
bulju edition

Attached: bulju14.jpg (780x795, 315K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Which rink has the best ice?
Bell Centre (Montreal) - 28.0%
Rogers Place (Edmonton) - 21.7%
Bell MTS Place (Winnipeg) - 6.6%
Xcel Energy Center (Saint Paul) - 6.0%
Scotiabank Saddledome (Calgary) - 6.0%

>Which rink has the worst ice?
BB&T Center (Sunrise) - 16.8%
Gila River Arena (Glendale) - 10.7%
Barclays Center (Brooklyn) - 10.7%
Honda Center (Anaheim) - 8.6%
PNC Arena (Raleigh) - 5.9%



can any finns enlighten me about these procents

Crosby is genuinely a HUGE fucking pussy


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I dare you to leave, bitch

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Imagine losing a game because Tom “suspended for life” Wilson scored short handed on you.

>filthadelphia fryers

Holy fucking based


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Things are getting rowdy down in Florida.

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>pongs chimping out

Is there bigger pussy than crosby?


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how do I achieve this natty?


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what a cunt

for the love of god someone please take Shattenkirk. Whats your favorite restaurant? I'll throw in gift cards and some sticks and pucks

If this is what happens when Haley is in the lineup I'm super into it

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phil kessel

I thought you guys were saying Malkin and Crosby are elite?

Can you remind me where the biscuit is supposed to be put, friend?


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No one can kill ted
He will just die and post his cock

>a job that stresses you out helps you grow a job that bores you makes you atrophy

A job that stresses you takes years out of your life and is not worth wasting your time on, you live only once. It can also drive your optimism and hope to sink

may I ask where you work?

Sabres are tied with the LGBTning in the 3rd period somehow

Bob erry

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well, You need to work on the bod, and the oil work is something You'll just have to work at, it don't come natural
But the real job is choosing the right Speedo
>DO NOT choose the wrong speedo

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>Donato 0+2
Thanks Boston for giving us better and younger player for Coyle. Oh and that 5th round pick.


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leafs suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

they suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

How are the canes still winning this

I see what you did there and it's pretty based.

based wookie

Ask Your Mother

Kinda miss >u will be poster. Much better than sunbelt shitters

With the power of memes.

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That win streak seems like so long ago

Gift cards are the biggest scam to ever hit the face of the earth

This has been running through my mind for a week now
Literally nothing

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meant to quote this but thank you for rolling with it


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How will the dorito maybe laffs recover from losing again to Boston?

barclay is starting to grow on me lads. not gonna lie

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>tfw no finn gf

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bigger than fractional reserve banking?

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>Bobby Ryan

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>risto gets a penalty for hitting someone
Fuck right off with this shit actually

>no lefs on 3 game losing streak

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Gotta say, big fan of Latviafren. A great acquisition by /hoc/ last season.

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imagine getting shutout by jones

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>when you stop talking to a tinder match you added on snapchat for a week and she has a mental breakdown and posts novels about trust and self worth in her story

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looking forward to the bruins eliminating the leafs in the first round again

Can you calm the fuck down ref?

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>mad at numbers


don't forget

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but playoff jonesy goes super saiyan

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what has he won?

also sharkies desu although who the fuck was in net for pongz

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it's certainly a bigger scam than gift cards

Somethings never change and it's getting old

>you have to win a cup to play well
burgers really are absolute morons

guess the mild rebuild isnt on lmao

faggot bracket fat wife ducks fan loser

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GG Florida.

Update that shit, Bracket. >We're in this.

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>It was 2-0 oilels

jesus lmao oilels suck

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>morple queefs

top jej

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That's because Boston gave us better and younger player than Coyle. Lmao Boston.

yeah you are kek get rekt

ok so what has he won in the playoffs?

fuckign sunbelt retards
i hate mexican san jose "fans" so fucking much. you reddit tourists are by far way more annoying than canes shills and predditors

Every now and then, Sammy boy goes ahead and posts something based.

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Reminder I would've voluntarily went in for 72 hour lockdown if it wasn't such a far drive and I'm gainfully employed. If you're a neet you're scum

can't wait to see them get eliminated by the knuts in round one

La the shorks are the most based sunbelt team

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Wow, you almost formed a sentence.

with more cope and rationalising

Stan Lee in 2014

Thanks, fren. Not thinking about getting traded haha

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I love your work and fap to your wife every night

I would disappoint her SO hard

meet me at the tank on the 1st. i'll heem you clean

she's cute and seems really fun, would date

>being this mad
are you one of those yinzers we just wafflestomped

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>Not thinking about getting traded haha
Goodness, no. We wouldn't let you go. You're a franchise player for sure.

don't worry the pens are getting passed by the canes anyway

>his fat wife literally cucks him and he brags about it on 4channel
stay mad pussy

Have a (You)

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go back

we all watching buffalol and trannypa?

>the tank

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has there ever been a good player who hasn't won a cup?


Want to sniff Caroline Camerons Cunt

Why is Tampa Gay so fired up in all their games? Do they really care about the regular season that much?


Because the sharks are always tanking

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>Saint Blowis Blow getting blown out by the Dallas Stars
fine comedy

Could you clarify what you mean by this?

lol @ oilers picks past first round
(all under 150 NHL games and like 15 players to have done jt)

I would eat the fuck out of caroline camerons pussy

>not her armpits


not good

the sedins
fuck boston

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Thornton isn't good.

you have to win the Lee to be good

also not good

joe thornton sucks and is a true plebfilter

Eating pussy is gay

Is holtby good?

>72 hour lockdown
you say this like I'm supposed to know what that means


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then I'm gay af

No it fucking isn't. You're gay.

Spotted the italian


is his name on the cup?

if you'll suck pussy you'll suck anything

Holtby is the worst starting goalie to ever be credited with a Stanley Cup win.

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sick and tired of incels lads, i can't wait for them all to kys themselves

Nash and Lundqvist.

I'd like to verify these Dubs
and add myself to the pile of Pussy, #MeToo

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Are they gonna win it all?

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No wonder your dad is so popular

What does this poster even say

I literally just did this 10 minutes ago

>not tipping back a long, tall, cool pussy

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Holtby has more rings than padqshit . Luongo is the only goalie that DESERVES a ring but sadly he's only ever played for SHIT teams

>pens lose
>habs/canes win
They're missing the playoffs, aren't they?

will win every game in ot and won't score a single powerplay goal
t. knower

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Leafs will tank for wildcard so we don't have to face the Bruins. Do your part, Habs.

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there is no such thing as a player "deserving" to win a cup

Um sweetie the cucks were the best team in the league at one point, they made it to the finals

How much cope do they have left at this point? Surely there must be a limit.

steve ott deserved to win a cup

see, jones does have a chance.

Are we still greentexting >Rags?


>there is no such thing as
Uh huh

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Martin Jones is ELITE

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pk subban deserves a cup





If Holtby could win a cup, then the Sharks' memetending tandem could absolutely win a cup.

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Their time has passed anyways desu. Crosby and malkin are too old to carry the team of literal whos

i knew you'd post it.

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Honestly should ban the >rags because that guy didn't lick the bench. Even that shorks fan bothered to put toilet water in his mouth.

no no, that's malcolm

Divepuck McSlashy does not deserve a cup until he can go an entire playoffs without trying to kill someone after the whistle.

based Bergy

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Reminder: racism (especially racial slurs) outside of Yea Forums is explicitly against the rules. It’s your responsibility to report posts that violate this.

>Malcolm X captaining the Black Panthers to an honorary Stanley Cup

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He's right, Ewe know

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Fuck off nigger

snitches get stiches

ive legit been posting this image for like 2 seasons and this is the first time ive seen anyone repost it

Mark Stone to Calgary you heard it here first

Pipe down, moon cricket.

the snes are literally going to lose all their players to free agency for nothing



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melnyk doesnt give a fuck

Okay, now this is something we can all get behind. It's 2019.

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I doubt it, the sens want more than the flames can offer

what's a moon cricket

Fuck outta here, smoke. Don't make me grab my rifle. Go on, git.

>Sleep after work
>Miss a shutout

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tampa getting serious refpuck

He will when the shekels stop

calgary has lots of first round picks to work with


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>we're supposed to be scared by a team taken to a shootout by buffalo

As a Preds fan fuck Subban. He's overrated and was the reason we lost to the Jests last year. Forgot what game but if he didnt try to slash at someone they wouldnt get a PP goal that caused the series to go on.

>his hate for the shorks increases every day

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all part of Melnyk's plan

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finna boutta hit dat shit soon

In Dorion’s Tenure as Sens GM he lost:
Kyle Turris
Derrick Brassard
Mike Hoffman
Erik Karlsson
Marc Methot
Dion Phaneuf
Mika Zibanejad
Matt Duchene
Mark Stone
Ryan Dzingel

Calgary has 1 first round to work with
and not much cap space because they have to resign Rittich and Tkachuk in the off season

>so many dood.weeds out there

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dats raycis

it's literally all the ownership's fault, Dorion is doing what his boss tells him.

what stupid faggot jew thought the shootout was a good idea?

And you idiots fell for the bait. Enjoy your vacation because I have reported all of you.

Absolutely BASED

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melnyk has kind of forced his hand a few times and its not like the other gms are going to help him out.

is this a virus?

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careful lad

fuck hockey
fuck jews
fuck niggers
and fuck gary bettman


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no, it's something i put far too much effort into four years ago

>league leading sv%
>tied for 1st in league in shutouts
>seething snowbelters will still shit on him

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It's funny because he isnt going for the daughter. He's actually going for the pie.

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looks like playoffs are BACK ON THE MENU BOYS

>raging buffanigger

imagine if this team had been held together with a decent goaltender
people talk about the mismanagement issues leading to the current state of the oiler, but the penny pinching on melnyk has actively sabotaged the senators chances of winning a cup

It's impossible to hate Vasy

dumb fuck faggot can’t wait to see your faggot team choke in the conference finals AGAIN you useless sunbelt FAGGOT
also your mom doesn’t love you

>#FlaPanthers D Keith Yandle pretty ticked at his team having to kill eight penalties — including a pair of 5on3s. Said he overheard linesmen talking about penalties they were going to call, said it was “premeditated.” Carolina took five penalties including two in the third.

one of the worst songs of Van Halen

What will have been better? >rags in 2014 or when Tampa gets bounced in the first round?

I can't stand you fags..

I love (You), TB
You're my Red Wings of the South

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Think of the advertisers user

Don't forget.

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remember this was a team that made benjamin bishop seem good


1 & 2 in goaltender wins. suck it snowbelt

assilevsky is overrated as fuck

We're cartilaginous

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That one guitar riff has more to offer than your entire country.

Go somewhere else then, you massive cock gobbling queer.
This is a man's general, I bet you don't even qualify to post here.

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But he is from the snowbelt you retard, I dont hold it against him that he plays in the slumbelt

Big if true

Think of my foot up your ass

>tfw Yzerman will be your gm in 2 yrs
I’m all in on Breezy now; can’t hate Yzerman no matter what he does. Please cherish him as we have.

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Don't use Jones as a positive example for anything, please.

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Vasilevsky's not even the best goalie in the state of Florida. Luongo, now THERES A GOALIE

I was about the say the same exact thing, but I didn't want to make Grecian cry

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I didn’t think anything would top >laffs elimination day for me but it looks like tranpa gay will take that cake

/cric/ is ban evading again. Why do jannies put up with them?

facts is facts, fren

Let's just combine /hoc/ and /cric/. That's what everyone wants anyway. We'll call it /crichoc/.

He's so mad its cute

>implying /cric/jannies even give bans to /cric/ posters

because they're sound lads with an excellent culture?

Heh nothing personnel stupid fucking LA nigger beaner faggots I hope Vlad nukes you first

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It's called /croc/

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Kucherov MVP confirmed

Abso fucking lutely Not

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seething american snowbelters are ruining /hoc/

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rare based post by a nashhit fan

None of you have any idea how fucking furious I am right now , and I'm actually having a good night

Imagine being a sabres fans and thinking your team was elite because they won a few toss-up OT games

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i just wanna go back to making pixels with the lads

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good post Hans

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they could make it work, they would just have to give up some roster players to free up some cap space

Jones did god today, so he deserves it. But just for today


>back on top of the jest

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HATE sunbelt
HATE cric
HATE sweden
HATE >rags
LOVE finland

simple as

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kys you useless faggot
I hope vasy breaks his fucking ankles

fill in the rest of the Green Arrows
I made a lot more

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At this point you'd rather have the blues matchup.

love everybody

Nashville is a Chad only zone

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im never going back to this because i know someone probably wrecked all my shit

an absolutely sound lad has been keeping the pixel rink pristine. the most based.

can’t wait for the playoffs for all the faggot tranny florida fans to fuck off after their useless team gets eliminayed

fuck playing the blues right now, would rather sweep dallas

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thanks fren

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>Blues going to drop an 11 game winning streak to the fucking Stars
Could have at least dropped it to a less embarrassing opponent, guys.

Please, have a seat while I phone the HR office...

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nah, check it out

Heard you've been talking shit about yo massers, /hoc/

If somebody ever called me "fren" in real life I wouldn't hesitate to take them on a lunch date/road trip and plunge us both right off a fucking bridge

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i noticed that as well

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it's up

its fine user im sure youre not used to anyone calling you that

>lapotop gets banned for calling pongs n-word for being total n-word

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Found myself saying "grim" out loud while talking to a bunch of strangers the other day.
You can leave /hoc/, but /hoc/ doesn't leave you.

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Speed. Agility. Power...


carolina has more points than columbus, god you are just awful at this

sweetie, “grim” is a /cric/ gimmick.

better follow the rules next time :^)

No tongue
>only clothes on hugs

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>he doesn’t share /hoc/ memes with his female coworkers
bunch of betas

You're a fuckwit, son

Watch you don't get picked up for ban evasion, lad.

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it’s commonly known that the janny is a shitskin /cric/ poster. keep your racism against whites and you should be fine.

P-please explain this meme

No it's not, it's from brit/pol/.
Lads, 2bh, grim, etc., fucking all of it comes from brit/pol/. It used to come from /brit/ general on /int/ before /int/ went to shit.

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fucking hate all of you except sam
hope you all die

I think my favorite part is shrinking the logo of the team removed from playoffs and enlarging the logo of the team entering.

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>saying anything you post on Yea Forums out in the real world

>she also wants in on the pile of pussy

grim grim grim grim grim grim grim grim

whats 2nd intermission in EST?

Heh this is 4channel sweetie

"All times in pst" is last years sharks *
5INT obviously

just watching some /hoc/ kino

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I was told Seguin was elite

what are you talking about? I'm other Latvia, my favorite team is preds and P.K. deserves cup, norris and conn smythe

what is the market for nhl figures exactly?

For me it's the islanders holding out against the oilers

Hello, Other Latvia
>You need a Bizarro Flag

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>trusting in peter chiarelli's assessment of a player

>standing up to a gentle summer breeze

how hard is it to get a job as one of the guys that sets up the rink? Keep in mind I'm pretty handy

>Dion “a literal pylon” Phaneuf
That was legitimately his best move. Got rid of him without retaining salary. Everyone else you’re right about though.

Didnt he trade Seguin away though?

Ah, of course, I remember now...

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how about this western wild card race

pretty much every team minus the oilers and the kangs are gonna be battling over hairs for the rest of the season


>six losses in a row

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Nah Vancouver Anaheim and Arizona will drop out in the next 10

you literally need to be an expert in rink building

after this puppers-cantpucks game there is going to be a bit of separation developing


Seguin is elite horshit

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i would put ducks into outsiders
they are still not the worse team in the west because they were playing good first mouth

Do you mean an ice technician?

drafted him too

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yes but not the head guy, just a knucklehead that runs the screw gun or whatever

Toronto Marlies legend William Nylander

for me it’s cunny kino

meant for but no offense to dude


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its not rocket science, you can do it

the level of autism hank hill has for lawncare is basically the level of autism those people have for freezing water.

How would hokki work on a curling ice

yeah but do you have to know somebody or just put in an application?
so you gotta know somebody or have some ice cred or something

>ice cred or something
You need to recite the procents copy-pasta off the top of your head

I went on a date with a qt fingol
Kind of had fetal alcohol syndrome tho
Kind of a thot too

you can only post ITT if your team has 80+ points in the standings

Business idea: curling but with hokkei sticks

You'd need to wear the curling shoes
so no need for a stick, just use you feet =D

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no issues here

well, bully for you

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You mean with a regular puck? If so then I would invest money



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Curling ice is gritty, puck would bounce all over the damn place

gary better make this shit real for the next all stars game

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Business Idea; All Terrain Puck

Ofc with sticks

Business idea: Muddy rinks

Better idea:magnetic ice and puck

>its only going to get worse when they dump Bob and bread

business idea: foggy rinks with real life glow pucks

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Yeah like spotty ice. Would prob be lots of injuries too if skates stuck.

>Cyberpunk hockey
You have an investor

business idea: foggy rinks and pucks replaced by flying bats

fuck hockey what a useless sport

patrik laine

>fuck hockey

I wish I could, desu

>Smacks the poor thing right out of the air
Don't tell /an/

Never heard of him.

sounds like it would be hard to watch

you're useless

Business idea: blade runner 2049 Stanley cup except the blades are skates and the running is skating and 2049 is 2019 and instead of he's just like me winning it's Patrik Laine winning, who coincidentally is also just like me.

nhl 2049 is going to be based
this was the inspiration for my post tebeh

Only for the uninitiated

Probably some russian, like that alexander barkov lad

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>his goal differential: way off

Could very well be.
Who cares about russians though, when you could watch super good finnish players like Mika Zibanejad.

business idea: vaporware goal songs


with cool music lofi DURING play.

We are one and the same, your people and mine.

all arenas are demolished and rebuild inside abandoned 80s shopping malls
instead of mascots every team has greco roman statues



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Patrick Kane

>another 3 point game
Why do we award points to teams who lose?

Never even heard of

Evander Kane

because gary hates us all and wants to see us suffer

makes shitty teams appear good

>oilers doing good
>bulju isn't in the game
Starting to suspect, bros.

KHL changed to the Gary system; it makes shitters look like they got a chance

I for one welcome Bulju Arc part 2

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mcmeme was holding them back

he ended up playing afterall

watching this ogretime lads

Hes playing idiota

is my nigga

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what is the n word?

You were saying?

Why do all the good players go to Tampa to play hockey?

this post aged poorly



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What the fuck happens everytime we play in alberta?

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>it was 2-0

Based reverse psychology

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a good hockey player eats 7 to 8 meals a day, & tampa bay has nice sandwich places

still gonna take this time to laugh at the islels, regardless of mcmeme's presence


that's what you get for being a dumb weeb

Okay laffs poster

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sharter FART exposed once AGAIN by le base habs

get FUCKED negrodelphia

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>took 3 of us to complete a post
at least we got there

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what CAN'T publix do?

it was a back to back, shit happens.

Do NOT bully Islesfag

americans eat 10 meals a day lol

>back to back

I mean the first game, okay fine we can say that they played like ass to a actual good team. This is the edmonton fucking oilers, a team you SHOULD be able to beat with lehner in net for fucks sake

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maybe if canadian city served delicious chicken tender subs then they might be able to win a cup this millennium?

I usually eat like 2 or 3 but ok.

isles suck penisboner

I bully all fags

shut up evil americans

>light weight
make mine a bakers dozen

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I’m chaotic neutral but ok.

cram it with walnuts you c*nadian scum i'll fuck you till you love me faggot

This doesn't even look good

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more of a vodka and a cigarette man myself


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did you know that sunbelters have to cross the street in fear and walk on the other side when they see a chadbelter walking down the street?

thats gay


those are beaners. not chads

this jacket is effay

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reverse huomenta lads

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you cant intimidate me I drive a miata

atnemouh, fren

ar labu nakti, draugs ;)

*drives midsize car beside you

snerf sknaht

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Guise, is it time for naps?

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Not typically. Speaking as a Tampa native all Snowbelters I've met just like to bitch about how expensive their tickets are up home and how nice the weather is down here. t's usually pretty cordial.

I'd ask what your experiences are with Sunbelters but we all know Sunbelters have no reason to go to the frozen shit pile that is your region.

Nashville trade subban and you could win the cup





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>snowbelters literally vacation to the sunbelt

latvia you are a bro I just want you to know that from a knights fan to a sharks fan

im drinking lord calvert fellow leafs

No, they move down here and still cheer for their snow team despite not having lived there for a decade+.

Support your local hockey team.

Dont sink to his level bolt bro. Most snowbelters are nice girl but they do complain a lot. And the snow belt is great to visit just not live in.

you can suck 2 balls, mama's boy
my ride has over 200 psi of boost and an ebay nitro kit

Jets win 4 cup

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who the fuck are you preaching to? just fucking fucking kys.
also stadium series is fucking dumb and anyone who goes is a literal retard

hows that feelin

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*runs you over in my f-150

Thanks, lad, knights might be my least disliked division rival (but desert dogs are pretty close). See you in the playoffs, again ;)

same shit as jack daniels desu. shit whiskey for broke people.

ok it's a fake nitro kit and I don't have boost but I'm pretty good at drifting and I am confident I could smoke any mid size stock car
netminder high stick

stadium series seems like it'd be fun, why wouldnt you want to go?

laying in the dark alone getting drunk is my hobby

for me, its the Chinese putting live mics on each bench

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that would be evan williams (what I’m drinking right now)

even the best rows have a shitty view of the ice. i'd take nose bleeds in the average arena over the best seats in a good stadium

Yotes scaaaaar

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I bet you got the base model
roll up windows, mama's boy
couldn't afford a lariat
suck on 2 balls

cheers m8

just get a fucking honda

based lonely yotes fan

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gonna miss pacifibro yotes when they get replaced with the xeattle trannies tbqh


Is there a team that doesnt have a single /hoc/ supporter? Never see an Stars fans

it's going to rain

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I cant handle the raw power of vtec



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Newfag detected

>tfw >your team is soft as fuck and even if you make it into the ploffs >you will get btfo

At least they're assimilating unlike other foreign populations

come on. say it.

upset your dad never took you to a game?

>he doesn't remember the >yfwtswtc spicposter

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>capfriendly down days before deadline
Grim tidings

you dont have the balls to say it. youre not going to say it.

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t. seething condo investors



good one, did you come up with that all by yourself?


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end of thread reminder that bulju IS generational.

>brings family creating more lifelongs
>wears gear supporting the team
>bet they paid for premium parking, furthering their support for the club.
>the family is into it. (notice the wh*teoid is not paying attention)
>chink kid checking stats on his phone
easily better than the average sunbelt team

is Ronald McDonald in town? oh right, its you


I dont think parking goes to the team but to the owners of the lots.



takes all kinds, lad

>these seething chinamen

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should just keep posting in here

the funny thing is that those kids have been fans longer than average sunbelters.

>make more money than you

How many posts could we make before it archives? 1200?

That and its the last game of the night

>2 minutes to go
>”this game is far from over”

Who the fuck are you


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keep pretending you sad faggot

your worst fucking nightmare

Keep crying. I just ironed my clothes for tomorrow. I'm on top of the world


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No one post ITT

laying in the dark laughing at your miserable existence right now you worthless plug

hard shan't




attaboy chucky

the truth hurts doesn't it