>Este semana Challenge Cup with Rika and other Japs
>Links for people who want to get into figure skating pastelink.net/et30 www.isu.org/figure-skating/figure-skating-events/figure-skating-calendar en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018%E2%80%9319_figure_skating_season
>Event streaming info söyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/tagged/how-to-watch
>Scale of Values, Difficulty Levels and Guidelines for marking GOE, 2018-19 www.isu.org/docman-documents-links/isu-files/documents-communications/isu-communications/17142-isu-communication-2168/file
> Kinda surprised sotskova isn't in the cup final desu. She's a reserve for the universiade and hasn't skated since nationals
Didn't Maria get literally last place at Nationals?
Jacob Martinez
Probably one of the best /fs/ posts ever Well Russians are incredibly fucking stupid, so it is possible that no other skater of note is enrolled in uni
Sotskova is the only real, full-time student (fancy artistic school), so it's only fair.
Aaron Ramirez
>Kike theatre school >Student
Read my post here Maybe if she studied something that actually required some sort of thought buy come on
Bentley Johnson
at least she enrolled in something. A lot of athletes enroll in online school from age 12-18, and then get a bullshit health/physical education degree for uni. Some skaters drop out of school entirely, like Korea's 1st place skater, Euosoon
she says she struggled after Sochi because her image was perfect Grace Kelly skater, and she felt like she couldn't be open about her depression and eating disorder, and had to hide it
she said her coach said: "look at your butt" and that's why she started her eating disorder. After that, she always tried to make her calories as low as possible
sometimes she would eat 2 pizzas for a meal, and sometimes only an apple and a tomato. She became most depressed and almost suicidal after finishing 4th at Worlds
then she quit skating and went to an inpatient anorexia clinic in Arizona, and now she feels better
She is one of the cutest skaters. God I hope she gets thinner
Bentley King
She's a plump perfection, you fuck.
Michael Ward
Why can't you autists like medo and zagi? (Kinda like literally everyone loves tuktamysheva-sama)
Sebastian Cox
She looks good THICC, but she can't seriously compete and win anything like that. I want her to become a serious threat to the Russian/Japanese monopoly. Also if she's active she will do like Gabby and post lots of pics on Instagram.
Liam Davis
>serious threat to the Russian/Japanese monopoly Here
She won't be a serious threat I'm affraid. It would be a miracle if she can get to the next olympics at all. And it's not healthy to abuse your body trying to be slim again with obvious weight gain tendencies she has. If Zagi needs to eat literal ice to be in shape I can't imagine what Gracie has to do. So its better to be happily thicc than a mentally broken sceletor with 15 place on olympics. Anyway #IamWithHer.
Colton Ramirez
Next season she'll be eligible for jgps and junior worlds
I for one welcome our new genetically engineered hapa overlords >yesterday the chinks made it public that for 2 crispr-ed girls, they "accidentally" removed an HIV enabling gene the absence of which also increases cognitive and mnemonic abilities
that was an awful lot of balloons, flowers and gift baskets. celebrating a year since the gold medal or...?
Zachary Reed
2A, 3F3T, 3Lz. Also stumble on her spin, I hope it was just one time mistake and no a bag sign for worlds. She was in a lot of competitions after all, could be tired.
Dominic Perez
There was some big controversy where companies pulled ads from jewtube because apparently some pedos commented on videos
I wonder which Russian skaters I hate according to you, but nevermind that - how can I hate ALL skaters if like I Medo? Or maybe you're one of these people that claim Medvedeva is a traitor and no longer a Russian, just because she dared to said that at this point of her career it's more enjoyable for her to train in Toronto than sucking ice cube for dinner in Moscow?
Wyatt Williams
Some people just think that Pubertadze=Russia. Usually they think the same about putin lel.
Eli Ortiz
She brings a lot of drama and seething to the figure skating fandom. I can appreciate that
That pcs score is the biggest bullshit I have even seen. Judges should be executed.
Juan Turner
Why is it so low?
Nathaniel Williams
it's real rika's pcs
Colton Price
Her face is only 6 months old!
Chase Foster
I have no idea, maybe judgues just want to shine, program was good as always. Hope this is one time thing and not ISU way to keep Zagitova in competition.
that pcs is eerily similar to the one she got at japnats, i.e. the real and deseved one, albeit still a little high. if they start noticing she's a ur-ing potato on skates her time is already over.
Well Romania is correct, those less famous CS events where judges aren't "paid" to give +100 PCS cause "muh XYZ" (put whichever overscored skater there, it's not just the Japan ones) are actually judged better than all those famous ones where ISU "cares"...
Judging in FS is pure shit, better just enjoy your skatefu instead of "omg 150 in FS, 131398 points total" ;)
>Coach Angelina Turenko is outraged. Her athletes in the Cup final were unsuccessful. Serafima Sakhanovich left the ice at all only with the help of doctors. But Turenko still remained in the ice palace, to look at almost the main battle of the season in figure skating. mfw
I knew she didn't look quite right. Feel better, babygirl.
What happened? Did Sima fall and get a concussion? Break her leg?
Ayden Rodriguez
Medo, Samodur & Tuktik for the Worlds!!! Alina did not deserve to go to Worlds.
Aaron Thomas
With Alina Russian team will lose quotas. Only Russophobes wants Alina at the Worlds, coz with Alina Russia will lose quotas
Hunter King
Aiden Diaz
nice false flag zagitard.
Zachary James
>won both GPs, 2nd in GPF, 2nd in Euros >3rd and 4th in her GPS, didn't qualify for GPF, didn't go to Euros, won a meme cup. Yeah it's so much safer to send Med
Zagchmo, Alina undeserved all her results in this season. She took the first and second places ONLY coz she "olympic champion". At Euros Viveca deserved silver medal, not Alina.
Carson Ward
>Alina undeserved all her results in this season I do agree that she was too high in Euros and Rusnats but she deserved her gp wins. Med was overscored in Rusnats too btw.
David Rogers
In 2019: Medvedeva 222 Tuktamysheva 221 Samodurova 213 Zagitova 198 Yeah, whom should they send...
is she dating anyone now? how do Tuktik's words about sex apply to
Xavier Hernandez
If Russia not choose world team by deadline, no one goes to world's?
Christian Morales
>"The federation executive committee has not yet made a decision," said Lakernik on the phone in response to the question of whether the FFKKR gave the list of athletes to the ISU for participation in the world championship. Geniuses.
Wyatt Cruz
So this... Is the power of... Dopping
Isaac Morales
>Tuktik's words about sex Gonna need some backstory
from interview sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/interval/2340704.html youtube.com/watch?v=O_ubtnXSN1c >"For the health girl must have a sex... even everyday[if she wants/needs to]. Depends on desire/willness. I am still 22, I don't understand yet how much is needed for a health. I have it well/ok/alright so far" >"There is a theory - and practice show it's true - you better don't have a sex before trainings, games, etc. Why so? Who knows"
I hope the girls got privately notified if they're going or not.
Gavin Stewart
yeah, looks like Stasya is unsinkable.
Christopher Bell
Medo new instagram post, she had to turn off comments because of haters >Friends, I just want to say that I am going to every competition with the thought of winning. This season is no exception. If I am selected to participate in the World Championships, my goal is to be in my best condition at these competitions in Saitam. Thanks for your support.
>Are skaters now pitching themselves via social media Seems like it
Aiden Green
>It's not that easy anymore. Now they need a valid reason, they will have to force somebody to fake an injury at least.
It is pretty simple:
Black limo arrives before Konstantinova's house 4 black guys ring at Konstantinova's appartment 'Tovarish! Stasia is injured, she should stay at home for 2 weeks! 'Yes tovarish major!'
How can Konstantinova go to World's? I thought she was a junior, she's been on the jgp this season
Christopher Wilson
What in the hell are you talking about
Angel Long
Oh fug, I'm thinking of Kostornaya
Robert Ward
I just checked, wtf, this isn't a joke by that Stasya spammer. Dark gypsy Stansi is really named to the world's team? Why?
Camden Gonzalez
>Why? To finnish her! If she again fucks up ... and of course she will ... Medo&Tuktik fans turn into Konstantinova haters. She never could deal with her 'clean skate' ... what do you think how she will handle a Russian shitstorm? It will be EPIC! I wouldnt wonder if she wont return next year.
>Why do you think getting 20th place again will be different this year?
Because of the Tuktik-Medo-options, idiot! Sending a complete looser instead one of the world champions makes ya think. Specially, when the looser will again completly fuck up.
Even Gulya, Gubanchik or Tarusek would be a better option that this dirty gypsy!
You really think that Stansi skating the same way she skates at every single competition, AGAIN, for the 8435th time will change anything? You're delusional
Matthew Perez
A classic performance. Imagine being unable to chose between Babasyan and Tuktik so you send Stasya back. I blame TAT and her followers at the RusFed pushing for Med instead of letting Tuktik go.
Juan Lee
You guys do realize that one of med or tuktik are gonna be there, right?
>I was by the way in Novgorod and watched it live. Sima had to take off her boots and even with that she could not walk away without support. In the end the coaches helped her to walk away. I was sitting right above the K&C and it was heartbreaking to watch.
>However, I don’t think Sima injured herself during the fall. Judging from practices it looks more like she already had a foot injury when she came to Novgorod. She jumped fine (I think there was just one fall in two practices), but you could see in her face that some landings where painful and she went to her coach after almost each jump. I also had a little present for her which I gave her when she came out from the dressing room after the SP practice and to me it appeared as if Sima either had cried or was close to tears. It looks like her injury got even worse after the fall in the free.
>In any case judging from her coaches’ reaction I assume it’s not a serious injury, but just something that was really painful. Hopefully she can now take care of it and we see her next season skating again at full strength.
Jackson Young
Bradie Tennell's performance from 4CC. She's really into being Juliet, passionate choreography
Literally this except for the thiccc version of radionova. It couldn't be helped
Carson Green
Elena Radionova was retired by the time she grew breasts, so it doesn't count. Russian skaters have mandatory retirement age of 17, unless your coach is Mishin
>poor girl will probably be ripped apart if she bombs there And rightfully so. She didn't even deserve this spot yet people still see her as a victim..
Harrell said her training for the World Junior Championships has remained consistent and that she’s training the same way she did before the U.S. Championships. With the Russian ladies currently dominating the junior scene, Harrell said in order for the U.S. ladies to compete with them they need to be consistent and also be willing to challenge themselves technically, noting that some of the top Russian junior ladies are attempting quadruple jumps. Harrell confirmed that she is working on her triple Axel and quadruple jumps, specifically the quad toe loop.
“I just want to be consistent,” Harrell stated about competing with the Russian junior ladies. “Also, even if I don’t have the quads at the moment, I want to be able to do my jumps with the higher GOE scores and show that my jumps are very nice.”
4th place Harrell, along with 5th place Ting Cui, were named to Team USA’s World Junior Team.
I don't know if I can even watch the Ladies competition at Worlds knowing she's at home.
The Russian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST. I think only Russians can say that. For a foreigner to say such words and in such a tone is unethical. Imagine if I said something like "The Australian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST". I'm sure you would not like to hear that. Please respect other people's feelings. Thanks.
ZagiMed is cancer. One is silver thief and the other has become corruption personalized. They're decaying shells of their former selves suffocating Russian talent by their guaranteed team spots. Can't wait for them both to fuck off.
Aiden Reyes
This was the performance that made people think, yes, we must send this girl to World's
>Imagine if I said something like "The Australian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST" I would hear them out and be fine with them having an opinion even if I disagreed with it
she is also from udmurtia as Zagi? you did good Amen.
Dominic Howard
no, it's okay, it's just a meme, millions of cars obviously will result in many accidents but personally I found no difference with other countries, except for italians, they are crazy and drunk
Ian Martinez
> she is also from udmurtia as Zagi? yes, but she's from Glazov, and Zagi from Izhevsk