ITT: we post god tier kits

ITT: we post god tier kits

I always really like this Barca one

Attached: EAD28830-B757-48C0-A335-D4818ED2B5EE.jpg (976x549, 72K)

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dude lets copy and paste a color gradient and call it a day lmao

Milan 11-12

Attached: images (22).jpg (660x465, 49K)

i remember this was one of default gradients in photoshop

This, I hate when the kits are one color transitioning into another. It’s so fucking gay.

Attached: New-Liverpool-Third-Kit-13-14.jpg (540x427, 46K)

Attached: kids-playing-soccer.jpg (607x373, 70K)

This desu. Dont know why people in general hated it.

Because its a Liverpool kit

Attached: cropped_France_2014_World_Cup_uniforms.jpg (1280x966, 93K)

For me, it's Inter kits

Attached: goatnaldo.jpg (1280x768, 191K)

This. I literally wore it like a shirt, it's that classy.


Attached: Screenshot_14.png (676x375, 709K)


Attached: Johan-Cruyff-Ajax-1972.jpg (615x534, 53K)

Attached: fiorentinaretro.jpg (625x838, 129K)

Because it's ugly.

>that delicious collar
>that 'just right' hue of red

One of the best jerseys we've had in the past decade or so, even trumps our 2008 CL winning one

Attached: 17._2006-07_cristiano_ronaldo.jpg (700x420, 31K)

Cool pubes hanging out. Should make this a fashion

only good answers

Can buy here if anyone's interested

>Van bomel

God I miss the old milan