/fs/ medo (undeserved) champion

>Este semana
Challenge Cup with Rika and other Japs

>Links for people who want to get into figure skating

>Event streaming info

>Stats & scores

>Scale of Values, Difficulty Levels and Guidelines for marking GOE, 2018-19

>New GOE



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Why did medo get eliminated again? Did she just shit the bed one too many times?

Stasya and Masha are going to the Universiade.

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Zhenya breasts looks surprisingly big in her instastories, or maybe it's just my impression.

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Not just in her stories either

Eliminated from what ?
She found the power of the push-up

and the power of canadian food

Will Med be sent to Worlds then? Or is Liza still seen as more consistent and stable?

Is there a gala?

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>an insignificant cup

sure ...

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They need to name 3 names until Feb 25, so we'll know soon.

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I didn't think so

No, you retard.
There's no way they leave out the European champion

she is growing and turning into women
she gonna spread a legs for some man one day(and another men after)

she will be smiling and laughing when handsome men will touch her breasts

>she gonna spread a legs for some man one day
>one day
I am pretty sure she had her 1st gangbang allready in Canada-

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what's the name of the one on the left?

Bob Marley

Britney Spears

what did he say to her?

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It was a good bj yesterday, dear!
You definitley deserved to win!

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^t. gypsy cocksucker

Check those dubs


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Tuktik is so hot

fuckin eejits cska shoulda maked her skate this week now she's going into this shit with no prep[aration at alll. and she's ALREADY shit ffs

also this mean alina is getting the arse from worlds team

>the girl became a woman on the long & dusty road

Australia you're drunk go to sleep!

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new fixed lutz

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Sadly it's gonna be Zagi, churka and Sofochka.
>ynr I foretold that tuktik's career is basically over

My heart.

More tuktik bitte

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Merci beaucoup

> Kinda surprised sotskova isn't in the cup final desu. She's a reserve for the universiade and hasn't skated since nationals

Didn't Maria get literally last place at Nationals?

Probably one of the best /fs/ posts ever
Well Russians are incredibly fucking stupid, so it is possible that no other skater of note is enrolled in uni

Viveca itw

So butifel)))

She hasn't been in a competition in the mainline 18-19 season for a while

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Sotskova is the only real, full-time student (fancy artistic school), so it's only fair.

>Kike theatre school

Read my post here Maybe if she studied something that actually required some sort of thought buy come on

at least she enrolled in something. A lot of athletes enroll in online school from age 12-18, and then get a bullshit health/physical education degree for uni. Some skaters drop out of school entirely, like Korea's 1st place skater, Euosoon

Asians are subhuman desu.

New interview with Gracie


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she says she struggled after Sochi because her image was perfect Grace Kelly skater, and she felt like she couldn't be open about her depression and eating disorder, and had to hide it

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she said her coach said: "look at your butt" and that's why she started her eating disorder. After that, she always tried to make her calories as low as possible

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sometimes she would eat 2 pizzas for a meal, and sometimes only an apple and a tomato. She became most depressed and almost suicidal after finishing 4th at Worlds

then she quit skating and went to an inpatient anorexia clinic in Arizona, and now she feels better

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Her new goals, in order of importance

1. Win a World's medal
2. Go to next Olympics

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God, she's cute, insane and can bake. Perfect wife material.

Jesus christ how fragile

Lose some fucking weight you miserable cow

do not be rude to my Gracie

yes, perfect wife for me

Step aside, cowboy. Siberian tiger is on it's way.


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I'm going to rustle up that old coach who made fun of Gracie's butt, but first

I'm going to press S on John Coughlin's grave because I'm 85% sure he did something bad with Gracie

didn't she like praise him for eing such a nice person? what he did to her must have been bad, but in such a good way.

imagine repeatedly giving a thot so good a dicking she praises you post-death while you're being accused of fondling younger thots.


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Now that we can look at Olympics from the perspective I think we can all agree that Medvedeva was a better skater right?

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>in many ways, one could say medvedeva won that competition.


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Looks like she still has an eating disorder alright... One where she eats too much xD
Kys faggot gypsy.

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She is one of the cutest skaters. God I hope she gets thinner

She's a plump perfection, you fuck.

Why can't you autists like medo and zagi?
(Kinda like literally everyone loves tuktamysheva-sama)

She looks good THICC, but she can't seriously compete and win anything like that. I want her to become a serious threat to the Russian/Japanese monopoly. Also if she's active she will do like Gabby and post lots of pics on Instagram.

>serious threat to the Russian/Japanese monopoly

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Gattica shouldn't be aloud desu

Isn't she still a year away from even joining Juniors?

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She won't be a serious threat I'm affraid. It would be a miracle if she can get to the next olympics at all. And it's not healthy to abuse your body trying to be slim again with obvious weight gain tendencies she has. If Zagi needs to eat literal ice to be in shape I can't imagine what Gracie has to do. So its better to be happily thicc than a mentally broken sceletor with 15 place on olympics. Anyway #IamWithHer.

Next season she'll be eligible for jgps and junior worlds

Speaking of young talent, Sara Honda free skate.

I for one welcome our new genetically engineered hapa overlords
>yesterday the chinks made it public that for 2 crispr-ed girls, they "accidentally" removed an HIV enabling gene the absence of which also increases cognitive and mnemonic abilities

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When starts the seniors?

2 hours 20 min

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Rika will dab on these farmers so badly that it'll be more interesting to watch to see how wakaba skate

zhenya won fair and square

>Le fall and get 150 woman

1 year since the most iconic performance in FS history.

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Zagi new stream

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First group warmup

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Jesus Christ... She's clearly surrounded by yes men and lost all touch with real world

How do I watch it? This shit doesn't work for me.

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I noticed that isu junior channel disabled comments under all videos lol.

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One skater left before Rika.

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that was an awful lot of balloons, flowers and gift baskets. celebrating a year since the gold medal or...?

2A, 3F3T, 3Lz. Also stumble on her spin, I hope it was just one time mistake and no a bag sign for worlds. She was in a lot of competitions after all, could be tired.

There was some big controversy where companies pulled ads from jewtube because apparently some pedos commented on videos

>when you visit a coffeeshop before skating

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Let's be honest Rika will easily finish second in words behind Zhenya

Wakaba 1F :(
It was a fun program nevertheless, looking forward to tomorrow Bond.

I honestly think viveca lindfors might be the most beautiful girl in the world

Starr TES > Rika TES

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Who's amber glenn

a qt

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Looks like we're sending Gabby to Japan after all. Please look forward to 1 spot for Canada in 2020 season

Skater who has been on senior level for 7326 years, never amounted to anything

medvebots as usual

You're just going to bully Gracie after seeing it

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*Loses to bots*


what is this 'men's day' celebration? Do the blokes get a guilt free gobby from the women in their lives or something?


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it's lonely at the top


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Finland :DD

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>the pole is pro-Med
Why is it that everyone who hates all our skaters is pro-Med. Weird how she attracts those people

Take the Ted pill and ENJOY all skaters

viveca is very cute yes

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My heart

confirmed female


>Just now figuring this out
Yikes, gypsies really are fucking retarded

>tfw the ameritard has a max memory of 1(one) thread - tops

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>committing to memory something as useless as some schizo gypsy rambling from a few days ago

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here we go again

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Truly the best

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yeah, who doesn't remember every and commit to memory single gossip in every single Yea Forums thread?

>badly coping with your brainletness
don't be like this ameritard, kids

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Based white bro

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you're the only one who stalks this thread erryday allday, so don't get mad when people don't get your inside jokes

>one more year until I beat your sorry ass Alina

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>oh, you are going to "take a break"?

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Go to sleep


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*is actually the best junior skater*

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Some weird judging this event. Judging from the scores given to Glenn and Andrews I think J7 is a burger.

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Don't mind me, just reminding you that sima sakhanovich is probably the most adorable girl on the planet Earth

Mirai-sama is the most adorable, a little firefly


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Sima and viveca are the prettiest skaters easily

Miss Saigon dabs on you

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Say something nice about the most successful coach in the world.
She's 45 today.

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Doping-scandal will derail her train one day!

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I wonder which Russian skaters I hate according to you, but nevermind that - how can I hate ALL skaters if like I Medo? Or maybe you're one of these people that claim Medvedeva is a traitor and no longer a Russian, just because she dared to said that at this point of her career it's more enjoyable for her to train in Toronto than sucking ice cube for dinner in Moscow?

Some people just think that Pubertadze=Russia.
Usually they think the same about putin lel.

She brings a lot of drama and seething to the figure skating fandom. I can appreciate that

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whiter than you, paco.

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She doesn't look a day over 35.

Last group warmup

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Rika is very polite

That pcs score is the biggest bullshit I have even seen. Judges should be executed.

Why is it so low?

it's real rika's pcs

Her face is only 6 months old!

I have no idea, maybe judgues just want to shine, program was good as always.
Hope this is one time thing and not ISU way to keep Zagitova in competition.

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Not a great end for Wakaba but whatever, was fun to see skyfall again
She better keep Energia for next season!

Gala in one hour

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How do Finlan jump so hihg?

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that pcs is eerily similar to the one she got at japnats, i.e. the real and deseved one, albeit still a little high.
if they start noticing she's a ur-ing potato on skates her time is already over.

reminder to not reply to shitty bait

Kolyada still in good form.

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Well Romania is correct, those less famous CS events where judges aren't "paid" to give +100 PCS cause "muh XYZ" (put whichever overscored skater there, it's not just the Japan ones) are actually judged better than all those famous ones where ISU "cares"...

Judging in FS is pure shit, better just enjoy your skatefu instead of "omg 150 in FS, 131398 points total" ;)

More like Kolyanyet.

Happy Zhenya is best Zhenya.

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How lovely

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russian accent is so cute

Defender of Fatherland day aka Men's day aka triggered femenists day.

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>Hey, user, want some pizza?

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What a beauty!

ugly ladyboy!

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what a beautiful picture

>umm actually I like those who pose no threat to my yellow fever favorites
You got me there

Like clockwork. But why??


rather get a kebab, darl

nice spin

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-15 points from your social score for interacting with a Russian

thank you

Based self hating Russian

It was more of a comment on the modern day McCarthyism you're experiencing, based retard

they're not bright enough to get that

Well it was a shitty attempt on your part, I have to say

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Posting an underrated skater: Angela Maxwell

half Asian, likes anime and vidya, unfortunately burned out

her skate to Inuyasha

Fun exhibition



Who's this?

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>Ha you are a fun guy

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Shut up you faggot chink. Go be a fucking loser in Russia lmao

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>Coach Angelina Turenko is outraged. Her athletes in the Cup final were unsuccessful. Serafima Sakhanovich left the ice at all only with the help of doctors. But Turenko still remained in the ice palace, to look at almost the main battle of the season in figure skating.

I knew she didn't look quite right. Feel better, babygirl.

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What happened? Did Sima fall and get a concussion? Break her leg?

Medo, Samodur & Tuktik for the Worlds!!! Alina did not deserve to go to Worlds.

With Alina Russian team will lose quotas. Only Russophobes wants Alina at the Worlds, coz with Alina Russia will lose quotas

thank you

nice false flag zagitard.

>won both GPs, 2nd in GPF, 2nd in Euros
>3rd and 4th in her GPS, didn't qualify for GPF, didn't go to Euros, won a meme cup.
Yeah it's so much safer to send Med

some random

Zagchmo, Alina undeserved all her results in this season. She took the first and second places ONLY coz she "olympic champion". At Euros Viveca deserved silver medal, not Alina.

>Alina undeserved all her results in this season
I do agree that she was too high in Euros and Rusnats but she deserved her gp wins. Med was overscored in Rusnats too btw.

In 2019:
Medvedeva 222
Tuktamysheva 221
Samodurova 213
Zagitova 198
Yeah, whom should they send...

Attached: hmmm.jpg (217x232, 8K)

> In 2019:
> Medvedeva 0
> Tuktamysheva 0

My dad works for the Russian skating federation and he told me Alina, Sofia and Liza will go to Worlds

My mom works for the MOI (MVD) and she told me Alina refused Russian citizenship and will soon leave to USA


Can't you fags just stop with your zagi/medo autism already? It's so tiresome.



what the fuck are they doing?

hype hype hype

is Instagram not working only for me????

It sounds like Zagi really is kill.

*find a nice hubby and become beautiful wife*

beautiful shoulders

well, posture and lower back are too

works for me.

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Works for me™

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is she dating anyone now?
how do Tuktik's words about sex apply to

If Russia not choose world team by deadline, no one goes to world's?

>"The federation executive committee has not yet made a decision," said Lakernik on the phone in response to the question of whether the FFKKR gave the list of athletes to the ISU for participation in the world championship.

So this... Is the power of... Dopping

>Tuktik's words about sex
Gonna need some backstory

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Damn Russians are redpilled

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from interview
>"For the health girl must have a sex... even everyday[if she wants/needs to]. Depends on desire/willness. I am still 22, I don't understand yet how much is needed for a health. I have it well/ok/alright so far"
>"There is a theory - and practice show it's true - you better don't have a sex before trainings, games, etc. Why so? Who knows"

God I wish lazukin were me

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Worlds roster announced, same as Euros.
Konstantinova, Zagitova, Samodurova.
oh no no no

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So we'll know at the beginning of Worlds, thx RusFed for keeping this thread alive with speculation on who they will send.

If the translation is right they can still switch the skaters scheduled to compete with the subs until the beginning of the competition

Sweet, another month of this charade

It's not that easy anymore. Now they need a valid reason, they will have to force somebody to fake an injury at least.

So which of zagi or stasya is getting kneecapped after training next week?

Stasya will get injured at or after Universiade

Unless she does not go which means that they will really send her to Worlds

Kek. These faggots will ruin Stasya. I swear.

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*wins worlds*

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I hope the girls got privately notified if they're going or not.

yeah, looks like Stasya is unsinkable.

Medo new instagram post, she had to turn off comments because of haters
>Friends, I just want to say that I am going to every competition with the thought of winning. This season is no exception. If I am selected to participate in the World Championships, my goal is to be in my best condition at these competitions in Saitam. Thanks for your support.

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who would be hating on that?

I thought her manager handle the social media.

you underestimate people, even on goldenskate some fags are mad about it and this is probably most mild community in internet.

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>Are skaters now pitching themselves via social media
Seems like it

>It's not that easy anymore. Now they need a valid reason, they will have to force somebody to fake an injury at least.

It is pretty simple:

Black limo arrives before Konstantinova's house
4 black guys ring at Konstantinova's appartment
'Tovarish! Stasia is injured, she should stay at home for 2 weeks!
'Yes tovarish major!'

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World's team should be tuktik Sofia and Stasya


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>tfw aircon is broken
uncomfy night.

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The only reason, why Konstantinova should go everywhere is the LOL-efffect.

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that sucks ausbro, anything over 22 is torture at night. put some ice in a bowl and have a ventilator blow over it.

She always fails!
It will be awesome to see her fail again.
See her shit-skin-face covered in tears knowing ... that was her last chance!

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Stasya is CUTE and the gypsy Hungarian is retarded

It should be Sotskova Tsurskaya and Stasya so that Russia only gets one spot at next year's Worlds.


>tfw summer is pretty much over

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Panenkova should go, she is Rika kryptonit.

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How can Konstantinova go to World's? I thought she was a junior, she's been on the jgp this season

What in the hell are you talking about

Oh fug, I'm thinking of Kostornaya

I just checked, wtf, this isn't a joke by that Stasya spammer. Dark gypsy Stansi is really named to the world's team? Why?

To finnish her!
If she again fucks up ... and of course she will ... Medo&Tuktik fans turn into Konstantinova haters.
She never could deal with her 'clean skate' ... what do you think how she will handle a Russian shitstorm?
It will be EPIC! I wouldnt wonder if she wont return next year.

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>T. Retard
She will skate clean and win gold!

she will skate just like always.

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You're stupid, she already went last year, to World's and got 20th place. Why do you think getting 20th place again will be different this year?

2018 world Stansi, she fell every 10 seconds

Fake news

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>Why do you think getting 20th place again will be different this year?

Because of the Tuktik-Medo-options, idiot!
Sending a complete looser instead one of the world champions makes ya think.
Specially, when the looser will again completly fuck up.

Even Gulya, Gubanchik or Tarusek would be a better option that this dirty gypsy!

>Gubanchik or Tarusek would be a better option

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There was a Tukt and Medo option last year too, sort of, only both were injured. Nothing will make her quit

>only both were injured.
thats why there wasnt that option, you retarded NIGGER!

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Cute dog

You really think that Stansi skating the same way she skates at every single competition, AGAIN, for the 8435th time will change anything? You're delusional

A classic performance. Imagine being unable to chose between Babasyan and Tuktik so you send Stasya back. I blame TAT and her followers at the RusFed pushing for Med instead of letting Tuktik go.

You guys do realize that one of med or tuktik are gonna be there, right?

> t. Evegenia and Eliza with false hopes

Thanks but I'm actually just an autistic guy

For me? It's Stanislava Konstantinova

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mariah bell is the youngest looking 22 year old i've ever seen damn

Let Stasya go and humiliate herself with yet another meltdown again. It'll be fun

>implying Stasya hasn't been saving her best skate for this moment and that she won't win it all

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I wish she were a better skater, she looks way cuter than horseface Bradie

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has anyone from these threads ever made a thread on /hr/ ? would be great to get some high quality pics of her specifically

you could try after World's. She'll have lots of photos then, she's on the US team with Bradie

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>5K Head

don't you have a bull to prep juan?

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Don’t you guys have any post-nut clarity? How can you post about little girls THIS often?

Has self awareness ever creeped in at all?

Holy shit I always thought she was 16 or something.
She'll age well, good for her.

I've unironically never fapped to any figure skating girls, it's art/sport to me. Don't know about anyone else in the thread

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especially not the one on the left. She looks like a goblin

>on the right

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>eye lenses
fuck off

from gs

>I was by the way in Novgorod and watched it live. Sima had to take off her boots and even with that she could not walk away without support. In the end the coaches helped her to walk away. I was sitting right above the K&C and it was heartbreaking to watch.

>However, I don’t think Sima injured herself during the fall. Judging from practices it looks more like she already had a foot injury when she came to Novgorod. She jumped fine (I think there was just one fall in two practices), but you could see in her face that some landings where painful and she went to her coach after almost each jump. I also had a little present for her which I gave her when she came out from the dressing room after the SP practice and to me it appeared as if Sima either had cried or was close to tears. It looks like her injury got even worse after the fall in the free.

>In any case judging from her coaches’ reaction I assume it’s not a serious injury, but just something that was really painful. Hopefully she can now take care of it and we see her next season skating again at full strength.

Bradie Tennell's performance from 4CC. She's really into being Juliet, passionate choreography


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wew lad, that's texbook. samodelkina?

Veronica Zhilina

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Dam tiddies

Literally this except for the thiccc version of radionova. It couldn't be helped

Elena Radionova was retired by the time she grew breasts, so it doesn't count. Russian skaters have mandatory retirement age of 17, unless your coach is Mishin


what a fat pig

And it's all for me.

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I thought ordering super sized was an American thing.

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Gabby is back? Guess they had to change something after 4cc.

Fresh off the loony bin.

leaf fed thought they should give themselves SOME chance at retaining at least 2 spots.

>that russian/japanese lineup
Mako deserved a spot tbqhwyf

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Gabby is looking good

Damm right, bitch!
Strong body, broken mind

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did she shoop that voss logo on to the ball?

>tries to shill for some shit
Take a guess.

>Asthma water from Norway
That's dopping

oh how i wish this was kostornaia

Kaori jump lots of 2A.

Attached: 1.webm (640x1136, 2.68M)


Such an ugly face, but her skating is so textbook and strong and elegant

I really appreciate when a skater's 2A looks effortless like that. I remember Yulia's were really good at not doing that "winding up" motion as well.



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Laurine in Worlds

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I love seeing her jump

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Such a joy to watch :)

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i wish the girl in this pic wearing the same clothes was kostornaia

She doesn't even look that thicc, did she really stop skating due to being fat

>4th at Rusnats
>4th at Euros
>4th at FKR
Will she keep her streak at the Universiade and Worlds?

Attached: 0J5A4912.jpg (1000x1000, 472K)

>1st in my heart
>1st at universidade
>1st at worlds
*Dabs elegantly*

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I think she'll keep her streak of being 19th at Worlds

Delete this right now you goddamn frog

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I love Stanislava!

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What a beauty!

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just sayin, at worlds she got injured before fs in warmup.

maybe it was same injury alina got at 2018 world's too

I hope Alina will keep this gala costumes tradition.

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What a beauty skate!

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has Evegenia fired Brian or does she still believe in his 4 year plan?

She will win worlds.

you mean the 2022 worlds?

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This shit really happend or it's just projections? Wtf.

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Wish her videos had eng captions though. The panenkova interview was hard to follow with my minimal knowledge of russian

who is E Rodina?

old woman like tat?
young fan?
rival figure skater?

Medo in.

19 voted for Medo, 7 for Tuk, 1 abstained.

God, these Medocucks are so embarrassing.

He must be pissed.

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Finally zagitards went international with their conspiracies and severe victim complex, enjoy.

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Short memories in ffkkr. disappointing.

So it's med (((zagi))) and Sofia?

I knew she had haters but if true that's messed up
Poor Tuktik, fuck RusFed

feels good man

do feel bad for tuktik tho, its a brutal fucking sport lads

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What can you expect from one of the most corrupt sport in one of the most corrupt countries. Only something like this.

YNR I predicted tuktik's career is basically over.

Redpilled af desu
Also lmaoing at you retards that ackshully thought Stasya would be selected

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I hope for zhenya's sake that she gets a medal. poor girl will probably be ripped apart if she bombs there.

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Wow Gracie lost a lot of weight!

1. Kihira
2. Sakamoto
3. Tursynbaeva

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Did you need your gypsy crystalball to see that?

1. Kaori
2. Rika
3. Samodurova
14. Medvedeva
16. Zagitova

he still has the european champion

I hope that she fucks up her SP bad, don't qualify for FS and go skate for Armenia next season

Tfw I'm not the one consoling Tuktik right now

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>tfw no soft bobs

lazukin missed out too. maybe they'll get really drunk tonight and shag in a park

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>poor girl will probably be ripped apart if she bombs there
And rightfully so.
She didn't even deserve this spot yet people still see her as a victim..

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Eugene Babbasi going to Worlds!!! Niiiice. We saw new breakdance session from Babasyan

Medloh, come back to the nest

ayy lmao

Did she already know at that time.

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Remember that medo is the UNDESERVED Russian cup champ and Zagi ROBBED us of Tuktik by choking and having Samodurova win euros

Russian skating is pure anime. You can make a whole TV series based on that.

Why??? Why Med representing Russia? Mom is jew, father is armenian. Why this half-blood stupid cunt representing MY GREATEST RUSSIA????

The resident Tutboloshok finally lost it lmao.

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If they were skating for a spot at the last competition one could argue that she did deserve it though

Total banger

Post Medo lewds.

I will go to church tomorrow and I will light a candle for the dead. RIP Eugenia Medvedeva. RIP TAT

chill user, we also have full yenta representing us at worlds.

Why not Tukt....


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oh the most powerful and most merciful Allah please do that Medva not going to the Worlds

Cute runglish

How is that Zagi's fault that ffkkr fucked Tuktik over ?

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I honestly don't know why Eliza hasn't switched federations earlier. She never gets any appreciation from Russia

A look back into a better, more hopeful time, when Eliza won both of her first 2 Grand Prixs, unheard of


>representing Turkey, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva-sama
My gf on the left



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How is she so dark?


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>page 8

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I wish Yulia was my wife

Is it normal for a famous person in Russland to just post their address like this?

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Did radionova secretly invent the floss?

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which event was this?



No address there.

hold on, liza is 22? i thought she was like 25

Why yuo no put address on license? Do you really carry your passport and shit to buy alcohol or cigarettes?

We have "internal passports" here. Everyone over 14 has one, so it's the default ID.

Is driving in Russia as scary as it seems?

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god damn she looks like Johnny Weir

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looks like a Japan Open

Are you retarded or just blind?

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don't be jelly, Johnny's husband

wtf, you guys said Hanna Harrell was a Latina. She's part Japanese

> Following the World Junior Championships, Hanna will visit her mom’s family in Japan.


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Harrell said her training for the World Junior Championships has remained consistent and that she’s training the same way she did before the U.S. Championships. With the Russian ladies currently dominating the junior scene, Harrell said in order for the U.S. ladies to compete with them they need to be consistent and also be willing to challenge themselves technically, noting that some of the top Russian junior ladies are attempting quadruple jumps. Harrell confirmed that she is working on her triple Axel and quadruple jumps, specifically the quad toe loop.

“I just want to be consistent,” Harrell stated about competing with the Russian junior ladies. “Also, even if I don’t have the quads at the moment, I want to be able to do my jumps with the higher GOE scores and show that my jumps are very nice.”

4th place Harrell, along with 5th place Ting Cui, were named to Team USA’s World Junior Team.

Bought some pumas today

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You gonna snap cross with them, user?

Conversations from Golden Share:

Utterly devastated for Liza.

I don't know if I can even watch the Ladies competition at Worlds knowing she's at home.

The Russian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST.
I think only Russians can say that. For a foreigner to say such words and in such a tone is unethical. Imagine if I said something like "The Australian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST". I'm sure you would not like to hear that. Please respect other people's feelings. Thanks.

plebbit/forum culture is so shit

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ZagiMed is cancer. One is silver thief and the other has become corruption personalized. They're decaying shells of their former selves suffocating Russian talent by their guaranteed team spots. Can't wait for them both to fuck off.

This was the performance that made people think, yes, we must send this girl to World's


Next time, mishin needs more bribe money, Tukt >>>>>>>> medo


>easily rigged elements
>stupid fans encouraging stupid behaviours
>emotional train wrecks everywhere

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sports in a nutshell

>Imagine if I said something like "The Australian Figure Skating Fed is the WORST"
I would hear them out and be fine with them having an opinion even if I disagreed with it

Partners in crime.

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Except Zagi 100% deserved OGM

Do you cocksucker think anyone will look after whom you wrote your crap?

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I was in church today and light a candle for Medva injure. Amen

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she is also from udmurtia as Zagi?
you did good

no, it's okay, it's just a meme, millions of cars obviously will result in many accidents but personally I found no difference with other countries, except for italians, they are crazy and drunk

> she is also from udmurtia as Zagi?
yes, but she's from Glazov, and Zagi from Izhevsk

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Udmurtia confirmed for cradle of russian figure skating

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Vizhu Nyashu

A yeyo net

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A teper' est'.

wtf are those


kinda want her to sit on my face desu

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>Evgenia Medvedeva's stay in Canada costs the RusFed 90 000$ a month

Source: youtube.com/watch?v=vZWD3oXSADY

>Evgenia Medvedeva's stay in my house costs the RusFed 0$ a month

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did they buy her a solid gold shitter or something?

absolutely scandalous. she must have dirt on the russfed.

I don't live too far from Cricket, I can save RusFed some money

How the fuck it costs that much money? Also I thought she had a pension because of her silver?


Too thick
