Mfw an american was fat near me

>mfw an american was fat near me

Attached: kermi-1.jpg (825x464, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>there will never be another classic kermit Yea Forums thread


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>mfw that happens

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delete this post

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>mon visage con le fatcoire cest le american est graisse

Attached: no-duh-what-else-is-new.jpg (400x400, 112K)


What the fuck is wrong with Americans

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s'il etait pas en vie il serait envie

based. sick of all the mcfatties in this country

If you work in an office, "coffee" is definitely the real culprit

coffee doenst make you fat at all

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Bruh they ain't drinking coffee, they're drinking concentrated sugar water. 1,000s of calories of it

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oh ok you mean that starbucks shit yeah youre correct

>mfw an american exists in the same reality as me

Attached: Absolutely disgusting Americans.png (236x330, 151K)

>mfw 99.9% of old Yea Forums is gone

Attached: kermit dead.jpg (750x500, 118K)



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>mfw Brazil

Attached: zizek blaze it.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>mfw Kermit the frog is American and created by an American
>mfw Germans lack the creativity to create an icon like Kermit the frog
>mfw German are only good at being naked at the beach and hogging loungers
>mfw Germans are China tier vacationers

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Men fuck nu-/int/ for letting even hues make fun of this. This shit didn't happen in the past

What is even the big deal it's just a bunch of retired snow birds taking pictures on a safari?

New England has a lower BMI than Europe lol

>arguing about the price of rooms and cheating hoteliers

>mfw my genes will never be as impure as the average mutt's

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Lol at you guys bashing us in our language.

Americans don’t just drink coffee. They pour sugar and cream in it. Honestly, 9/10 Americans disgust me. Somebody end us please.


>tfw no classic Yea Forums threads anymore

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>American cops thinking they're top dogs


Attached: americans.jpg (384x395, 19K)

>t. mehmet