legally (of course having to wait until they turn 18 but still, they come in contact with limos who promise them riches at much younger ages)
A society should ALWAYS be 100% dedicated to furthering childhood innocence, as that leads to a civilized society. There are no hookers with hearts of gold like liberal “sex worker” propaganda will lead you to believe. The entire system is disgusting and should never be legal in any context ever. I also think pornography should be more moderated as well though, my fascists roots show occasionally with that.
>has publicly criticized and dismissed the president
>good friends
uhh i dont think that word means what you think it means user
>Yea Forums memed /Bills Owl 2020/ into existence in the weirdest way possible
>She had a literal black kid.
Nice entrapment.
Case will be dismissed
Is anyone surprised?
Hey man, someone has to lick that boot.
what a brainlet fucking post, I bet you got college libs "upset" by being a sheer fucking retard with zero understanding of how the world actually works
I think I should be allowed to have opium addicted child sex slaves armed with machine guns.
Why does it always seem to be Russian prostitutes no matter where In the world sex rings get busted? There were several raids last year in Mexico and Brazil that I saw on tv
Reminder that paul allen destroyed a 500 million year old coral reef by running his superyacht aground on it
Nice argument bud!
I genuinely am. he's worth 7 billion dollars, he's a fucking king in New England, he has friends in very high places and he got like the star of David award or whatever from Israel.
Usually with those credentials, you don't get caught.
>using college libs as an insult
is it 1998?
>/pol/ was right again
>Billionaire charged with misdemeanor
he'll pay that with fucking his pocket change.
Sex worker, but not sex buyer. Even sex-positive feminists only think it should be legal for the prostitute, since a woman selling her body is an innocent victim of the patriarchy. But the man should still go to prison.
They even made this the law in some jurisdictions
Russia is a bleak as fuck place outside the metropolitan areas. Even then they have shit slums. I imagine a lot of Russian women are sold by the mafia too.
triggered gender studies "student" detected
Stocky little thing
ah good point, I'll believe you instead.
read his original post
Bless based Paul Allen
That's the law in france. Because women are so weak and manipulable they cant be held accountable for anything...ever
I am a fucking 5'11'' Chicano that sells fucking insurance for Farmers, but phone is buzzing all day long between Bumble and Hinge. You HAVE to be interesting. You probably have nothing to say or at least are worried you will sperg out. You would be surprised. Some roasties are into shit other than reality television. Ask them open-ended questions like "Which show was your last Netflix binge? Which podcast do you listen to? Which book would you take with you on a deserted island?" If you can carve a mutual interest niche, you're gold.
There would be no prostitution if we didn't have monogamy
imagine having to suck off an 80 year old
>not even worth 1/100 of what this dude is worth
>spend almost 10x more than him
From what I gather, LE doesn't really care too much about this sort of stuff unless the girl is here illegally or doing against their will. He must have been part of the ring itself.
>my fascists roots
could you make it more obvious that you are just some sex starved turbo autist with a retarded purity obsession?
That’s not true, degenerate liberals love the idea of more sex in our society, it’s been implemtmented in their tiny brains by the zionists. Sex destroys families, which is what the Jews have always wanted. Feminists are just a string on the Zionist marionette.
Did i say believe me? I just said why would you trust someone in a position of power who has no reason to tell truth AND is giving information to the media? Already laying groundwork to convict someone in the court of public opinion
I think that's the real crime in all this, old people having sex
>muh sex slaves
They were Chinese peasants shipped over to work in a massage parlor. They knew what they were getting into
watch them sign Kap TODAY lol
>his name is "Young"
This is why we need government appointed girlfriends.
That’s the Zionism talking. If you don’t want to defend white children you’ve lost your mind to the zionists.
Patriots fan since 93
I didn't think it was possible, but I love the man even more now.
>Patiots have been to 11 Super Bowls
>police data shows human trafficking increases in cities during Super Bowl hosting week
>Patriots owner caught soliciting human trafficked prostitute instead of high end independent escort
Really makes you think
so he bought a prozzie big deal
You're not getting laid because your mind's in a place where you don't think you can get laid. Being attractive to women is a mental thing. If you have confidence in your actions and a sense of humor, you can be a weird ugly sperg and you'll still be fun for women to hang out with.
Public accountants are like hard partying herd animals once the deadlines are met. All her friends were constantly dating. The guys aren't even that good looking or intelligent.
the virginity in this post is off the charts
>Even sex-positive feminists only think it should be legal for the prostitute, since a woman selling her body is an innocent victim of the patriarchy. But the man should still go to prison.
Yeah, that's a no bud. Sex positive feminists want prostitution to be legal and regulated. Now go back trying to find a carnival ride that will let you on.
t. Jest fan
I guess you could lol
Fuck police. Fuck laws. Fuck janitors. Fuck jews. Fuck anyone who isn't white. Fuck any white who associates with any nonwhite. Don't respond just kill yourselves you fucking zilches.
>Because women are so weak and manipulable they cant be held accountable for anything...ever
Thanks feminism!
>arguing with holes
>schefter says kraft isn't even the biggest name involved
who else could be involved? state senators? nfl owners are pretty big names and kraft owns one of the most prominent teams
>Kraft got dat Yellow fever
yeah so does every other insecure white male
Not an argument, I’m not a virgin, but that has nothing to do with it anyone. The sexualization of children is very real and prostitution is a huge piece of the puzzle. If you support prostitution the Zionists have corrupted you friend.
Holy shit it could easily be pic related
Fuck honkies :)
I'm surprised this is the best smear campaign they could come up with
Would be absolutely hilarious if Trump got a tug.
Bernie Sanders
I legit can't tell if you're just trolling or actually a /Pol/tard ranting about Zionist feminist conspiracies... Either way you're wrong, feminists support sex worker's but they still want the men locked up. Your Zion feminist overlords only think women should be degenerates, but men who have sex are rapists
>B-but Lady Nguyen says I'm hung
Oh shit, Schefter says there are bigger names that are involved than Kraft
thats not how you spell based
my guess is that if you're reallly rich and famous, and really desperate, you should go for some cheap skank, preferably from the street. those high class whores probably keep lists of clients in case they need to blackmail or whatever.
>tfw re-election confirmed
At least the fucking zilches who enforce prostitution laws get paid. Can't say the same for the pieces of human excrement who troll these boards. Fucking zeroes.
Also fuck jews.
Why imagine when you can just remember leaf?
His kink was white waitresses at cheap breakfast chains. Not yellow fever.
You can in Nevada. States rights yo.
Go back to your Tumblr blog where you can talk about how all men are rapists while also saying feminism is about equality
>that fucking pic
/pol/ please go back to your own website
fuck, is this the new kind of 56% kids?
I would die laughing if Goodell was on the list
We are 4channel
cruz is apparently 5'11"
Only certain counties.
This. Also, I've had good luck being the anti-chad. Women who spend any time on the dating scene are used to getting hit on by braindead bros--either poor pothead douches on parole, or rich finance guys who think a BMW is an automatic blowjob. Meanwhile I come along and I'm talking about going on dates to industrial history museums, cooking classes, and anime conventions. Met a few corporate women who I thought would be total bimbos and it turned out they were into shooting, papercraft, hiking, Star Trek, etc.
bezos round 2
maybe zuck too because has an asian wife, maybe his yellow fever was acting up and he stopped by
Trump apparently has that Howie Mandel issue where he's a germaphobe. You really think he's going to let diseased asian women touch him?
pats never overpay for talent
no and it's not even because of the embarrassment or whatever i'm just scared to death i'll catch something
That's bullshit. Half the women I've dated have explained me to they feel better getting drunk with guys because they're too uptight to get really frisky while sober. One chick got me drunk because she thought I wasn't having enough fun.
Kraft is a friend of Trump's
expect more of these scandals since the Mueller report will be a nothing burger
If it was kids then fuck it burn the cunt where he stands but if it was just adult whores, more power too him.
It's been in the news locally for a few days now.
If I had Kraft money, I'd eat lobster, filet, or both every night. They're my favorite foods and I have them once a month as is being a poor college student.
Underrated. I wonder (((who))) could be responsible.
For the seething patsfag this article makes it sound a lot like this women were slaves.
no it hasn't
Is Kraft not a Jew? A Jew billionaire being caught in anything at all is like a unicorn. Is the holohoax finally over now?
Who is the bigger name? Is he not on that list?
Roger Goodell
Even if they were how is any of that Krafts fault? He's officially been charged with a misdemeanor solicitation of prostitution. That's all. The fact that some of the women could have been slaves is just bad luck on his part.
someone in government
>Mingfu Lu
>Craig P Firing
Yes it has. The bust was reported on about two days ago.
It takes away the argument of two consenting adults. That’s my point.
It's totally going to be Trump kek
Aren't these guys rich enough to pay literally anyone to bang them? What an idiot
>adam schefter desperately trying to force his name into the story because he didn't break it
I seriously doubt there is a "bigger name" involved at all
Trump likes porn stars and models.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Why is it that the media is treating human trafficking in the U.S. like a real thing now?
When Pizzagate became a thing, the media labeled the whole thing as a conspiracy theory and that child sex trafficking "can't happen here".
Yeah I don't understand why rich dudes do dumb shit like this. Literal pornstars in Europe going on escort tours like a pop-star and will stay a few days in Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam. They are relatively inexpensive too if you're a billionaire.
Al Butler
Verified account @ALaboutSports
Sources told ESPN that Robert Kraft is "not the biggest name involved" in this investigation.
Is this cheese slice guy big??
We've known prostitution rings are real. The question with PG was whether or not hillary was involved with one in the basement of a pizza place and she isnt.
way more likely to get exposed from someone like that...but i guess it happened anyway so
Yes, but Nevada had to legalize it at the state level for counties to be able to make that decision. Weed is legal in California, but would you say it isn't because counties there have the power to outlaw the sale of it? Hypothetically, our constitution is designed so that the federal government has a limited set of specific powers (which hasn't been the case since FDR), individuals have rights that hypothetically can't be abridged, and states can do basically anything as long as it doesn't encroach on a federal power or an individual's rights. Prostitution is something that shouldn't be within the power of the federal government to regulate (although with Wickard v. Filburn they very well could), but is within the power of a state to regulate. Nevada has decided to legalize it, but either gave counties the ability to outlaw it or only authorized it in specific places; I don'ty know the details of their setup.
We can only hope
Probably because politicians are involved in trafficking.
He's worth 7 billion and has 6 rings. He's big
This. It would have been announced alongside Kraft.
IMAGINE being a 20 year old having to suck off a 90 year old fat guy.
Normies are opening up to the idea recently. There’s a YouTube pedophile ring on blast right now. I think the zionists are starting to feel a tad bit of pressure. I’m sure they will figure it out, but it will be fun peering into the cracks a bit
This guy knows that’s up
No one has ever said child sex trafficking "can't happen here" It's always been an issue
Worked for Anna Nicole Smith
heh more like old amirite
Salty lib detected
His son probably wants control of the team. He's been hinting at a power change for a few years now and probably sees his father getting old. Time for a regime change.
>having consensual sex is degenerate
dumb incel
Not true at all, lots of liberals use that as an argument as to why oizzagate isn’t real “lol this is like totally America, that can’t happen here haha all Hollywood people are so righteous, I love that they care about the environment”
80% of the SAG are pedophile scum
It was her turn!
that's because there is a difference between one, unproven specific incident of alleged child sex trafficking, and human trafficking in general.
>Sex slaves are apart of consensual sex
i then she OD'd like a few years later because all she could see was ancient dick when her eyes closed
>the best team in nfl history gets the death penalty over a 60 dollar tug job
Jim Nance:
>"Hello friends. Flag on the play, let's listen in."
Ref with the stupid biceps, Ed Hockuly or something:
>"Before the ball was in play, Illegal Blown Load, Las Vegas. Forced franchise sale. Forfeit of down, automatic franchise to leveraged minority ownership group."
Tony Romo:
>"Well we all knew this was coming, no pun intended Jim. Ever since the Shield forced Robert Kraft to sell the Patriots after he paid $120 for two shitty handjobs, the rest of the Membership has been on their best behavior."
>"That's right, Tony. Robert Kraft made his players wear a patch in the memory of his late wife while he snorted Viagra and pounded models. Mrs. Kraft's body wasn't even cold yet, Tony, and Robert was bangin cocktail waitresses two at a time. Even Sheldon Adelson couldn't save him once the handjobs were revealed."
>"And we all know that the rest of the Members are terrified of the video footage held in the safe of Sheldon Adelson. It was only a matter of time until the Raiders were taken from Lloyd Christm... I mean Mark Davis. Lil Jon and the Eastside Boyz have expressed interest."
>"Skeet skeet, Tony. Skeet skeet indeed."
lefty media cuck detected
it was like 19 years later and it was because she was in so much pain from all the cosmetic surgeries she used to stay attractive at 39
>consensual sex
human trafficking
This isn't college nor did it have anything to do with the team on the field and its accomplishments. Just listen to yourself
For some reason NFL will find a way to ban Brady for this.
>south florida
>only 1 hispanic name
>like 5 germanic names
Fucking old people.
>The patriots dynasty will be ended by chink whores
Who saw that coming?
>Who saw that coming?
two chink whores and the cops
Some of those names are probably just pseudonyms. Kraft is an idiot for using his actual name.
P-peter...it's the damn slants...I cant quit the damn slants
Yeah bro just give a fake name to the police what could go wrong
>blaming the Jews for your small penis
i don't see why you would reply that to me. afaik no media outlet has ever claimed that human trafficking was impossible in the united states, left or right.
He just wanted to add prostitution to his ring collection :DDDD
>bringing up penises for some reason
as an outsider this sounds perfectly plausible while pizza gate was fucking stupid
the media wouldn't be able to keep it quiet if it was Trump
>5 germanic names
germ is more like it.
What are you talking about? I am talking about when you call in or sign in for your massage, use a different name. Like Michael Vick using Ron Mexico.
Were they adult whores? Hello?
wait wut?
it is human weakness. you cant kill that with a gun
stop obsessing with sissyhypno gifs. Be a man.
>projecting this hard
Now heeeeres a GUY...
You sound pretty brainwashed, friend. Lay off the youtube conspiracy videos
I don't understand why they don't just legalize prostitution and at the same time crack down on trafficking. Prostitutes would have to register or something, or get a license to "practice" their profession, and inspectors to inspect brothels and make sure they are up to standard and aren't using trafficked women.
>ron mexico
how did that work out for him?
that's some jussie smollett-tier logic you got going on.
But like, does anyone actually care?
Look, North America has a lot of objectively retarded/outdated laws. There are friendly neighborhood weed dealers sitting locked up on multi-year sentences for the henious crime of... selling a couple G's to their friends so they can smoke a joint and laugh at shitty sitcoms on TV. Wow, yeah, lock them up.
Oh no, a pretty girl who otherwise wouldn't acknowledge your existence said she'd fuck you if you tossed her $12,000, so you did, and she went to town. Yeah, horrible horrible crime right there.
You want me to care and shame the guy in public? Sorry, I can't. Im instead inclined to defend him.
This dude is old as fuck. Lets face it, at his age, he's not gonna bring home a 28 year old model; he's firmly in the geriatric tier.
What the fuck do you want him to do? Sit at home jerking off to pornhub premium? Have shitty sex with haggered old women with skin rashes and bed sores and miscellaneous bone/muscle problems? Make a few cheeky comments at the receptionist in the office and hope he doesn't get reported for sexual harassment? Yeah, I don't think so.
>asian woman says you can fuck her
>fuck asian woman
>dont pay her
100% legal
>asian woman says you can fuck her
>fuck asian woman
>give her $1 after
No one has ever argued that sex trafficking is not a thing
Can they force him to sell the team?
puritanical bureaucrats think they know what is best for us
moral outrage from evangelicals, i.e., the Republican base
he's dating a 40 year old model because he's rich as fuck. And he's not paying $12k to random hot girls for sex, he's paying $75 for a handjob from a human trafficking victim
To play devil's advocate, it's very possible he had no idea what was going on and was just there to fuck. But you're a damn billionaire, why can't you just use a "legitimate" escort?
Taxes. The government would like a cut.
See Vegas, Las.
Sex workers need to (((register))).
>moral outrage from evangelicals
Pretty sure its the left these days engaging in moral outrage and trying to do shit like censor speech that might offend a tranny
Yes, because when you shop around for escorts, they obviously have I AM A HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIM PLEASE HELP ME written in their bio on craigslist.
No surprise. Just wait when they bust Belichick for paying league officials. All those championships will be yanked. Oh and believe me, Belichick pays officials. He has done it for years. Kraft is even aware of it.
>they think it's because of muh religion muh evangelicals
oh no no, you guys are just as dumb as they are
Yea, you seem well informed. I was just pointing this out since a lot of people seem to think they can go on a trip to Vegas and get prostitutes legally.
>gay marriage
>deflecting to muh left
every time
"human trafficking"
If they forced the sale of the Panthers, why not this?
*heems her while she's spinning around*
nothing personal girl
Liberals are intellectually inferior low IQ faggots. This doesn't change the fact that the Patriots franchise is corrupt.
>female nudity is racist, sexist, KKK
Omfg yes the cheatriots owner got a misdemeanor charge over a blowjob that means their dynasty is over and they will have to disband the team and now mine can win!!!
reminder that tyreek hill beat up his pregnant girlfriend
Dude probably has snuff films too, like the movie 8mm
puritanical != evangelical retard
what about MassageGirls18?
S E E T H E M O A R bostonfag
>Yaping Ren
>media paints him as some model citizen and great guy for years
>gets caught fucking literal sex slaves, women who have been deprived of their humanity and will probably be killed at the end
Fucking lowest of the low. He's a disgusting scumbag. Fuck him.
whatever you are referring to is a meme or never happened
He has sons. It’s more likely he resigns and Jonathan takes over
paul allen was known for having parties on his yachts full of hookers
When females get nude on movies and tv leftists go apeshit about sexism
>come to this thread to see obnoxious Cheatriot tripfags get BTFO, it's just /pol/ wiggling their small white penis
user, have you ever bought a hooker before? Or an escort?
They don't exactly tell you that they're being held against their will and ask you to call police. Most are so zonked on pills/booze that the sex is average at best and they only look marginally like their picture.
His arrest is the equivalent to buying a used vehicle, only for the cops to show up on your door a week later and tell you you're in possession of a stolen vehicle.
>Kraft's Cream Cheese
t. random blog somewhere
owning libtards...EBIN Style
I’m mentally ill for sure, I hate liberals irrationally and play into the right wing identity politics. I’m not brainwashed though. I wish I could take a blue pill but here I am
>some clickbait articles about a movie is the same as civil rights debates on abortion, gay marriage, and prostitution/sex trafficking
lol you child
go back to Yea Forums and complain about Star Wars and Captain Marvel some more
why would he have yachts full of hookers
>Local white knight seethes
I filtered liberal/left and 90% of those faggy posts don't show up
>and will probably be killed at the end
I like how fucking pearl grasping retards itt have escalated this from "shady explotative massage parlor" to a literal rape dungeon
This isn't buying an escort. This is human trafficking.
“They were cooking on the back steps of the business. These women were sleeping in massage parlors, on the massage tables and had no access to transportation,” said Synder, who noted the victims were averaging eight clients a day. “If you do the math, that is about 1,500 men a year, with no days off.”
The argument is you leftist cucks became the censorship loving moralfags and you know it is true. Keep seething at me tho sissy boy.
pretty sure you mixed up the vikings team with paul allen
lol imagine if it was brady instead of (((kraft)))
kraft's wife just completely hit the fucking jackpot
also jesus fucking christ you're a billionaire go to a country where prostitution is legal
>filtering "left" on a sports board
Dude how in the world does /pol/ trigger you that much?
>kraft's wife just completely hit the fucking jackpot
>Dying is the jackpot
t. Doomer
probably because they don't stay in their fucking containment board
YOU FUCKING RETARDED MUTT. You thonk the goberment will let you fuck someone without getting his share??????
ficki ficki ?
LOL good thing prostitution is illegal in Florida! Guarantee you they'll even ban sex ROBOT brothels.
sp doesn't stand for "sports and politics". It's not triggering, just so obnoxious that it's borderline spam.
(((small)))) (((white))) (((penis)))
>the state of leftist arguments
The dry cleaners next door to where I work cook on the back step of their business for their employees lunch too. Better call the police on them and bust this human trafficking ring wide open.
limp-dick meta analysis like this is why your sorry ass is on Yea Forums
So you let them win by censoring your internet of a common term that is a direction? lol whatever you gotta do to not get mad on Yea Forums I guess
I'm not defending what Kraft dude but the guy walked in with the knowledge that there were women who would engage in sexual activity. He wasn't aware of anything you posted about.
If he was, it's likely he was a part of the ring itself and will face much harsher consequences.
>be so mad about pats getting a 6th ring you can only talk shit about the owner getting a handjob
>biologically spectral
>getting a handjob
from a sex slave*
you now remember W.'s AG John Ashcroft covering up statues at the DoJ because their boobs were showing
as much as i love Bobby "manhandle in the panhandle" Kraft can't be too surprised by a billionaire jew pulling something like this
>that is a direction
Rarely used in that context. filtering "leftist" doesn't cause one to miss out on anything but someone sperging out.
literally not the person who's doing that idiot
>one idiot conflates sex and gender
>hurr all lefties are idiots durr
the state of /pol/tard arguments
that's a whole lot of effort for a biological woman to be a woman
no you're the idiot whiteknighting them I can see your shitposting flag dipshit
>he's up in the middle of the night seething about American politics
Blame the meaningless mods on here, they let the garbage fester on other boards but they only put in the effort to make sure to coddle autistic faggots from seeing a stupid pastel pony
That's a very grandiose term for "buying pussy once".
As I said the STATE of your leftist cuck arguments
If I was an old rich man I would totally continue to plow my hedgehog of a wife instead of using the opportunity to have sex with beautiful women whose job it is, is to make me satisfied.
That's exactly what I'd do, because when I am 99 years old in the palliative care home, I'm going to look back and reflect on all those times I didn't use my penis because I'm so fucking honorable, and every idiot on the planet's opinion on my honor is super important to me, I hope they write books about it
>headlines out of context are arguments
the absolute state of incel arguments
Tiger Woods
Why would a rich guy like this go to a seedy Florida massage parlor for whores? DOn't they have better places to go?
based whiteknight BTFO the incels in the middle of the night while seething about another countries politics instead of having sex
this whole thing seems like a setup
i don't know what that means
>these are the people calling you incel on Yea Forums
You know, it's extremely funny seeing conservatives, who care nothing about scientific facts or evidence, saying that facts matter. They only matter when they fit your narrative, any other time emotion > reason. This also applies to liberals in many cases, but conservatives are masters at cognitive dissonance.
Show the /pol/ meet up in NYC now
That's not what Kraft did though. Massage parlors are the lowest of the lows when it comes to prostitution. Literally 40-50 year old Asian women. Come on now.
most prostitutes are dummy how's kraft supposed to know
imagine being this retarded
>these are the people calling you "shill," "discord tranny," "libtard" on Yea Forums
Who cares, fuck handegg.
Are you going to make fun of them for being brown racist? Post it and compare them to those hideous mentally ill trannies that commit suicide 40% of the time
Nice response kid.
Yikes. This reminds me of something I'd write when I was 17 and thought I was supremely intelligent... unlike those stupid conservatives.
>these are the people calling you incel on Yea Forums
how the FUCK do you get arrested at a rub and tug joint?
There is one on every fucking corner
Imagine being this retarded
>say incel
>thread discourse goes directly to bottom of the barrel namecalling
lel every time
People actually pay to have these women handle their junk?
They close down all the time and the persons involved arrested. Patrons inside at the time are usually arrested as well. Not sure about what happened how they had list of names and everything though.
It's weird that people on Yea Forums actually think it is hard to have sex. Imagine having virginity living rent free in your head all day
Leftists hate numbers
I value my virginity and impending wizard-dom more than the touch of some mangy mutt that calls herself a woman. Begone thots and those who would be intimate with them.
And of course, naturally this thread devolved into political shitposting
weird flex but ok do you kid
right at bump limit at least
Hey man it's Friday, it's not like these underage children and incels have anything else going on.
>he thinks it is hard to have sex
There is no way a normal male uses the word incel.
what the fuck is with skin head kernel sanders in the background
it's discord trannies bruh imagine how faggy you would think a guy was if he said incel in public
ahahahaha i love conspiracy fags you guys are alright.
Based KFC colonizing Germany
>why doesnt reality conform to what the memes have told me
end yourself my man
It's largely the lefty retards who whine about this stuff right now
New York practically passed a murder law and fags had civil unions
again, there isn't one, its just schefter trying to stay relevant by spreading fake bs so he can slap his name on all of the sports related articles involving this. Imagine how mad he was when an actual news company broke this story and it wasn't one of his hackneyed tweets
It's not deflection if it's true
wouldn't schefter have more to lose by blatantly lying and not coming through with a bigger name?
>Patrons inside at the time are usually arrested as well.
Only if they are caught in the act, the ladies know to cover you up when the police show up.
A massage parlor is a completely legit business
kek i think i was on this street. We had a hotel in St.Georg. went for a 20-30 min walk, came to this shit place. niggers, arabs and other shitskins only. like coming to africa or something
Have you been living on the same planet as the rest of us lately or are you willfully ignorant? I've lost count how many games have been censored because of shitlibs offended about "female objectification"
don't get raped
I like how retarded libs believe anything that has "science" attached to it. Not realizing that scientists can be lying scum like anyone else
This is how it works in the civilised world yes
Why is it the fault of the customer that human trafficking exists and not the proprietor
I did a few times but could never bring myself to fuck her. My friend always had to fall on the sword. Too gross, couldn't get bonner
You don't believe in science you autist. Science is based on empirical evidence, based on literature, based on observation and review. I think it's you that have no understanding of science or how the scientific process works, which is why there's so many ignorant conservatives that don't understand the first thing about issues such as climate change.
Hello tumblr
Not an argument, and you clearly don't understand scientific issues in any capacity. It's pretty easy to tell when all you have is ad hom.
Also, taking "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!" seriously, and actually believing that people that are actually interested in scientific issues give a single fuck about some random facebook page is pathetic. I have an education (BS in Geology) and have an actual science background, as do most people that actually bother to keep informed on science issues.
There's anti-science thoughts / views on both the left and right, in fact the more deep you go into either side of the political spectrum, the more quack views / irrational thinking there is. It's actually kind of funny, because there's a lot of quack snake oil supplements and whatnot that are targetted towards completely different demographics on the left and right, such as alex jones infowars store shit (brain force). You see the exact same sort of supplement nonsense targeted to left wing new age moms and shit too.
>blog post of tranny seethe
>rocks for jocks degree
>All the retard can do is ad hom and reply with trash meme images
Yep, anyone that has a different opinion to you must be a tranny.
>seething THIS hard about images on an image board
hello tourist
Science says that there are a multitude of factors related to historical oppression that cause this but hey you're probably as ignorant of history as you are of science
Nope. Science says niggers are stupid. Deal with it cuck.
Such an intelligent and insightful comment user, I can tell you are truly a superior and rational being
>when you make most stereotypical reddit soyboy post possible
You have to be from /pol/ and are trying to embarass leftists
So this is the power of a cuck presented with science.
We're all secretly paypigs and can't abide by the idea of just paying 100 bucks and being done with it. We wish to strap ourselves to less attractive women and buy them 20 50 dollar dinners and spend twice that on gas and other expenses just to get some roast feast.
Robert Kraft had nothing to do with Kraft food products.
Admit there are racial IQ differences and I will admit that climate change may be influenced by human intervention, in part.
I feel bad for blacks because leftists are denying them a way to equalize their capabilities due to ideological dogma. Imagine a Wakanda that actually exists because of genetic science. Marxists don't want that to happen because they need the blacks to be their whipping boys.
>20 democrats splitting the dem candidate odds
>1 republican given his base when factoring odds
Every day you show how fucking retarded you conservatives are.
>Daniel R. Young
3:2 means he has more than 50% chance of winning though.
Because dem candidates who would be favored to beat him are not favored to win the dem nomination.
Bookies know about how many republicans will vote for Trump, they don't know who will be the dem candidate or who the dem candidate will appeal to. If a super lefty candidate wins the dem nomination more independents will vote for Trump than if a moderate wins the dem nomination.
That's built into the odds. The odds will bounce around, but 3:2 means he's the overall favorite at this point in time. I don't see the DNC electing a winning candidate anyway. Even Bernie is questionable due to his advanced age.
cute athletic tomboy!
> the state of this post