Our goal is worth more than 1 point because we are playing on the grass field that our opponent is used to

>our goal is worth more than 1 point because we are playing on the grass field that our opponent is used to
>and maybe because there are more opposing fans shouting at us or something

How do we fix football away rule?

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wtf is wrong with your american flag, fatty?

did you buy it from some chinese on the black market?

Ban all foreign plastics who do not understand it

shut up muslim fuck football is haram in youre countruy

home advantage is a very real thing when you play against bolivia

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Players playing at home have a peak of testosterone, meaning they are more endurant, stronger, and faster

Plus they haven't been tired out by travelling thousands of miles.

Players at home don’t have to travel thousands of miles
Players at home play on the pitch which is the size they’re used to and accommodates their teams style of play the most
Players at home play in the same climate that they are used to

Why play soccer?

Why do they wear the masks?

No, really. Is it because of all the flair smoke in South American stadiums?

Aren't UEFA getting rid of away goals after this season?

They are taking oxygen as some of the stadiums in SA have great elevations

Also irrigation, also support of their fans.

As if the smoke from the fans wasn't bad enough.

because of the high altitude in Bolivia

Attached: di maria.jpg (650x433, 39K)

>Players at home don’t have to travel thousands of miles
Every club has international players from thousands of kilometers away

>Players at home play on the pitch which is the size they’re used to and accommodates their teams style of play the most
Football fields all around the world are the same size.

>Players at home play in the same climate that they are used to
It rains all fucking day wherever you are in England.

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Damn, so Bolivia have a really powerful home advantage. They all have better blood oxygenation from the altitude. How powerful is their national team?

>Football fields all around the world are the same size.

>Football fields all around the world are the same size.

>Every club has international players from thousands of kilometers away
do they travel thousands of miles every week to play a game? No they usually live in their teams city, your whole argument is dishonest

>Every club has international players from thousands of kilometers away
Yes and they all live next to their club. Salah doesn't travel from Egypt every time he has a match lmao.

>Football fields all around the world are the same size.
Not true, in fact some fields are famous for having different dimensions. Like the Camp Nou being a little tighter to facilitate their style of play.

>It rains all fucking day wherever you are in England.
Yes and some people are not accustomed to that freezing weather. People die at 10C in some parts of the world.

They're really shit, but they sometimes win just because of the high altitude.

The ball is faster as well, since there's less oxygen so there is less air resistance.

They're fucking shit lmao but everyone struggles to play there. Once Maradona as a coach defended playing in the altitude and then lost 6-1 to them

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How rough is Quito vs La Paz? US also sucks at Azteca but that's only 7200 ft up

Holy shit I wish we weren't such sea-level scrubs

La paz is 12000 ft

Jeeze. Not even sure I could jog a 5k at that elevation much less a full game

Look at the stats of any tournament and you'll see more local victories

>Not even sure I could jog a 5k at that elevation
you never even jogged 0.1k, stop larping fatty

OP is either brilliant at acting thick, or is just thick.

FIFA refs usually help out with that. Except S Africa

This rule made much, much sense 60 years ago.

The question of why home advantage exists is an interesting one. Still, even if just as a trial run it'd be nice to see CL or EL knockouts without away goals

Yeah, they used to travel by bus, and the dimension of the field was much more diverse than now.

>be professional player
>"well if it's between sleeping in my house and playing at my workplace or flying to Bucharest to get screeched at by gypsies, I'm not sure there's much of a difference"

So no one here knows how to fix the home-away rule? Thought this place had brighter minds than redcafe.

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simply ignore it if the second leg goes to extra time

Whether home advantage exists is irrelevant. The real question is why losing 2-1 away should be better than losing 1-0 away. Why reward good attacking play by the away side instead of good defensive play? Yeah maybe we should want to encourage attack but the away-goal rule makes the home side defensive just as much as it makes the away side attacking, so it is neutral in that sense.

>Why reward good attacking play by the away side instead of good defensive play?
because everybody prefers to see goals more than good defensive plays

you guys are forgetting that away teams have to stay in hotels and fans wont let them sleep and stuff like that

But when you reward attacking play by the away side, you equally reward defensive play by the home side. It has no effect on the overall balance of defence and attack.