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speak american you fucking mutt
fuck proddies
Anyone who isn’t catholic but claims to be Christians is a jew in disguise.
What 'bout those Orthodox people?
Orthodox are alright.
for me its based youtube user ''Sportymike''
I have 0 (zero) respect for non Catholics
comfiest /trb/ song ever posted
>believing in the Jewish desert god
why does this picture exist
im laffin tho
I shit on cath*dogs
fucking pedos
They are pretty much the same as Catholics, German protestants are literally Jews
America is a protestant country. Italians and the Irish ruined America
I once made fun of Luther at work and one of my colleagues got really mad, because he's a protestant. When I asked him when he went to church the last time (because he vocalized a lot of atheist views in the past) he said that didn't matter. When I told him about the stuff Luther said and did back in the day, he kept answering "you don't want to start this discussion, trust me" almost like he tried to threaten me. Which is funny because we work in IT and the guy is a chubby boomer nerd who wears a scarf all year long.
I converted from Lutheranism to Catholicism.
>in argentina
you what
>arguing over the best way to worship your imaginary friend
t. burping depressed cartoon scientist grandpa
I'm Lutheran and I'm considering doing it after going to a Traditional Latin Mass for the first time.
*pipe bombs protestant whore school*
My father and his parents are/were Volga Germans from Entre Rios.
I still have a Lutheran Bible in German as a memory of my dead grandmother.
My father also isn't a Lutheran anymore but he became an Evangelical, like those of the USA, he speaks in voices and loves Israel.
I see, I thought the Germans that came here were Catholic
there were of both kinds. There is a Lutheran Church in Belgrano R, close to the Drago CBC, and another one in Lanus.
I think most end up being irreligious or becoming Catholic. Here even many muslims converted to Catholicism.
only way out from here
Did you know MI5 tried to get the UVF to shoot up a Catholic school?
>Italians and the Irish ruined America