Who is your favorite sports coach?

Who is your favorite sports coach?

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Is panty stealing a sport?

Not all heroes wear capes.

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>A former University of Kansas volunteer >volleyball coach was arrested earlier >this month for allegedly stealing dozens >of pairs of underwear from female >players and cataloging them in his >home, authorities said.

>Lawrence police say they searched the >home of Skyler N. Yee, 23, earlier this >month after linking him to a series of >break-ins on campus. Police said they >found a “roughly 40-drawer” plastic >storage container, labeled with the >names of current and former players. A >pair of underwear was found in each >drawer
>Another container held more pairs of >women’s underwear, the Lawrence >Journal-World reported. Also found >were pink high heels, boots, a sundress >and a jumpsuit -- other belongings that >players had reported missing.

>Police further recovered items from >unidentified owners, including more >stolen underwear, bras, Halloween >costumes, jewelry, and sex toys, >according to the paper.

>Investigators told the paper they >believed that Yee did not steal the items >for financial gain, but rather for “his own >motivation.” The alleged thefts had >begun in December 2017 and continued >for more than a year, police said.
>Yee, who resigned his post in >mid-January, was charged with 15 >counts of burglary, property damage >and theft, the paper reported.

So this is what happens when an entire race of men gets ignored and left out of the dating pool.

Haha, w-who does that?
Right guys?

>plastic storage container
properly air sealed, i'm sure.

This gook clearly makes it an artform.

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haha who would even steal used panties? gross, they smell like pee

wtf gross, I hope he rots in jail haha right guys? #metoo

>forced to register as a sex offender for just stealing undies
seems kind of dumb, at that point you're just encouraging folks to go all in

He probably wanted remnants of menstrual blood. A fine fellow of magecraft, hankering to forge a blade from dirty ferrum.

>labelled drawers
>Skyler N. Yee

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> be some second generation asian
> in some fly over state like Kansas
> see a bunch of overfed redneck white girls hopping around in their sweaty clothes.
> catch the asian version of Jungle Fever


>volunteer coach
absolute madman
>volunteered just to get close to the source for the ultimate panty raid
40 fucking drawers, all labeled

>Yee did not steal the items for financial gain, but rather for “his own motivation.”

What did they mean by this?

He did it for free.

fucking ASIANS men
why dont they udnerstand white women want WHITE men and WHITE kisd, not mixed uggos?

You guys are literally mixed uggos tho

>stored them categorically and labelled them
this sparks joy

Did you guys all have that one weird pedophile teacher that was also a sports coach that would ask you which girls you thought were the most attractive or was that just my school?

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At least he got to live his dream, good for him.

India shitting on the competition once again

stop using meme arrows like a retard

it's category theory

i am whiter than 90% of sweden

White women want to be BLACKED. So white men go for Asian women. And then Asian men have no one and shit like this happens.

Let's be real here, one day some Asian dude will go ape shit because of this and you already know what will happened after

you very well know what it fucking means faggot

that was just your school, I had the pedo English teacher who gave half the football team blowjobs and only a select few got to fuck.

Ms. C, you were the best

How do you even become a volunteer coach?
Is it more like someone who is the handyman?

Sure thing, yuri

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>one day
Elliot happened years ago, dude.

>fapping to old used panties
i frankly just don't understand

No. They fill water bottles, go fetch tape, max Gatorade, wash towels, help set up the nets, etc.

and steal panties, evidently.

Hapas don't count. You'd have to go back to Cho, but I don't think that was sexually motivated.

Better than shooting up a public place

Volleyball coach too. He was also chemistry teacher and had the back room full of testing equipment and a sofa plus TV. His players would regularly come in and he'd join them, leaving us a worksheet or something.

This was posted by an american

"Uncovering the forgotten history of anti-Chinese propaganda and violence documented in the years around the revolution, the book reads like a dossier of state secrets. In one chilling example, you’ll read how Pancho Villa gave orders to execute 60 Chinese prisoners by throwing them down a mineshaft. Magonistas, along with many other revolutionary parties on the left and right, used antichinismo — anti-Chinese rhetoric and policy making — to popularize their own movements. But those incidents pale in comparison to the massacre that occurred in Torreón, Coahuila, during one of the first battles of the revolution. There, 303 Chinese men, women, and children were killed — some even butchered — by both civilians and soldiers, marking the bloodiest incident of anti-Chinese violence ever recorded in the Americas."

"Right, the government can’t make jobs for you, won’t bring roads to you, won’t bring water to neighborhood, but it could get these damn Chinese out of here. In that respect, I think they thought they would get attention from these jefes if they say, “Hey, the Chinese are ruining our businesses.” That’s strategic. They’re not paying attention to anything else, but if I say the Chinese are after us and destroying our communities, and they’re taking our women, so we need to segregate them, and then we need to get them out of here, then suddenly you’re getting people’s attention. Having people go for this is a practice of institutional engagement. "

fuck of back to /pol/, we're talking sports and sexual perversion here

You are Yea Forums not on reddit

are you blind?

How did they catch him?

Over a year of break ins and all the same type of victim. Started with any witnesses and went with if there are any people close to the volleyball team who wanted to do this.

It'd be something like the dairy farm fever

damn right it does ;)

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basketball player living w/ one of the volleyball players reported a break in and police caught him in a rental car visiting several locations, and said rental car's self tracking basically exposed him by putting him on location during several of the incidents

Oh I thought he was just taking stuff out of locker rooms or other school facilities, breaking in to steal panties is taking it to a much higher level

Wonder if he ever though "I need to get control of this" or "maybe I should just lay low for a while"

dude had them categorically organized, sealed, and labeled by player. He was just getting started

The police could have at least posted pics of the haul

>Police further recovered items from >unidentified owners, including more >stolen underwear, bras, Halloween >costumes, jewelry, and sex toys
>and sex toys

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So, how many years will he get behind the bars, how fucked will he be in prison?


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Top lad.

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Take cuck shit back to plebbit and fuck off.

Just imagine having your choice of 40 college volleyball players' undergarments to prance around in at home... he had ambition but flew too close to the sun

Stop watching porn and thinking that shit actually reflects reality. Disgusting.

can you REALLY blame him?

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the american government doesn't respect asian culture, this is institutionalized racism! #freeyee

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Holy shit how do u even satisfy a bunda like that without a foot long penis?

If you look at the statistics, Asians commit mass shootings at the highest rate relative to their population size.

Should have labeled them Mommy, Aunt Alura. Then just say these are family member pantsu not classmate pantsu

Asians are so High IQ and high time preference they wont just have a casual murder like whites or blacks will. The only asian killers are actual triad shit

Only mass murders. Mass shootings themselves are overwhelmingly committed by blacks (think drive-bys and gang wars). Whites and asians have better capabilities for planning and weapons proficiency so they end up hitting more targets.

bbc or nothing

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Did she fuck any of the black players?

how attractive was she

You walk into your apartment after a long day of STEM work, and shagging rogue balls during volleyball practice. You stare at the 3x4 bin of bountiful pleasure underneath the bed and begin to shuffle through the dozens of hermetically sealed bags. "Jessica maybe...?...Rose? No no that was last night. Well what abou-" Then it hits you. Candice is freshly stocked. Your white whale is no more. You slowly reach out, grabbing the bag as firmly as one can while holding perfection, then...

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literal paradise

would you rather steal college players' volleyball pants, gymnastics leotards, or swimsuits?

Where would he have access to their sex toys? Do women just carry them around?

Based user

B l a c k e d

I always carry around my buttplug. I'm not a woman, tho.

kek, thanks arun

Yes, they need them in case Tyrone is busy

Why on earth would you do this? Just for the thrill? I mean, do you really want to smell dirty ass panties with sweat and piss on them?

you say that like it's a bad thing faggot



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Based organized pajeet


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hard kek

Asian men either have a better sense of smell than most or something because I never got anything out of smelling women's clothes.

The statistics and studies say otherwise. Stop denying reality. White women are race traitors who make it worse for everyone.

8x6 B R E H S

I live in Toronto, arguably the most multicultural city in the world with an equal proportion of all races. The vast majority of white women I see with black men are either ugly or fat, the good looking ones are with equally good looking black guys who usually have some money as well. I don't know what statistics you are talking about but this I've seen enough to realize that women go for money and status above all else, race is an afterthought.

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It could be

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Vaughanfag here, let's get this shit started
>the rare white gold digger who gives a rich Asian guy a chance and ends up constantly miserable due to her halfbreed kids
At least WMAF couples can fake being happy and stable - AMWF moms don't even try to hide their buyer's remorse

>the 8/10 whitewashed black girl who settles for some fat and autistic 4/10 white guy
I'll never understand why they do this

>the blonde guy who always ends up with Italian girls
Hey, I'm one of those ;)

fucking based

Eat my ass you dumbshit cunt leaf

>implying Tyrone has anything to be busy with

>rich brown men from Peel refusing to even look at non-white women.

Go to York, become an accountant, marry a white woman.... the Canadian brown man's dream.

astral kek

i bet that guys thinking about his favorite stolen garments and realizing he's never going to have them again

>gymnastics leotards
100 percent for sure, chief.

Mad cow

How much would you pay for her panties after a hard practice without air conditioning?

I had some pedo driving instructor who kept trying to convince me to wear sandals to class one day, to "get a feel for driving in sandals" 100% sure he was just a footfag.



>an entire ethnic group basing their life aspirations on betabux
Well, someone has to do it


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Fuck off Varg you welfare queen

A substitute from my school got arrested for statutory rape with one of the students a year after I graduated, but it was a normie school for the most part, had this one conspiracy tier history teacher who would consider brietbart a reliable source though.

>conspiracy tier history teacher who would consider brietbart a reliable source though.
>i get my quality news through cnn and buzzfeed

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>that one professor who admitted to posting on Yea Forums

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