That kid who would dive on concrete

>That kid who would dive on concrete

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that kid who would try a bycicle kick on concrete

>that kid who played soccer


>that kid who would bring his new ball but wouldn't allow people to use it because it was on concrete

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>that kid who would bust his finger by kicking the concrete instead of the ball

>that kid who would shoot 150mph balls goalward with these

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>That kid who purposefully didnt bring his PE kit so he could wear the girls PE kit from the lost and found

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>that kid who played american football

>that fat kid who was a good technical footballer somehow

kinda gay

>that kid who would take his ball home when he went out of the 2nd round of Wembley

>That kid who never would take his turn to be in goal

>That kid who would find every reason to not lose

>that kid who tackled on concrete

If you're talking about feet it's "toe" not "finger"

>that kid who would try to take you out
Oh wait that was every kid. School footy was rough but fun

>calling it wembley instead of knockout

Is AstroTurf a thing in Euroland? Maybe if you played on carpetted concrete you'd have less diving

It's called World Cup you heathens

>samefaggin this hard

It's called Wembley you soft southern numpties

>That kid who would run away from the end barrage when he lost at headers and volleys

>calling anybody southern when you call it wembley

It's called Wembley when played in Manchester

>That kid who picked the worst kid first
>That dad who made sure to pass the ball to all the kids
>That mom that wouldn’t watch from the backyard

>That kid whose mom would thank you for including her son

Ah yes the South of the North

>that kid who started screaming like an autist if you brought the good ball outside on the concrete

that was me, I would roll up my pants and destroy my knees but at least my pants were okay and my mom wouldn't ground me

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>that teacher who used to take your ball if it hit a school window

second kid is me fuck that


>that old woman who went berserk every time your ball hit her garage door

>Next goals wins
Take me back

based esp. when it's tea time or end of break

>those kids who played 11 a side with a tennis ball

>playing head-flicks at school one day
>the 5 classes in my year playing against each other
>nobody actually keeping track of the score as usual and the break is nearly over
>"next goal wins"
>really dark black lad who is the only one from his class there scores an absolute SCREAMER
>"right lads, next goal wins"
>nobody gave a shit because he was a lone representative
They were the days

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>that kid who was always picked last
>those kids who always made team selection rules so all their mates were on the same team
>that quiet kid who turned up at random games and was incredible at footy but wouldn't speak to anyone and disappear
>that kid who was a beg friend and tried to use his ball to make friends
>that kid who was like messi but never ever made it to academies because he was too short/thin/wouldn't lump it up to the big man in trials
>those kids who made all the asian (Uk term) kids play in defence all the time
>that kid who was like a footy version of Jay from the inbetweeners and would talk about how he knew footballer x and how is dad would have been professional if it wasn't for xyz and who lied about having trials with club x
>those kids who were always the wrong'uns/expelled from school in the estate/area ASBO but you couldn't say no to them joining in because they'd fight you so you let them play and they'd always fuck the match up if they were playing shit or got tackled
>that ginger freckled kid who was proper good
>that poor kid with holes in his trainers
>that creepy older kid who would always join in like L.Dot from Smithy Boy video

>that old man who would always get vexed when you played outside his house because that's where the best goal posts were and the kerb sloped low and he had the best hedges
>that mad rush before lunch time was about to end and the game sped up mad style
>that feeling of playing after it had snowed and the ground was sliding fun slush times in the school playground
>that girl who always played footy and you were too young to notice she would be fit because she was really good at footy and then she got older and got preggers by the local wasteman dealer and ruined her life
>that tomboy girl who always was more lad then the lads and played decent footy ended up being a butch lezzer
>that kid who was always in goal and brought gloves and slid on concrete

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>that kid who would always try to be ref but no-one really listened to him even though he brought in his own whistle and cards
>that based teacher who would let you go early to lunch on a Friday eat quick so you could have first-sitting first-choice lunch so you could have more time to play the big match at the end of the week.
>that based dinner lady who would make sure all the other kids would keep out of the footy area you'd created including that lad who you all realised now was probably gay because he always played hop-scotch and skipped with the girls
>That kid who was petrified of heading the ball
>That kid who would always get hit in the face and cry to the teacher
>that kid who was never at school but would randomly turn up at school for a week or so every other months
>that kid who was never at school and occasionally joined in by climbing over the railings at lunch and would later go on to rob Greggs in his teenage years

>This is yesterday
feelsbad when you can't go back.

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I remember this show, Ratford Rejects or something



>that lad who you all realised now was probably gay because he always played hop-scotch and skipped with the girls
based me

>nobody used to pick me
>first team to score a goal had to have me in their team

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>that kid who was built like a skellington and always played defense and went for sliding tackles with a bloodlust for every shin in his path and one time got suspended from school for a week when he gave another kid a sprain

Called Cuppy in Yorkshire

>t. Ignorant Mickl

>That kid who was bigger than everyone else and if you nutmegged him he would start bullying you forever. So you just passed the ball or took a shot from distance instead of going past him.

>that kid who could kick it miles but with no control

Based Richard launching 65m torps from fullback.

It's called Cuppy ya pricks

Take you out on a date :DDD gay :-DDD

It's called World Cup Willy

>that kid who just bought a cheap Decathlon own-brand ball and let anyone take it with them so long as they brought it back next time

we called it "Mondialito" (small world cup)

Renford Rejects*

>that kid who slips on concrete

>That kid who was fat as fuck, wore his backpack while playing football, and always toe punted the ball with his shit flickers.

>Playing Wembley and always letting your friends score against you as keeper but trying your hardest to save everyone elses goal

Not if you are a Brazilian monkey.

It's literally called World Cup you fucking idiots

jesus christ

played against one of these two years ago. local amateur rec stuff, adult league. genuine fat fuck, no two ways about it, but amazingly gifted and nimble, and very complete technically. salvadoran-american. best player on the field by miles.

>that kid who was playing pickup american football on the ice in '94, went out for a pass, slipped and collided with me and was paralyzed, became quadriplegic, c5 complete at age 16

i hope you don't know this feel. he went on to live a good life, but i never played handegg again - switched to divegrass

is this true

that was me

That kid that was fat so he became the goalkeeper.


Being technically gifted doesn't mean you have to be fit. All the great technical professionals are lazy cunts

>the fat kid

>that kid who had atrocious ball control but was crazy enough to get in front of kicks and defend the goal with his life

managed to fool everyone until someone passed the ball to me

>that kid who shot up the school after being humiliated
maybe bullying doesn’t work

Sounds like he wasn't bullied enough
