I want Yea Forums to know that we are good at bull riding
I want Yea Forums to know that we are good at bull riding
Your wife's good at riding her bull, Cuckinho
For me, it's silvANO alves
Interesting fact: in Portuguese cuckold = corno
Corno literally means "horn" we do the horn gesture to mean someone is a cuckold
I think it's the same in (at least) french and italian
And spanish, I guess in romanian too
for me, it's adriANO alves
three world titles in 12 years, the Federer of bull riding
In Russian it only implies that a wife cheat on her husband
So are >we.
by "cuckold" they don't mean actual literal cuckolding ivan, it's just like you said
It's in that sense. If your wife/girlfriend cheats on you then you're a corno
is that the most dangerous sport?
>A bull rider is 10 times more likely to be seriously injured than a football player.
football as in handegg
Yeah. Cuckolding is an americoid invention that's why I was surprised there is a word for it but hopefully it's not true
God damn, I don't know who has it worse, the riders or the dudes trying to stop the bull after the rider falls off. Also, why do the riders still hang to that strap even after both of their legs are already off the bull? Some of them get whiplashed pretty hard for holding that thing
They're not holding it. They're stuck and yeah the dudes trying to stop the bull get fucked as well
It's popular to signify ones own cuckoldry in america. Very prominent in the white community.
>implying the true GOAT isn't boi bandido
kill yourself
Why are you always like this? I always recognize you. Who hurt you, dude?
literally the first time I posted this. stop making these awful threads and kill yourself afterwards
Good thread, good bull-riding. Brazil is a pretty cool country.
great job lads cheers
So you be sayin' we aren't good at bullriding? Sounds like a meme sport we'd be into.
You guys competed at the global cup
Why aren't there more South Americans?
I don't know.. I know that we have a bull riding tradition. It's strongest in the state of São Paulo.