Official Animal Mascot Power Rankings

Here is a definitive ranking of the different animal classes. If your team doesn't have an animal mascot/nickname then it has no soul.

1) Birds
2) Mammals
3) Insects
4) Fish
5) Reptiles
6) Non-Animal (including weather)
9001) Amphibians

Attached: _83779957_thistlemascot.jpg (976x549, 59K)

For me, it's boiler man

Attached: west-brom-boiler-man-mascot.png (680x510, 686K)

For me, it's this incredibly fuckable cow

Attached: Buffalo_Bell.jpg (613x613, 47K)

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based thistle

Does a dinosaur count as bird or reptile? Either Way, Dino Hermann is based.

For me,it's Jaxson de Ville

Attached: 431eb5a052a6c46249439c213debd52c_crop_exact.jpg (900x600, 104K)

Reminder that people behind mascot heads are always dudes, no exceptions

They're actually really not.

So? It's the sexy girl cow he wants to fuck, not the sweaty man inside.

you are going to summon /mlp/ faggot

you already have

Attached: Miles+Kansas+City+Chiefs+v+Denver+Broncos+SGNCqGxzuTEl.jpg (444x594, 141K)

Most nip mascots look like something Tezuka made in his sparetime.

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why does the dragon have a penis?

Because he has to rape his rivals with something

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For me it's Blitz

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Never Forget

Attached: tutuba.jpg (797x899, 147K)

shalke use higuain as mascot

Attached: nak.jpg (396x594, 37K)

Undeniably the best

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