/biathlon/ - Winter sports general - Seething Ivan Edition

>Langrenn (World Championship Seefeld)
23/02 11:00 Skiathlon Ladies
23/02 12:30 Skiathlon Men
24/02 09:15 Team Sprint C Semifinals
24/02 11:30 Team Sprint C Finals
26/02 15:00 10 km C Ladies
27/02 14:00 15 km C Men
28/02 13:00 Relay 4x5 km Ladies
01/03 13:15 Relay 4x10 km Men
02/03 12:15 30 km F Mass Start Ladies
03/03 13:00 50 km F Mass Start Men

>Nordic Combined (World Championship Seefeld)
24/02 10:30/13:30 Team Sprint 2x7.5 km
28/02 11:00/15:15 HS109/10 km
02/03 Relay 4x5 km

>Ski Jumping (World Championship Seefeld)
22/02 14:30 HS 130 Qualification
23/02 14:30 HS 130 Men
24/02 14:45 Team HS130 14:45 Men
26/02 16:15 Team HS109 Ladies
27/02 16:15 HS109 Ladies
28/02 16:30 HS108 Qualification
01/03 16:00 HS108 Men
02/03 16:00 HS108 Mixed Team Event

>Alpine Skiing
23/02 10:15 Downhill Ladies / 11:45 Mens SG
24/02 10:30/13:30 Alpine combined Ladies / 09:30/12:30 Mens GS

OECH going on, calendar biathlonworld.com/calendar/#/event-19
WCH in Östersund start 7/3

All times CET

Falla/Klaebo wins sprints.
Frenzel wins HS130/10 km
Pinturault wins AC in Bansko
Ivan still seething at Klaebo living rent free in his head.

Attached: 1549109899440.webm (1280x720, 741K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based Yle even broadcasting CSGO.

First for Frida

Attached: FK.jpg (992x558, 82K)

Attached: cuting.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)



Fuck Sweden and fuck Finland

Fuggg almost forgot
Fifth for Tank

Attached: 1550243907645.jpg (1079x1698, 855K)

6th for Therese

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I’m no chubby chaser but Therese is simply too skinny for me lads

she cute

Attached: 18646059_470949799906093_1907946703357476864_n.jpg (1080x1350, 179K)

Attached: JohaugBeer.jpg (1024x677, 137K)

It still hurts.

Attached: ePiIhWL6qOnA8JC_o0xwZQlbXGhmvEgaIW58BHmyHZaA.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

Hanna CUTEberg

Attached: 10784856_599238276847084_788031783_n.jpg (640x640, 95K)

Attached: 978x.jpg (978x550, 77K)

Imagine the top speed

Redheads are kino

Attached: Ella Junnila.jpg (800x532, 26K)

Imagine her hunting you down on roller skis. How long would you last?

Attached: Therese_Johaug.jpg (1024x576, 48K)

Attached: 7668fc28dee9bc640fdfa559ddcb3ce06c641563c5da2887a29eb2c0c0bea53c.jpg (2048x1363, 286K)

This, but only if it's cute and curly.

Depends on what she wants to do with me when she catches me.

I would surrender to her

Attached: 244343.png (1199x800, 883K)

Good choice. Me too.

Attached: 4890712924_4d1cb4b0a8_o.jpg (2604x1807, 563K)

Squeeze you to death with her thighs.

What would you do if these two wanted to spitroast you with strap-ons?

Attached: Johaug Bjørgen.jpg (1708x1170, 932K)

Are they the bestest of best friends forever and ever?

Attached: 1433700396311.jpg (1659x1204, 578K)

why strap-ons? i bet their clits are huge and could do the job

Why aren't Marit in VM studio? Honestly that would be such a good thing.

Anyway, do you think Ebba will recover to at least try to make it a little bit interesting in the long distance races?

Attached: 1423173537053.jpg (1024x576, 405K)

Stay strong, the glory years are still to come.

Attached: Kristine Stavås Skistad (2).webm (1058x2044, 2.96M)

Probably not, they don't take drugs or any of the sort.
Because she's expecting her second child next month, and has other things to think about.

Attached: 13acbe75-e73e-4dff-a2b2-7a5864ee1391.jpg (2048x1152, 253K)

>using Swix triac as a flagpole

White ppl be crazy

Attached: 543354534534.jpg (1920x1080, 823K)

Stina in tight pants made my day


Skinny jeans?


Imagine if she peed her pants, wouldn't that be crazy and weird?


It's fine really, the grill in the middle is doing it for me though

I fucked it up completely

Attached: 465564546.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Yle is showing medal ceremonies atm

Based. Literally my fetish.


Tank bump

Attached: 1547762796290.webm (444x808, 2.98M)

According to the lads at Eurosport she measured 186cm

Why does she look so ugly?

Very rude and uncalled for.

god i want to fuck her

From today

Attached: skijumping crash.webm (1280x720, 891K)

Attached: skijumping crash 2.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

Did he died?

Holy shit I could be winning medals in Seefeld

Attached: Me IRL.png (1165x783, 585K)

This happened like two days ago

Is this something that should ever happen at a pro event? What was he thinking?

Attached: BB190222JM146.jpg (1920x1280, 426K)

He tried to murder journalists. The Estonian guy went for another tactic, anyone got a webm. of that?


Attached: 70787195.jpg (640x384, 56K)

What's her problem?

My waifu rankings:
1. LTH
2. Vito
3. Öberg

>not having stavås skistad at number 1

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I mean Tank is big and all but nah

very good start to this thread tb h

Attached: Therese_Johaug_2012.jpg (766x1037, 239K)

Good night

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god natt pekka

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>she sees you naked

imagine yanking those skin-tight jeans off her


I would kill my family and give up red meat forever if she would just sit on my face once

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Reigning 50 km world champ Alex Harvey retires after this season.

Pay your respects.

Attached: harvey-1.jpg (1010x568, 74K)


wtf diggins isn’t competing today

F to the man with the gay voice

Does this mean that Andrew Musgrave is the top Anglo now?

Bjornsen neither. All in on the team sprint.

1. Johaug
2. Jacobsen
3. Kalla

2. Ustiugov
3. De Fabiani

If you had to put real money on Johaug or the rest of the field for the women's gold medal, who would you choose?

Johaug of course.
The only interesting bet would be at which kilometer she leaves the rest of the field behind



You niggas up early today

Johaug is unbeatabl-

Attached: 1527278263837.png (1199x1748, 144K)

It's 1 AM nigga, we haven't gone to bed yet.

Ah, the infamous smörebom. All of the Norwegian skiers had terrible skis.

Still wonder how the hell Heidi Weng was the best Norwegian that day.

I still remember this race.
Best Norwegian was Skjeldal at 10th, he was almost 5 MINUTES behind the winner.

Forgot picture

Attached: 50km.png (609x248, 15K)

Ah my b. For some reason I thought it was later

Weren’t all of them doping except for per and (maybe) sommerfelt?

That’s what my coach always claimed (per was his big idol, and he blamed muelleg for destroying his career)

No problem m8, timezones are hard (unironically). I never remember if the US are behind us or in front of us when it comes to time, lol

Probably. Sommerfelt was caught by Muhlegg after like 25k and drafted behind him for the rest of the race

They actually put up a net for the quali's today because of that. Not like anybody else would be that inexperienced.


>tfw too much of a baby to have seen 50k interval start live

I wish they would bring it back

For me it’s

1. Ebba Andersson

2. Heidi Weng

3. Mathilde Myrhvold

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What are some kinos about well defined jaw bones

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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don't wish to see it ever again. It worked in the old 2x25 or even 1x50k courses, but with the modern 7.5k courses it would be all down to randomness with starting numbers / weather and so on

Yea you’re right it would only be kino on a 25k loop. We’ll probably never see that again though

Even the 15k interval starts are enough of a shot show. I hope the Austrian director has laid out a good plan of who/what/where to show. Last weekends race in Italy was a total disaster. Just unbelievably bad how much time they spent filming the audience instead of the race.

Yes, time for ski jumping today!

It's just unfair how beautiful she is

Attached: frida.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)

Is Downhill the most patrician discipline?

Attached: Goggia-Belle.jpg (1600x1067, 315K)


Maja Dahlqvist has the GOAT figure, but she is ruined because of too much time in the sun.

Attached: Dahlqvist.jpg (1120x1260, 218K)

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Ree did Heidi wengs storires dissappeared just few min ago? Her avatar have red circle on my pc but snows up

>Aymonier higher than weng diggins parma johaug stadlober astrid year before transition to biathlon

Weng is cooking instead of skiing. Based.

Attached: Weng cooking.jpg (1117x784, 106K)

Attached: venla (1).webm (480x852, 2.75M)

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Goggia is guud

Weirather has lost the plot

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cute, CUTE!

Attached: venlacat.jpg (1025x830, 312K)

Too cute


Kalla desu

Anyone checked Seefeld geotag stories? Maybe someone catched waifu passing by on high speed, women in tight suits with pumped muscules, sweaty and heavily breathing

remember johaug 2007?

All finns are whores and sluds :DDDD

Johaug webms?

All norwegians smell fish :-D

I wish :(

Ebba is the only one to give a fight to Johaug? Kalla is too old now?

Ebba is able to give ǿstberg a fight for the silver (she's sick tho), but she has not shown that she can be close to take on Johaug this far.

Astrid is so tall

Also.seems like heidis galases fit her personality

Attached: tj diagonal.webm (1058x720, 2.91M)

Iirc she was pretty close to her , way closer tha others

No Ebba today


Incoming norgay sweep!




3 minutes and the top 3 is already settled


*caugh* *caugh*

asthma people goes away

how exciting

How can steroid lip balm be this powerful?

Really makes me think

Fuck Norway
Spermakoski bust


Nepryaeva only one with the balls

Nepryaeva must have amazing skis

Big meh

For me, it's athletes who don't do doping.

>Frida ahead of Kalla

Attached: IMG_0097.jpg (522x400, 158K)

She was closer than others in a couple of 10km races but she was never closer than to be a rival to ǿstberg. As far as I've seen anyway, and I watch all vcup races.

Johaug is mercyless

Based Theresa Muhlegg

Karrrlson strong
Despite super skinny legs

Attached: 8385a46f.jpg (1920x1440, 230K)

When Parmabunda and Kalla can't leave Ingemarsdotter, they're simply not good enough


Fink is a cute surname

Think Frida fell

Just came here to laugh at you watching Doping Johaug Wins Lol

she did


Oestberg have a lovely technique on a steep surface, like straight from a book

based Johaug exhausting her teammates

>weng doing the work in the other group
Norwegian «tactics»

This was expected really. On Norwegian tv she has been repeating this phrase "it's not to just come here and collect medals... I have to see my form"
But everyone knows she will just do this thing, herself included.

Attached: TJ-rawr.jpg (978x550, 99K)

Russian helping Oestberg and Jackobsen tho


Kalla did more work than Weng... They take their turns.

Johaug should just take it easy from now on, no need to win with 1 minute advantage when she has more races to race this weekend

annoying false modesty

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imagine all the BRAAAPS in the beginning. I would glady be the last skier


>russians downhill

reeee they're so close

>be johaug
>don't do doping
>get banned for doping all the same after a simple smörebom
>miss olympics and every other race for years
>think "fuck it"
>come back, do doping

This is what I think happened.

Attached: pepe is therese.jpg (634x597, 63K)

Truly impressive that these Norwegians are able to overcome their crippling asthma and still compete at a high level



Who honestly cares about skiing? Are you 60 years old?

>Frida 5th


skiing is the true white man's sport


Imagine how exciting this would be without johaug

Norwegians are modest like that by nature. If she said she will crush everyone, then people would find her tasteless.

Go watch some Dota zoomer


Based Ingvild

*laughs in Northug*

>Who honestly cares about skiing?
White people, you wouldn't know anything about that, swede.

>Norwegians are modest like that by nature
Nice one

Attached: 1431547756715.png (480x780, 351K)

top three in men's race?

Northug was modest like that too when talking to the camera man.

Three Norwegians in the top three, what an exhilarating race. If only there were more Norwegians, this sport would surely be even more popular!



Too, methinks. I think Norwegians as a whole got way over their heads with all this olje stuff, in consequence being the most wealthy and pleasant to live countries and became treating anything but the most bestest as a failure. While mentally being just a generation, maybe two, from their poor, rainy, drunk thousands of years of genetic selection they try to LARP some Wakanda level shit and need to prove to everyone and to themselves especially being the most bestest.

Based on my experiences with doing remote business with Norwegians. As bad as the most stingy and double-crossing Polaks but with the attitude of unmitigated superiority in everything.

That's how you get the 'dominance' in sports. All legal, of course, failure is not an option.


Based blindposter

>a former doper win by a mile
>next three athletes are two other Norwegians and a Russian
Ah yes, exciting race

Attached: olympic athletes of sweden.jpg (1141x1773, 579K)

Sundby, Ustjugov, Bolshunov

>implying it's going to be competitive

Bolshunov, Rǿthe, Klæbo(he is a joker that people don't expect, unless you know how he has been improving his long distance form - I think) - otherwise I put Iversen and Ustiugov as contenders too.

how can one country (norway) cause this much seething in one man?

>Stina is clean
I'm not surprised :3

>use legal drug that's available for everybody
>people call you cheats

Attached: mdh.webm (594x474, 568K)

I don't think Zoomers know what DOTA is.


We've been among the richest 10 or 12 nations in the world for 200 years. But nice assessment from a clueless person.

Bolshunov not in good shape, he can fucked this all thing up

I think Sundby Will fail, his career is over the hill, and this will be the beginning of the end

tip top cute

Attached: fk intervju nrk.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

I'm not seething, I was seething when I had to write to some friends of one Bjorn that he owes me money, is super-unreliable and they shouldn't ever trust him in anything. Just as the other time when I had to threaten with fucking up a whole contract if they other Bjorn didn't pay me what he owed me.

Stop it.

Cringe fake Therese.

>Stop it.
>stop correcting my errors when I shitpost a nation I dislike

>unless you know how he has been improving his long distance form - I think


Eh, Norwegian TV. It's hard for me to find a source for it. He has been trying to work up a form to take gold in more than just sprint, and according to our experts his form looks promising, but they can all but to speculate on how it will go when he is actually going against the long distance elite.

>not in good shape
Judging by what? Free sprints?

biathlon starts now



I wish we had a good national anthem desu

For me it looks like he is in good shape. The fact that he got so angry the other day means that he was thinking he should be competing for the gold no question. Someone in good form will think like that.

Is Kalla washed up

Attached: justina-slomljenom-nogom-do-zlata-608712-velika.jpg (340x235, 15K)

Exactly. Top 14, 200 years ago. Not the richest in the world, but not poor. This thread isn't about Norwegian economy tho, so go shitpost about Norway on /int/ instead.


Yes, she has her top when Johaug went away and she had been training with the Norwegian girls for 2 years to find that form. But it means to join those 20% more hours of training throughout a year that the norwegians put in, and I'm guessing/speculating that she thought a couple of years with that was enough. She is back to where she was before all that now, and also her age is a factor too.


Go from a bit above post WWI shithole Poorland to top 3 in less than 100 years. We wuz kangz spergs. Don't forget to inhale some asthma shit for good measure.

What happened?! :DDD

Ingvild and Therese speaking swedish. CUTE.

ingvild's white panties were seen in HD from the front during the slow mo replay of one of the uphills :3
Was shown during Nepryaeva interview o rus tv, maybe will find later

She was doing well after the first shooting. No need to get excited as she just missed 2 on the standing.

On Yle?

We went from being a relatively rich nation (top 12 post ww1), to a very rich or maybe the richest nation. Your point is very boring and it doesn't even belong in this thread. If you hate Norway so much, just go sperg and seething about it on /int/.

Now, tell me what do you think about your jump team this year? Who are the favorites?


I hope there will be a webm from you

Mona yes!

Attached: mona.jpg (1010x568, 95K)

Attached: venppa.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Jesus you fag, you don't even have all the countries mentioned and being midway between Italy and Poland after WWI is poor for European standards.

As soon as FIS blew some of the ski jumping officials out you magically stopped pwning. Weird, like a rule.

Polska and Deutschland in there, Osterreich i Norge behind.

absolutely based

Based Iivo


Based Iivo

>50 countries in europe
>top 12
Oh my god you're right such a poor shithole.

For me it’s Andrew Musgrave

Attached: 1470661142440.png (339x294, 31K)

Öberg misses 2 in second


100€ says this thread has the highest avg age of any thread in Yea Forums

What the fuck iivo????

>dat Iivo faceplant


why don't they never change the order of classic and free skiing in pursuit

Attached: 869c08d3.jpg (1254x1063, 175K)

I'd really like to sniff her sweaty butt.

>Iivo finnisehd already

Is this, dare I say it, boring as fuck?


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Sunby has the biggest penis in Norways team?


I heard that during a race, he once used his boner to measure the weather up over the treetops so that he could assess how the snow would be in the last lap.

Make a poll


Sergei ded

Skijumping today

Will be close actually, there is no clear above the rest favorite.

This is exciting!

live image from the last downhill

Attached: ghjhjhj.jpg (391x248, 10K)


How did he not injure himself horribly?


>Venla will never sit on your face after a long sweaty workout
>she will never put her fit ass over your nose and tell you you can't breathe anything other than her sweaty ass smell until you have eaten her out


Attached: Venla Lehtonen.jpg (4079x2719, 707K)

>we have to adjust the times of those 4 swiss ladies
>haha oh would you look at that they all improved :^)

Attached: 1519432542981.jpg (439x290, 23K)


Mona wins, Hanna 3rd!!

>yfw God save the Queen plays in the evening

I put money on Iivo being in the top 6. Surely he will hold this.

Attached: 1529754471632.jpg (249x230, 8K)

Bolshunov has big balls



Musgrave noooo

Please Iivo do it!!!

and small brain

Klæbo and Iversen has given up, and they are now just preparing for tomorrow.

>Tfw you thought number 3 is Iversen instead of Roethe



So Bolshunov leads the entire second half only to get cucked in the end?

Only got the audio for some time.

And Finland loses again

Go Finland.




Fuck off Norway

Fucking hell

this ruski is a big guy


every time


lol sundby you fukken retard


silver man


Based Iivo.

Attached: 1468963874583.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

Fuck you

Sjur fuck yeah.

Parisse the favorite for 50k?


Easily Rothe

are you french by chance?

Bolshunov just fucking dumb

Easily one of the Iivo's best races


Attached: Norge.jpg (990x743, 820K)

Agree, he needs to learn how to chill, he probably used the most energy out of everybody


feel sorry for Krüger

you're acting like a typical cunt frenchman is why im asking

another sick norwegian wins, not even tired. Amazing

>justby will never win gold

>a super autist who only manages draws in a non-sport
>two confirmed dopers
>a literally who
Nice image

Magnus is a beast and Casper is a pretty big talent.

>only manages draws

If you knew anything about chess, you wouldn't be saying that.

>tfw no qts rooting for you

Attached: qts.webm (800x448, 2.39M)

Tfw I'm older than most of these qts

>watching me flexing

Attached: stina legs 1.webm (406x800, 2.99M)

so close...

Top cute and /strongmind/

Attached: fk.jpg (717x600, 107K)

dat gap

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That buttugly mountain trophy! Swarovski surely could do better.

For once, it's not cheese

Literally and unironically perfection. No woman has a better body than Stina



prime johaug

Attached: 64676891.jpg (400x717, 35K)

For me it's

1. Stina
2. Johaug
3. Diggins

Ugly as fuck (also a doper, Stina is clean)

Attached: proofs.webm (320x240, 889K)

For me it's Birgit Skarstein

Attached: 21669100_1679141632127211_1702479303322632192_n.webm (640x360, 3M)

>tfw you cant keep up with her on the track

Ah yes, ruined legs without muscle, full of scars, that can't walk. Truly the epitome of female beauty!

What is the guy saying when he stands in front of her and waves his arms?

>Ugly as fuck
>(also a doper
>Stina is clean)


Is Iivo clean bros?

Fun fact: Frida have competed in Finnkampen

Attached: 11939269_1003046699745994_1218081347_n.jpg (960x960, 216K)


Attached: hm.jpg (967x541, 53K)

For me it's Heidi

Attached: heidi-body.jpg (1960x1100, 65K)

>Stina is clean

Imagine giving her one of those career-enhancing pregnancies you hear about from time to time.

What did she do?

Girl's 3000m steeplechase

now as the dust had settled, i feel pity for Astrid ;_;

well i kinda felt pity already after finish

someone had to be 4th today... and again it's her :(

will not get tired of wishing her success

2007 wch was the same she and johaug became stars

Attached: 8519627_m astriduj.jpg (360x480, 34K)

Looking forward to see Therese and Ingvild in skinny jeans tonight

She will never be yours, Russki.

Attached: 2014-08-21-20.34.33-1024x576.jpg (1024x576, 110K)

also her brother dying during sochi, and that accident where she fucked her jaw. at least she has some relay golds.

are those his nose hairs? i admire lahlum's seemingly infinite supply of confidence and not giving a shit

Of course they are his, who else would they belong to?

It's a "public secret" that he and Astrid have something going on.

Attached: 10009855_871516852923983_1476150515_n.jpg (640x640, 91K)

that's a journalist who is friend of her, isnt' he? not a boyfriend
her boyfriend, according to 2015 interview translate on russian, doesnt even ski

>where she fucked her jaw
did it change after that?

Attached: 8519590_m astrid.jpg (640x480, 53K)

Attached: 8519564_m astrid.jpg (640x479, 30K)


Ho ho ho, keep telling yourself that, Russki.

Attached: 559ad0ab84ae53c6e0ad6522-1513290505547.jpg (1024x576, 119K)

young astrid

tall as vh :3

Attached: 8519655_m astriduj tall.jpg (359x480, 60K)

that's it

Attached: 8519672_m astriduj cake.jpg (640x479, 57K)

Hans Olav Lahlum, remember that name. He is so weird it caused some kind of rollover and made him an ascended Chad.

Attached: Northug - Lahlum.jpg (3264x2448, 1.14M)

visited dagbladet.no/ with google translate

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Attached: 2019-02-23 19 45 32.jpg (351x358, 118K)

>The father of the IS bride from Alabama sues the United States to get her home

>At age 19, Hoda Muthana traveled from the family home in the small town of Hoover, Alabama, to join the IS in Syria.

>Five years and three husbands later, she now says she regrets what she was doing, while praying for her knees to be allowed to return home to the United States.

>- When I traveled to Syria I was a naive, angry and arrogant young woman. I thought I understood my religious beliefs, she writes in a handwritten letter reproduced by CNN .

>Over the years in Syria, Hoda Muthana repeatedly urged murder and terror in the United States and against US citizens.

Attached: 2019-02-23 19 45 20.jpg (728x485, 225K)


video with her


Afterski #3: Se hvordan det gikk da den slovenske muskelbunten Eva Urevc konkurrerte mot programleder Oyvind Godo i styrkeovelsen "dips". Klippet er fra Afterski #3. Programmet kan sees i sin helhet på Dagbladet TV.

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what a p-posture

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>tfw no muscle gf

>Free for arrogant Norway?
>Not so many like us, but we like ourselves very well ourselves. It is a bad combination for the skination that wins the most.

>Johannes Hosflot Klæbo impressed with wisdom and tranquility after the attack by Sergei Ustjugov.
ebin translation

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wait i post one i wanted for so long

Man, I want to start skiing more but I live in the southwestern part of Sweden and the snow we got have already melted and it's going to be +10C tomorrow. I'm going to have to move further up north if I want to ski on real snow and not fake snow, we're never going to get proper winters down in the south anymore.

There are probably fewer esteemed individuals of brown complexion in for example Kiruna than there are in Malmö or Göteborg, too.

How do Hughes and Kakko compare to Svenchnikov?

I live an hour from Göteborg, the actual city itself isn't so bad but the suburbs are hell. Malmö needs to be nuked

I would go cross country skiing more often but I have something wrong with my right elbow and it literally hurts for a week straight after doing 10km. The last few times I've skied I try to use my legs as much as possible with little to no poles on the flat sections.

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Kakko is like Svechnikov with better hands, Hughes is Kane 2

Jemtland perhaps? I live in Trondheim so I know for a fact that it's both snowy and cold as fuck up there.

Yeah, I'm thinking about moving to Östersund, I don't want to move too far up north and want to live in a somewhat large city

I've really thought about getting a pair of those new skin skis for classic.

astrid is so sad at medal ceremony ;_;

astrid is giving interview to VG TV right new to nepryaeva giving interview to russian tv
pls someone find vh yle interview

Don't worry, Hans Olav will comfort her later tonight and then she will come back stronger later on in the championship.


iversen is very good at classic sprints, right?
i am worried about team sprint, few days ago seemed like we have solid team ready to fight with any norwegians, today it seems it will be very hard.

also who of current norwegian team have individual golds of wch/ogs?

kruger(2018 skiathlon)
rothe(2019 skiathlon)
klaebo(2018, 2019 sprints)
+ sundby(no gold, but always good competor)

that's all? didrik, krogh, dyrhaug, skar have no inididual golds? even medals?

ps: after i put that text above, i somehow forgot to add Iversen, i felt wrong, gone to google: and find out he have 0 senior medals and only 1 gold from junior wch 2011 - relay gold with skar and 2 nonames

Bronze on the 30k skiathlon from Falun 2015 is his only individual medal. Apart from that, his best performances were the Falun teamsprint and Lahti relay.

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roses are red, violets are blue, pure FINN called FINN coming from FINNmark

seems like Dahlquist will be finisher tomorrow instead of Stina

hm, italy can be good, both pellegrino and defaniani skipped 30km race

Good choice

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Madja's abs and body in general to be honest

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What is the medal count so far? Only interested in cross country.

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Blame Northug.

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did they fug

Was it the Swedish girls skis the other day? There is no reason for Sundling and Dahlqvist not to absolutely destroy Mari "literally who" Eide

>"Erika" faintly plays in the distance

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Watch the race dumbass. They fell over

Did you even watch the sprints? Or read a news story about it? Tank took a dive so Eide could get through as a lucky loser and then the Swedes crashed into each other. Eide barely beat Sundling who finished the sprint with a broken pole.

Mari's sister was with her the whole time, F

She even made sure the winner was Norwegian so that Mari could hear the Norwegian Anthem during the medal ceremony.

I hope so

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watched her interview twice

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Watch this


I have seen it many times :D

is this the single mist autistic and lonely thread on the internet?

Therese a cute! A CUTE!

What the fuck

All the pieces are falling into place

did chadthug beat this nerd in chess?


Lahlum crushed him and spoke politely about Northug's playing ability afterwards.

Magnus won lichess arena again

And do any of you Scandinavian dudes cold smoke your own salmon?

my uncle built his own smoker from a huge fridge in his his garage, he smokes salmon he catches. my dad cold smokes salmon and brown trout now and then, in a tiny smoker like this, but it's just not the same. i just buy it 2bh.

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>1 DrNykterstein
>not even holding any university degree

>3 Dr-BassemAmin
>is in fact a medical doctor

Really makes you think.

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Tänään Arto Nybergin vieraana Katsottavissa Yle areenassa
You're the most degenerate poster and you should kys yourself
Also darn, I was gonna ask for smoking tips. It's do delishus

I just buy the cold smoked fishes, and sometimes warm smoked ones, I eat since I live in a fishing village and we have an amazing little shop that prepares all sorts of amazing stuff from the fish they catch. I do my own gravlaks and occasionally warm smoke salmon if a shop has some salmon on sale or I happen to catch trouts.
>tfw have smoked salmon in the fridge right now

How do you warm smoke it?
Also that sounds comfy af in general

>tfw ate smoked salmon for lunch

Bassem Amin is a cool guy, the only African player to ever reach world elite levels of play.

Are you the guy who makes the you may only post itt list?
If so why aren't you playing in that resort tournament


That guy is actually

no that pic was from the internet, my dad has the same thing though. you could buy one of those small cold smoke kits and try it out, there's probably a bit of trial and error, but it's fun to make. i am just too lazy.

for me, it's smoked salmon, eggs and kaviar on rye.

I have a small electric smoker like pic related since I only smoke half a salmon at a time usually and don't need a larger one. The electric one just makes it easier since it's really consistent and don't have to deal with keeping a fire going. Used to have a box of similar size that was operated on an open flame but it was an absolute bitch to smoke shit with because you had to constantly keep a consistent flame on it or it either wouldn't cook or it would burn your shit if you let the fire too small or too big.

I use alder chippings for the wood, few pieces of sugar in with the chippings to give some color to the fish. Slightly salt the fish before putting it into the smoker. Takes between 20 mins to 1 hour to smoke a piece of salmon depending on how big it is. About ~20 mins per 500 g.

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Retivykh instead of Sergeii?? Thanks for the free win I guess lol

yea, ridiculous that klæbo was given that spot

based cameraman


any pics?

don't they usually have a bare midriff during those events?

really? thought you were an ingvildfag?

i'm super happy for ingvild. she deserves gold seems like really nice girl desu but silver is decent as well


god i wish that were me


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what goes on in norway all day?

You forgot this

Skiing is a Sami invention, not a Norwegian one.

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Based picture.
But skiing isn't a sami or a Norwegian invention. However skis has been in Norway way longer than the sami people has, about 3000 years longer. Skiing as a sport is invented by the Norwegian military tho, so there's that.

This is the comfiest general on sp



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So many cuties in the same team youtube.com/watch?v=xssdwlocV08

Is it just me or has the overall performance in xc skiing stagnated during the past few years? I don't think Johaug is so much over top compared to the top athletes of the past yet no one of the others can keep up with her.

I don't think Johaug would have won that easy 6 or 10 years ago.

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i want to _____ ebba

anyone have a webm? was wondering about what made him fall

>muh Sami
shouldn't you be fucking your sister instead of shitposting?

It was completely his own fault though. Yeah it was a Norwegian who he collided with but he had his skis out of the tracks like a bumbling retard. He even admitted it himself that it was an amateurish mistake.

Gon b inderesting day

stina's ass :3

damn fuckign russian tv tuning in too late, almost no pre-race footage seen

lol @ women's lap, this arial point of view is so hilarious, like they are kids compared to men so their uphill is 20% of men's uphill

vici carl bowing so awkwardly low during downhill(1st downhill of lap), well she is tall, but seems like it works! she slided very good


never get tired of slow mo HD women's hips in tight suits

minus Marit and Justina, plus Heidi, i guess field is less competitive for Johaug too
Ebba and Frida can get strong, well Ebba alrady is pretty close

also any more pics of justina's muscules? love how this dress can't hide her ripped thights and strong core with strong upper body/shoulders

vdg is so~~~~ cute
she reminds me of someone also, cant recall whom
her eyes kinda looks like zagitova's

vdg's ponytail hairstyle is the same as of caro's :3

dont know wish succees to vdg or not bcuz faenjdrocj is in the same team and i dont want to cheer for her

Based Justyna!

Why is he on the women's team?


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happy for vdg, sad or faehndirc
sad for germany

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oh no germany IN


Already crashing and falling.

Muh dick

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Remember Northug in the sprint?

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We won't have another Northug in a while I think.

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For some reason Norwegians are SEETHING as soon as you mention based Justyna



This is basically a smöre competition (and >we are winning)

Do they? I haven't experienced that Norwegians care much if any about her. When she was at her best, then most were usually excited about the classical races between her and Marit.

northug is GOAT

>Chinese skiing

The Norwegian commentator said "here is the chinese and he of course fell"

why do non-nordics have such retarded balance on skis? i could ski far better as a 7 year old

Riiber's lost his jumping form in the worst possible time, can't imagine them winning anything more than a bronze medal today

I propose we drop the jumping all together in Nordic combined, and drop the shooting in biathlon :^)

Finn is our old name on the Sami up there.

I would like a gold medal please

Because they don't have the same skiing culture I guess. The pool of talents that they have to draw from is very thin, whereas here we can pick and choose the best of the best talents every year as the juniors grow up.

Yeah, too bad for him. But if he can manage to get bronse then that's alright too.


I do believe he can get the bronze for Norway, both Riiber and Schmid are great at skiing. And Riiber is still so young that he'll get other chances to win, no worries there.

I wish Akito could finally win a championships gold here, but seeing the form of the Germans, it just isn't meant to be...

Guld till Stina pls

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hell yes!

gold to silver-Stina

Gold to Russia, calling it now


Why doesn’t Sami get their own team?

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So whose race is Dahlqvist crashing this time?

In all seriousness, there will be falling

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I really really dislike Justina. She stole so many wins from Petra Majdič


Good times

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Because outside of a thin stripe of hills in the south we have good enough snow conditions for a month a year.

Zero conditions for skiing as a mass sport and mass self-improvement.

and Finland loses again


>tfw yearly winter week of vacation is over

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>state of Russias skis



Slovenja stronk and sexy.






>lost to fuggin USA

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DAHLQUIST my queen



Thank you Norway for your coach, couldn't have done it without you.

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Ach so, do you have asthma now as well?

gj slobenia


>Norwegians pretending to be happy


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The Slovenians are crazy CUTE!

>Hattestad can produce better sprinters in some Yugo hellhole than we can from all the skiiers in Norway

That was TENSE

No guld. Only extra

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Oh wow. Maiken pretending to be in first place


I expected a silver, but Slovenia beating us at the finish line was not a good feeling. But I guess for them it's pretty cool.


Anyone baking a new thread?

>you'll never get to slap Stina on the bum to exchange in a relay

Congrats to Slovenia

And how depressing to see that Italy is not capable of producing a decent female skier for more than 20 years now