Redpill me on british soccer and its fans

Redpill me on british soccer and its fans

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they are worst.

first as always english faggots. im truly the king of Yea Forums. now suck my dick bongs

O dis based na?

they have 1 hp each

i think you have made a mistake there chap

more of these please

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It's a way for people who live mundane lives to have a personality. They don't care about the sport so much as identifying as part of a group with rivalries etc. It's kind of cool seeing fucking dropkick low league teams still having people attend the games but it's basically a social club.

t. going to a fourth tier scottish league game tomorrow

Filfy norfs, I see a norf cunt I'll deck im

Proper english lad, that ngubu. Love him as much as the queenie.

love my mates
love my lager
love my Soufs

ate Norf
ate Middul
ate Pakis

Simple as.

Do ye think OP is meaning an other sport?

Berwick Rangers?

Damn, haven't lol'd like that for a while. Please tell me there's more.


*cleans my windows*
Also your women really like brown guys here

loooool we need more of that

go fuck yourself ngubu's brother

Edinburgh City v Cowdenbeath

Was keen to Berwick away because it's a nice town but I'm busy that weekend

some essential souf/norf core

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fookin 'ate frogs

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jonny foreners just wouldn't understand

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wtf that's that dude from Harry Potter

Hello Laurent how is your achilles?

Any chance to score any black girls at games?

It’s Prince Charles also
>reads Harry Potter

this, seen a lot eastern european women marry indians here

How long have you been an Edinburgh City fan m8? Since they became good?

>he thinks someone recognized a person in a picture from reading a book

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This is too real

Wouldn't call myself a "fan" I just live next to the ground and it's cheap af. Hearts and Hibs are also both toxic as fuck and filled with brainlets who bang on about outdated sectarian shite, so it's nice to have City actually doing well

And people dont want him as King.

>scottish football

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kys (kill yourselves)

kys (kill yourself)

Where is the norf/souf OC coming from?
It's really very good

Im actually from Berwick, best town in England tbqh

someone post that belly push in da pub webm please.

from the brit threads on other boards

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