Reminder that Atletico win the CL, I told you niggas

Reminder that Atletico win the CL, I told you niggas.

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Reminder that Atletico will lose to a shit team oil team like PSG or City at their own statium*

> Atlético
> win
Don't use these two words in the same sentence.

The bear will eat his apples.

But we beat real Madrid and got a trophy already this season ;)

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>implying Bayern won't rape you

Who will they lose against in the CL final, lads?

Real Madrid

They won't lose Joaquin

yeah bro that cup is totally better than 13 UCLs combined ;)


Did winning the Europa league unjust Griezmann?

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Why are real madrid customers so butthurt at atletico? they refballed them TWICE in CL finals, atletico eliminated barca to prevent them from humiliating real in CL once again. they should be grateful as fuck to atletico

americans really have no identity

Because Atletico is the likeable team while Real Madrid is the sociopath furious about why they don't get ALL the attention

Have you ordered yours, brother?
Mine will arrive soon:)

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Atleti is likeable in the sense that they aren't barca or real. Any other teams that play them are way more likeable, just look at the juve game. Constantly hounding the ref, diving at every opportunity.. come to think of it, maybe that's just la Liga in general lol

>diego costa
>lesbian left back
>dont actually play football, just kick everything that moves

stick to supporting willem II, arnoud

Already bought mine months ago bro

>every team with penaldo

That's the thing, even with bonucci and cheillini diving all over and Juve being Juve they're STILL more likeable than atleti

>Atletico is the likeable team
sure, if you're a soiboy redditor who roots for 0 trophies underdogs.
let me guess, you also like AS Roma, Spurs, Dortmund

How exactly? Ateleti is the everymans, average Joe team. Literally Yea Forums's guys.

>Imagine being this much if a glory hunter

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>Thread is about Atletico
>Real and Juve get brought up

Good goy

Atletico is the 4-4-2 boomer muderball team, that is what makes them likeable.
And they aren't soiboy, it's a team in which everybody except Griezmann behaves like Sergio Ramos.


>He supports the Real Zoomer mentality.

>Atletico is the likeable team
They're famous for having the only ultras in Spain who actually kill people irl, an owner involved in every corruption scandal of the Madrid region, a penchant for signing utter cunts (Agüero, Diego Costa, Heitinga, Futre, Caminero, etc), and the Gil mafia family. Every decent person hates Pateti.

Griezmann also helps the team on defense and does act like a prima donna, otherwise he wouldn't be in a Simeone team

We know who’s going to win

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>Patético de Madrid

Fuck off

they don't bribe to win at least, they're pure


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Fuck cunt

Wow, let' take it easy

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its in Wanda Metropolotinao

Atletico aren't a soiboy but the people who like them are soiboys

Name 1 soiboy fan then

A la mierda el club de Torrente.

taxi drivers are Atlético fans, so no, not likable

Torrente se murió
