

Attached: 46b19650.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Which rink has the best ice?
Bell Centre (Montreal) - 28.0%
Rogers Place (Edmonton) - 21.7%
Bell MTS Place (Winnipeg) - 6.6%
Xcel Energy Center (Saint Paul) - 6.0%
Scotiabank Saddledome (Calgary) - 6.0%

>Which rink has the worst ice?
BB&T Center (Sunrise) - 16.8%
Gila River Arena (Glendale) - 10.7%
Barclays Center (Brooklyn) - 10.7%
Honda Center (Anaheim) - 8.6%
PNC Arena (Raleigh) - 5.9%

What’s up?

BASED yotes

>no americas
>leaf poster

Yotes win

Attached: sketch-1550813097819.png (720x720, 168K)

start of thread reminder that hockey is for everyone


sam you are my bitch never forget it


Pm me haha

What a good day of hockey

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except the vile and dirty Estonians

Lola the can't pucks lost to some fucking. Team in the desert.


what type of phone you got satan?

Remember when bracketfaggot got laughed out of /hoc/ for his shit brackets over the holidays, good times.


>ted out of the ploffs

Attached: smuk_torts.jpg (620x349, 100K)


Can we all just agree that it'll be the Sharks vs the Bolts in the finals this year?

Truly neither the sharks can go Shorking nor can the bolts go bollocking this many times

>mild STILL in the ploffs

bracket is a good boy he dindu nuffin


sorry couldn’t find the dm function on Yea Forums but I’m drunk haha
cya tomorrow bb when my knights dab on your jets haha

Both joke jobs in the stan lee, not happening


hard disagree

This is 4channel

Oh. I was having a little Sammy confusey time. I hope it's a good game, I'll be making pina coladas. Don't worry friend. I still love you :) haha :)

The sky mate

>vegas 11 pts behind
>not a king or duck in sight
feels good to be a shork.

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You wish

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So yotes are going all the way?

who needs points when you’ve got grit

Please win... seriously

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G'day mate

lets throw another shrimp on the barbie?

exactly. haley was a great pick up by sj

Done (You)ing trips for the foreseeable future. Minor lapse in mental judgement. Faith gets tested some nights but we all prevail through the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
:) bless winnip eg Jets :) and hockey and finland :)

Begging for a division rival to win, fucking pathetic.

stay scared you fat cuck sharks are shit and so is your wife

Ducks sneak into the 8th seed.

Only to get BTFO by the sharks or preds AGAIN

/ouryear/ m8

>one XXL Carolina Hurricanes jerk t-shirt please

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sam a fuckwit

>we will win the cup this year

Attached: 20160725_120541_SJM-SHARKS-0605-29.jpg (525x350, 22K)

t. chang from changcouver

Oh look the "cant form a sentence" user is back.
Would only be good for the
I've heard this before

too bad the knights are going to btfo you in the ploffs again

Say that to my face and I'll end both our lives you son of a bitch

trips wont prevent the shorks from shorking

no chance this year. honestly, last year i expected it. not this one though. shorks win the cup. cap it.

"sam a fuckwit"

>sunbelt tripfag has to bandwagon a division rival

"sam a fuckwit"
take the first swing, kiddo.

i hope so, for your sake, because this year is >your team's last chance for a long time

good. get your hopes up. its funnier that way when things fall apart like always for the sharts

How the hell does anyone even have a safe bet on tube west winning? All the top teams right now in the west are full of chokers or have Finnish goaltending.

Your only schtick is your fat wife and your pathetic brackets and you can’t even get your brackets right 90% of the time.

whos tube west? sounds like a cool guy

This, I cant fathom cheering for another team in my division. The sunbelt truly is inferior.

looking forward to a rematch of last years wcf
faggot california teams need not apply

based and redpilled

Your only schtick is being forever alone and angry on 4channel and making huge exaggerations. Do you have a point?

*pisses everybody off*

Attached: dab.png (554x400, 77K)

>march 31st
flims vs shorks can't wait

tripfag projects his faggot emotions onto an anonymous imageboard and takes shitposting far too seriously
did I strike a nerve bracketcuck?

the last one sucked

I guess he doesn't.
>complains about taking shit posting seriously
>is mad over shitposting
Oh the iron knee

same, the last 2 games got pretty heated (get it? flames!)

i was in class. only saw the highlights. but a 4 point game on the last day of march should be pretty kino. plus i'll be there

>plus i'll be there
that's pretty cool desu

>bracketcuck is yapping away about nothing instead of posting his fat wife’s brapper
grim and yikespilled

wear a funny hat or something I'll keep an eye out for you on the tellie

If you wanted a grape pic you should have just asked m8. (Tomorrow, its zzz time)

I'd turn this lardy fucking flake into an oven ready pie faster than California could ban me. Want to meet in the middle bracket? Let's meet in Montana and after I roll you, and your probably blind wife (from the diabetes she ate herself into to avoid seeing you when she wakes up from now til her inevitable heart attack at 42) loses her ride back to the worst coast Ill have ranchers near by I can sell her off to

take a muscle relaxant or something jesus sam

cap this and post it before the game and ill post a picture or something

sam is obviously a power bottom right?


i think sam won me over lads

>need to rebuild
>wild tanking good
>nyr out of no where
>we win
fuck sake, fucking rags eat a dick you useless cunts

also, epic SP thread

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thinking this is pretty based but I won’t remember any of this tomorrow

Marchand or Rantanen ROS? Strictly points

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based rat for sure

Just got hit with that melancholic emptiness after realizing the majority of the hockey season is over and summer is quickly approaching, lads.

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G'day mate, let's throw another shrimp on the barbie

thinking about *shudders* getting a job after the season is over

>*moves slightly closer to a lockout*

summer means a break from stupid casual sunbelt anime faggot fans making hockey brackets that no one needs or wants so there’s that

thank cripes, I want the playoffs to start already

Had meat and taters for dinner with a side of peas and gravy just so you know.

brock boeser finally broke 40 points
do you think he'll break his 55 point total from last year?

what kinda meat?


speak when spoken to

Maybe some roast beef?

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very fresh
very pink
a little gamey

umm. shannon? the numbers.....





I'm conflicted.

On one hand, Burger King is arguably the greatest restaurant on the planet.

On the other hand, Canada hasn't won the cup since 1993.

So many thoughts, so many feelings...

I burned my mouth on some pull pork earlier today. I knew it would be hot but I took a bite and it was too God to spit it out. Delicious. Not as good as a whopper from Burger King, but delicious in its own right.

LOL my mom beat you at war

thinking about playing mario sunshine again lads

Lmfao which one tho and if you want you get your fucking ass kicked in 2019 come to Burger King you Pusey and sorry we don't serve dog meat, just broiled burgers


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Tampa isn't going to lose a game until next season.

I dare you to say some stupid sunbelt shit like that in Burger King.

yo burger king upp'd their chicken sandwich game. it's p much the same as chick fil a now.

Attached: shannon.jpg (500x500, 75K)

but i dont think burger king holds christian values

This format sucks desu

I bet Shannon is has a big ol dick.

maybe they'll serve it in hell then?

What the fuck? Come to Burger King and I'll crusade all over your 56% ass while you eat chicken fries. I recommend zesty sauce. Great pairing.

Fun fact: chicken fries take 8 seconds to fry

You could fry 98.5 billion chicken fries in the find since Canada last won the Stanley cup.


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Is that just including a singular chicken fry at a time or an entire deep fryer full of them?

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Considering only beaner Catholics eat there
(S for spit) I highly doubt Burger King stands for real Christian (protestant) values.

countries don't win stanley cups you dumb shill

Burger King? Oh we got those above this phone restaurant where your backpacker sister got gang banged with a bia Hanoi bottle when she was out finding herself.


Reminder that the US won a cultural victory over the gooks seeing that their entire country is now a Nike factory staffed by their disgusting buck-toothed children.

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Reminder we have more cups then Canada

based vietcong btfo of americans again

shannon is literally 5'3"

it's true. nhl franchises are not national teams

verifiably false

BASED charlie
*spirit in the sky plays faintly*

Also Canadians in the league are getting to be fewer and fewer as the NHL moves into the new era.

>being gangbanged is inherently a bad thing
in what world?


How can you shoot women and children?


easy. you just don't lead em so much

Wow, cool you guys are too good for Burger King. That's so neat. But have you thought about trying Burger King lately? It's easy to argue that Burger King is the hockey of fast food. It's got fighting, fucking, fisting. Everything a guy could want


Carls Jr. Is pretty tasty, lads. Love their onion rings

still #1 for now

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Fuck up cuçk

>leafs are the minority

wont be able to stay #1 forever though
USA has too big of a population and the game is getting more popular there every year
eventually there will be more Americans in the NHL than Canadians

Attached: 2018-19 NHL team nationality.png (1232x749, 70K)

pace is a meme, it's going to take more than 11 years

you're like /pol/ with white genocide

we still make up more NHL players than the USA despite being less than 10% of your population

>literally australia with snow thinks they can stay on top of world wide sport.
and that will not be the case for much longer.

this one is my favourite

Attached: Olympic Medals Hockey.jpg (1000x814, 167K)

RPH bros supsup

>be canadian
>haha you guys don't play our (English) sport. haha
>the rest of the western world. ok
>literally begins to dominate.
>haha.. it was j-just bants hah
>we're still on top for n-now

don't be so smug, American hockey teams have been part of the NHL since 1923. what's taking so long?

it was created in Montreal, how is it an "English" sport?

hockey is literally a tier 3 sport in the US m8. amerilards literally do not give a FUCK about hockey

implying amerifats care anything other than esports nowadays

Too true and honestly doesn't really offend me makes me feel special when I eat my whopper from Burger King over the unconscious body of someone who acted tough

>literally australia with snow thinks they can stay on top of world wide sport.
we are on top of a world wide sport, who knows how long we'll be on top, but for now we are #1 so deal with it

A part of me wished hockey was bigger here in the states but I also like being part of muh sekrit club and partaking in the superior sport with the lads.

i swear to god, if this burger king shill doesn't shut the fuck up, i'm going to mckick his fucking ass. a big mac with large fries are better than a whopper with "chicken" fries, and the whole world knows it.

do you think it will ever reach tier 1 status in the minds of Americans?

why did the craps waive dsp?

Just took a HUGE Canadian

literally the only good thing to come from Quebec aside from poutine and Celine Dion

So you dropped 150 pounds of pure gold and friendship into the toilet?

how many Olympic gold medals in hockey does Finland have again?

Where are the trades, Gary?

Attached: 6875F165-58C7-491E-8FC4-53151FC99EC4.jpg (500x333, 25K)

Absolutely no chance

Purchase Siegenthaler back and pay with cap hit and fat, slow, under producing forwards

thinking about a buttermilk crispy chicken with fries and a coke

Badabababa im lovin it

really hard to say. nfl is getting less popular but at the same time nba is really big and the mlb is slowly but surely fixing game time problems (imo the biggest thing holding it back) so it's hard to say what amiritards will latch onto next. i do think a lot of young people are getting into the nhl more recently.

>implying Canada has any more gold

>Some meme tournament played between KHL players.
Who cares?

At least try to mesh hockey into your shitposts.

also, i do notice more youth hockey clubs popping up in my area as of late.

500 years in the future skates will glide on telekinetic energy fields and pucks are made of holograms
hitting and fights are mandatory because stem cells regenerate players injuries simultaneously so the danger is nullified
hockey is the number 1 sport worldwide and cricket has gone extinct
mankind has evolved into higher beings of pure hockey and talent with 500+ hockey IQ
cybernetic enhancements allow players to play into their 90s

Mobile ban check Bertuzzi did nothing wrong

>We will never live to see the advancement and adoption of Cyber-Hockey
Hopefully our children's children's children will look back on us as the brave men who set these Business Ideas into motion and erect a statue dedicated to the brave souls of /hoc/ directly in the center of Cyber-Quebec in front of the Galactic Hockey Palace.

This is truly the art. Probably why Burger King has been the number one choice of hockey players and fans for nearly 490 years and counting

At this point climate has changed so much that Brazil has snow and they can play hokki on their favela roofs

>Now it's povertyball/divegrass
>Next millennium it's going to be povertypuck/diveice

sounds pretty badass

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Because he sucks? Devante smith SMELLY is like the hot dogs Burger King offered for a limited time. A nice idea, but definitely not putting asses in the seats or contributing to success. Don't get me started on the fucking O rings.

Rocket Propelled Harpoon (RPH)

>nfl can't even play football on south american grass. what makes you think we can play hockey on their non-existent roofs

Real Poignant Hours for poigant thoughts about deep pucks.

seems like somebody is insecure that a Canadian NHL team hasnt won the cup since 1993 (nineteen ninety three)

oh yeah

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Dude seriously, shut the fuck up. Talking shit to Canada abkut not winning the Stanley cup is like talking shut to McDonald's about being Burger Kings bitch. Show some fucking class this is hockey you stupid gay faggot fuck you.

stop trying to force burger peasant down our throats ok? its a 3rd rate chain

the tendies are 90% meat glue and the onion rings suck
even publix posters weren't this retarded

unironically arbys chicken sandwiches are tasty and not gross

have it your way

Thinking about IT now, thanks a lot

not sure what you mean friend.

I fucks with them curly fries, nah'm sayin


the game? fuck i lost

go to bed J-Roc

please dont post the roast, i didnt mean to stir up any trouble

I went to Arby's today. Shit wasn't bad. Honestly, it was ok. But nothing beats the he's sourdough king from Burger King after watching Sydney Crosby fight the starts team for pretty much no fucking reason.

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This image unsettles me. I feel like Shannon has to be shown this, though.

Who should I go for?

underrated post

could you help me get me a job as a BK shill? I could use some money

G'day mates. Let's throw another shrimp on the barbie

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Capitals because of Nathan Walker, the first Australian to win a cup. Capitals are the defending champions right now too

Attached: Nathan Walker.png (717x1024, 1.03M)

Sh-shannon......the n-numbers....the fucking numbers....





nevermind, I looked it up and Walker is a Welshman that grew up in Australia

just pick the team with the jerseys you think look the coolest

>he hasn't watched it yet

Imagine being named Dickinson

Yeah sure you just have to go to Burger King and win 10 fights in a row writhing 24 hours and prove you know about hockey


He is sending coded messages to the mothership. The numbers show the optimal locations for the upcoming alien invasion because he is an alien in disguise. I realized it on an adderall peak

is that how you got the gig?

>jets to get knocked out first round by the blues

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (152x162, 19K)

could you put in a good word for me? I don't have any good references but my criminal record is mostly clean

the Blues are a meme. Jets are invincible

what the fuck happened to the teds? i thought they were ok

my guess is tortellini lost the room

G'night chaps

G'mornin chaps

Actually I fucked your mom in exchange for a small value meal

Being Canadian puts you ahead of the curve and honestly the worse your record the better at Burger King we want people with no other options

that's insane. idk how you can drop that many spots that fast in the metro. weren't they 1st like a couple weeks ago?

They're like 2 points out with three games in hand shut the fuck up and eat a sourdough king you stupid moron

>L O L

Dude just try one it's fucking good idk why people sleep on Burger King probably some sunbelt shit I don't give a fuck I have it my way

5’3 with a 8” dick

only like 2" girth tho

2 hours until chinese hockey

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been thinking we need to bring cricket to china to increase worldwide domination

>trading away the GOAT

how to dominate world wide when not world wide?

Please send more 40 year old retiring NHL players to the British Ice Hockey Leagues, thanks.


cricket is a religion for the Indians and Pakistanis, and they're all over the world at this point. The longer time goes on, the bigger the subcontinent communities abroad, the more cricket increases worldwide domination. Claiming China would just speed up this process

you either dominate the world, or you don't. i wouldn't expect an aussie to understand that though

Zuccarello kompis.

The burger shill is the smartest poster here. Embarrassing tbqh.

t. burger poster

always more room in the commonwealth once you get tired of being on your own lad

>dominate the world
>scared of russia
>scared of china
>scared of cuba


But he played last night

>dominate the burgers
>whopper jr
>spicy crisp
>classic chicken
>knuckle sandwhich

how can you have the best burgers, when everyone knows your cheese is disgusting? :/

>scared of the entire globe.

What the fuck? Are you retarded?

*checks flag*
Oh sorry didn't realize

extremely unconvincing post this

>he doesn't know average american food is disgusting compared to average food elsewhere


expecting a thank you note in the mail for keeping /hoc/ active at these hours

help today my hometown team will play last match against league leader. they need to win today to have a small chance of getting into play off (one of two others teams who compete with >us need to loose).
do i need to kill myself with alcohol before or after the game ?

there's like 3 million of you. why are you pretending to be relevant on the world stage in any way?

after the game lad, wait until your team wins today so you can celebrate with the boys

>world stage
if the world is a stage, you're the poor kid who gets picked to be a tree. you're big and dumb and everything you do, you fuck it up.

shouldn't you be in /cric/ with the shitskins posting about men playing with balls?

pretty sure aus is more white than the usa m8

>cricket is a religion for the Indians and Pakistanis,
not cric though right? brown people dominate that sport"?

doing a big ol' minnesota wild right now

Dude, samat

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Girl on tinder asks whether i have plans on this weekend. Help me.

T. unexperienced at dating

well on saturday you're watching the stadium series

don't reply yes or no, say you're going to do some thing then ask her if she wants to come along

then take her your local rink and crush her into the boards

Well, do you?

Im an asocial hikikomori who downloaded tinder few days ago

you the nazi incel?

Nah, im an incel but not a hateful towards women

so just say "no, do you"

"I've got 10 minutes and 10 cm to spare"

Also known as Patrik Laine in 2019

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just delete the app lad. try again next month



I used to be subscribed to Shg for the non-game review videos but since he started getting shilled/forced here I’ve lost all interest. shall never watch another vid again

all good m8

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morning, /hoc/

How are you this fine scared morning?

I good, not scared at all in fact

what's for breakfast lads

good night /hoc/


apple with peanut butter and a banana

coffee and a cigarette

orange juice, black coffee and Copenhagen Longcut Straight

big trade today

someone said that yesterday

3 eggs, glass of milk and coffee

2 coffee at home, 2 or 3 when I get to the office. Lunch is 710 ml monster

rip kidneys

I had a friend in uni who would load up on that shitty instant coffee out of a tin every day. Wound up putting himself in hospital with an irregular heartbeat from all the caffeine

>counting coffee as breakfast

imagine being canadian

Attached: laffing.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

Coffee, protein bar and a yogurt.

i dont have to
its pretty great if i must admit

fucking based

Oatmeal, walnuts and REAL maple syrup

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Sharks desu

did all the avs fans start bandwagoning the >shorks or something?


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>celebrating the presidents trophy
oh nnonononooonoonoo

>celebrating regular season wins

Wild r back

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on o on o on o on o

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gonna love seeing tranpa gay lose to the 8th seed so it can be a repeat of the 2006 regular season all over again

>r-regular season champs
>p-paper tigers
>they'll lose in the second round again(hasn't happened since '03 but ok)
mfw lightning murder their way through the ploffs.

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what did you tell capital fans when they bragged about their regular season hardware?

no they just bing bing wahoo'd too hard

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what's gotten into him this year?

I mostly just expressed confusion. Those caps teams would straight up style on motherfuckers. I thought they had developed a legitimate complex towards the playoffs

just took a laine

>I thought they had developed a legitimate complex towards the playoffs
which is funny cause i feel the same way about tranpa!

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I like the canucks
please rig the lottery for the canucks thank you

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G'day mate, let's put another shrimp on the barbie

lightning are going to choke in the ploffs again and then cap crunch will gut their roster

>Laffs confirming the window is closing

That was quick

better sell the farm for another forward!

what? it's just one regular season game


John Tavares on #Leafs loss to Capitals: "We have to find a way to get a result, find a way to get to another level and be able to capitalize on our opportunities. Get some more pucks inside, get to the middle of the ice a little more...dig in & finding a way to break through"

well hes not wrong
willy looked like he played his best game all season at centre
too bad the scoreboard didnt reflect that

Screw shrimp. Eat dog.

whos better, Duchene or Stone?

depends on what the expected outcome is

Attached: hoccc.png (293x366, 156K)

most average non-answer in recent memory

if you were the GM and you were looking to add some scoring depth to your lineup, who would be the better player to target?

Congrats on being the most dominant regular season team since the 2011 Canucks. It turned out well for them. Maybe for you too?

scoring depth? duchene
if my team was able to put up points and had problems keeping the puck outta the net? stone

duchene has a huge ego though, it may not even be this simple

Can never have enough scoring down the middle

mcdavid is a fuckin goon

She say she wanna work out
I tell her squat on my dick

She say she want to work it out
I tell her put my dick into your lips

only 10am and i'm already craving some lunch lads

Carolina is gay and bad at hockey

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Is it odd how an absolutely awful team has two A+ trade assets?

fuck off pedo tourist

dorion is a full retard is why

North Carolina is the laughing stock of the sunbelt
t. Tennessean

scored myself alexisonfire tickets

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Would drop a Finn with a slap of the wrist. FUCK YOU

would you take chris kreider on your team?

Holy shit Duchene to the Preds

are any moves the preds make actually gonna help the team at some point?

Pekka for Bob

depends if killing the goalie is the only way the team could win the series

it was axidentel oy vey

Big bulls hell yeah Finland

t. Mohammed bin Kidafuckah

Shut the FUCK up

Going to the symphony this weekend lads

Mark stone to the islanders for brock nelson

delusional weeb


Can you feel it?

39 years since the amerifats have won mens olympic hockey gold today.
Will they ever win again?

Attached: 17104477.jpg (465x465, 103K)

Who cares?

not americans, they have given up on their men

turns out you do

Attached: awkward-old-man-smile (1).jpg (600x600, 54K)

I don't watch the olympics, I'd much rather watch the NHL. Let canada have their golds for all I care.

honestly wouldn't be surprised by the way american culture is going if all the usa national team cut their "dicks" off and played in the womens tourney.

Hello can i have some panthers memes?

You act as if Canadian culture is any different

Here you go lad

Attached: meme.jpg (1200x710, 712K)

how many canadian olympians cut their cocks off and now are "women"

That faggot jenner is not a women and never will be.
Same goes for the rest of those mentally ill freaks.

Any more?


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My team? It's Carolina Hurricanes.

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Fuck off Hal you brokedick fucking faggot

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Isn't it literally illegal to misgender someone in Canada? You can't talk shit faggot

holy fuckin yuck

Nah they are all reddit/facebook tier

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surely you could find someone being prosecuted for this if it was illegal

He can't because he's full of shit.

The gay community?

Attached: AJ styles.png (496x928, 237K)

Thread theme

Roman Josi is unquestionably the most handsome man in the NHL

FUCK matt duchene

>two sunbelt teams shaking hands while a POC holds two rainbow sticks and a furry looks on
I just had breakfast

Fuck off cunt

Not only are you gay but you are also wrong.

>he doesn't know

Yeah. Yet another dummy letting other people tell him what to think.

Yeah you're righ-

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>sup bro, you coming to the canes game with us?

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Sorry I have to stick needles in the tip of my dick


To Columbus Blue Jackets:
F Matt Duchene

To Ottawa Senators:
F Vitaly Abramov
2019 2nd RD Pick
2020 4th RD Pick (*conditional)

duchene to teds

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>it's real

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>not even the equivalent of a 1st round pick
ehhh 3 prospects for the value of one isnt the worst thing in the world, but the sens also gave up turris in the process

overall a net loss for the sens and the teds got another team jumper that have to tie down before/during free agency

this isn't official yet

imagine having never seen your team lift the stanley cup

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how are the bing bing wahoos so fuckin bad lmao

imagine being a bully on /hoc/

i dont have to imagine

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when was the last time SNES won a trade?


where's your source

>trusting a finn

stupid fucking finns OUT

Aaron Portzline
Verified account @Aportzline

#CBJ have acquired Matt Duchene from Ottawa #Sens. Prospects Abramov and Davidsson part of the deal, but more coming from #CBJ
8:51 AM - 22 Feb 2019

Darren Dreger


Confirming Matt Duchene has been traded to Columbus. Details to come.

>shatt dushit wants playoff hockey
>traded to columbus
oh no no no NO


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teds lost the trade idiots

chasing a cup by team jumping is the most futile shit
how many players achieved their goal?

if duchene doesn't sign the teds are straight up retarded

this was amazing for ottawa
anything was better than losing duchene for literally nothing in free agency

nice cope, Eugene

Duchene will recreate the sens situation with Columbus : 1st round pick traded They lose their two biggest stars in Panarin and Bob (same as Hoffman and Karlsson) Jackets will tank hard and lose a potential top 5 pick

Duchene is therefor the hockey equivalent of the horsmen of the apocalypse, when he comes to your team, you're fucked

I wouldn't see this trade happening unless he would be.

based retardbro

Wait, will BJs not trade Panarin and/or Bob then?
They, potentially, have three stars going UFA this summer then

>copy-pasting things from reddit.

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>getting fleeced by the sens
how dumb can you get


>all that for a rental 2c
absolutely hilarious

julius bergman going to jackets too

>#CBJ have acquired Matt Duchene from Ottawa #Sens. Prospects Abramov and Davidsson part of the deal, but more coming from #CBJ

>Unless a team really steps up, CBJ content to keep Panarin and go for it.

Damn, they're going all in this year, only to be royally fk'd next year?

laterally who

They were always going to be fucked next year because of Bobrowski and Panarin I guess.

Reckon they could've gotten a fair deal for trading Panarin and/or Bob at the deadline desu

>Duchesne finally out
Eh. To be expected. Now if they also trade Stone I am officially done with this team.

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i kind of respect going all in right now considering how fucked they were in the summer anyway, but i doubt it'll pay off if bob doesn't get his head out of his ass
he seems to actively want to lose games sometimes

Yeah, they wont even be able to sign duchene once he realizes what a faggot torts is. Maybe they'll win a playoff game this year tho

hallelujah i'm so happy this locker room cancer didn't land on the jets

hope you can get stone desu
would be based

>mad at torts

top ten anime betrayals

We're comin for that wildcard spot btw

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>still thinks shartorella is a good coach
howling at this lad

i'd love that. jets are in dire need of a shakeup and stone seems like a great addition. also if maurice hasn't changed the lines by the next game i'm gonna fucking say it

What if the jackets also land stone?

That would be better than expected from Dorion if actually true.

He made Columbus good

>teds think they are actually contenders and sell the farm for a 3C

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everyone thought Jack Blue was to be seller at deadline, but Jack Blue is buyers instead

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True, however knowing how fk'd they'll be, I don't see why they'd trade so much for what could very well be a rental
The BJs playoff history isn't exactly great, imagine if they lose in round 1 and Duchene doesn't sign
Torts does seem to have a habbit of throwing his players under the bus
>So if Duchene re-signs in CBJ, it would two firsts plus the two prospects.

TED what is you opinion on this

fuckiNG TEDS


But no one wants to pay anything for them even as rentals, especially Bob who wouldn't even be that useful as rental anyway.

douche shane has been on so many teams now, what the fuck is his problem

>deal includes a 1st rounder
What an overpay. Don't care about Duchene but this sets the trade market very high which is bad for other teams looking to add pieces.

does jarmo really think they're making the playoffs ? lmao
giving up 2 prospects and a 1st just to miss then all of duchene panarin and bob walk llmmaaoo

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Won't be long before Shannon shares his take on this trade lads
I don't think Bob would bring in a lot, true
But looking at how much was given for Duchene, realistically Panarin could bring in more than that?

how many playoff series' have you won with him?

But columbus isn’t good?

pooshayne played in the top 6 for the senators because they were shit. hes a 3c on any good team maybe lower

>Believe the full trade is: Abramov, Davidsson and a 1st RD pick for Duchene and Bergman. And a conditional 1st RD pick if Matt Duchene signs with Columbus

>actually getting fleeced by Dorion
How does such a thing even happen?

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Sens won the trade imo. This is coming from a leafs fan.

fucking called it lol

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F Vitaly Abramov
2019 2nd RD Pick
2020 4th RD Pick

where do you see 1st round there?

*mumbles semi-coherently about numbers for 15 minutes*

snes are trying to tell themselves they won but all they got was a literal who and garbage picks

Poochene kills any team hes on.

RIP any Columbus fans here.

are u looking at some fake twitter account or something lmao

pay attention you idiot fuck

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Sportsnet: But what does this mean for the maple leafs?

does anyone know who abramov and davidsson are, and whether they're good?

>Bread Guy
>Bob's Rocky
>no deals in place for next year
is this extreme all-in Cup-or-bust possible?

Pens/Canes/Teds in a race to see who gets to be BTFO by the Bolts

it'll be a fairly high 1st round pick

>PPG+ production
>3C or lower

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Abramov: 20 RW, Yr 1/3 $731K Cap Hit then RFA. '16 3rd. 22P in 52 AHL GP.

Davidsson: 21 RW, Yr 1/3 $768K Cap Hit then RFA, '17 6th. 20P in 35 SHL GP.

Shitter AHL players

so if columbus make the playoffs their first round pick is low
whose 1st is the second one?

Can't wait for the decorative whiteboard with the stats he reads up!

>1st just for a rental
>2 1sts if he re-signs
ah to live in the scenic hockeytown of Columbus, Ohio

Abramov was a 50 goal scorer in qmjhl

Abramov is supposively a very good prospect

Darren Dreger:
>Potential of two first round picks along with the prospects looks like good return for Ottawa. Don’t know much about Davidsson, but Abramov is highly touted.

Davidson is good holy shit

I'm using a trusted Finnish source ()

columbus very well may not make it, so this is potentially the highest draft pick ottawa was going to get for him

Yes Ottawa, yes! Trade your better players so that you can fulfill your destiny of being the worst team in the league. Make the Avs stronger!

>jackets missing playoffs
>with a better roster than yesterday

He's never been point per game in his entire career and he's 28. why would you make that claim when a simple google search proves you wrong?

>Lots of reasons to believe the Blue Jackets aren’t done loading up.


>trading your player to the other team the day of a game
brutal Melnyk

You are giving SHL way too much credit imo

>they're now better on paper so that guarantees they make it even though they are literally out of a playoff position

>He's never been point per game in his entire career
>why would you make that claim when a simple google search proves you wrong?

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all their players on the trading block didn't play yesterday anyway

Yes, keep trading away your future in order to be the ultimate bubble team!

even if they are the worst team in the league there is no guarantee they will get 1st overall pick for Colorado

>duchene playing tonight

Oh it's the Sens. You just know they'll win the lottery the year their 1st round pick belongs to another team.

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True, but I'll be happy with a top 5 pick.

I can honestly imagine the lottery and snes getting 1st overall pic.
Then it literally goes to Avs.
I can imagine the asspain.

The way the avs are going they're probably going to get 1st and 2ns pick.

What if that bubble team wins the cup

brb betting my life savings on a sens win tonight

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Business idea: /hoc/ to become Sens new GM

I'll put in £250,000 to help buy them

the sens fanbase doesn't deserve it but the ownership sure as hell does


/hoc/ is chaotic evil
it would be a disaster for the nhl

Hossa did it. Jumped from the Pens to the Wings, then got traded to Chicago and won the cup.

new /hoc/ thread since there isn't one

so you are actually retarded

>no subject
Literally one job


fuck denmark

Don't bully Denmark.

i lub denmak