Are you guys ready for the tournament of the year?
2019 U20 World Cup
yes. unironically looking forward to this more than a lot of senior competitions just because it's hard to predict a winner.
I liked ukraine and portugal in the u19 euros, france was very good too obviously. don't know much about the other teams but argentina and uruguay usually have strong youth teams
>Not making the World Cup
>Evidently football is never coming home.
a bunch of their better players were withdrawn from the u19 euros (which doubled as a qualifying tournament) so they could sit on the bench for their club team's pre-season friendlies
that's their excuse anyway. in truth they were completely one-dimensional and prehistoric, relying on hoofball and set pieces to get anywhere, and I don't know if a couple more good players would've saved them
yeah, we're winning it.
>honduras haven't made it past group stage in 7 tries
They truly are Mexico Jr.
>OFC with 2 spots
What's runners-up?
Since England made the decision not to compete this time, for me it has to be Tahiti.
*dabs over your imported african players and wins the SEVENTH cup*
Where is Brazil and England?
2nd place: losing the final
it's not fair, africa can bring 5 NTs to the cup
you didnt even qualify
>current Under17s World Cup CHAMPIONS
>current Under20s World Cup CHAMPIONS
Not going to lie, genuinely disappointed we aren't going to be there to defend our title.
U20 is a nothing age group for European teams, u21s is the main one. U20 is basically the u21 C team. The fact Euro teams still dominate sudacas when south America's best youth players are all in the U20 is amusing too
where the fuck are england?
we have a nice team less a striker. If we had a decent one we would be top contenders
not our best generation I´m afraid but we should reach quarters at least
literally all the good U20s are already playing for their senior national teams.
didn't know we had so many u20 titles, are we the best at it?
this desu its like the europe league of world cups
yeah, Pekerman got tired of winning this shit
for me, it's Tahiti
also where the fuck are england, spain and germany?
>Mexico has more appearances than any other country
>best result is runner-up (and only once)
Kinda pathetic
For me it's Colombia / Portugal