Other urls found in this thread:
>Jewish elitist charged with sexual impropriety
Imagine my shock.
Krafty so and so
>jew man bad!
how tough is it to stay out of trouble when you're loaded.
I guess I wouldn't know, but holy fuck
Reminder that the NFL Donald Sterling'd Jerry Richardson out of the league for way less than Kraft is being accused of.
>white man gooooooood
>non-white man baaaaaaaaaad
Wow, someone involved in the New England Patriots organization is a piece of human trash, what an absolute shocker
Fucking kek lads.
>grown man paying grown woman for a sexual service is illegal
what a meme, just regulate it
dude just wanted some happy endings
Neck yourself, Favela monkey.
based sir james
>neg yoselv fabela monkee
Ook Ook! Ook Eek!
You sure showed him niggermonkeyturbofaggot
>he slept in my dorm at Williams College
>I'm a loser in 2019
>Canadian cuckold for the rescue
Oh no he made another monkey insult. You sure showed me kek
Do leaves have no sense of self-worth? You guys are pathetic lmao
Stop living vicariously through Americans
Tug gate
add it to the list
I can't wait for the NFL to slap Kraft on the wrist for this even though they literally Donald Sterling'd Jerry Richardson out of the league for being a dirty old man on jeans day.
high sodium
Jews are wh*Te...
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Jose Tyrone LeShawn de Cordoba. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a South American "man" provided for a family.
Die, banana eating freak. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good
I struck a nerve faggot? Stop projecting your cuckold fantasies onto me
No theyre not
>Wife dies
>Bang hookers with Viagra
imagine being with a gold digger that doesn't put out, so you have to pay someone else on top of that.
>Go to Massage parlor
>Buy a massage to relax
>"u wan happy ending? five dolla."
>5 minutes later local police, FBI and ATF burst in the door
>They shoot the dog being prepared for lunch
>Handcuff me and put my cock in a chastity cage, charge me with soliciting prostitution
Feels bad man
Imagine being very 23 year old virgin
You always insert yourself in conversations between people and Americans. You live vicariously through Americans. Sometimes when people talk shit about them, you are the first one to post in the thread even though no one even mentioned cucknadians. It's pathetic.
>mfw giselle buys the Patriots
you forgot to add
>national media claim its my fault that dumb gookettes came to america with no serviceable skill other than handys
i doubt he's a virgin, and he's certainly much older than 23. in fact, if my calculations are correct he recently surpassed the average life expectancy of us males.
Hey gang, fellow Seattle /12/ here. Hopefully Robert is able to come to terms with his life of sin and find salvation through /our lord/ Jesus Christ.
Reminder that all good things are done in his name
You don’t seem to understand monkey. Americans and Canadians, we share the same hate for disgusting monkeys like you...may the whole world shares this hate, see
youre doing it wrong, jews are actually the disease of western civilization and npcs like them
Not him but I cant stand the constant shrieking about mutts from yuros and spics that derails every thread. At least a US poster saying something wildly ignorant and retarded is always worth a good laugh
absolute madman
>They shoot the dog being prepared for lunch
Imagine being so obsessed about a country that you have to invade and derail their threads to rage about shit like breakfast burritos
>absolute shadman
some men don't get tired of fucking the vietnamese
I thought these dudes had women brought to their mansions? The fuck is he doing in a back alley massage parlor with cameras set up where they can blackmail him?
so what the guy likes twinks to touch his naughty bits its none of my business if hes a gay old man
Could Mantis make you orgasm via telepathy?
Fuck you
Can't blame him. His girlfriend doesn't have sex with him.
I want Mantis to mindfuck me
I don't give a fuck about your hate. You're nobody. All I see is a pathetic cuck
holy fuck this is the funniest day ever
THE charge appears to be for "soliciting prostitution", so no reason yet to believe that he's a part of the trafficking
>Spygate (2007)
Until 2007*
I go to these places all the time and Im fine. either they were targeting him because he has alot of money or he said something really obvious and stupid on tape
Nope. But even close. They act white to subvert, then cry out they're Jewish when called out on it.
It's anudda shoah!
>Daniel Young
>Is oldest guy on the list
Jimmy did nothing wrong
Just some podunk police department in the derelict shithole known as Fl*rida trying to make a name for itself. Kraft will beat this rap easy.
>John Johnson
Is John
The Tug Rule
A Y*nzonid subcreature made this
the leaf is right this time. i hope you end up with some tires around your neck and a few gallons of diesel then dry you off with a match hue monkey faggot
Wtf? Are you one of these guys?
Serious question, why do you people love jews so much?
>robert kraft
is he related in kraft foods at all?
Nah, he has some real estate holding company.
I always wonder how this can actually happen. I mean wouldn't any criminal organization with a brain just tell customers to pay extra for some over the top massage, after which the masseuse can just 'spontaneously' decide to fuck the client? Like with no explicit trade of money for sex at all? It really doesn't seem difficult to work around yet people get caught routinely?
all it takes is one tip from someone and police will investigate. They may have also just been investigating a particular sex trafficking ring and it leads back to parlors. If it leads back to a parlor police usually will set up a sting to arrest anyone who solicits sex from them.
is /pol/ ever inaccurate ?
>going on /pol/
please leave this board
Shouldn't have cheated on that marathon
I'm sure since day one /pol/ was concerned what some old guy was doing with his penis, yes
Kraft collects yet another ring.
Im speaking more on the soliciting part. Isn't it technically not soliciting if lots of money is paid upfront for a massage, or giving money to a tip jar following with the masseuse just initiating sex at the end of a massage? Ya know, like without ever asking for money in exchange for the sex?
From the outside looking in the exchange would be no different from a guy having sexual relations with a waitress who unironically just happens to get tips at her job and might want to fuck the guy she just served and received money from (because its actually her boyfriend, she finds the guy cute, she just needs a fuck, etc.). Structured in this way or similar, sex at a massage parlor would literally not be soliciting.
So my question is how people and criminal organizations dont understand they can implicitly solicit while not actually soliciting per the legal definition? Like how could that many people have such a desire to commit a particular crime that they form literal trafficking rings and then be so stupid that they dont cover their bases when performing transactions?
>this is apparently some random back alley sting and not something set uo to specifically cstch men like Kraft
Can yoy fucking imagine the excitement the police felt when Kraft walked in?
I think there are laws that prevent that kind of loophole. That said I'm not entirely sure and that might be what defense attorneys use in court for these kind of cases.
What if the girl goes in for the handy, but doesnt want it? Him pressing charges could fuck the whole company wouldn't it?
True, but all you have to do for most guys is question their sexuality and call them gay for not allowing themselves to get raped by a female. Then it's either they have sex or they keep their mouth shut because they don't want everyone to think they're gay for saying no to sex. Couldn't tell you how many times I got hit with that stupid play from girls as a teenager.
>tfw this is the man who tipped the police off
Imagine living in a country where you can’t pay an asian lady to tug your peepee without fear of being arrested
Nigga that shit isnt how this works. What if he is married? What if he is religious? Just didnt find the girl attractive? People dont actually think this way.
>is a billionaire
>still goes to get $50 handjobs at shady asian massage parlors
yellow fever. his young white wife was probably busting his balls for not keeling over dead yet so he had to get some affirmation from the meekest people on earth.
>overpaying for talent
Isnt she too busy cucking him to give him shit for that?
They have video evidence so there's not really anything he can do to say he didn't want it.
>based tranny BTFO'ing leafs and tripfags.
I thought Kraft was looking pretty pimp this past season. Didn't mean it literally.
Prolly part of the kink that it happens in a dirty parlor than in a luxury room with a high end escort.
>mfw I'm a literally nobody and I've had Asian girlfriend buy me dinners and gifts while a world famous literal billionaire is buying sex slaves from a strip mall massage parlor
Oh dear.
he did nothing wrong
I bet Rush Limbaugh is another big name involved
Fair take or just jealousy?
is this true? jesus what a pathetic cuck
>old man fucks a hooker
Apparently he's not against ALL kneeling.
there is no way he doesn't have a prenup
but if the jewish elite run the world then why would he be charged?
because this guy is a friend of DRUMPF and America's left-wingers in the sport entertainment media hate the Patriots and new England
based Kraft getting his dick wet
Was this a fucking prostitution ring sponsored by Viagra?
Why would he have a prenup when he LITERALLY let's his wife fuck other men?
>a literal cuck
>fucks chinese sex slaves
The perfect face of that disgusting franchise.
he's an incel porn addict
I'm gonna say jealousy
*eats whale penis for dinner*
>all that anti-semitism
holy fucking BASED nigger
Uma delicia.
did he really kill a dog? i haven't watched him since that came out
Pats are finished aren’t they
uhh, the NFL works for kraft, not the other way around dude. Of course they won't do shit.
>He confirmed that there is video evidence of all of the men being charged. "The question was, does the video contain Mr. Kraft inside receiving the alleged acts. The answer to that is yes," Sharp said in response to a reporter's queston.
pats fans sounding real dindu nuffin
based dentist
Did you miss the part where the parlor was involved with human trafficking?
I think he just shot it with an airsoft gun for it to shut up
based discerning qt asian girl taste
The End of the Dynasty starts at the top. Or on top in case you're Kraft. Wow this is getting cheesy.
>human trafficking
They have to claim this as if every back alley massage parlor is part of some sort of triangular trans-pacific gook slut slave trade, with kraft personally cracking the whip while some malnourished 8yr old jerks him off. If not it makes them looks like a bunch of mall cops
By the way guys. If Trump can pardon a crazy sheriff that is one step removed from a grand wizard of the klan, then surely he will pardon Robert Kraft if he doesn't buy his way out of this allegation with a settlement first.
Based Excel Workbook.
>stealing my post from the other thread
day of the rake when
i wanted to (you) but it was from another thread, so i said fuck it
It should be the responsibility of the police to prosecute the owners of the parlor who traffick the girls, rather than the customers who would have no idea about it
>Paying for your girlfriend's son
Wow. More like Robert Cuck.
Hopefully now we can have a national conversation about legalizing it. I don't want to remain a virgin forever.
He's on the hook for solicitation only, not the whole shebang.
Dude has plenty of resources to rent the best escort who put out known to man under complete discrepancy, decides to get his knob rubbed out in some small time joint.
This guy was doing underage snatch, only explanation.
fucking underrated
says the monkey speaking english on our website
History proves they are though.
Does not.
We would've heard that already, don't be naive. You are severely underestimating the widespread accessibility of these types of places.
Does this mean no more Kraft macaroni and cheese?
You go back to plebbit first
BREAKING NEWS: Adam Schefter reports, "You've heard of 'the tuck rule', but 'the Fuck Rule'? The NFL and Roger Goodell are bailing out the New England Patriots yet again. The NFL Competition Committee is already in the planning stages to add the new rule to the 2019 NFL Rulebook."
So what happens to Kraft? Will he get a slap in the wrist or will they force him out? I feel like they kind of have to make him sell the team, otherwise it would be obvious favoritism and cause a massive public outcry due to the Panthers owner being forced out for way less and the fact that anyone who's not a Pats fan hates the pats
Tug rule would have been better.
Wait I'm confused, I thought the Jews were in charge and therefore the only people being charged for petty crimes like this are the ones that oppose the Jews. Are you saying that the people in power are bringing down the Jews now?
>sell the team
for a handy?
He's just gonna retire and give the team to Jonathan
You have to pull Kraft's macaroni to get the cheese
/pol/ is a bunch of retarded tinfoil hats, what a surprise
Worst case he'll have to sell, best case it'll be a huge payment. The Panther situation was racially driven, which is a bigger issue than paying a prostitute. The sex trafficking narrative has no legs and is just there currently to draw attention. Irsay putting his life and other lives at risk while driving under the influence and being in possession of a ton of prescription meds and only getting a suspension was a much larger problem.
Jews have been hated by countries and empires across the world for THOUSANDS of years. You aren't univeserally hated as a group for that long without a good reason
>Religious minorities are persecuted
Breaking fucking news, you retard.
>i-it's only a religion!
Judaism is much more than that, and that's the problem.
There's no need for a pardon you fucking idiot because Kraft hasn't been arrested or charged with a crime
Jews aligned with Trump are bad Jews to other Jews
>selling your team over a misdemeanor getting a handjob at some chink massage parlor
kek you can't be this retarded
You fucking idiot, there were plenty of kingdoms that had religious freedom that still despised jews. Jews are more than just a religion, they're an ethnic group
>it's not the jews!
>the kikes are the root of all my problems
Get a life Cletus
I just banged two different women in massage parlors a few weeks ago in vegas. It didnt seem that hard to accomplish or illegal
>the synagogue of satan isn't responsible for every single evil the world today
goyim fooled: 0
Red country=YIKES
Sticky this thread
parts of nevada have brothels
Is Wilson dating a man?
>using the Cletus ad hominem on a Leaf
I agree, thanks.
Isn't there a women's activist group that sees this as owner bad man / women victim? What group is that? Needing it for science purposes
>white "men"
>tfw its your asian gf giving it to him
I know it's hard for some of you retards to fathom but the US is a conglomerate of states, not a single nation, and every state has its own laws in regards to prostitution
That's it, I'm moving to Mexico.
you do know the drug war is still going on right?
>that fake looking knock off beanie
>moving to a shithole just for legal hookers
hmm Orchids of Asia Day Spa is currently listed as "open" on Google reviews..........
Literally 99% of states its illegal. It might as well be counted as illegal in the whole country.
But there is nobody more pro Israel than Trump, he said so himself
Although since it's still illegal in half of Nevada I guess 49.5/50, so you're right
And yet Soros and all the leftist Jewa still utterly hate him
Shots fired
the far left and this site which is essentially the new far right both hate Israel. Its one of the few things they agree on
The right have a good reason to hate Israel. The left only hate Israel because they love muzzies whom are far worse
whats that restricted part of australia?
It doesn't matter if he goes to jail or not, or if he has to pay a fine or whatever. His reputation is permanently ruined. And the Patriots are tarnished as well.
State of South Australia
Muzzies would be irrelevant if it weren't for the Jews. Ergo, the Jews are THE worst.
yeah they hate him, which is why he is all they reported on when he was running for president
because they hate him so much haha
That list forgets using binoculars to read lips during the Philly v Patriots superbowl. There is a reason Andy Reid talks with a pizza menu in front of his face now.
My brother called this years ago. He said there was no way that a team who cheats and screws around as much as the patriots would get hit by karma. I just wish theyd have caught tom and julian edelman their too.
yeah, Im sure those 6 championships are now meaningless because an old man got a handjob
>There is a reason Andy Reid talks with a pizza menu in front of his face now
because that mother fuckers always hungry
Why go to a massage parlor when he could get all he needed from Brady?
based idi amin
>imagine being an 80 years old man and getting banged out by tom's BWC
>nothing redeemable about this franchise from top to bottom
I'm honestly impressed at this point
>being a billionaire cuck
What a pathetic loser.
the only asian men i have respect for are the criminals.
Might as well make money off of white guys fucking asian chicks
Did someone already make the joke that he should have filmed it and it would have been legal because making porn is not illegal??
Why do these dudes rape so much? Can't they find better hobbies?
why the fuck does Brady kiss every man on the lips?
Imagine being this retarded.
He paid the market price.
>every man
He only kisses the deserving
>not pictured
>Mrs. Kraft
They should just adopt the villain mantle in full at this point. Come out to imperial march, run up the score whenever possible; Brady should make a point to personally embrace every ref after every game and even pose with them for the camera with a very smug expression.
>Surprised a Jew pinches pennies
>be billionaire
>still down to earth enough to get tugjobs from wang li for 50 bucks while your millionaire buddies are wasting millions on high maintenance sluts out of hollywood
pretty based actually
His son must be a lucky guy then
>They shoot the dog being prepared for lunch
The NFL has GOT to come down hard on this. How many times are they gonna let the Cheatriots deflate their balls?
Certainly. He is the son of the GOAT after all.
>This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.
U know she's underage. I smell a new Vicky vid to watch. That's the prec0me.
thats a jewish nobel prize winner if i ever saw one
>this dude won the Jewish Nobel prize the highest award among Jew people
better pass it down to Jonathan before the league has time to Jew him out of having a choice
stay livid
The number is still 6 nigger
rich old man fucks a hooker
>tfw only dated pasty white girls with daddy issues
One day im gonna take a tour of the world sexually. I want to nut on a black chick, a latina, an asian, and an indian before i die.
>I want to nut on a black chick, a latina, an asian, and an indian before i die.
Ive done all of those. latinas and eastern euro chicks are the best ones
>one day i'm gonna take a bestiality tour
get your head examined
This. Its even worse because the majority of america knows they are lying cheating scumbags and then you have to watch all these nfl propoganda pieces where they try and paint them as this flawless perfect orginazation that does nothing wrong. I hope the nfl drops the hammer on these shitheads. Im tired of them ALWAYS getting away with it.
This is the most underrated comment of all time
On my last trip to Japan I spent around 2.5k on prostitutes, including a porn actress. I wish I had his kind of money. I'd spend it on better girls than some massage parlor in the U.S., but I also kind of understand the appeal of some cheap fucks too.
I guarantee he was arrogant enough to think "pfft i can do whatever I want, who's gonna catch me?" He just picked the absolute worst place and time to go.
>wasting zillions of dollars on some plastic thot when some massage parlor bitch will suck you dry for pennies
you're what's wrong with men today
The new england cheatriots should get the death penalty. Just kill the franchise outright, take it away from Boston, and while you're at it take away the red sox too
Buy the team tom
For those of you out there, the stings are basically always on Friday
>all these poor faggots with zero real world experience
You think Robert Kraft actually gives a fuck about this whore? He doesn’t. He’s not some sad cuck that sits around waiting on these bimbos, as evident by him going around and getting jacked off in every seedy massage parlor within a 20 mile radius. He’s a 80 year old billionaire that understands supply and demand better than you retards ever will. He knows that 20 year old women don’t want to have sex with some old fuck that has to get up 5 times a night to piss, but they’ll fuck his money. As we’ve seen with him telling the greatest NFL coach of all time to fuck off when he wanted Brady gone, Robert Kraft is a businessman with honor. One of the few that’s left. He’s not deluding himself by trying to make these whores be loyal to him, a task that will always end in an embarrassing mess. Instead he allows them to continue with their lives, find a husband, start a family. But the second I start craving 20 year old pussy your ass better be on your way here if you still want those checks to clear. A business agreement with mutual benefit. It’s actually quite an honorable approach. We all should be celebrating this type of shrewd discipline, not chastising one of the few billionaires who puts loyalty above their own self interest.
thanks for the heads up, senpai
A real talk my nigga, this
This. America as a collective is just sick and tired of these pricks doing whatever the fuck they want and getting away with it. Hopefully the nfl burns it down.
>Robert Kraft is a businessman with honor
What about Stargate?
You know as much as i loathe the patriots id respect them if they did that. The fact they walk around acting like dindu nuffin good boys is what drives everyone crazy. Anyone with a brain knows they cheat and have cheated for decades.
They absolutely should. It'd make for one of the most entertaining NFL seasons ever if they just openly embraced being villainous dicks. Almost every team in the NFL has done shady shit, Belichick is just really fucking good at it. Why not roll with the hate at this point.
The seething is hilarious, please do continue.
>Kraft gets off
>Film at 11:00
no shit he got off, went to a happy ending joint
>>They shoot the dog being prepared for lunch
I pray to god she was underaged. There is ZERO coming back from that. The whole team would be tarnished forever.
I'm a /pol/ nerd but my penis doesnt see color. And my love for the female body supercedes my logic that minorities are mostly criminals.
based user
Lucky man. Closest I've come (no pun intended) was talking with this tig ole bitties black girl on tinder who said she wanted me to cum on her rack. She wasnt ghetto either and was a book nerd. So close..
they never have underage asian girls at these places in the US. never seen one under 30
How do those places work? Do they lube you up with their hands or do they use like a fleshlight? Can you pay for extras?
nicely done
I had sex with a black women like that. biggest real tits Ive ever seen in person
>love for the female body
That sounds kinda gay.
>The NFL has GOT to come down hard on this. How many times are they gonna let the Cheatriots deflate their balls?
>being this much of patriots fan that you defend illegal sex trafficking and prostitution
True story ive never met a patriots fan irl or online who wasn't a mouth breathing retard. And usually theyre a fan of two teams which makes you worthy of a death sentence in my eyes.
>never seen one under 30
The only “yikes” reaction should be about the way Americans make a big deal out of prostitution when they make the most porn in the world. Including some fucked up shit.
Americans are sexually repressed as fuck. Reminds me of England in the Victorian times when wanker was an insult implying that jerking off was a bad thing, but then everyone masturbated at home.
Must be the poisonous mixture of puritanical madness, sjw, patriots hate and some good old Anglo Saxon hypocrisy sprinkled on top
Wonder if the NFL will strip their championship?
You get a massage and they ask you if you want a "full release".
that would make zero sense
They'll get off with a slap of the wrist.
My biggest fetish is black women who talk and act white. I worked with one who talked like a valley girl bimbo and she made me rock hard everytime shed giggle or laugh.
why tho? the Pats' owner is literally a jewish zionist pedophile caught twice on tape having sex with under-21-y/o women
hell yeah. if they lose the ghetto accent its so much better
>not wanting a loud black ghetto black women so you can roleplay a racial domination
Lmfao enjoy getting arrested for calling someone the wrong pronoun
Imagine having an owner lmao
couldn't be me
Once again
You fucking faggots can't handle our success so now you attack the owner on some bullshit "charges". First you try to smear Beli, then Brady and now Kraft?
6 rings and counting motherfuckers. Suck my dick.
Different Kraft.
Kraft group != KraftHeinz
You get a massage and at the end they ask if you want a happy ending and they jack you off after lubing their hands
Lmfao enjoy getting shot (and your dog too)
>living in Wisconsin
>The New England Sex Slavers
>living on the coast
Lmao enjoy your house being destroyed by the tide in 50 years
Man even Jerry Jones wouldn't get caught in this sticky situation.
whatever you say al gore
Could be a omen for the Patriots and Steelers next season.
wisconsin is already apocalyptic
>this man has to pay for handies
I'd give him free ones or bjs for life just cuz all the championships yanno. And I'm not even gay.
NO! I use those!
>John Johnson
I feel like there's a joke that can be made out of these John's that I'm too dumb to make.
Good thing Eldrick is in Mexico for a golf tournament or he'd have prolly been busted too
>that joi porn you saw years of ago a super hot, non ghetto black chick who begged you to cum on her slave nigger face
Im not into raceplay but that shit was hot.
Kids got good taste
I'm glad that there's so little crime in south florida that they can devote thousands of police hours to arresting old men for getting $50 handjobs
"yeah, i like this kid's taste in women...i would know because i really really like women"
Reminder that this wasn't some rinky dink hadjob parlor, they also arrested Wall Street bigshots and an ex high ranking officer from Citigroup. Plus whoever the other famous guy was (probably Trump).
Do you think we'll ever find out who the big name is? Allegedly hes a bigger celebrity than robert Kraft.
apparently hes not even the biggest name they caught
And that is prostitution?
Disgraceful. This is why the Patriots will never be in the same class as the Steelers. The Rooneys are being presidential appointed foreign ambassadors while Kraft is being a dirty old man getting busted in prostitution rings.
paying for any sex act
>this wasn't some rinky dink hadjob parlor
it literally was
rich guys going there doesn't change that
>the 3 billion dollar handjob
Well apparently the cops filmed it, so he could argue he's just guest-starring
You'd think this would be a bigger story on NFLN but it's not. Lol
>steelers qb is a literal rapist
>he was turned down by stormy daniels
The man got a tugjob at a message parlor, big whoopty doo.
Wtf for a handy?
They dont know what to do. Nfl LOVES the patriots its probably gonna try to hush it all up like they always do with this scumbag team.
what is so hard to understand about this? yeah its dumb, but if you pay a woman that then makes you cum (in any way) its illegal
>adding gate to the end of a noun
>woah we so creative maya angelou mlk gay marriage fart shit dead baby 9/11
What if she just talks to me while I orgasm?
>he stood outside her door autistically asking her to fuck him
she has to be touching your dick
then it's sexual assault
What if pay her to touch my dick while its still limp but that tell her to refrain from touching it while it is hard and sexually aroused and then I cum from my own hands but technically she touched it at one point during the interaction even though it was done in a platonic manner
Is it still illegal then?
>tfw ex would take her bra off and talk dirty to me while i jacked off onto her when she was tired and didnt want to have sex
Lucky for her im a simple man who enjoys simple things.
Dude will get a slap on the wrist. No one cares that Kraft smashed out a hooker.
It's what married guys do. Wifey doesn't wanna fuck, better to fuck a hooker that to cheat.
Basically. Hookers aren't gonna ask for commitment. Smart actually. This man should be applauded for his business savvy.
sexually harassing Panthers employees is not less than getting a handjob from a chinawoman
Nigga shut the fuck up
"Cops have graphic video from inside the spa"
oh dear..
holy shit you're a walking talking meme with a meme ideology, fucking embarrassment
Now we get to find out how underage these girls are.
I only make six figures but have more expensive tastes than the man.
"Cops list a variety of sex acts performed on 26 men who entered the business -- one of whom cops say is Robert Kraft. Kraft is not identified by name in the police documents.
The police documents describe the surveillance video in graphic detail -- noting a pattern of behavior from the alleged Johns.
In almost every case, an Asian woman would tend to the client -- sometimes two women -- and perform sex acts using their hands and mouths."
>kraft-jingli-4k.mkv when?
are you a thalidomide baby?
please be a male prosty please be a male prosty please be a male prosty
But why did they provide full names and birthdays to the massage parlor?
It sounds like they definitely have video of him
An Indingeous American Indian or the ones in Asia?
>knew several months ago that women were being sexually exploited in this location
>instead of rescuing these so called prisoners they let them suck old man balls for months while the cops watched
why are cops so useless?
He's right, it's always a fucking let down these places are always 40 year old single mothers looking for a quick buck. They know how to work a dick 1000 times better than any young girl though that's for sure.
>misunderstanding the npc meme this badly
Pls leave
the Asian women in the US and pretty low tier compared to the real stuff overseas
>worth billions
>still can’t buy pussy without getting caught
I never knew he was an actual nigger
they're shit anywhere
lol based, leafs never stop thinking about us its sad
>without getting caught
It's not that easy. Even if you use a high price madame you can still get caught. You have to either get lucky or go overseas to never get caught.
don't speak for us leaf, Brazil is a nicer country than Canada, we have nothing in common with you, hockey is gay
>I want to fuck animals in addition to white girls
>if I say MAGA I win
t. Shlomo Rubinstein
>t. spic
don't forget to send your monthly shekels to your greatest ally Israel so they can bomb one of your air carriers
>implying you wouldn't
The guys is a billionaire and could easily arrange things so that they're discreet and never get caught. I paid only about $150 for 20 minute sessions with the girls at Tobita Shinchi, and most of them are young and most likely college students looking to make some extra cash. He could literally fuck 24/7 and still not go broke.
I would probably go the Trump route and hire ex playmates
Japan literally has a database that lists all the JAV actresses that do escorting, even the top A-listers, and the man goes for Chinese rejects. Yikes.
we have plenty after we blew up your trade deals, hows the 50 dollar chicken? haha why am I asking, i know you can't afford it.
Yes, overseas you could do it.
Here you really can't. Not when the media is constantly trying to take you down. Trump had contracts with these bitches and still got exposed.
these police officers won't risk stepping into South Florida nignog territory where the residents will shoot back. they're also corrupt themselves and all commit personal injury fraud right before retirement.
our chicken are fine mutts. how's your Twenty Trillion dollars ($20,000,000,000,000) debt? haha why am i asking, i know you won't repay it and ((foreigners))) will own you in your future
I'm wondering what the proximity of the massage parlor is to Mar-a-Lago.
nobody cares weeb
more a slap on the dick ayy lmao
theyre cops, they dont give a fuck about helping vulnerable people
theyre also american cops so the slaves should be grateful they werent shot as well
Cops wouldn't kill asian qts here. We're not like that.
the man can literally afford to buy the cutest and THICCEST kpop idols in the world
You lads might want to google NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer. He was governor and has a billionaire dad, yet still busted and career imploded because he was messing around with "high end" escorts
If they know how to work their hands and know how to earn their money, I'll take them for $50 bucks over some expensive escort any day of the week.
>$150 for 20 minutes
this is why people trust scheming kikes like Krat with their money, you're unironically paying more for less than a billionaire
have you seen the photos? none of them are qt's m8
yeah, and he managed to go for some busted ass sluts and get himself busted too. and now this is pretty much what he'll be known for during his remaining days.
>Richard Palmer
Okay but we've both had worse my dude
the part that grossed me out was the cops said sanitation was minimal and each chick handles 1,500 dicks a year. yikes
have the published photos of all the asians? i doubt it. more likely the bosses of the operation
speak for yourself pighunter
Oh he married that girl?? Maybe he is dumber than I thought.
Remember when you lie to me, you're really just lying to yourself.
Remember that.
whatever helps you sleep at night Hogodile Dundee
aomg dlete this!
>be a billionaire
>can fly in your private jet to a variety of countries where prostitution is legal
>fly to florida instead
Never mind that. Surely if you're a multi-billionaire you can get laid for free with any random thot
There was never any corroboration that Belichick wanted Brady gone. This was all hearsay that NFL.com and other shitty bloggers make up for clicks. They depend on people like you to keep perpetuating their myths. Stop.
the real reason was that Jimmy was up for contract renewal with brady going nowhere and since Belichick is retarded like Elway he didnt want to have to the backup starting QB money
getting a low 2nd round while having him out of the conference and on the opposite coast was the best possible deal
To get more "evidence", for scientific research lol. Is the same question as to why do they have a building full of cp instead of destroying it.
different kraft you fucking idiot
>be a billionaire nfl team owner
>can access entire agencies of ultra luxurious discreet escorts
>probably have hired handlers whose entire job that is
>get yourself caught red-handed soliciting sex at a strip mall massage parlor
holy fucking kek. is it possible to be any more jewish???
>wrong kraft
>a omen
The fact that kikes use the npc meme really indicates how much they lack any self awareness
This but unironically
imagine traveling across the Pacific in a shipping container full of other people just to end up jerking off old Jews and Cubans in Florida
Yup, it's an atrocity if he gets to keep the team at this point unless he can somehow prove he was duped in to thinking this was a legitimate massage parlor so hard that he went back for a second visit
Great reaction image, but the Pats will shatter the record for most expensive team ever purchased. $4B at absolute minimum. Gisele and Tom aren't rich enough to buy them.
ever visited a hospital before?
He could just kick her to the curb and tell her she needs to put out if she wants to live in a mansion.
>cuckold billionaire engages in other sexually risky activity that could destroy his image
Jews, Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and Turks are not white.
I never knew it was legal in Canada
too busty
Because it's probably a Donald Sterling, some other Jew wants the team for cheap.
>The cucktriots.
Garoppolo wasn’t spending another year on the bench and Belichick was left with a decision. What sounds more like Belichick, a guy who has put longterm success over emotion in every decision he’s made for the past two decades.
>40 year old quarterback
>10+ years of Garroppolo who he spent 3 years grooming
You’re retarded if you think Belichick went with Brady. The motherfucker texted Jimmy after every 49ers win. The Browns offered the Patriots a substantially better offer, but Belichick sent him to Shanahan because it was the best place for Garoppolo. Belichick actually gave up early draft picks because he couldn’t come to terms fucking over a guy he thought was going to be elite.
Yeah it's not a question of if they are banging whores, everyone is, it's what they do to have the media actually report it. Spitzer started talking a lot of shit about the big wall street banks so obviously they had to remove him. Not sure what the case is with Kraft, could just be bad luck, the reports are that there is a bigger name on the list.
Reminds me of the good old days when Arnie was plowing his goblin. No matter how much money you have you never lose the taste for weird strange.
imagine holding on to McCarthy, Thompson, and Capers for so long because you don't have a sole owner who calls all the shots
He's a Jew
What the fuck is that thumb???
>"I hope the nfl drops the hammer on these shitheads. Im tired of them ALWAYS getting away with it."
But the team had literally nothing to do with it in any way, shape, or form, the discipline against Kraft will be similar to Irsay, likely a hefty fine and probably has to complete some series of classes and other shit and of course issue muh public apology.
>"they are lying cheating scumbags"
Prove it, cuck. The number is STILL 6(Six).
Yes, can any American historians explain why they keep appeasing israel?
in entertainment and especially in sports, wives are accessories most of the time. the love of Kraft's life died a few years ago, which is pretty rare for a billionaire's wife to die before him
they are the only democracy in the region
>jews hurr durr
Rent free
I guarantee you with 100% certainty that every NFL, NBA, and MLB owner fucks prostitutes. What's the big deal? Oh right he's a Drumpf supporter so he must burn says the left (even though they support legalizing prostitution.)
what about Iraq that you illegally invaded just to steal their oil and plant a dummy democracy
what about them
They also steal rent money that's for sure.
are they not a democracy in the region
you can bring a fish to water but you cant make a fish drink
wise words
Not so much in 2019
nor amerikans
thanks to you
He's absolutely right.
>having sex with under-21-y/o women
What a pedophile. Did a woman make this post by any chance? Your boyfriend introduce you to soccer recently?
Who do you think go to rub-and-tugs the most? It’s middle-aged upper class white men.
You would know. You're their biggest client.
Nigga I go all the time and Im 23, been going since I was 14
hes already been charged and its a misdemeanor. if there was evidence he knew they were underage sex slaves or part of the ring he would have been charged with that out right. simply an old dude going out for some physical comfort.
irsay got a six week suspension for providing pills to his girlfriend who overdosed and getting a dui while having enough cash and pills to be charged with trafficking. bob might get a few weeks but its not like it matters anyway, his son has been groomed to take over the team.
Would getting caught be part of your plan to save money?
This will end up costing as much as all the escorts he could handle idiot.
HoF Yea Forums comment to be truthful.
Some of these whores' ages can't be verified because they are smuggled in without papers. Fake identification are then handed to them.
Authorities know this, however, do not have the resources to investigate further because going to a small rice farm in East Asia to figure where a certain whore originated is expensive.
>buys AIDS-ridden fugly street whores instead of expensive but ultra-hot "escorts" and "courtesans"
Money doens't buy taste I see.
I live in one of the towns where this all went down. Always thought it was weird that those massage parlors were open till like 11pm kek.
Jews lose
You're a huge faggot
>90 percent Jews
>one guy named Goering
How fucking old are you and how did you end up in Ethiopia?
>EDP knows what the Cambrian explosion was
I'm honestly shocked
>strip their championship
>for something the owner did which has nothing whatsoever to do with the game
Regular salt.
>anti-Semitic babbling
Salt + brain damage.
This x100000. I honestly hope Brady makes it all the way to 10 rings over the next 4 years just so I can bask in the whining, crying and breitbart-tier conspiracy theories.
>waahh waaahhh
>it's fixed it's fixed waaahhh
Slap on the wrist and the Pats keep dabbing on everybody.
Brady has given him high quality hojo’s for years
Why are Americans so outraged by prostitution?
Putting aside the human trafficking aspect, if a guy who isn't married wants to get his dick wet, then why can't he just visit a hooker to get his nut off?
There are hookers who do it willingly. I guess you can argue that it leads to exploitation but regulation would actually help. Some women just want to be hookers. You can't dictate their decision.
You aren't going to kill the oldest profession in the world lol.
America is very very conservative when it comes to anything sex related. Just always been a part of the culture