>July 16, 2021
2 years to prepare.
>July 16, 2021
2 years to prepare.
even if it's a great film, 90s nostalgiafags would say it's shit
Who gets a cameo Yea Forums?
the original was absolute shit, cant see this sequel being any better
Top 5 free agents next year
lebron will use this to recruit
So the same as 90s nostalgiafags' opinion of Lebron
Lebron could have easily been the GOAT. He's not because he is a terrible team mate and a bitch.
Lebeta chokes at the end and the alien monstars win.
Can we swap Damien Lillard for LeBitch though? Would be a much better move.
so was MJ
Its shit
only the first one, and not to the same degree
Do kids even watch looney tunes anymore?
I'm pretty sure the movie is a trap designed to milk nostalgic boomers who will bring their kids with them as an excuse to watch children's cartoons.
All the kids at the theater will ask their parents the same two questions:
1- Who is the talking rabbit?
2- Where is Steph Curry?
He'll miss a three but get fouled on the rebound, and in typical LeBum fashion he'll brick them both
well of course it is, they're out of ideas and all the kids that watched it growing up will pay to see it
Obviously they gonna have Shaq and Chuck on there. Chuck gonna watch some players get their powers stolen, be like "yo that happened to me" and Shaq gonna say "Well why didn't they ever give it back?"
Why is LeBron so obsessed with Michael Jordan?
Jordan was like 5-0 when he made Space Jam
Lebum will have missed the postseason and went 3-8 or worse by 2021
I think he’s gonna remarket himself like Kapernick did as like a black civil rights activist or some shit that gives out scholarships.
Chuck gonna be watching some player getting their powers stolen and be like "Lisn Ernie lemme tell you somin, Krispy Kreme da bess donut round and lemme tell you somin, wen u see dat hot sign light up you gots to go" and Shaq gonna say "how many rings you got aint got no rings dont you ever disrespect me you no rings having bum".
Did LeBron only move to the lelkers to star in this flick?
That seems like as valid a reason as any.
He certainly didn't move to win.
Why can't the current generation make or appreciate anything original
How much cgi is in the budget for LeBron's hairline?
currently sneed
Boxing is the only sport suited for film.
dude you might not even be wrong
Mel blanc has been dead for 30 years anything Looney tunes related will always be shit
Lebron isn't really on the same level as Michael Jordan though
That will hurt the film in itself, also Space Jam is sort of a product of its time, and Looney Tunes has lost a lot of relevance since then. Tough to tell how this will do
>LeBron enters the Steven Universe universe and proceeds to talk about the importance of LGBT acceptance for the entire rest of the 135 minute runtime.
it will flop
Come on now. Everyone knows who Bugs Bunny is. Even zoom zooms and Big Chungus.
I liked it as a kid but when I watched it again out of nostalgia I realized it was indeed shit.
They should've done a Blood Bowl film with Tom Brady or Gronk.
looney tunes back in action is the real shit
Fuck, that was my shit during my childhood. That and The Mummy are Brendankino. I didn't expect to spot a Dalek in it.
This tbqf. Space Jame was a high concept movie incorporating fads of the time. I don't see a point to recycle it.
By 2021 lefraud will be ousted as NBA's rousey
fucking THIS
finally someone is figuring it out. LelBum ONLY moved to LA for movies and hollywood connections so he can star in more movies when he retires.
literally s.o.y.: the movie
>no Space Jam with Manu Ginobli
So basically he's going the full wilt Chamberlain circle? Nice.
What series was that?
space jam 2 should be set in a virtual reality game universe where lebrony meets sonic and mario
Pretty sure it was one of lebrons 6(six) finals losses
Featuring Duncan, Ginobili and Parker would be neat
No superstar but a superteam
>Monstars challenge lelbron
>lelbron assembles a team of beloved Looney Tunes characters
>midway through preparation lelbron becomes disgusted at the lack of talent by the characters
>tensions rise and two days before the game, he trades half of the team away for a bunch of players past their prime
>he puts up a 40-10-10 statline in a close loss to the Monstars coached by Skip Bayless
>Kevin Durant joins the Monstars for Space Jam 3
One of the Cavs/Warriors Finals
You forgot the part where he also gets the coach fired
Is LeBron even capable of reading the script?
The Warriors are the official Onions Squad and Steph is the onions boy wonder. Only high test men appreciate LeGod.
The only thing he chokes is your wife with his dick&balls in her mouth
I just watched space jam for the first time today - i have no nostalgia for the looney tunes but their humor was the only thing that made the movie watchable
>Yea Forums
>female contact
nice "comeback" ching chong ding dong
Not gonna lie, if the Monstars show up with Durant in tow, that would be pretty hype. Durant's definitely trolly enough to do it, but the ego hit might be too much.
Can't wait for politics to be shoved down our throats.
>tfw the r kelly song starts playing
Metta World Peace
Allen Iverson
Tracy McGrady
LaVar Ball
Lonzo Ball
Jason Williams
Dwyane Wade
Carmelo Anthony
Barack Obama
>tfw Space Jam 2 is coming out sooner than Barkley: Shut Up and Jam 2