Obnoxious “supporter” thread.
Obnoxious “supporter” thread
who do you support, OP?
How can two years old team have a star already?
Each league, even in Europe, has its own standards for stars. In MLS, you get a star every time you win the league.
What's obnoxious about them specifically, aside from the standard MLS nonsense?
>yfw based ATL Utd breaks the all time record for attendance in every North American """sport"""
>tfw based and redpilled tranny capo who flosses after every goal
feels good man
I think that's his point. How can they have already won the league.
By running a proper franchise
The people managing the franchise are very competent and the coach is really good by MLS standards.
just a classic C O P E by jewmericans and their plastic """"history""""
Shit league
because the league is terrible
Participation star.
Tata and his ability to lure South American talent
The mls is new but we are one of the first countries in thr world to play soccer
Don't even bother with him. This entire board doesn't believe history exists before the 1960s.
Out of all the teams in the MLS they're actually run like a football club and not some """franchise""" both the owners and fans are heavily invested into the club
>fans are heavily invested into the club
It is amazing how often >we get called plastic for being Atl Utd fans. I really don't get how that's supposed to work. Most of us were excited about the team years before they started playing, and its not like this is LA or NYC and we have another team to support already.
"Plastic" has lost all fucking meaning on this board. Fans of your rivals? Plastic. Someone who doesn't know every fucking stat like I do? Plastic. Is the team younger than 500 years old? Plastic.
Relax. Your team did good in the game last night.
t. plastic
I don't know much about MLS. How did they manage that?
Good owner. Arthur Blank actually gives a shit about both Atl Utd and the Falcons (disregard the past 2 seasons of bullshit).